Chapter 43: Gildarts arrival

It was another day at Magnolia where we see Y/n on top of the guild and looking at the veiw of Magnolia just thinking about something when Rex came over and find him.

Rex: Hey Y/n.

Y/n: Oh hey Rex. What brings you up here?

Rex: Just here for a smoke. You?

Y/n: Just relaxing. Things have been quiet for the past few months.

Rex: Yeah. All Banished activity seem to be gone dark.

Y/n: Yeah. I still can't believe it's been a year since we came to this crazy world.

Rex: You and me both. Wizards, mythical creatures, magic, heck even dimensions. Things have been crazy for us.

Y/n: Say even wondering if our world is okay? You'll think humanity won the war?

Rex: Hard to say. Without communicating to our world, we can't be sure.

Y/n: Yeah. Say do you miss anyone back in our world?

Rex: Not really no.

Y/n: Oh. Well still if humanity did lose the war, guess this makes us as the last UNSC that survived.

Rex: Maybe.

The two fall silent for a while when suddenly there was a alarm which Y/n gets up and listens in.

Y/n: What's that alarm?

Rex: Doesn't sound like any alarm I've heard.

Suddenly there was a shake and they look out to see the buildings and streets are shifting and forms into a one way path towards the guild. The two decade to head inside to find out what's going on.

Once inside they noticed that everyone is getting ready and Natsu is getting all excited so Y/n heads over to ask him.

Y/n: Natsu what's going on? Are we under attack?

Natsu: (smirk) Maybe once I see him.

Y/n: Him?

Rex: Whose him?

Natsu: (smirk) You didn't hear? Giltarts is coming back.

Y/n: Who?

Mirajane: That's right you never met him.

Then Mirajane and Lisanna came over as they explain to Y/n.

Lisanna: Gildarts is another member of Fairy Tail and also a S-class wizard just like my sis and Erza.

Y/n: Huh so another S-Class wizard. How come he was gone for a long time?

Mirajane: He took part this challenge that too hik a long time. Although this is early. He's suppose to be back another 50 years.

Y/n: (surprised) He was gone for 50 years?! Jesus what the hell was he doing for 50 years?

Lisanna: He was doing the 100 year quest. It is a impossible challenge that a wizard must do and once completed they get something special.

Y/n: Huh you don't say. You think he failed?

Mirajane: (smile) I don't think so. Gildarts is one of the most powerful wizards in this guild. So powerful in fact Makarov created a one way path towards the guild for him so he won't turn buildings into cubes.

Y/n: That would explain what's happening outside.

Then the guild doors open and everyone turn and they see Gildarts as he walks inside with everyone seeing him and once he step inside he smiled and says.

Gildarts: (smile) Long time no see everyone. Boy things have changed a lot since I last left.

Makarov: A lot of things have changed while you were gone.

Makarov came over to greet Gildarts as he smiles and says.

Gildarts: (smile) Yo gramps your looking perfect as always. Still your strong self.

Makarov: Indeed I am. You may notice some things around our guild.

Gildarts: Yeah like a lot.

Then he noticed the marines, ODSTs and Spartans as he turn to Y/n ans walks over to him. He stood in front of him and he stares at him.

Y/n: Hi....names Y/n-B783. I suppose you never noticed us Huh?

Gildarts: Yeah. I've heard some rumours about high tech soldiers from another dimension but I wouldn't believe it until now. (Smirk) Still pretty cool to meet you.

Y/n: Same.

Mirajane: Actually Y/n is the first ever person to ended up into this world and while you were gone, he helped us and protected this guild.

Lisanna: (smile) He's always very powerful magic user.

Gildarts: I see. Oh Lisanna your alive. Nice to see you back from the dead.

Lisanna: Thanks I think.

Y/n: It's not just the UNSC but other new members of Fairy Tail as well. You've missed a lot.

Gildarts: Yeah might as well have a drink while you guys tell me the things have missed.

Mirajane: (smile) Of course, right this way.

Mirajane leads Gildarts to get a drink as Y/n watch him sat down while Gray came up next to him.

Y/n: So you guys know Gildarts?

Gray: Yeah. When we were children he always hangs out in the guild. He was the most powerful wizard that our guild has ever seen. More powerful than Erza.

Y/n: How powerful can he be?

Natsu: Alright Gildarts time for a beat down!

Natsu charges towards Gildarts but immediately he hits Natsu in the hand once and he crashed onto the floor and falls unconscious which shocks Y/n to see how he easily took down Natsu with a singal hit.

Gray: (smirk) You see. He's powerful and Natsu always fights him but gets defeated within a second.

Y/n: Damn the Banished might toss their weapons just to see him enter the battle field.

Gray: Yeah no kidding.

Gildarts: Hey Y/n!

He turn to Gildarts and he walks over to him and then sat down next to him as Mirajane gives him a drink as Gildarts ask Y/n.

Gildarts: So you can use Fairy law. That's pretty cool.

Y/n: Yeah. I also use element magic as well but I use my skills and weapons for battle.

Gildarts: You don't say. Well I never see anything like that in my life. So your dimension......what is it like over there?

Y/n: Well its like a world where magic is replace with technology. We can go to space, colonies worlds and make cool tech. But there have been conflicts in my world, the most biggest one is the Covenant.

Gildarts: I see. So not much as peaceful I'm guessing.

Y/n: Not even close.

Gildarts: I see. You know I've encounter those Banished camps and I can understand why they are hard to take down. Of course I took them down easily but judging their brute nature I can understand why.

Y/n: Yeah the Brutes are hard to take down, especially their rage state.

Gildarts: I see.

Y/n: So I heard you were not suppose to be back for another 50 years? What happened?

Gildarts: Oh.....I decided to return home.

Y/n: That's it?

Gildarts: (smile) Yep. Anyways I also heard you have girls fallen for you is that right?

Y/n: Um yes?

Gildarts: (smirk) damn your lucky. I never have a girl for years, how did you do it?

Y/n: um......luck?

Gildarts: (chuckle) Your pretty interesting to talk to. Well I gonna go now but catch you later, I bet your gonna be in the S-Class trail soon.

Y/n: S-Class trail? What is?

Gildarts: Alright everyone I'm off, see ya.

He walks towards a wall only to immediately turn I cubs and leaving a hole for him to walk though.


Y/n: I wonder what he ment by that.

Mirajane: Oh your talking about the S-Class trail?

Y/n: Yeah what's that?

Mirajane: Well it's a special day where Makarov hand picks  members of Fairy Tail to take part in a trail to proof to themselves to be worthy ad S-Class wizards. Only one wizard is allow to be a S-Class wizards so it's something to look up to.

Y/n: Huh interesting.

Mirajane: (smile) You might be entered due all the things you have gone through.

Y/n: Maybe but who knows, I just might.

Mirajane giggles while Y/n finishes his drink and goes by his day.


Y/n arrives back to base and he enter his room and collapse onto his bed. He let's out a relaxing sigh as he roll over and looks up at the ceiling.

Y/n: (thought) Feels kinda boring without any missions. I wonder what the Banished is up to? It's not like them to be this quiet. We'll let's just up we get the call.

Cana: Welcome home Y/n.

Then Cana came out of the bathroom with a towel around her as Y/n was not surprised and sat up.

Y/n: (smirk) What's wrong using your bathroom?

Cana: Gotten broke. Besides yours is a lot more better.

Y/n: (smirk) Can't be surprised. So you wanna drink or you want us to make out?

Cana: (light giggle) Good profiction but no. I actually came here to tell you something important.

Y/n: Sure what is it?

Cana falls silent for some reason which Y/n noticed and after a while Cana ask him.

Cana: You know the S-Class trail is in three days right?

Y/n: I think that's what Mira told me yes, why?

Cana: Well........After the trail is done......I'll be leaving Fairy Tail.

This made Y/n surprised as he stared at Cana for a bit and then he ask.

Y/n: Wait? Are you just trying to joke me or something? Or are you just drunk and saying things that you don't mean?

Cana: No I'm serious.

Y/n: (shocked) What? Why? Is something going on in the guild that your not telling us?

Cana: Its.......Its hard to explain but its something to do with my personal life right now. You have to understand, everything I've been through and how much I want him to knowledge me.

Y/n: Him? Who?

Cana: It's nothing.

She then gets changed in front of him and once done she walks up to the door and she tells him.

Cana: I'm sorry for telling you this all of a sudden but you have to understand my choices. Goodbye Y/n.

She then leaves his room and once gone Y/n sat there stunned as he couldn't believe what he just heard as he wonders what is going on with Cana that she is isn't telling him. He hopes that whatever is going on with Cana she can quickly change her mind and take back everything that she said.


At the guild we see a marine locking the place up for the night and once that he turns to leave only to accidentally bump into someone as he looks up and says.

Male marine: Hey Mest. What brings you here?

We see Mest looking at the marine as he ask him.

Mest: Shutting the guild for the night?

Male marine: Yeah you must have just came back. How wanna graba drink at the bar?

Mest: (smile) Sure, that would be great.

Mest goes with the marine and everything seemed to be alright however little did this marine know that he never meet Mest, in fact Mest is something that no one doesn't know and yet they seem to know who he is. Mest and the marines heads inside Magnolia for a drink unaware that Mest isn't actually a member of Fairy Tail.

To be continued.............................................

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