Chapter 8: The guild war

We see Y/n outside of Porlyusica's place while Bisca and Alzack were inside with Porlyusica and it turns out during Y/n and Ur's mission to save Lucy, Makarov was beaten hardly and that forced the guild members to fall back and know Y/n is waiting to hear the news when Bisca and Alzack quickly came out after Porlyusica yell them to get out and they fell down the steps.

They were on the ground and slowly stand up while Y/n walks up to them.

Y/n: She really hate humans. I don't understand why she hates humans even though she is one?

Alzack: It's a very long story.

Y/n: Right. So how is he?

Bisca: She said Makarov's magic was drained and it made him unavailable to fight for a while.

Y/n: Damn. I'm sorry for not being there I just....have a feeling Phantom was up to something.

Alzack: Don't blame yourself. You made a wise decision to stay and keep an eye at the guild.

Bisca: Now we know Lucy is there target we should find a way to counter attack them without Makarov.

Y/n: We will win this war. Trust me, even if with orwitgoit Makarov we can win this with or without him. He can do this.

They nod but Y/n knows they were not sure by this. Y/n has faced war and he can stop a simple guild war but he knows Fairy Tail never been in war before for years and this guild ain't sure they can win this one.


They return back to the guild and see other members getting ready for their counter attack on Phantom. Thanks to Ur and Y/n they now know where their main base is and they know where to strike.

Y/n looks around and this gives him flashbacks of UNSC soldiers planning their attack before going into battle against the Covenant.

Ur: Y/n.

He looks over to see Ur walking up to him and Y/n turns to her and asked.

Y/n: What's the situation?

Ur: Not good. Even if we have enough equipment to make a counter attack but there is still other guild members that are still injured and can be able to fight for a while.

Y/n: I see. What about the magic council?

Ur: We tried. They ain't responding.

Y/n: Those cowards. Are they there to stop this from happening?

Ur: Mirajane try to contact Mystogan but he isn't responding.

Y/n: Where is Erza?

Ur: Taking a shower but I think she might be ashame because she fail to protect Makarov.

Y/n looks down and hopes that Erza will be better. He looks over and walks over to Lucy who was sitting at the corner with Natsu, Happy, Gray and Elfman. He walks up to her and ask her.

Y/n: You okay Lucy?

She nods but Y/n knows she is not. He bend down to her and told her.

Y/n: Things will be alright you can trust me.

Lucy: I know.

Elfman: You shouldn't bad about yourself for what has happen. A real man never feels bad.

Gray: Can you give her a rest.

Happy: I must say I was surprised when Y/n told us what happened. Why didn't you tell us Lucy?

Lucy: I didn't mean to keep this secret from all of you. I just wanna get away the life that was destroyed because of my father. He never cared about me all my life and know he wants me back right now. He is suck a jerk. But....if I haven't run away in the first place....none kd this wouldn't have happen.

Y/n: No. All this ain't your fault Lucy. You have no choice and you made a good decision to run away from him. I may not know who your father is but if he hired Phantom to just bring you back even by means hurting this guild. Then we won't let him get you.

Lucy: Still......I shouldn't have just say goodbye or talk to him and know we're at war because of me. Maybe it's best I just go home.

Y/n: That's not gonna happen.

Y/n gently place a hand on Lucy's lap and she looks up at him as he told her while he looks into her eyes.

Y/n: Your older enough to make your own decision and choice your own path, not your father or anyone else. You wanan join Fairy Tail and you did and I refusing to have your father or Phantom take you away after everything you've been through with us!

Lucy: (thought) Y/n.

Y/n: We will keep you safe. I will protect you, because as a soldier, I will protect all of us.

Lucy starts to cry and burst out crying while Y/n stood up and Natsu place a hand on Y/n's shoulder.

Natsu: That was some good talk man.

Y/n: Thanks. Still I should check up on Mirajane and Cana and see how are they holding up.

He nods and Y/n walks off and walks over to see Cana sat down with cards around her trying to track down Mystogan while Mirajane is in the middle talking to someone through the lacrima ball.

Cana: Damn it. I can't seem to find Mystogan anywhere.

Y/n: Do you think he too is attacked by Phantom?

Cana: Even that is true he could have handle it and return by now.

Y/n: True.

Mirajane: Still Erza is our only S-Class wizard and we need your help. Please help us Laxus.

Y/n turn sto see Laxus which Y/n sighs but Laxus is stronger enough to take on Phantom but he hears laughter from Laxus.

Laxus: (lacrima ball call) Oh Whoa I still can't believe that bold fool gotten beaten by them. I still don't get I on how I have to clean up your mess even though I have nothing to do with it?

Y/n: Because you are a member! You can't just abandoned us when we needed you?!

Laxus: (lacrima ball call) I can and I will or what are you gonna do, swing me with your sword.

Y/n: (anger) Listen here you fucking jerk!

Mirajane: Please we need your help. Lucy is being targeted and we need your help.

Laxus: (Lacrima ball call) Do I even know her? Oh is it that blonde chick. Never blame them for trying to target some cute girl.

Cana: (anger) Your such a pig!

Laxus: (lacrima ball call) Are you sure you wanna call me that while your asking me for help? How's about you tell that old fool he is out of his mind and should hand over the guild to me.

He started to laugh while Y/n wants to crash the Lacrima ball into pieces but to his shock Mirajane destroyed it which also surprised Cana to see her tuis mad but also sad as well.

Y/n: Mira?

Mirajane: (tears) I can't just sit here and just do nothing. I gonna join and fight.

Cana: No you can't!

Mirajane: (tears) I have to do this I just sit here and watch my friends fall.

Cana: I know but your not an S-Class like before. I'm sorry.

Tears came out of Mirajane's while Y/n watched and never seen her this sad before. He looks around and see the hopeless within everyone and he believes that they think they will lose and Fairy Tail will be no more.

Cana: I know you have your first magic Y/n.

Y/n turns to Cana as she gose on to say.

Cana: But it be too dangerous for you and Ur to take part of this war. It's maybe best you two not take part of this battle, we be fine on our own.

Y/n:......I'm sorry but I have to refuse that order.

Cana and Mirajane turn to Y/n as he puts on his spartan helmet and turns to everyone and calls out.

Y/n: Listen up!

They all turn to Y/n as he stand up onto the table and looks at everyone and Y/n told them all.

Y/n: I am not a fool to see all of you are losing hope and believe that without Makarov or other S-Class wizard except for Erza. We all will lose. But don't give up! Because I believe you all can do this! I believe that we all can do this! We know their target is Lucy, we know their strengths and we know where they are, it's time we get revenge and strike back their guild and defeat them once and for all! I know some of us aren't as powerful but magic isn't always strength, the real strength is within! I know this because I been apart of war in my universe and true I know this is your first time but with my skills and knowledge of war, we can do this!

Y/n took out his engrry blade ane active it and it was during this time Erza came out with a towel around her after she hear Y/n's voice and head out to check on what's going.

Y/n: Remember who we are! We are Fairy Tail, we are number one and we do not give up! We will rise stronger then ever and we will show Phantom Lords to never mess with Makarov, Levy, Jet, Droy or us! So let us all rise up AND TAKE THE FIGHT TO PHANTOM!!!

Y/n rises his engery blade into the air while the rest cheered and they know have high hopes about this while Natsu, Ur, Gray, Elfman, Erza, Mirajane and Cana all smiled to see Y/n standing up and convince others to never give up and keep on fighting.

Suddenly there was a shake that shakes them and at the same time Y/n's Hud pick up something large outside.

Cana: what was that?!

Y/n: It came from otherside. Let's go!

They all head out side and once outside they were shocked to see the Phantom Lords guild Hall suddenly have spider like legs that crawls through the ocean and slowly walks towards them.

Ur: (shocked) Holy crap.

Alzack: (shocked) How can we beat that!?

The Phantom Lords guild stopped onky to open a hatch and rolled out a large cannon and aimed it at the guild. Then it started to charge up.


Then Erza sprint pass everyone and requip to her Adamantine armor and stood in frontnod everyone.

Y/n: Erza what are you doing?!

Erza: Portecting the guild Hall!

Ur: It's too dangerous to block it, get back!

Erza doesn't move and the rest just stand there and watch as the cannon fires but Erza puts the two shields together to block the massive blast. Erza holds it for a while but she was then thrown away after the beam stopped firing.

Natsu: Erza!

Y/n active his jetpack and catches Erza and slowly sets down and see her armor was broken and see bits of it still on her and she looks like her magic was barely drained.

Y/n: Erza you alright?

Erza: Y-Yeah I'm good.

Y/n: That was stupid Erza, you nearly got yourself killed!

Erza: (smirk) Would you do the same?

Y/n see her point and Erza falls unconscious. After that Jose voice appear through the speakers as he told them.

Jose: (speakers) Makarov has fallen and so has Erza. You'll be wise to hand over Lucy or face our Jupiter cannon.

Y/n set Erza down and walks up to the edge of the cliff and stare back at Jose and told Jose.

Y/n: We will not hand over Lucy to you Jose. She belongs to us and we will defend her no matter what.

Jose: (speaker)You don't see the situation you are in. You are out match, out numbered and too weak to stop me.

Y/n: Your wrong Jose. We are strong and we maybe out match, out number, I know we will work together snd defeat you. You mess with us Jose, you mess with my friends. We may have met before Jose but you don't really know what I am capable of.

Jose: (speaker) You are just a warrior without magic. What makes you think you can beat all of us?

Y/n: I faced deadly things like this before and I'll do this again but I will not do this alone. We will protect Lucy, even by means sacrificing our own lives for her!

The rest of the guild behind him cheered of agreement while Y/n turns back to see Lucy crying whioe she cover her mouth and he assures her that they will protect her and will keep her safe.

Jose: (speakers) Very well then. You have 15 minutes before my Jupiter cannon will wipe you all out.

After that Y/n walks back and tells everyone.

Y/n: Alright listen up! We have to take down that cannon before it fires again. We only have 15 minutes so we need to hurry.

Natsu: (smirk) I know about destruction, I'm in.

Happy: (smirk) I go with you.

Gray: Same here.

Elfman: Me too.

Y/n: Alright. We need to get into the core and take it out, once that is down we take on Jose and what ever else stood against us.

Natsu: (smirk) Sounds like a plan. Let's go Happy!

Happy: Aye sir!

The two head off while Y/n active his jetpack and flies with them while Gray and Elfman try to find their own way to get in while Lucy watch them go.

Lucy: (thought) Good luck and...I'm sorry for everything.

Happy, Natsu and Y/n were flying towards the guild when ghost like creatures came out of the guild and they dodge them so they won't get hit by them.

Natsu: What are they?

Y/n: No idea but judging by their clothes they must be summon by Jose.

Natsu: Well let's destroy that core and finish this.

Y/n nods and they land into the cannon and they rush through the barrel while Y/n have his rifle at the ready and once at the end they see the core in the middle while four Lacrimas surrounded it and their probably the cores is powered to fire.

Happy: That must be it.

Natsu: We onky have 13 minutes so let's crash it!

Natsu leaps up and his fist burst into flame ane was aboit to punch it but he punch himself instead and fell onto the ground.

Happy: Why did you punch yourself?

Natsu: I didn't, it did it own it's own!

Y/n: We might have company.

???: Indeed warrior.

Y/n turn and aim his rifle at a man who step out of the shadows and look at them.

Y/n: Who are you?

Totomaru: I am one of the element 4. My name is Totomaru.

Natsu: Element what now?

Y/n: Those are a team that Erza manage.

Natsu: I knew that! Well time to beat you up!

Natsu was about to punch Totomaru with his iron dragon but his fist spine around and soon it punch hi in the face once more.

Happy: Not again.

Natsu: (anger) Why is my fist keep punching me.

Y/n: I believe Totomaru controls fire. Sincerely Elements are based around water, Earth, wind and Fire that means Totomaru must have fire magic or have an ability to control it.

Totomaru: Indeed, you have no chance to stop me if I control your fire dragon magic.

Natsu: This guy sucked.

Y/n: I'll handle him. You two take this and plant those into the core.

He hands them detonators and after that he rush at Totomaru who fires fire balls st him but he dodges them in quick speed and rushes up to him and throws a punch punch him but he catches it with his hand but Y/n elbows Totomaru which made him bend down and Y/n grabs him behind the shirt and throws him across the room.

He lands onto the ground but he stood up and fired a massive fire at him which he was hit by. Totomaru smirked to himself but when the flames got clear he was shocked to see Y/n alive and Y/n used armor lock to block his flames.

Once he deactivates his armor lock he rush at him and the two fought whioe Natsu and Happy plants the detonators while Y/n kicks Totomaru just as Natsu called out.

Natsu: Their set!

Y/n nods and pulls out a detective and press the button and the detonator blows up ane destroy the core while Totomaru fires fire at him but Y/n took out his engrry shield and blocks it and hold it while the whole room around them collapse.

Once that Totomaru looks around to see Y/n is gone ane calls out.

Totomaru: Come out and fight coward!

Y/n: Right behind you.

He turn only to be suckered punched by Y/n and he fell onto the ground and falls unconscious. Once that Natsu and Happy rush over to him and see he have defeated Totomaru.

Natsu: (smirk) Nice work.

Happy: (smile) Aye. That's one or the element 4's down.

Y/n: Yeah and with the core destroyed, no way they can't fire their cannon anymor-

Suddenly the whole place started to shake which cost Natsu to feel sick while the how place shakes and after a while it stopped.

Y/n: What the hell just happened?!

Gray: Guys!

Then Gray and Elfman rushes over to them and Gray told them.

Gray: This guild just turned into a large bot.

Y/n: (shocked) What?!

Happy: (shocked) How can they do that?

Y/n: No idea but this can't be good.

Ur: (comms) Y/n do you copy?

Y/n: I hear you. What's happening out there?

Ur: (comms) The guild just turned and it looks like it's making a large magic circle and judging by the size it may destroyed all of Magnolia.

Y/n: This can't be good.

Gray: Now what?!

Y/n: We need to find away how to destroy that magic circle snd end this for good.

Elfman: We should split up and look around.

Y/n: Right. Good luck and be safe.

They nod and they rush out to find a way to stop the magic circle that Jose is making before it will be too late.


We see Porlyusica taking care of Makarov while he is unconscious. He looks over him while he is still badly hurt while the room his silent until there was a flash behind her and she said.

Porlyusica: I knew you come to check on him.

She turn and we see what looked like a Forerunner armor like soldier standing in her house and staring at her and Makarov.

???: How is he?

Porlyusica: Whatever or who did this drain his magic and cost him to be unconscious. I suppose your high tech equipment might heal him.

He looked at Makarov to see his green skin as he stood there and stare at him for a while until he turn to Porlyusica and told her.

???: Unfortunately no, my technical cannot heal him but according to my deta I think he might be better sooner or later.

Porlyusica: He really is a fool.

???: I know but brave as well. Never suspected humans like him can be as this....brave in my life.

Porlyusica: Do you also hear about this Spartan?

???: I do. He must have used the Universal slip space drive to enter here by accident or....something else.

Porlyusica: What do you mean by that?

???: The machine van only open portals randomly and for some reason it decided to only open a portal to here. I believe it might have a thought of it's own and I believe that device took this Spartan here for a purpose.

Porlyusica: A purpose? Can it really do that?

???: I am not too sure but what ever reason this Spartan is here, he must complete it. There is one thing about that device.

Porlyusica: And what would that be?

???: The device can give none magic users from a different world magic but it will take a while until he or she's magic will be awaken.

Porlyusica: Well that Spartan did unlock requip from Erza so is that one of his magics that is awaken?

???: It's possible but what ever magic this Spartan has maybe powerful and we might know what is his purpose here and what he should do.

Porlyusica just nods while the two look at Makarov and then he turn and said.

???: I must go now.

Porlyusica: Aren't you gonna help them?

???: My job is not to get involved in fear they know my peoples existence here. I must not get involved.

He start to walk off while Porlyusica turn away and then told him.

Porlyusica: Don't you forget that you saved Mavis life years ago.

He stopped and stood there until he turn his head to her and told her.

???: That was years ago. And I rather not do that again. In fear I'll ruin their lives just like I ruin hers.

Then he disappeared with a flash while Porlyusica turns to see he was gone while he sighs and thinks to herself.

Porlyusica: (thought) You maybe fail to save Mavis but I know you want to help them but just too scared to help. I hope you'll find it in your help those that are needed.

To be continued...............

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