Chapter 42: A sunflower vacation (lemon)

We see the UNSC base as we see a few marines playing some basketball at the basketball court as they were hitting some scores while moving about as they cheered in each score they take and having some fun. Then one of the marines throws the ball to long and the ball hits on Natsu where he is with Gray, Happy, Lisanna and Elfman.

Male marine: Sorry about that!

The ball came off of Natsu's head as Gray soon burst out laughing while Lisanna walk over to Natsu.

Lisanna: You okay Natsu?

Natsu: Yeah I'm okay. Just what in the world is that?

Happy: Looks to me you got hit by a ball.

Natsu sees the ball and pick it up as three marines came over to them.

Male marine 1: Sorry about that sir. We were just having a basketball match.

Natsu: A what now?

Happy: What's that?

Lisanna: You guys know basketball?

Elfman: Not to me.

Gray: Isn't that one of those sports you used to play in your world?

Male Marine 2: Yeah, we form up into each teams and try to shoot the ball into the hop inside the court.

Natsu: (smirk) That sounds like fun. Let me join in!

Natsu jumps up really air as the ball on his hand burst into flames and he lands a hit onto the hoop which blows up, shocking the marines as Natsu smirk and said.

Natsu: (smirk) That was easy!

Happy: (smile) Nice shot!

Gray: (sigh) You idiot.

Brielle: Did I hear explosions?

Then Brielle and Iris came up to them which they turn to then.

Gray: Oh hey there you two. What are you two doing?

Iris: Nothing much. We have been training and testing on some new gears that the UNSC researcher made.

Brielle: It's boring. When I heard a explosion I thought we can get some action but nope. What a shame.

Iris: Say where is Y/n?

Lisanna: I think him and Mira are taking week vacation at a nice area called sunflower mountain. I heard that place is soo beautiful and life like.

Iris: You don't say.

Then Natsu came over to them and said.

Natsu: Man I'm bored, there's nothing to do but standing around and talking. Where is the action?

Brielle: Same! Say you like fighting right? Hows about we right? Winner gets a free meal.

Natsu: (smirk) Now your talking! I'm all fired up!

And so they go at it as everyone watched this as they couldn't believe they are started to fight.

Gray: I thought Spartans are suppose to be serious.

Iris: Not all of them. Not all of them.


We see Sunflower mountain where we see the mountain covered with Sunflowers as we see Y/n looking at the flowers around him and smelling them. It smells pretty nice as he walk through the tall Sunflowers as he soon finds Mirajane there as she turn to see him.

Mirajane: (smile) Their very beautiful Y/n. Its nice to have a week vacation and enjoying the beautiful life of nature.

Y/n: (smile) Same here Mira. It does feel nice to be here. Especially in this nice day. So Mira, how is Lisanna?

Mirajane: (smile) She's doing well. Although we have to explain to her a lot to her and how things have changed.

Y/n: I see, i can't really blame her. After all, she was in another world for a long time only to come back and seeing military soldiers and a war against an alien race.

Mirajane: (giggle) Yeah she was completely confused but we explain everything to her and now she understands.

Y/n: (smile) Well I'm glad about that. But I'm also glad you and Elfman will be happy again.

Mirajane smiled as the two get close and were about to kiss when something came out and they look down to see a cute rabbit.

Mirajane: (smile) Aaww look at the cute bunny rabbit.

Y/n: (smile) That is really cute.

He then kneel down and summon a carrot and place it I front of the rabbit. The rabbit sniff the carrot and then starts to eat it. Then he grab the carrot and hops away while Y/n gets up as Mirajane came up to him.

Mirajane: (smile) Your such a nice person.

Y/n: (smile) I'm maybe a super soldier spartan but a spartan has a heart.

Mirajane let out a cute giggle and then they leave the area as Mirajane grab Y/n's arm as the two walk out like a cute couple. They made it to town and they walk about, enjoying their time as they check into stores and trying out some delicious foods until they arrive at the park as they sat on the boat floating on the lake and enjoying the moment they are having.

They sat on theie small boats when Mirajane thinks to herself about something and then she asked him a random question.

Mirajane: Do you ever wonder something?

Y/n: What?

Mirajane: If you were a machine, would you want to be human?

Y/n: That sounds a odd question but yeah. Why asking me that?

Mirajane: Oh its nothing.

Y/n: Mira.

He turn to her and sees that she has something on her mind as he ask her.

Y/n: Mira. I can tell something is bothering you. Whatever it is, let me help you.

Mirajane says nothing at first but then she let it out.

Mirajane: I......never tell you this but how me and Elfman control our beast forms and how we have Lisanna back to our lives. It reminds me of our childhood many years ago. But....not the good way.

Y/n:.....Do you.....wanna talk about it?

Mirajane: Maybe not here. Maybe back to the hotel.

Y/n agrees and sometimes later they have their dinner and by the time they return to their rooms as the two sat on the bed as Mirajane tells him her past.

Mirajane: You see many years ago when we were kids, a group of dark wizards came and took over our town. They've trashed and ruined everyone's lives which we live a horrible life. When our parents passed away from sickness we were sadden even more. However we discovered that we have magic when one of the dark wizards attacked us and I use this magic to defend them. When they see my magic and a bit of my beast form they ran away.

Y/n: So you were a hero saving your town.

Mirajane: Yes, however not our town.

Y/n: Huh?

Mirajane: When they see my magic they treat us like monsters and never show any kindness anymore. They throw rocks at our homes, children call us freaks and no one doesn't see us as humans but more like.....monsters.

Y/n: (shocked) That's terrible.

Mirajane: We left ans soon join Fairy Tail bit that was the most horrible childhood life we ever have. Have you been treated differently disbite saving lives?

Y/n:......I do. I was treated like a machine with no emotions however I do. Being just a "thing" is hard but what's more important is that we both have hearts. We care ans show care to others that we love and if that ain't human has then I don't know what is. Mira, your not a monster in my eyes, your a beautiful and pure of heart girl and I'm glad you and Elfman have master your magic.

Mirajane: (smile) Thank you Y/n.

Then the two lend in and they kissed. The two kissed for a while and then Mirajane transform into her beast form and  then pinned Y/n onto the bed with her on top of her which surprised him.

Y/n: (surprised) Um Mira? What are you doing?

Mirajane: (smirk) Figured we have some fun. After all, she am more sexxy in my beast form right? Well then, shall we start your handsome devil, hehe~.

(Lemon start)

Mirajane torn off his clothes, leaving him completely naked and then Y/n felt his dick going into Mirajane and then she starts doing it as the two let out moans of pleasure as they start going at it. It was very rough for Y/n but he like it as they start keep going faster and harder. They were doing soo rough that the bed moved very violently as they let out soke loud moans and soon they flip over with Y/n on top of her as he start thrusting his dick into her now.

Y/n goes at it while Mirajane let out some sexxy moans which turns on her even more as this keep going for sometime and then Y/n can feel it coming and then he let it out with both Mirajane and Y/n letting out a loud cry of pleasure.

Then we see them off the bed with Mirajane lifting Y/n by the floor with Y/n wrap his legs around her waist with Mirajane grabbing the back of his head and waist as the two made out like they never made out before as they move around, knocking off some things and crashing into walls around their room and soon they collapse onto the couch as they continue making out as they roll off the couch and hit the ground.

Then we see Y/n now sat down on the couch while Mirajane kneel down in front of him and given him a blow job as she is sucking his dick and licking his dick while Y/n has never felt this good in his whole life as he grab hold the couch as Mirajane kept going until he let out a loud moan as his dick as erupted.

Mirajane: (moaning) Oh Y/n~!

We then see Mirajane pinned onto the table with her butt sticking out as Y/n insert his dick into her but qnd start thrusting it in while Mirajane have her eyes roll back and her tongue sticking out.

Y/n: (moaning) Oh god this is hot.

Mirajane: (moaning) I feel so turned on right now! Please slap my ass!

He does so which Mirajane let out a pleasure like moan ad he kept doing it until he let it out. Y/n was then pinned against the wall as the two made out once more as the two share some moans as they made out as Mirajane then lap up which Y/n catch her by the butt as he squeeze her butt, making her moan and go at it even more as they soon collapse onto the floor and the two had sex on the floor as Y/n insert his dick into her once more and they go out one more time but this time harder now.

The two were sweating like nuts as they go at it and soon Y/n felt it coming but this was massive.

Y/n: I'm letting it out! There it comes!

Then it came out follow by the two letting out a loudest cry of pleasure as once that was done the two passed out.

(Next day)

It was the morning as we see their apartment room is trashed and there was white stuff in some parts as we see the two naked and laying on the floor with a blanket over them as Y/n first wake up and sees Mirajane back to her human form, sleeping peaceful like nothing happened.

His head hurts like hell and he couldn't move his legs as he slowly remembered what happened and realised Mirajane was became a lot more horny in her monster form as he turn to Mirajane still sleeping and reminds himself in his head.

Y/n: (thought) Note to self: Make sure to be ready if Mira wants to do it again someday because last night was nuts but......also......the most hottest thing I have ever have at all time.

To be continued..........................................

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