Chapter 46: A death wish mission

Y/n arrived to camp only to see injured marines in tents as a few marines rush around in chaos while Y/n walk through and look around.

The tents hold many injured marines with medics doing their best to keep them alive as best they can. Among them was Makarov as he is with Wendy and Carla.

He is concerned for him but knows he'll recover. Then a rain drop hits him and soon rain begins to pour. He keeps walking and soon finds Gray, Natsu, Erza, Happy and Lucy in a cave as Y/n walks up to them.

Y/n: Where is everyone else?

Erza: Somewhere on the island and fighting Grimorie Hearts members.

Y/n: Including my team. The Banished has the advantage.

Natsu: Well we can't let that happen. I'll say we go over where they came from and beat them up.

Lucy: If possible they must have a ship at shore.

Y/n: Agree. Although it will be risky. I have heard that Makarov was defeated by Grimorie Hearts leader so it will be risky.

Natsu: Still we can't sit here and wait for our death. We need to go there and end this!

Gray: We need a plan first.

Natsu: Screw that! They step onto this island and attack us. I'll say it is payback time.

Y/n: Alright here's the plan. I'll take a small team and lower any Banished forces away while you deal with their leader.

Erza: Then that case we need to use every magic we have to win this battle.

Wendy: I want to come.

They turn around as Wendy, Carla and Lily came over which Y/n said.

Y/n: Okay. Me, Happy, Carla and Lily will handle theie forces while you all take on their leader. I wish you good luck.

Natsu: (smirk) Same to you.

Y/n nodes and begins to walk away but then Lucy came up to him and ask him.

Lucy: There's something wrong isn't it?

Y/n let's out a sigh and then he turns to Lucy and said.

Y/n: I just feel like this.....this will.....I just don't want to lose you. Any of you.

Lucy: I know. But we gonna do this. We'll be fine. Don't you worry.

Y/n: carful.

Lucy: I will.

Y/n looks at Lucy for a moment and then he turn and walk off while Happy, Carla and Lily go with him while Natsu and his team follow him so they do theie plan.


We see Grimorie Hearts ship and walking on the walkway on thr right side we see two jackal snipers. They were looking out for anything when one spotted Natsu ans his team.

The jackal sniper pulled up his beam rifle and was about to shoot Natsu in the head when suddenly Y/n crash down, landing on top of one and immediately throws his combat knife and the knife impaled the other jackal sniper in the head and he fell.

Happy, Lily and Carla fly over as Y/n approaches the door and slowly opens it. They step inside the ship and look around and sees the hallway clear so they keep moving.

Lily: So what should we do?

Y/n: I guess being we lower them away from Natsu and the others as long as possible.

Carla: Sounds like a great plan.

They keep walking through the halls and while walking they suddenly felt something strange which they slow down and soon they stop.

Happy: Do you guys hear that?

Lily: Yeah, what is that?

Carla: Whatever it might be it seems important.

Y/n: Yeah. We should- Watch out!

Suddenly a needle shot nearly hits them and Y/n return fire. A group of grunts came around the corner and fire their needlers at them.

Y/n returns fire until he throws a grenade at then which they were blown up.

Suddenly plasma hits Y/n from behind as a group of elites came out behind him so he immediately turns around and opened fire at them.

Happy, Lily and Carla dodges the incoming shots as best they can. Seeing this he noticed a vent so he fire a grapple and pulled it off.

Y/n: Get into the vent now!

Happy: Okay!

Lily: What about you?

Y/n: I'll be fine! Now go!

He covers them as he deploy his shield as the trio fly through the climb through the vent and once they are through Y/n fires at the elites and kill two while one rush at him.

He keeps firing until he breaks the elites shields and guns him down as he fell. He falls to the ground in front of him as he look down but then he immediately picked up 5he elites body and lift it up and turn around as a plasma grenade stuck onto the dead elites crops and he throws the elites towards a few Banished forces which they get blown up.

Then a Brute tackle him and pinned him against the wall. He begins to beat down at Y/n many times but then he shoots fire at the brute in the face which made the brute even more mad. He then tossed Y/n across and he slammed against the wall and then the brute charge at him but he quickly rolled out of the way.

He stood up and quickly blast him with wind and then he picked up a needler and fire full auto at the brute. He continues firing needlers at the brute unril the brute blows up.

He drops the needler and quickly turn and dodges a incoming fuel rod shot and quickly draws out his Magnum and shot the grunt in the head.

He walks over and picks up the fuel rod and place it onto his back and then he reload his assault rifle. Once done he suddenly hears screams from Natsu and his team.

He stood there a moment as he continues to hear their screams. Then he slowly forms a fist and decided to screw it and save Natsu and the rest as he head off.

However when he turn a corner he spotted a lot of Banished forces charging towards him. He ready his rifle and charge towards them.


We see Natsu, Erza, Gray, Lucy and Wendy laying on the ground as they have been battle the leader of Grimorie Hearts name Hades for what seems like forever and Hades seem to be unstoppable.

Hades stood over Natsu who glare up at Hades all awhile Hades stare down at him with disappointment.

Hades: There is no point of fighting me. I have taking down your master and now....all of you will die here.

Natsu: We-We will never give up! Makarov will never give up to the likes of you!

Hades: Such foolishness.

He then fire a magic bullet at Natsu which hurt him which he continues to shoot at him more and more while he screamed in pain as Hades keeps going.

Soon he stopped but still points at Natsu as he said.

Hades: This island will be your grave. You along with those on the island will die and Lord Zeref will return. This is the end of you.

He then begins to charge up his Grimorie Ray and aimed it at Natsu while Natsu couldn't do anything to avoid it and the rest can't do anything due to their injuries.

Hades: No one will not save you.

Before he can donit however suddenly a door is blown open and suddenly bullets fly out of the open door. Hades is caught off guard which they all turn to see Y/n firing his rifle while enter the room.

Natsu: Y/n!

Lucy: What are you doing here?!

Y/n: Saving you guys. I'm not letting this asshole kill you all.

Erza: Y/n run!

He ignores them and keeps firing at Hades but he wasn't phase then he immediately appeared in front of him and place his hand onto his stomach and fired a piercing bullet that break his energy shields.

There was a large hole left as Y/n looks down in shock and then he was grabbed by the neck and was lifted off of his feet.

Hades: So this is what you are called "Spartans." I admire your courage but you must be a fool coming here and facing me. You have no chance.

Y/n:.....Yo.....You sure about that?

Then he stuck a plasma grenade at him which Hades just throws Y/n across the room and he slammed into a wall while the plasma grenade blows up. Y/n slowly gets up and when the smoke clears up Hades stood there like nothing has happened.

Y/n: Crap.

Hades: Now you see. Not even your technology have no match against me. You might as well surrender.

Wendy: Please Y/n just run!

Y/n turns to them and looks at them for a moment and then he mutters out.

Y/n: (mutters) I'm sorry.

Then immediately he created a ice wall separating Hades and himself from the rest.

Natsu: What are you doing?!

Y/n: Protecting you all. I've watched as my team was killed while I get to live. I can't let that happen to same to you. So instead......I'm letting you guys live.

Lucy: No! You can't! Please don't do this! Y/N!

Y/n: I'm sorry. Someone has to do it. Besides.....Spartan III are usually the ones to die on suicide missions like this one. Just please.....go.....and don't look back.

They were in tears when they hear of this as Natsu slowly try to get up but slammed his fist as he couldn't move.

Hades: You choose to sacrifice yourself to save your friends? What kind of a warrior are you?

Y/n: Someone who isn't afraid of death.

He looks to at Hades as he drop any firearms and pulled out his energy sword and energy shield and gets into a battle stand like a knight as the two stare down at each other.

Hades: You will die and your guild will see your death.

Y/n: Guess you don't know much about Spartans. Because there is one thing about Spartans.

Hades: And that being?

Y/n: Spartans never die.....they're just missing in action.

With that Y/n charges towards Hades while Hades gets ready his dark magic as Y/n continues to rush at him and then he leaps up the air as he swing his sword back ans swings it towards Hades as the two begin their battle.

To be continued...................................................

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