Chapter 41: Training camp
Over the hill we see a massive UNSC training camp where new marines were trained everyday as we see them marching and training either outside or inside so they can be marines of the UNSC.
Then a Pelican arrived and make a landing at the landing pad. Then Y/n and Brielle came out of the pelican and look at the UNSC training camp ad we see Brielle was not exited by this as she let out a sigh and then ask Y/n.
Brielle: Reminds me again why we are here training a bunch of noobs?
Y/n: Command wants experience soldiers to train these new marines and what they should be suspecting.
Brielle: Well that's lame. We're Spartans, not drill Sargents. We should be fighting the Banished not training some new marines. This is lame!
Erza: (smile) I believe its a good thing to train new soldiers and have them ready for anything coming at their way.
Then Erza came out of the Pelican, wearing a female UNSC Sargent uniform with a hat on her as she step out of the Pelican.
Brielle: What the hell are you wearing?
Erza: (smile) I figure this will suit to train marines and help them to be better in battle. With my training style, they will be unstoppable.
Brielle: Yeah came telling yourself that.
???: Spartans.
They turn to see the commander of the training base as he shake Y/n's hand and after that saluted to him as he tells him.
Lance: Commander Lance. Good to see you here and it's an honour.
Y/n: The honour is all hours sir.
Lance: Alright then let's walk.
They leave the landing pad walk through the base as Lance tells the Spartans and Erza.
Lance: I have some new marines lined up and ready to meet you three.
Y/n: (smile) I bet they are.
Lance: You know how before we came they were just citizens that have boring lives but when we came and offer them a chance to make a difference, they immediately signed up. You could say it's black Friday but only to become a marine.
Erza: Black Friday?
Brielle: It's a thing that happens and trust me, your lucky that doesn't happen in this one.
Erza: I see.
Y/n: Well we got shape them up a bit.
Lance: Glad to hear that. Those new marines will be shocked to see Spartans here.
Y/n nodes as they enter a building and soon later twin doors open and they enter a large room with marines lined up and they were standing at a attention. When they see the Spartans they were shocked to see them especially Y/n who is a legend due to all his actions and battles he took part. Then Lance turns to his marines and then called out to them.
Lance: Attention marines! Today is a special day because today you are gonna be training in front of two Spartans and one S-Class wizard. That's right! These guys are no joke. They are tough, strong, smart and have the intelligence to make your marines the fighting force of the UNSC. Y/n-B783, would you do the honours.
He nodes as Lance mores back while Y/n step forward, looks at the marines in the room and then tells them.
Y/n: Listen up Marines. Being a soldier is never easy. In battle you have to watch your friend's or brothers die in battle, in conflict you have to make the make the hardest decision that you have ever picked. In war, you must do whatever it takes to win a battle and protect innocent lives. You all wear the armor of the UNSC, you have the weapons of the UNSC and you have the fighting spirit like all UNSC marines have. Remember, in battle you must do whatever you can to succeed even by means doing things that is against your moral code. It maybe hard but when lives on the line then you must do it for them. Right now we are gonna see how you marines are and maybe show you tricks that might help you all in future battles. I'll end it with this, good luck and I hope your training will make you proud marines of the UNSC.
Lance: Alright Marines head down to the training court and let see what you marines can do. Let's move it!
They yell out "yes sir" and they move out as Y/n watch them leave and then turn and walk over to Erza and Brielle.
Brielle: (smirk) That was great speech you give them. I was among them, I might get turned on.
Y/n: Let's focus on the training.
Brielle: (smirk) Got it.
(Short while later)
We see the marines at the training court with obstacles that they must do while Lance, Y/n, Brielle and Erza stood at the side as Lance pulled his Magnum up in the air and then open fire which cost the marines to start as they go through the obstacles.
The four watched as they go through the obstacles with some problems with a few marines while some gotten through and kept going to the next one.
Erza: This is very interesting. So is this what soldiers your world do all day?
Lance: Indeed. All soldiers do this for years.
Erza: (surprised) Really?! How interesting. I think I'm starting to like this place.
Brielle: Well I don't. It's boring watching them going through the obstacles. I wish something good happened.
Y/n: (smile) Probably not say that otherwise you might jinx it.
Brielle: Exactly.
They continue watching the marines going through the obstacles course when suddenly one of the marine trips another which cost him to fell onto the ground.
Male marine: (smirk) whoops, sorry man. Didn't see you there.
Male marine 2: Man fuck off man.
Male marine: (angry) What did you call me fucker!
Then the two started to fight each other as the other marines stop and watch the two fight while Lance shake his head.
Lance: I'll break them up.
Y/n: (smirk) No need. She got this one.
Then Erza walks over while Lance was confused about it until Erza came up to them, grab both of their heads and then slam their heads inside each other. The two were knocked out after that while Lance was stunned by this while Y/n just smirked to himself.
Y/n: (smirk) That's Erza.
Erza: Listen up! If you two wish to become proud soldiers then you must work together and succeed.
Male marine: Oh yeah? What rank are yo-
Then she give him a glare which scared him to death so he shut up while Erza barks at the rest of the marines.
Erza: Now i want all of you to run around 100 times.
All marines: (shocked) Your gonna be joking?!
Erza: (glares at them) Did I stutter?
All marines: (panic) N-No ma'am!
Then they circle around 100 times while Lance was surprised by this as he grab his head in disbelief.
Lance: Well I'll be.
Y/n: (smile) Erza is used to see two guys fighting each other and knows how to scare them.
Brielle: (smirk) And now one messes with her. Keep that in mind.
Lance: Understood.
We see them at the target range as we see Y/n holding an assault rifle as he shows the marines the assault rifle and explain to them.
Y/n: This is MA37 assault rifle. This weapons is not made out of magic but it has a caliber 7.62mm and its a basic weapon to anyone in the UNSC. This has 32 ammo and the megs are at the back of thid rifle. These rifles are useful against weak or medium threats. Now watch.
He turn to the target range as he takes aim and once a target gose up he open fire and fills the target with bullets. Once he ran out of ammo he turns back to the marines and show them how to reload and then allow them to pick up a rifle and start shooting.
They have a go at hitting the target with some have good aim while others need some work on them as they watch.
Brielle: Say Erza how come you never wield a gun?
Erza: (smile) Although your weapons are very interesting but I rather stick with the weapons I have.
Y/n: (smile) I can respect that.
Then Lace got a radio from someone as he node and after that turns to them and tells them.
Lance: It seems we have a breach. Someone broke through the gate and its now inside the base
Y/n: What is it?
Lance: No idea but I set a high alert so whoever this guy maybe, it can't get out.
Erza: Still we should search for it just in case.
Y/n: Right. We can't allow it to find an escape so let's go and find whatever it might be.
They agree as they leave the new marines to their training and once outside they see all marines were on high alert as they search around for the intruder.
Lance heads off to talk to the marine that reported him while Y/n, Brielle and Erza slip up ans search around. They search everywhere but there was no sign of anything.
We see Y/n rush up at the garage where all warthogs are being repaired as both Brielle and Erza radio in.
Brielle: (radio) Can't see anything. Where is it?
Erza: (radio) Could it be a false alarm?
Y/n: We can't be sure. Keep looking and report to Lance if we see any-
Suddenly the garage blows up near him, sending him flying back and land hard onto thr ground. He slowly get up and look at the fire as more marines show up and try to take down the fire while Y/n sees what looked like a jackal running away so he chase after him.
We see the jackal running away and almost made it out when Y/n came around the corner and punched the jackal in the face. He was sent flying and then land hard onto the ground and then falls unconscious as Y/n approaches the jackal and sees he has bombs as he kneel down and then radios in to Lance.
Y/n: Sir its a Banished Jackal and it looks like this one brought some bombs. He may have planted some around the base.
Lance: (radio) Locate them Spartan. We can't allow those bombs to go off!
Y/n: Understood.
Brielle: (radio) I've found a bomb. Gonna defuse it right now.
Y/n: Wait you don't know how to defuse a bom-
Suddenly he noticed a bomb sent flying follow by a gunfire and a explosion happen.
Brielle: (radio) Hell yeah!
Y/n: Alright there could still be more bombs out here. We need to find them and defuse them.
They agree and they go around trying to find bombs which they did as marines defuse the bombs before they go off. It took them a wile but after an hour they managed to find the bombs and defuse them all.
By that time it was the afternoon as we see the trio at the landing pad as Lance shakes Y/n's hand and tells him.
Lance: (smile) Thank you for saving my base. I owe you for this.
Y/n: (smils) No problem sir. Just doing our jobs.
Lance: (smile) Well have a safe trip back home.
Y/n: (smile) We will.
They climb onto the Pelican and once inside the Pelican take off as Brielle sat down and let out a sigh of relief.
Brielle: Well at least that's done. Now I can go home and do what I do best.
Erza: (smile) I like our trip to the training camp. It was fun.
Y/n: (smile) Of course you like it since you were born to give orders out to everyone.
Erza: (smirk) Well here's my orders for you Y/n.
She then gets close to Y/n as she lick his visor while Brielle let out a giggle and then came over as she took off Y/n's helmet and they go at it inside the Pelican as they returning back to the Fairy Tail guild Hall to take on jobs until they git a new mission.
To be continued..........................................
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