Chapter 45: Island invasion

Banished forces is seen being deployed onto Tenrou Island. Phantoms dropping fown Banished forces for the greatest hunt they could ever have.

We cut to one of the Banished camp sites near the beach as we see Y/n and a few marines being thrown into a cell where they can think of something to do with them.

They activated a electric like energy shield that is strong enough to keep a Spartan in as Y/n looks through and sees not many Banished forces in the camp.

Marine 3: We're doomed.

Y/n: Not exactly. They maybe clever but they have a short temper. Watch and learn.

He stood for a moment and then a brute walk by which Y/n gets it attention.

Y/n: Hey you!

He stop and turn to Y/n as he begins to insulate him.

Y/n: You know here I thought Brutes were ugly but I guess they are even more uglier than before.

The Brute growls as Y/n keeps going.

Y/n: You know I met your cousin when I was a kid. He lived in a Zoo. He might be dead who knows. Say why so angry? Just telling you the truth. Here's about you eat some healthy you fatass.

The Brute had enough and opens the cell and grabs Y/n by the neck. He was about to chock him when one of the marines came over and activate a spike grenade on his belt.

The Brute sees this and in his distraction Y/n grab him by the arm and throws him into the cell. The marines rush out as Y/n activate the energy field as the spike grenade goes off and killing the Brute.

Suddenly plasma fire fly by as Y/n get behind cover and a marine throws him a carbine while the rest pick up Banished weapons and begin to open fire at them.

They take out a few and soon they cleat the camp from the Banished.

Y/n: Someone get to one of their computers and let's find out why they are here.

Marine 4: Yes sir.

A marine runs up to the controls and looks into it. Y/n walks over and read through the information.

Y/n: Grimoire Heart. Looks like the Banished made new friends.

Marine 3: Sir I can't get to communication with everyone. The Banished is jamming our coms.

Y/n: Right need to gather everyone and regroup them all somewhere safe on the island. Your marines find anyone and find a safe area.

Marine 3: Yes sir.

Marine 1: What about you sir?

He turn to see a Banshee so he walks over towards it and then opens it.

Y/n: Giving them air support.

The marines node and went off while Y/n climb inside the Banshee and begin to fly away. Y/n can access to Banished coms so once open he hears all the Banished forces dealing with Wizards and UNSC forces as well as Spartans.

He flies to the nearest location and sees Rex and some marines holding their own against Banished forces. Rex fire his battle rifle as the Banished forces is attacking them on both side.

Plasma bolts hits his energy shields which he wasn't phase as he turh and fire back. The marines try to hold on but some where getting shot. Things seem are getting worse when Y/n came down and fire faul rods and blowing up the Banished forces and clearing away.

Y/n: (radio) Rex do you hear me?

Rex: Hear you loud and clear. What happened? You didn't answer our coms.

Y/n: (radio) Got captured but broken free but listen I Nedd you to find anyone and regroup. We can't let the Banished and Grimorie Hearts taking us our one by one.

Rex: Roger that.

Y/n flies around and shooting down Banished forces to make clear for UNSC and Fairy Tail members to escape. Soon the Banished forces found out what is going on and deploy Banshees to take out Y/n.

They get behind him and begin shooting at him. Y/n dodges the plasma bolts, trying to lose them but no such luck. Soon the Banshees thrusters gets hit and he is losing control. He begins to fly up and once he is over the Banshees he ejects out of his own and falls.

He then lands on top of one and draws out his plasma pistol and over charge it so he can shut down the Banshees. He fires an over charge shots at each Banshee as they lose power and each one begins to fall and exploded to the ground.

However one flies behind him and begins to fire at him. However he freezes it with his ice magic which begins to go down and soon blows up.

Then he noticed something so he look down and spotted Lucy, Happy and Natsu being defeated by a large fat man along with Banished forces and sees possibly a Grimorie heart member grabbing Lucy by the head.

Seeing this he fire several shots which kills the pilot and then he slide to the side and bent the wings to the left. He dives the Banshee towards them and once close he leaps away just as the Banshee crashes and blows up. This sent everyone flying and land hard onto thr ground.

???: What was that?

They all turn to see Y/n as he gets up and looks back at them.

Happy: (smile) Y/n!

Natsu: (smile) Perfect timing!

A few slinet shadow elites begin to surround him and activate their red Crimson energy swords. Y/n sees Lucy still injured by them and he doesn't say nothing. One slinet shadow goes to swing at him but he dodges and break his arm with his knee which the elite drop his energy sword.

Y/n catches it and then slice off the elites head off. Soon others rush at him and Y/n fights them off. He dodges and swing his energy sword at them as he slice off arms and stabbing each and singal one of them.

One tried to shoot him with a plasma rifle but he dodges and stabbed him in the gut. He take his plasma rifle and use the elites body still through his sword as a shield to block the incoming plasma bolts and return fire.

He takes them out and then grabs a plasma grenade and after kicking a dead elite to the ground another tries to swing at him. He casually dodges the elites swings and blows until he sees a opening and stucks a grenade onto him and kicks him back.

He blows up and then he gets slapped by a Grimorie Heart member as he slammed through a tree but he land on his feet and slowly looks up at him.

Kain: Your good. Guess it is true about Spartans. Say we never properly introduce my name is Kain member of the Grimorie Heart. Pleasure to- Hey what I'm i saying! Your my enemy as such I have to kill you.

Y/n: Like to see you try.

He then rushes towards him which at first scared Kain but he goes to strikeat him but then he slides below him and caught in Kain off guard as he slide behind him and sees a gravity hammer so he picks it up.

Kain turns around only to be struck by a gravity hammer in the face. Kain was off of his feet and then crashes onto the ground. Then a Brute Chieftain roars behind him so he turn to see him.

He stare at him as he looks at his gravity hammer and then throws it towards him. The Gravity hammer hit the ground which the Brute Chieftain picks it up and begins beaten his chest. He challenged him a fight to the death. He accepted as he picks up only of the elites energy swords and active it.

The Brute Chieftain charges towards him and begins spinning his Gravity hammer at him but he dodges it. He moves around as he blocks the Chieftains strike while he land some slashes at the Chieftain with his sword.

However the Chieftain slaps the back of his hand at Y/n as he drops to the ground. The Brute Chieftain swing his gravity hammer back and goes for a swing but Y/n rolled over and dodges the impact.

He quickly gets up and driving the sword through the Brute Chieftains waist which made it roar in pain. However he hits Y/n away which he roll away but he stood his ground and sees the Brute Chieftain slowly getting up disbite a energy sword stabbed into his waist.

The two warriors stare at each other as everything around them is silent. Then the Brute Chieftain let's out a mighty roar and then charges towards him. Y/n stood there and waits and once the Brute Chieftain swing his hammer back he charges foward, grabs the handle of the energy sword and then begins to swing it all across the Brute Chieftains waist.

The sword made it out of the other side as the Brute Chieftain slowly made it to a stop and the collapse on both knees just before his top body is off of his bottom and both split bodies collapse onto the ground with blood pouring out.

Y/n breaths heavily as he slowly gets up and walks over to Lucy and helps her up.

Lucy: (smile) Thanks.

Y/n: I may have to start counting the many times I've saved you if you keep this up.

She giggled and kiss him on the cheek while Natsu is seen having his legs buried by rocks while Happy is trying to move them.

Y/n walks over and use the energy sword to slice the rock open and freeing Natsu. Y/n reach out his hand which Natsu takes and Y/n helps him up.

Y/n: You good?

Natsu: (smil) Yep. Thanks man.

Happy: We thought we'll be in trouble until you show up. Although your entrance was kinda extreme.

Y/n: You think so? Well what do we know about Grimorie Heart.

Natsu: How do you know who they were?

Y/n: I was captured a while ago along with some marines. Broke out kinda easily but in their computer system they mention about Grimorie Heart. So why are they here?

Lucy: They said something about bringing back Zeref.

Y/n: Zeref? You mean this powerful dark wizard? Why?

Lucy: Who knows but that must be their reason and they maybe sided with the Banished as back up. We need to find everyone and think of a plan.

Then Lucy grabbed her own breast which Y/n is kinda confused on why she is doing that when he noticed Happy playing with a doll which Lucy begins to chase Happy.

Y/n: What was that about?

Natsu: That Kain guy use that Doll to control Lucy's body by taking one od her hair.

Y/n: I imagine he did some pervert things to her?

Natsu: Guess so.

Y/n: Huh.....Well I guess he deserved getting hit with a Gravity hammer.

Natsu: (smile) Guess so.

And so they leave the area and regroup with everyone else to discuss a plan so they can fight back against the Banished as well as Grimorie Heart.

To be continued................................................................

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