Chapter 7: A rival guild
We see Y/n, Natsu, Gray, Lucy, Happy and Erza returning from their job and were just enter Magnolia streets with Lucy told off Natsu about going overboard of his magic.
Lucy: Nice job Natsu. Thanks of your destruction we have to pay of our reward money.
Natsu: (smile) Guess we head back to the guild and take on another job.
Happy: (smile) Aye!
Y/n: Next time, maybe I plan out of an attack rather letting you go face first at the bandits.
Natsu: (smile) Well it worked and besides, those comms ear pieces you give us were actually pretty useful.
Gray: (smile) Yeah at first it was uncomfortable but I'm starting to like it.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks it took me a while but I managed to make a fee more communication ear pieces for you guys. I'm thinking of making a few more for the rest of the guild members.
Happy: (smile) Then we can talk to each other even if we're far away.
Y/n: (smile) Yep.
Lucy: Hey guys?
They stop and turn to Lucy and she asked.
Lucy: The job was a easy one and I just wanna ask. Why did you all wanna come with me?
Y/n: (smile) Because we're a team. We stick together no matter what and fight along side each other until the very end.
Lucy: (smile) Yeah your right.
Natsu: (smile) Yep me, Happy, Gray, Erza, Y/n and Plue as a team.
Lucy: Hey I'm apart of the team as well.
Natsu: (smile) I'm just kidding Lucy.
Y/n laughs a little and this reminds him of his team where they shar some chuckles and laughs while they weren't on missions. He really dose miss them. Then he looks around and see people looking at them which weird him so he said to the rest.
Y/n: Guys everyone is staring at us.
They look around and see that Y/n was right and wonder why.
Ur: Guys!
They look over to see Ur rushing over to them and it looked like something has happened, once there she said to them.
Ur: You gonna head to the guild Hall now!
Y/n: Why what's going on?
Ur: The guild has been trashed!
They were shocked by this and they follow her and once they arrived they where shocked to see metal pillars sticking out of the guild with windows mashed and cracks were on the walls as they looked at their guild in shock.
Natsu was extremely pissed that someone came over and destroyed their guild Hall and said in full rage.
Natsu: (anger) Who did this? Who the hell dares trash our guild Hall.
Mirajane: It was Phantom.
They turn to see Mirajane and she looked a bit upset seeing the guild Hall being trashed.
Natsu: (anger) Phantom did this?
Y/n: Where is the rest of the guild members?
Mirajane: At the basement. I'll show you.
They enter the guild Hall which was even worse then outside with tables being destroyed and floor boards are seen cracked as they walk down the steps and arrive at the basement and they see everyone else there and see they were alright.
Y/n: Was there any casualties during this surprised attack?
Mirajane: No which is a good thing. They strike when no one is around so this gives them a perfect opportunity to strike.
Y/n: What about Makarov?
Makarov: Over here sonny.
They look Iver to see Makarov bht judging by his walking and the drink of alcohol he had, he is drunk as he drink it once more.
Makarov: Those Phantom Lords were sneaky but fortunately no one was not hurt so we just take jobs here while our guild gets repaired.
Natsu: (anger) We can't just sit by and let them get away! We have to go after them and make them pay!
Y/n: Dose this happen often?
Mirajane: No. Phantom doesn't usually do such things like this. They give us trouble before but nothing like this.
Natsu: (anger) That's why we can't let them get away for this!
Y/n: Natsu even if we go there and beat them it was cost a war. Their just messing with us so it's best we ignore them.
Makarov: I agree with you spartan man. We should ignore them.
Natsu: (anger) But-
Y/n: Natsu just relax. I know your mad and trust me I'm mad as well. But this is what they want, I may know fully way about them but if I know Bully's, they are just trying to piss you off so they can get what they want. It's best we ignore them and hope this stunt is for the fun of it.
Natsu looks down ane still mad but he has a point while Y/n was mad but he doesn't know fully about Phantom Lords or what they are but for now they must be calm and do what they usually do, drink and take on jobs.
It was night time and we see Y/n, Lucy and Plue walking home with Plue resting on Y/n's arms while Lucy sees this and said.
Lucy: (smile) Guess Plue likes you.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah. I never own any pet but i understand why pets is good to have.
Lucy: (smile) Yep.
Y/n: So Lucy, do you know anything about Phantom or what they are?
Lucy: I know a little. They're another guild that is rivals to Fairy Tail.
Y/n: Really? I never know Fairy Tail has a rival with another guild?
Lucy: I don't blame you I think so I was but what I learn before joing Fairy Tail is they are very strong, actually I was thinking of joining them before I join Fairy Tail.
Y/n: (smile) Well it's good your not one of them.
Lucy: (smile) Yeah and I miss all my times with you.
Y/n: Yeah...Wait with me?
Lucy: (blush) A-And Natsu and the rest! Y-Yeah that's what I ment to say! (Nervous chuckle)
Y/n: Okay?
They arrive to Lucy's apartment building and once at Lucy's door she opens it and they see Natsu, Happy, Ur, Gray and Erza there sat on the floor and see them walking in.
Ur: (smile) Yo Lucy, Y/n what's up!
Gray: (smile) Welcome home.
Erza: (smile) Same here.
Lucy: What the heck are you doing in my house!
Y/n: More importantly, how did all of you get in? I installed some locks so Natsu and Happy won't come in?
Gray: Is that what those was? Thought there was something wrong with the door.
Erza: Still we're thinking we should be sticking together so Phantom may not be to pick us off one by one.
Y/n: Well that sounds like a good idea. They may trash our guild so what's stopping them of doing something to us.
Ur: (smile) Yep. So what should we do since we're all here?
Erza: Well I think Natsu and Gray should take a shower since they sniking.
Gray: I don't smell that bad!
Y/n: (smirk) Your scared of taking a bath?
Gray: Shut up!
Erza: (smile) There is no reason to be afraid, I think we should clean up and have some tea.
Y/n: (smile) Agree, besides I be nice.
Gray: Fine.
Once that they take turns getting clean and after a while we see them I their Pj's with Y/n checking his armor that he took off while Ur was reading some paper she found at Lucy's desk and reads through it while Lucy was the last one done as she gets changed into her Pj's and said while she sat down on a chair.
Lucy: (smile) Now that felt great.
Erza: (smile) Agree, your bathtub was very nice Lucy.
Y/n: So who do you think that trashed our guild Hall? I know Phantom did it but which member?
Erza: Judging by those pillars I believe it was one of their dragon slayers. Gajeel, the Iron dragon slayers.
Y/n: (shocked) You mean there is another dragon slayers?!
Lucy: (shocked) I thought Natsu was the onoy dragon slayers.
Gray: They also have a different kind of S-Class wizards. They call themselves the element four.
Ur: (smirk) That doesn't like a scary name. I mean Element four? That sounded like a super villain group that have their base in a swamp.
Lucy: Who give you promotion to read my story!
Ur: Is that what this is? I think this is actually pretty good.
Lucy: Give it here.
Then she snatch it off of Ur which she said.
Ur: (smirk) Oh come on Lucy i wanna see how it ends.
Lucy: Well you just have to wait. I promise Levy she can read it.
Ur: Alright guess I respect that.
Natsu: It's just not right. We should go there ane make them pay.
Y/n: We just need to be calm and hopefully they were just trashing our guild Hall for once.
Natsu: Guess so.
Erza: (smile) I guess we should get some sleep.
Ur: Dips on sleeping with Y/n!
Y/n: Huh?
Lucy: Come on you can't call dips on Y/n!
Ur: (smirk) Just did.
Y/n: (blush) Your...joking right?
The two glare at each other when Erza says.
Erza: You two should be ashamed.
Y/n: (thought) Well at least Erza is here to calm the situation.
Erza: I should be the one that will sleep with Y/n tonight.
Y/n: (blush) Eeeeehhhh?!
The three girls argue on who will sleep with Y/n while Y/n watch this with Happy saying.
Happy: (smile) Looks like you have more girls gonna sleep with you tonight.
Y/n: Thanks.
(Next day)
We see the citizens or Magnolia gathered around at the park and looking at something horrible when Y/n and the rest show up and walk pass everyone yo see what is going on.
Y/n: (thought) Wonder what's going o-
Then they stood there in shock to see Levy, Jet and Droy stuck onto a tree unconscious with the Phantom Lords logo on Levy's stomach.
Lucy: (shocked) Levy.
Y/n rushes over and cuts them down and set each of them down gently and once that he check their pulse.
Y/n: Their alive. We should take them to the nearest hospital right now.
A few people left to do so while Makarov came out of the crowd and see the three unconscious and beaten up which angers him.
Makarov: (anger) I ignore them tracking our guild Hall. But them to beat up my children IS OUTRAGING!
He breaks his wooden staff to show his anger while Lucy gasp a little to see him this mad as he gose on to say.
Makarov: (anger) We have no choice. We must go to war.
Y/n was shocked by Makarov's decision but this doesn't make any sense. Why Phantom gose out of their way just to piss off Fairy Tail. What is it do they want?
We see Ur, Mirajane and Y/n at the Fairy Tail guild Hall while the rest of the members are away to fight the Phantom Lords and they were being told to stay here and wait for their return.
Ur was mad by this and stood up and said.
Ur: (anger) I can't just sit here, I'm going out there to face them!
Mirajane: It's too dangerous for you to face them. Besides, you don't have your magic any more.
Ur: (anger) True but I can't just sit by and just do nothing. I don't understand why they leave Y/n behind, they know he can handle a fee wizards on his own.
Y/n: Actually, I offered to stay.
Ur: What? Why?
Y/n: Because something isn't right. Why would Phantom want to piss us off. It doesn't make sense. Besides if they do want a war, would you think they'll do that before the guild Hall is open?
Ur: Crap you have a point.
Mirajane: So what are you thinking?
Y/n: I think Phantom is planning something. Something that involves lowering Fairy Tail members away from something.
The two see Y/n's point and they try to think of something on what the Phantom Lords were planning when Y/n received a transmission from Lucy.
Lucy: (comms) Y-Y/n do you hear me?
Y/n: Lucy? You alright?
Lucy: (comms) No! Two members of the element four are here and they are targeting me and now.....I'm trapped in a water bubble and....I'm starting to...pass out.
Y/n: Lucy! Hang in there we're coming!
Lucy: (comms) Y/n....if this is the last time we ever talk...I just wanna let you
Then he can only hear static with Y/n eyes widne in shock and horror as he rush out of the basement with Ur following him.
The two rush through the streets of Magnolia looking for Lucy anywhere until they turn a corner and rush over and Ur picks up Lucy's Celestial keys and show this to Y/n.
Y/n: Fuck! I knew Phantom was lower us out just so they can captured someone.
Ur: What should we do now?
Y/n: We need to rescue Lucy. Everyone else maybe busy fighting the Phantom Lords at their guild so it is up to us to save her.
Ur: Right, you get on your suit and let's go.
Y/n: No. Take too long, a magnum with a suppressor will do.
Ur: You sure?
Y/n: I'm sure. Now let's go.
Ur: But how can we find her?
Y/n: I installed a tracked in every communication ear pieces so we can track her with thsi small devices I made.
Then he pulls out the device with Ur smirk and said.
Ur: (smirk) That's a smart move. Let's go and rescue Lucy.
Y/n: Right. Let's go.
The two head off to track down Lucy and rescue her while trying to figure out why they captured her.
We see the two walking through the road and soon they hide behind some rocks when the device beeps father meaning they were here. They peek out to see a large castle like prison which is where Lucy is being held in.
Ur: Looks like that's it.
Y/n: Alright. I'll head in and rescue her while you stay here and keep a watch eye out on any back up.
Ur: You sure? I can go in and beat them up with you?
Y/n: I know your brave but like Mirajane said, you don't have your magic and it be dangerous for you if you get hurt.
Ur: I understand. Be safe.
Y/n: You too.
Y/n grabs his magnum and sneaks his way close to the prison and slowly opens the gate and swing his magnum around for any guards but see no one outside so he make his way to the door and he slowly opens it and heads inside.
The halls looked to be creepy but Y/n make his way through the halls of the prison and take out the guards that either coming towards him or spotted him but he silenced them and continues on.
He move a few levels while trying to look through the cells to try to find Lucy but are shown to be empty so he continues on.
Y/n: (thought) Seems like they rarely use this prison to capture their high enough targets that may include Lucy. But why do they want to Capture Lucy? What is it do they want from her?
After a while or looking through cells and moving up a through steps he managed to find Lucy in a cell and he sees her unconscious. He kicks the cell door open and rushes over to her.
Y/n: Lucy! Lucy wake up!
Lucy started to wake up and she sees Y/n there and asked.
Lucy: Y/n? Is that you?
Y/n: Yeah it's me. I'm getting you out of here.
Lucy slowly sat up and he start to untie her and once that they hear a voice in front of them.
???: I see we have a spy within our prison.
Y/n quickly aim his magnum to be faced with a guy with a large hat and purple like clothes as he step into the cell.
Y/n: Who are you?
Jose: I am the guild master of the Phantom Lords. Jose Porla and I can tell Fairy Tail might be getter weaker because of you.
Y/n: Cut the shit mad hatter and tell us why you captured Lucy? Why are you targeting Lucy?
Jose: (smirk) Oh so she didn't tell you huh? I'm surprised.
Y/n: What are you on about?
Jose: (smirk) You see young boy. Lucy isn't just a normal little girl. She is actually one of the wealthiest family ever. She is Lucy Heartfilia and she is the child of the Heartfilia family, one of thr riches families across the land.
Lucy was shocked that Jose knows about her past and Y/n turns to see that this is true but seeing her shocked face that he knows it must be true but he asked.
Y/n: How do you know? Did someone hired her to capture her?
Jose: (smirk) Yes. Her father hired us to return her back to him.
Lucy: (shocked) What?!
Y/n: Why would her own father hire a guild like you to trash our guild and beat up our friends just so you can capture Lucy and tak ever back to her father?! Your people are sick.
Lucy: (anger) Yeah and I will never go back to him! I hate him and I don't want to see him again!
Y/n never seen Lucy this angry in his life. Her father must have done something to her that she doesn't want to talk about.
Jose: (smirk) I'm sorry but you have no choice. You two are stuck here and there is no way out.
Y/n looks behind him to see an open window and he thinks it might be risky but he has no choice.
Y/n: One last question.
Jose: (smirk) Oh, and what would that be?
Y/n: (smirk) Ever wanna know what a grenade is?
Jose: A grenade?
Y/n: (smirk) Here, catch.
He tossed a grenade at Jose which he catch and he looks at it before Y/n grabs Lucy and they leap out of the window just as the grenade gose off that blows up the cell.
Lucy and Y/n were falling in extreme hight while Ur see this and needs to think of something to save them while Y/n looks at Lucy and thinks of using requip to changed into his spartan armor before he hits the ground so he shut his eyes and forced all he can.
Y/n: (thought) You can do this, you can do this! Requip! Requip! Requip!
Then there was a flash of light that surprised Ur as Y/n suddenly Requip inro his spartan armor and soon he lands on the floor with his feet and the floor cracks once on impact while Y/n stood up while Lucy opens her eyes and was scored to see Y/n using his Requip magic to changed into his spartan armor before they hit the ground.
Y/n: You okay?
Lucy nods while he set her down with Ur rushes over to them ane said to Y/n.
Ur: (smile) That was amazing! You used your first magic!
Y/n: (smile) Yeah. Gonna thank Erza for training me.
Ur smiles while Lucy just looks away which Y/n noticed and walls up to her and asked.
Y/n: Lucy?
Lucy: I'm sorry.
Y/n: ???
Lucy: I didn't mean all this to happen. I didn't mean to keep all of this from you. I just.....I just wanna be with you all.
She then turn to Y/n with tears in her eyes as she said.
Lucy: (tears) I don't wanna leave. Love being in Fairy Tail.
Y/n have seen many tears from citizens during the human and Covenant war but Lucy's is something that he felt extremely bad for. He hugs Lucy whidh surprised Lucy as he told her.
Y/n: All this is not your fault Lucy. Your one of us no matter what, we will protect you. I will protect a Spartan....I will protect all if us. That's a promise.
Lucy start to cry more and hugs Y/n back while Ur smiles ans she'll do the same and the trio head back to Magnolia while we cut to Jose still alive bit with his face and body have black smoke from the explosion from a grenade which pissed him off very much.
He was so mad that dark enegry lights up everywhere as he says.
Jose: (anger) How dare he make a mocking out of me! I WILL SHOW HIM AND I'LL SHOW THEM THE TRUE POWER OF THE PHANTOM LORDS!!!!!!
To be continued.............
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