Chapter 40: A chilly day

It was snowy at Mt. Hakobe and there was a strong cold wind that covers everything, making everything white so that's when we see two Banished Jackal snipers standing on top of a watch tower with theie beam rifles at the ready and looking around for anything that moves. They looked through the snow, trying to see anything more but the only thing that moved were the wildlife that are out there.

The two Jackals were getting board as they walked around the watch tower and looking out for any introducer. Then within seconds the first jackal gets shot in the head by something and fell onto thr ground while the second jackal was surprised but soon gets shot in the head within seconds and we then see Saie in the fair distance with her sniper rifle with a suppressor attached to it as well as laying down on the snow on top of the hill.

Saie: Watch tower clear. Your in the clear.

Y/n: (radio) Copy that Saie, we're moving out.

Then we see Y/n, Leo, Rex and Alaia moving towards the watch town and once they got pass it they keep on moving and soon they climb up a small hill and once at top they see a Banished outpost down below. They lay down onto the snow and Rex zooms in his visor and scan around and sees a lot of Banished forces down there.

Rex: Looks like there is a lot of them.

Y/n: How many?

Rex: 30 or 35 of them.

Leo: Why would they make an outpost here? It's fucking freezing here.

Alaia: Perhaps they gonna try to attack Magnolia again.

Leo: Why is Magnolia gets attack a lot. First Phantom, then Laxus and now this?

Y/n: Like I said, Magnolia is pretty famous when I comes to their number one guild. Come on, let's see what's down there.

They agree and the four slide down the hill and landed at the bottom. They move towards the outpost but was blocked by a huge wall. Rex pulls out a cutting tool and starts cutting through the bars while Y/n radios in Saie.

Y/n: Saie what's happening at your end?

Saie: (radio) Everything seemed to be alright. Still you guys need to get out of there as soon as possible, I've just picked up the Banished radios and they are calling for the Jackal snipers that I've took out. They will come to investigate it.

Y/n: Copy that. Radio in Iris and Brielle to be ready to blow this place up.

Saie: (radio) Copy that.

Soon Rex finished cutting the bars and they duck through and enter to the outpost. They scan around and once the ghost is clear they split apart and they start planting some explosions around the outpost.

Leo plant some explosions at the weapons lock, Rex plant some explosions at the vehicles, Alaia was gathering some intel before planting some explosions and Y/n plantnsome explosions at the fueling stations do this outpost can blow up big.

Once that they all rush out and regroup with Saie, Iris and Brielle as Y/n tossed Brielle a detonator and said.

Y/n: You do the honours?

Brielle: (smirk) Sure thing.

They pulled the trigger and the huge outpost blows up sky Hugh and there were alarms while they turn and walked back to theie drop zone so a Pelican will pick them up.

Y/n: This is Y/n from Eagle-Strike, Misson complete. Returning back to base.

UNSC pilot: (radio) Understood team leader, over and out.

(Sometime later)

It was a nice morning at Magnolia and at Lucy's apartment we see her laying with bed with Y/n beside her as she cuddle him while she smiled then open her eyes to see him sleeping. She let out a sift giggle and lend in a kiss him which made him wake up and turn to Lucy.

Y/n: (smile) Morning Lucy.

Lucy: (smile) Same to you too. Another new day at Magnolia?

Y/n: (smirk) Seems like it Princess.

Lucy smiled and leave her bed and walked over to a mirror and looks at herself while there was movement underneath the blanket and Levy pop her head out of the blanket on top of Y/n while Y/n just simply smiled.

Y/n: (smile) Found Levy.

Levy: (little blush) Yeah sorry about that.

Y/n: (chuckle) No need.

She smiled and lend over ans kissed him in the lips while Lucy just smiled while she checked her hair and once Levy and Y/n stop kissing Lucy tells Y/n.

Lucy: Say isn't this not a day we be meeting some new Spartans after you rescue them from that Banished prison base a while back?

Y/n: Oh yeah I remember.

Lucy: (smile) Still can't wait to meet them.

Y/n: (smile) Same here.

Levy: (smile) And me as well.

Soon the trio get cleaned up and get changed and once that they leave to head to the gate.


They arrived at the guild and as soon they are inside they see a crowd gather so they walked over and see Elfman having an arm wrestling match with a Spartan as the two really go at it as they struggle to win.

Soon the Spartan slammed Elfman's arm onto the table and everyone cheered while some groan as they were betting on who will win and they lost the bet.

Elfman: (smirk) Nice one but I'll get stronger for sure.

???: I bet.

Y/n: Guess your the new Spartan that command sent?

He turn to see Y/n and he walked over and node to him while given him a salute.

Arlo: Yes sir, names Arlo-B889. I've been waiting to see you and just wanna say thank you for saving my life including my brother.

Lucy: You have a brother? Where is he?

He points over by the bar and they see him drinking some coffee as Y/n apoorches him.

Y/n: (smile) Seems I can't talk to you yet unless you have your coffee?

He let out a chuckle and finished and turn to Y/n and introduced himself to him.

Matthew: Names Matthew-B890. Nice to meet q Spartan that saved my life.

Y/n: As long we have the upper hand, those Banished forces won't stand a chance. So you and your brother gonna be here?

Matthew: No we just got asigned to a base along with a nearby guild. We came by since we heard that you be here. Say is it true you have magic?

Y/n: Yeah but it's not much. Still it's useful in most situations in battle.

Matthew: I see, say I want to talk to you about something.

Y/n: Sure, Mira can we have some drinks over?

Mirajane: (smile) Sure coming right up.

The two sat down and once that Matthew tells Y/n.

Matthew: I wasn't sure I should tell the UNSC or my own brother but I was captured they were talking about something that's impossible but somewhat true.

Y/n: What is it?

Matthew: Well some Banished forces reported seeing a large dragon flying through the clouds and making thus huge roar that sounded like the end of the world. Many grunts were struck with fear when they heard it. Banished command try to find out what it was and sent some Banshees but they soon went missing hours later.

Y/n: Why didn't you tell this to the UNSC or to the Magic council?

Matthew: I shouldn't sure if they were telling this to each other so we be too afraid to escape or something but either way something is outthere and who knows how long until whatever that thing is strikes at us.

Y/n: We won't let that happen. We have enough fire power to take down whatever that thing maybe.

Mirajane: (smile) Here you go.

Mirajane give them each two cups and once that they take a sip while Matthew nodes but not before saying to him.

Matthew: Yeah but still it wouldn't be safe in the skies. Whatever that thing in the sky maybe could take down a whole fleet within seconds. I'm telling you if the UNSC fleets are build and they take it up in the skies, they will be scrapped within seconds. Just saying that there's maybe a possibility that space travel will not be possible with whatever that thing is out there.

Y/n: So.....why telling me all this?

Matthew: I have to tell someone and since you've been here far more then any of us, I figured you might know whatever that thing is.

Y/n: Well I've never encountered I before but I'll talked to Natsu, Gajeel and Wendy that they might know what it is.

Matthew: Right.

Once Y/n finished his drink he leaves and walks over to see Natsu and Gajeel were arguing while Wendy tried to calm them down until Y/n walked up to them.

Y/n: I see you two are arguing.

Wendy: Yeah, they argued for a long while now.

Y/n: Still I wanna ask you both something. Do you know about a dragon that make a roaring sound that sounded like the end of world?

Natsu and Gajeel stopped arguing and turn to Y/n and they try to think about but they said.

Natsu: No I don't seem to remember any dragon like.

Gajeel: Same.

Wendy: Sorry but no.

Y/n: Strange. Well thanks for that, see you three around.

He start to walk off but then Wendy runs up to him while she called out to him which he turn to her.

Wendy: (little blush) Hey I was wondering if you like to go on a date later on? Just the two of us?

Y/n: (smile) Sure, got nothing planned so why not.

Wendy: (smile) Thanks.


At the UNSC HQ we see Landyn enter his office while looking through a data pad and heard a beep coming from his desk which he walked over and once he placed his data pad on the table and presses a button and a hologram of Gran Doma appear as a hologram.

Landyn: Gran Doma, it's a honor, so what is it you calling me for?

Gran Doma: (hologram) The Magic council had a meeting about Fairy Tail and their actions.

Landyn: I see. Well I can ensure you that we are trying to do our best to limit any damages as best we can.

Gran Doma: (hologram) Yes but it is Fairy Tail and not your military. Fairy Tail have been costing nothing but damages in many towns and we can't allow this to continue.

Landyn: I understand your reason but what I've read they have done nothing but good and protection this world before we came. All these damages is something they have no control over.

Gran Doma: (hologram) Are you supporting Fairy Tail?

Landyn: They are shown to be a great guild and it seems my men and others get along very well with them and just like other guilds across the world.

Gran Doma: (hologram) Yes but we have decided that Fairy Tail is on thin ice and if they try anything then they shall be shut down.

Landyn: Sir you can't just say they are thin ice even though they didn't do anything wrong? I think we need to relook the files of their actions and see-

Gran Doma: (hologram) There is no need. Don't forget we can break our alliance as soon as possible and you have no right of making any bases in our land, is that clear?

Landyn: Of course sir I understand perfectly.

Gran Doma: (hologram) I hope this will not turn to a threeway war if this alliance breaks.

Then the hologram call ends and Landyn let's out a sigh and thinks to himself.

Landyn: (thought) And here I thought the ONI was corrupt but the magic council are not only corrupt but dicks.

Then he heard a door knock and a scientists opens his office and walks over to him.

Male science: Forgive my rudeness sir.

Landyn: (smile) No need to apologise, what brings you here?

Male science: Well we believe that it is time to recruit wizards to be a new class of Spartans.

Landyn: Ah yes I heard high command was talking about that.

Male science: Yes and we've managed to print out some Spartan armor that will suit them and stand them out within other Spartans.

He then placed down some designs of the Spartans and he looks at them and node his heard.

Landyn: They look good. Have you picked out possible candidates?

Male science: Yes sir. They were picked because Banished forces destroyed their guilds and they wished to take revenge.

Landyn: I see. How long until they are ready for battle?

Male science: We need to work on the armor, the systems and training, that will take about 6 years.

Landyn: That's a long time isn't it?

Male science: Yes sir.

Landyn:......Very well then. You got a name of the project?

Male science: Yes sir. Project Crusades.

Landyn: (smile) I like it. Let's get to work.


It was the afternoon and at the park we see both Y/n and Wendy sitting underneath the tree as they relaxed after theie date. Wendy lay on Y/n's head as they watched the sun set down.

Wendy: (smile) Hey Y/n?

Y/n: Yeah?

Wendy: (smile) Thank you.

Y/n: For what?

Wendy: (smile) For everything. I wouldn't have join Fairy Tail if it wasn't for you and everyone else. I also want to thank you for saving the Cait shelter guild a while back.

Y/n: (smile) That's what Spartans do. Saving live and protect humanity.

She smiled and then she sat on Y/n's lap and look at him with a smile and then she lend over and kissed him on the lips. Y/n kissed her back and the two make out for a bit and after a short while they stop to catch some breath and they look at each other and then Wendy lay her head on her lap and let out a soft sigh.

Wendy: (smile) I love you Y/n.

Y/n: (smile) Love you too.

He pet Wendy on the head and the two relaxed while we see Carla spying on them but rather then getting mad she just simply smiled and walked off home and let them enjoy them together in peace.

To be continued........................................

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