Chapter 48: Dream or reality

We get a veiw point of someone slowly waking up. The persons vision was all of a blurr as he lifted his head up only to find himself within a cryp chamber. The person couldn't hear anything for a moment as he slammed his hand onto the glass chamber and look around for ways to get out.

Suddenly the chamber begins to open as steam escapes from the chamber. As soon it is open the person collapses onto the ground, coughing and feeling extremely cold.

He looks at his hand and arms then his body to see he is naked. Then he slowly begins to stand up, few times he nearly fell but he gets himself up and we escape the veiw point to see Y/n getting up.

He stood up straight then begins to look around to find himself a long hallway with cryo Chambers on both left and right. He looks back but there was no one around.

Y/n: Hello?

His call echo the long halls with total silence. Finding it creepy, he walks pass all the cryo chambers, thinking he must be taking to the UNSC base to get healed.

While walking he noticed there is no sign of a UNSC or anything what so ever. He finally stop at one of the cryo chamber and stare at it for a moment.

He approaches the cryo chamber then sees Natsu inside unconscious. He steps back then look at the rest and is shocked to see everyone who's on Tenrou Island in cryo chambers.

Y/n: (thought) What happen to us? What happen to me?

He only remembers fighting Hades, there was a flash of light then everything turn black. Before he could think of anything else, he turn and gets startled to see a Sential.

Y/n: Fuck you scared me there.

The Sential stare at him then flies away. Y/n decided to follow it ans soon arrive at a door which he goes through. He find himself within what looks like the control room of the cryo chambers.

He check the monitors and it seems everyone is okay. He breaths a sigh of relief then looks around for anything. Then he spotted what looks like a forerunner pistol.

He picks it up and take it as his weapon in case he encounter anything dangerous. He then goes through the door and walk down a long hallway with his guard up.

There was only the sound of his footsteps as he slowly walk through the halls what seems like long minutes. Then he hear children's laughter which he stop and look in front of him.

Moments later two children run by in front of him so he rushes over.

Y/n: Hey kids, wait!

He turnna corner but they were gone. He gets confused then he hears more laughter behind him. He turn and follow the laughter.

He follows the laughter and soon he ended up at another door. The door open and he step through. He stumble into a room with a tree similar to the Tenrou Island tree but of the size of a normal tree.

There was grass, flowers and leafs on the ground as he look at it then walks towards it. When he step onto the land the background around him suddenly changes to the veiw od Tenrou Island. He looks around finding this getting even more weird.

Y/n: I could be in some coma or sleep?

???: Nope. This is very much real.

He look over at the tree then seconds later a woman step out behind the tree. She is dressed like some princess with long beautiful blonde hair as she step out to show herself to Y/n.

Y/n: Who are you?

Mavis: (smile) My name is Mavis. It is a pleasure to meet you.

Y/n: Mavis? But you can't be alive. Your suppose to be dead?

Mavis: Well I'm not the exact same Mavis. I'm her clone.

Y/n: Clone? Wait? Does this means I'm a clone? Does that also include Natsu and the others?

Mavis: No, no, no. You are mistaken. You and your friends are not clones. I am.

Y/n: How is that possible?

Mavis: I was created from a Forerunner name "The Mother" as a replacement and keeper of Tenrou Island.

Y/n: The Mother?

Mavis: I will explain but first, you might need clothes. There is some clothes around the tree you can use.

Y/n: Thanks.

He walks around the tree and puts on some old clothes. Once he was done he follows Mavis through a door and walk through the halls as Mavis explain.

Mavis: The Mother was the last survivor of the Forerunners and she turn this Island into her installation. However as years gone by she became old, in order for the knowledge Forerunners to survive, she needed a successor to take her place. That's when she met original Mavis. She didn't have her parents and hee guild treated her badly so when her guild was destroyed by a rival guild, she took Mavis under her arms and taught her about her race and the Forerunners knowledge.

Y/n: But why her?

Mavis: (smile) Because the original Mavis is very intelligent and The Mother picked her due to her reminding of herself. She wanted somewhat of a fault of her own.

Y/n: So.......what happen next?

Mavis: She went on a quest outside of Tenrou Island and soon founded Fairy Tail. The Mother although proud of Mavis needed someone to replace so after the original Mavis dies, she clone me and give me the memories of the original.

Y/n: Isn't it kinda messed up?

Mavis: (smile) Not at all. The Mother knows what is best and plus, I don't think the original Mavis doesn't mind.

Y/n: Right.

Soon they arrive at the control room as Mavis walk up to the console which Y/n finally ask her.

Y/n: Why are we here? What happen to Tenrou Island?

Mavis: After the battle a dragon by the name Acnologia. While you were unconscious, your guild as well as the UNSC tried to fight back but Acnologia was too power. Then Acnologia almost destroyed the entire island if not for me. I have the island underground and you along with the rest be in cryo. Right now, you have been in cryo for 7 years.

Y/n: (shocked) 7 Years?! You mean we have been unconscious for 7 years?!

Mavis: Indeed and everyone outside of the island thought you and those on the island were dead.

Y/n: Holy shit. So....what now?

Mavis: I believe it will be time for me to return you and the rest back to the surface. I believe you all are needed up there.

Y/n: Right.

Mavis: Oh and one more thing. I think you need this.

She snap hee fingers then a platform on the floor open and his Spartan armor rasied from the hole ans stood in front of him.

It looked repaired which Y/n is surprised while Mavis explain.

Mavis: I noticed your armor was damaged so I did some repairs. Made it just like what it was.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks Mavis.

He walks over and moments later he puts on his helmet and he is complete. He walks over to Mavis as she also tells him.

Mavis: (smile) Before you go, I have something for you.

She then pulled out a chip and hand it to Y/n. He takes it and looks at it. Suddenly a hologram of a female AI appear on his hand as she looks up at him.

Y/n: Um hi?

Mavis: (smile) I believe you needed a partner to help you in future battles and as a gift for protection your friends and the island. Her name is Zera.

Zera: Hey.

Y/n: So guess we'll be working together then huh?

Zera: Pretty much. Try not to get us both killed.

Y/n: Can't keep an promises.

He then plugs Zera into the back of his helmet and she is in.

Zera: Wow! This feels weird. Never been into somewhere like this before.

Y/n: Guess welcome to my head.

Then a door opens that reveals a telepoter as Mavis explain.

Mavis: This will teleport you back to the island. Tenrou Island is now back where it was along with your friends.

Y/n: Thanks again Mavis.

He walks towards the telepoter then he stop and turn to her.

Y/n: What about you? What will you do?

Mavis: I'll stay here but I'll come by and visit. Take care od Zera will you, she is my bestie.

Y/n: (chuckle) I will. Take care Mavis.

He then steps through the telepoter and once gone Mavis smile then turn to the monitors and keep on working.


Y/n teleported back onto the island. He look around and find himself in the middle of the forest. He looks around then begins to walk through the forest. It wasn't long until he heard something behind him so he quickly turn around then is surprised to see Lucy.

Lucy: Y/n?

Y/n: Lucy! Your okay!

Lucy then rushes over and the two embrace with a hug.

Lucy: Your okay! Wait, how did you get your armor repaired?

Y/n: It's a long story. Where is everyone?

Lucy: Not sure. One moment we were together then when I woke up......I found myself alone. Do you think they-

Y/n: Relax they are okay.

Lucy: How do you know?

Y/n: Again, long story but they must be somewhere on the island. We need to find them.

Zera: Actually I detected multiple of life signals. I'll put it up on your HUD.

Y/n: Thanks Zera.

Lucy: Who is Zera?

Y/n:.....Well guess I can introduce you to her.

Then he lend out his hand then Zera appears on her hand, surprising Lucy a bit.

Y/n: This is Zera. Strange part is that we recently met.

Zera: Nice to meet you.

Lucy: (surprised) O.....kay? After we find everyone, you need to explain everything to me.

Y/n: Noted, now let's go. One is close by.

Lucy agree and they head off to find everyone and regroup somewhere so they can relax and possibly call for help.

To be continued..............................................

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