Chapter 5: A shattered memory
Y/n, Natsu, Happy, Erza, Gray and Lucy all return back to the second village that Lucy told them after the last one was destroyed by Lyon's cult members before Y/n ans Erza arrived. They took Ur with them and try to see if she actually lost all of her memories.
We see Y/n within a hut kneeld down to her while Ur looks at him and his armor which she never seen before so she took a good look at his armor and then asked.
Ur: So what type of armor is that? Loo pretty cool, where can I get one?
Y/n: Probably not here but Ur listen, do you remember anything about your past or anything that you could think of?
Ur: Not really no. Also is "Ur" my name? Sounds weird.
Y/n: Not really, I think it suits you.
Ur: (giggle) Thanks, your sweet.
Y/n nods to her and then Gray came in and asked.
Gray: How is she?
Y/n: It's true. She can't remember anything about her past. Doesn't remember you, Lyon, Deliora or even her own name.
Gray: I can't believe this.
Ur: Hey why do you have no top on?
Gray realised he has no shirt and grabs a nearest shirt and told her.
Gray: Because you got me to this habit remember?
Ur: (shocked) What? Why would I do that? Surely your talking to someone else pale.
Gray: But master you need to-
Ur: And why are you calling me master? I don't even know you.
Gray was a bit silent while Y/n stood up and take Gray outside and they take a walk to meet up with Erza and the rest.
Gray: I-I don't get it. How did she lost her memory?
Y/n: You said she use a fobbing magic to seal Deliora right?
Gray: Yeah. It's called Iced Shell, a dangerous spell that can trap creatures like Deliora in a large ice cube.
Y/n: And the cursed moon cost it to melt and cost it to turn Ur baxk to normal but with the cost of her own memories.
Gray: And magic as well.
Y/n: What?
Gray: I've sense no magic I her. All that power must have drain her ice magic so much, there is nothing in her.
Y/n: I see. Well, I think that Iced Shell cost her to be frozen for years ans slowly her memories start to fate including her magic as well.
Gray: That make sense but I worry she might lose her memories forever.
Y/n: Never say never Gray, we'll find a way to bring her memories back.
Gray: Yeah, I hope so. Hey Y/n?
Y/n: Yeah?
Gray place a hand onto his shoulder and said.
Gray: Thank you....I or Ur fail to defeated Deliora but you did. Thank you so much.
Y/n smike underneath his helmet and he nods to him.
Y/n: (smile) No problem Gray. Deliora might be big and scary, but he's not unstoppable.
Gray smirks to him and soon they arrive at the middle of the village and see Natsu standing on a watch tower building while Erza was on the ground floor and wearing her Lighting Empress armor on her.
Y/n: What are you all doing?
Moka: She is going to destroy the moon once and for all.
Y/n: Destroy the moon? That's kinda crazy right?
Erza: No but I might have a theory and I wanna test it. Ready Natsu!
Natsu nods ans then Erza throws her spear into sky with Natsu fired fire out of his breath to boost it up into the sky. The spear travelled towards the moon until it stabbed the moon whidh shocked everyone.
Then a crack is formed and suddenly the sky shattered into pieces and fell from the sky. But what shock them the money was there was the real moon behind it and it shine on the village below them.
Natsu: (shocked) What the?!
Happy: (shocked) What's going on?!
Erza: Guess I was right. The moon was first saw was a fake one. Someone place a magic dorm around it with a fake moon powered by dark magic to make it a purple like appears when it shine down.
Y/n: Of course! The Covenant use this same trick during one battle at my World. They use active cloak dorms to make it think there isn't a army or a ship over head so the UNSC can't see it.
Lucy: (shocked) So you get to tell me the moon we first saw was a fake one.
Gray: But none of the village people aren't changing back to their human formw?
Erza: That's because they were already monsters this whole time. They have an ability to disguised themselves as humans but when this magic dorm appear, it cost their memories to be forgotten that they were monster and they think they were humans that was cursed to be turn into monster.
Natsu: (shocked) What?!
Y/n: That explains why we haven't been turned.
???: Yep, that's right.
They turn to see a man walking towards them which shocked Lucy, Gray, Happy and Natsu.
Moka: (shocked) Bobo!
Y/n: Bobo? But I saw it's gravestone, you were dead?
Bobo: (smile) Actually I left when people start to lose their memories. I figured I warn others to stay away the island until a group or wizards would come and help us.
Gray: But you vanished when we were near the island?
Then he disappeared which shocked them. Y/n looks up to see him with wings on his back with a smirk on his face as he explains.
Bobo: (smirk) Very impressive right? When we gotten close to the island I spread my wings and left the boat and hoping you four will fix out island.
Y/n: Guess you wasn't suspected soke back up to arrive with another ship, huh?
Bobo: (smirk) Yeah, but still thanks.
Y/n nods and Moka who was in tears to see Bobo alive spread his wings and fly towards him and hugged him. Soon the rest of the village people as well.
Y/n and the rest all smile from this and sort while they have a huge party to celebrate their freedom from the cursed moon. Natsu and Happy eat as many food they were given, Lucy was given a Celestial key that was in the S-Class request paper, Gray gets surrounded by some girls from the village while Erza and Y/n watch all this with drinks in hand.
Y/n looks over to see Ur stepping into the party and was a bit surprised to see monster in the island. Y/n grab another drink and walks up to Ur and once there he hands her one and said.
Y/n: Here, bet your a bit thirsty.
Ur was a bit thirsty so she takes a drink and drink it. She find it good and Y/n smiles underneath her helmet but at the same time felt bad for her losing all her memories but he won't give up getting her memories back.
(Meanwhile in Y/n's universe)
Within the halls of the banished ship, we see Brute Chieftain named Femortion walking through the halls of his ship and soon he arrived at a door and once open he step inside and walks up behind an Elite and his crew typing on their hologram computers and taking quick looks at the item they have.
Floating in the middle of the room was the Forerunner artifact, the same one that takes Y/n to Earthland and now they have it and they are really to figure out how to use it or active it.
Femortion: What is the situation of the artfact?
Banished Elite crew: The artfacts looks to be function but we seem have trouble on activating it.
Femortion: What do you mean?
Banished Elite Crew: It seems like someone has already used it and it will take a while until it will be used again.
Femortion: How long?
Banished Elite Crew: Judging by these scans and how powerful it was to open it. Probably around 5 days.
Femortion growls and slam his fist onto the table knew the Elite Crew and then tells them in anger.
Femortion: (anger) Find a way to reactivate it faster and do it quick! Or I'll have your heads if you don't!
Banished Elite Crew: Yes brute Chieftain Femortion.
Femortion growls once more and then turns and left the room and leave them to do their work. He walk through the halls while he thinks to himself.
Femortion: (thought) If that artfact can teleport us to another world then we can build an army without disturbance of either the UNSC or the Covenant. Once our army is complete we will rain hell to both sides. For the Banished and for Atriox.
(Meanwhile in Earthland)
Y/n and the rest including Ur return to Magnolia as we see them walk through the streets of Magnolia and being glad to be back.
Lucy: (smile) It's been a while but now we are back.
Natsu: (smile) Yep and we came back alive.
Happy: (smile) Aye sir!
Y/n smiles underneath his helmet while he turn to see Ur looking around and being amazed of what she is seeing around her. Y/n walks up to her and asked.
Y/n: You alright?
Ur: Y-Yeah I just.....this place is wonderful.
Y/n: (smile) Sure is. Magnolia is Homed to a guild called Fairy Tail.
Ur: That's a weird name?
Y/n: (chuckle) But your name isn't?
Ur: (smirk) True, you got a point. (Giggle)
Ur started to like Y/n as she looks at Y/n through the visor. She can't help but smirk at him which made Y/n blush underneath his helmet a little as she looked at him in a flirty way.
Natsu: (scared) HELP ME!!!!!
They look over to see Natsu being dragged by Erza and Gray, Happy and Lucy were suddenly scared. Y/n doesn't know why until it hit him.
Y/n: Oooooooooohhhhhhhh riiight.
Ur: what is it?
Y/n: They....kinda broke the rules of the guild and that is take on a S-Class job and that leads up to this island cursed thing. Guess all that happening around the island, cost me to forget.
Ur: (chuckle) Well blamed the cursed moon then.
Y/n chuckles and agree to her and so they walk through town ane made it back to the guild and open the doors. They walk over to Mirajane and with her was Macao and Wakaba and they turn to see they are back.
Mirajane: (smile) Welcome back you guys. How was your vacation?
Y/n: Eh it wasn't that bad. We explore around the island, met up with the village people, fought a cult and I killed a creature. But it was alright and we gotten a new friend, this is Ur.
Ur: Hey.
Y/n: Ur is Gray's master that sacrifice her life to deal Deliora in ice by using Iced Shell. But it cost her memories to be forgotten ane her magic to be gone as well.
Mirajane: (shocked) My goodness, I'm so sorry for that.
Ur: It's cool but you have a nice guild here.
Mirajane: (smile) Well thank you.
Erza: Let's change the subject, Where is Makarov?
Macao: You just missed him. He is away on a meeting with the magic council.
Gray, Natsu, Lucy and Happy breath a sigh of relief and thankful he isn't here to punished them.
Natsu: (smirk) Thank god Gramps isn't here.
Happy: I thought I was sure I was gonna lose a life.
Gray: Yes. We skip the punishment unrik Gramps will get back.
Lucy: (panic) Okay now I'm starting to panic on what Punishment it might be, I'm too young to get punished.
Ur: (chuckle) Whoa, this guild is pretty funny.
Y/n: (smile) Yep, that's Fairy Tail for ya.
Erza: Do you know where Makarov will be back?
Mirajane: No but I'm sure he'll be back sooner or later.
Erza nods and turn to Natsu, Gray, Happy and Lucy.
Erza: Listen up! Your lucky the master isn't here yet but as soon he'll get back he will punish you for breaking guild rules.
They were scared by this while Ur kinda chuckles and Y/n shake his head and felt bad for them, especially Lucy and hope Makarov won't be too hard on her.
(Short while later)
Ur have her Fairy Tail logo stamp onto her arm which made her a member of the Fairy Tail guild and she immediately fit right in with the guild members.
She gets along with Cana, Elfman and many more guild members while Y/n sat on the booth with his helmet off and looking at Ur as she have some laughs with them while Mirajane walks up behind the table and sees this as well.
Mirajane: (smile) Seems like she is fitting right in.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah she sure is. Still I can't help but felt bad for her. She has no magic, no memories or a past to remember.
Mirajane: I see what you mean. Maybe you can teach her in hand to hand combat.
Y/n: Yeah I guess I can do that. Maybe I take her to some easy jobs so she can get used to the things we do.
Mirajane: (smile) Well I know you could do it.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah.
Then the guild doors open and everyone turns and see the magic council guards walk inside whidh surprised them. Then one of the members of the council named Yajima came out of the crowd and looks around at the guild unril he calls out.
Yajima: Y/n-B783!
Y/n was a bit surprised and stood up and walks up to Yajima and he stood in front of him and asked.
Y/n: Yes, what is it?
Yajima: We request your help.
Everyone in the guild was shocked to hear that the magic council came here to ask Y/n for help.
Y/n: Help? What kind a help?
Yajima: Not too long ago, a group of people within a village found what appeared to be a secret entrance and in it was filled with something we have ever seen before. They called us and when we arrive we see what they mean. It was something we have ever seen and we need your help to tell us what it is and if it is dangerous.
Y/n: Right? And why would I help you exactly?
Natsu: Yeah! Your the once that arrested Erza! What makes you think Y/n will help you!
Yajima knew he would say that so he snap his finger and they thought they were going to arrest Y/n but instead they throw something in front of Y/n whidh cist him to be shocked on what he is seeing.
On the floor in front of him was a destroyed and badly damaged Forerunner Sentinal.
Yajima: One of those "things" attack us when we enter and we managed to pull that out in hopes you know what this "thing" is.
Y/n bend down to it and looks at it and then he nods.
Y/n: I do. It's a Forerunner Sentinal, I've seen these a fee times but never know they be here.
Y/n looks up to Yajima and know what ever is in the tunnel near the village, he must know what it is so he stood up and said.
Y/n: Alright. I'll help you.
Everyone was shocked by this and Natsu calls out.
Natsu: (shocked) You can't be serious! Do you not remember what they di-
Y/n: Natsu shut up! This is important and something you don't understand! So just be quiet and let me help them.
Natsu was about to argue but Erza slaps Natsu at the back of the head to tell him to be quiet and he did. Y/n turn to Yajima and said.
Y/n: Before we leave I want to tell you to not touch anything once we get there. Let me do the work while you all keep guard and not do anything.
Yajima: I'd that is your wish, then so be it.
Y/n nods and walks back to and pick up his helmet and puts it on. Yajima and his men left and Y/n was about to go with them until Ur rush over and said.
Ur: I wanna go with you.
Y/n: It might be too dangerous.
Ur: (smirk) Hey you go to an cursed island and killed Deliora without using any magic.
Y/n: That's different.
Ur: (smirk) Different or not with cares. Look, I may not have magic or a past to remember but you help me dealt with my memory lost and know.....I wanna return the favour.
Y/n wasn't sure by this but after a while he sighs and looks at Ur and said.
Y/n: Alright. You'll come but stay with me once we get there.
Ur: (smirk) Sure thing my little knight.
Ur walks out leaving Y/n to blush a little before he turns with her ane they head off with Yajima to investigate this cave they found and find out what it might be.
(Meanwhile in Y/n's universe)
We see Femortion enter the bridge of his ship and walls towards his throne chair ane he sat sown on it as he stare out into the window and into the open void of space.
Femortion was thinking something to himself until one of his crew turns to him from his chair and said.
Banished Brute crew: Sir, he is calling you.
Femortion looked surprised but nods to him. He turn his chair around and leap out of his chair and bend down as a red hologram of Atriox appear in front of him and looking down at the Chieftain.
Atriox: (hologram) Report on your progress Chieftain.
Femortion: Atriox, we have found an Forerunner artfact that might be useful to the Banished.
Atriox: (hologram) We do not attend to use those so called "god" weapons to aid us.
Femortion: I know but hear me out. This artfact can teleport us into another world, a world with no Covenant or the UNSC. My crew is trying their best to reactive it but if we active it, we can build a secret army through another world and we can come out stronger then ever.
Atriox looks at him while he thinks about it. The idea of having a secret army would be useful to the banished and make both sides fear them even more.
Atriox: (hologram) Interesting. And are you sure this artfact is safe?
Femortion: We are putting some test on it right now ane once the scan show it is safe, we can use it and open the portal to another world.
Atriox: (hologram) Excellent. Keep up with thw work ane report back to me when it is reactive it.
Femortion: Yes Atriox.
Then Atriox ends the calls and Femortion stood up and smirks to himself know he has giving promission to continue the work on the artfact. He walks back to his throne chair ans sat down and turn it to face the window as his ship travelled through space and all they have to do is wait until the artfact is reactive and they can be sent to another world to build a secret army and return back to have both Covenant and UNSC forces.
And she fear from the Banished throughout the galaxy.
To be continued............
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