Chapter 38: Returning home

Explosions can be seen within the capital of Edolas as we see the Edolas Fairy Tail fighting against the Edolas knights while the Edolas knights were getting pushed back as the result of it. The Edolas knights try their best to push them back but they were getting overwhelmed as the result of it and they get back.

We then see Y/n leap out from the ground, firing his assault rifle and roll to the ground as he continues to fire his assault rifle, taking out most Edolas knights while some charge at him which he dodges their attacks as he knock the second knight with the butt of his rifle and then grabs the first Edolas knights spear and headbutting him and tossing him away as he throw his spare away while he fire his rifle at the Edolas knights just as Edolas Lucy rush up to him.

Edolas Lucy: You must be this Knight that our Natsu told us about.

Y/n: That's right. Nice to see this version's of Lucy.

Edolas Lucy: (smirk) Pleasure is all mine.

Edolas Lucy charge to battle while Lucy rush up to Y/n as he turns to her.

Y/n: Kinda freaky to see this version of Fairy Tail don't you think?

Lucy: Yeah. Natsu, Happy, Carla and Wendy told me aboit their guild and how they are different to our version of the guild and now seeing them is freaky. I mean Cana isn't a alcoholic, Elfman doesn't act tough and Levy, Jet and Droy called themselves Team Shadow Gear.

Y/n looks over to see Edolas Mirajane helping up the injured marines with Edolas Wendy as the marines thank them while Edolas Mirajane gives them a nice smile.

Y/n: Seems like this worlds Mirajane isn't so much different for some reason.

Lucy: Yeah I wonder why?

Y/n: Maybe later but right now we need to finish this battle and find a way to get back hone.

Lucy: Right.


Alaia, Iris, Brielle, Ur, Rex, Saie and Leo were fighting the Edolas knights along side with Edolas Gray, Edolas Juvia and Gray as Brielle aims her grenade launcher and fired a grenade which blows up a few Edolas knights as she let out a yell.

Brielle: Heck yeah! Now this feel like a party suckers!

Edolas Juvia: (smirk) Nice one. Anymore of those things?

Edolas Gray: (smile) I can get you one of them if you like?

Edolas Juvia: Wasn't talking to you.

Brielle: Sorry this is the last one. Still look at them go!

Alaia: Let's keep this up until we find a way to get back home.

Gray: Hope so because I can't take anymore crazy stuff that is going on around here.

Ur: (smirk) Look at the bright side, at least I can get yo see your Edolas version ain't that right Gray?

Gray: Yeah whatever.

Edolas Gray: Say when are you gonna put some clothes on?

Gray: When are you gonna take your clothes off!

Edolas Juvia: (anger) Will you two just shut up!

Brielle: (smirk) I'm starting to like this version of Juvia don't you guys think so?

Benjamin: Hey I got some news!

Then they look over to see Benjamin rushing towards them and soon rush up to them as he tells them.

Benjamin: Edolas Jellal told me he's gonna try get us back home. He's inside the palace right now.

Iris: That's good to hear. Who knows how long we can keep this up.

Ur: What about Lily? Is he.....?

Benjamin: He's alright. The blast missed his heart and other important things and he's getting treated as we speak.

Alaia: That's good to hear. Well this area is clear, we should return back to everyone else and inform Y/n about this news.

They node in agreement and they race back to Y/n and the rest and tell him the news.


Edolas Natsu: Help me! Please!

A few Edolas knights knocked Edolas Natsu onto the ground as they aimed their spears at him but Y/n race up to him and knock one Edolas Knight out while he turn strike q punch at his stomach, cracking his armor and grabbing the Edolas Knight by the shoulders and tossed him to the other Edolas knights that crash and land hard onto the ground.

Y/n: Good to see you again Edolas Natsu.

He reach out his hand to him which he takes his hand and Y/n helps him up.

Edolas Natsu: (smile) Same here. Thanks for the save.

Y/n: No problem.

???: Behind you!

He quickly spin around and punched a Edolas Knight in the face, costing it to shatter as the Edolas knight fell hard onto the ground. Then a female similar to Mirajane but smaller approaches Edolas Natsu and Y/n as she says.

???: (smile) Nice punch. That must be strong.

Y/n: Um yeah. Say who are you? We never met a version like you in our world?

Lisanna: (smile) Oh sorry the names Lisanna, Nice to meet you.

Y/n: Um same.

Lisanna: (smile) Come on Natsu, let's keep on fighting!

Edolas Natsu: R-Right.

The two rush off while Y/n watch Lisanna go as he find it weird this version of Lisanna is alive while Earthland's version was killed. Before he could think about it anymore, a explosion hits near him, sending him flying and crashing into a building.

He stumble himself back up as he look up to see one of theblue creatures land right in front of him and letting out a roar at him. The creature was about to eat him but was suddenly stabbed from behind and fell as Erza leap out from its back and walks up to Y/n and help him up.

Y/n: Nice timing Erza. How did you get down here?

Erza: (smile) Let's just say we made a crash landing.

Y/n: Um okay? What about Knightwalker?

Erza: She's alive and beaten. Any word from Natsu, Gajeel and Wendy?

Y/n: Not yet. Still I hope they be alright.

Erza: Same here.

Edolas Droy: Hey they're falling back!

They look over to see the Edolas Knights can't take it anymore and falling back while some surrender as the Edolas Fairy Tail cheered while Y/n and Erza sees this happen and smiled.

Suddenly everyone was silent when they heard something behind them and they all look up only to see a huge portal in the skies.

Erza: Is that?

Y/n: (smile) Yep. That's our ticket home.

Suddenly they felt like they were being pulled towards the portal while the Edolas Fairy Tail watched as they were pulled towards the portal. Soon there was a blinding light and soon everything tuns dark.


Rain pours onto Y/n's damaged helmet as we see him, Alaia, Saie, Brielle, Rex, Leo Benjamin, Iris, Alaia and Ur are seen laying on the ground as they soon wake up and slowly get up as they shake theie heads and look around to see them in a forest.

Ur: Are we back?

Brielle: Hope so.

Leo: Yeah I don't wanna go to another world again.

UNSC command: (coms) This is UNSC command! Please respond! Y/n-B783 do you read us?

Y/n: This is Spartan B783 to command. We read you loud and clear.

UNSC command: (coms) Sir what happened? You were on your pelican heading to your mission and then the next thing we know you are now in the woods. Can you explain to us what happened?

Y/n: It's a long story command but we have helmet footage so you can see what we have been through.

UNSC command: (coms) Copy that. I'll inform the general about your appearance. Command out.

Ur: (smile) So that means we're back!

Iris: Seems like it. We're home.

Brielle: Heck yeah!

They all cheered and once that Y/n smiles at them and tells Ur and Benjamin.

Y/n: Ur, Benjamin, you two go and find Natsu and the others. I wanna have a talk with everyone else about something.

The two node and they head off while the rest turn to Y/n, wondering what he has to say as Y/n looks at them and then tells them.

Y/n: Brielle, Alaia, Leo, Rex, Saie and Iris, I wanna ask you something and I was wondering that you all will be apart of the new Fireteam: Eagle Strike.

Brielle: Was that team not killed in battle?

Y/n: Yeah but I was the last survivor.

Alaia: Oh well sorry about that.

Y/n: That's alright. But right now I'm thinking reviving the name with a new team and I was hoping you all will join me and accept me as your team leader, if you want?

They look at each other as they think about it and then turn to him as they tell Y/n.

Brielle: (smirk) Sure, as long we can get to smash some bad guys, sign me up.

Alaia: (smile) It be a honor to fight along side you and all of yous.

Iris: Same here.

Leo: Sure, I've never been apart of a team before so I'm in.

Rex: I'll fight along side you no matter what.

Saie: Same.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks you guys. I'll make sure I'll be a best team leader for all fo you. Now let's go and find Natsu and the others.

They node and they head off to find Natsu and the others and it wasn't long until they find them with Ur and Benjamin as they turn to see them.

Y/n: (smile) Natsu, Gajeel, Wendy glad to see you three are still alive.

Natsu: (smirk) No body takes down the three dragon slayers.

Gajeel: We've managed to take down the Edolas King before we were pulled towards the portal.

Wendy: Let's just hope Edolas will be alright now the Edolas King is defeated.

Y/n: I bet they will be alright.

Leo: Still from all the versions we have encounter, how come it wasn't a version of us or Ur?

Alaia: Maybe we didn't exited in Edolas because we're from our universe that was teleported to this universe. Maybe our Edolas counterparts never came to Edolas or something.

Rex: Then what about Ur? We haven't met a Edolas version of Ur.

Alaia: Maybe Edolas Ur died possibly the same way how our Ur nearly died.

Ur: Maybe. Say Natsu, what was Edolas Makarov like?

Natsu: We never encountered a Edolas Makarov when me, Happy, Carla and Wendy went to the Edolas Fairy Tail guild. Come to thinm about it they did mention about their guild master being killed so maybe that was Edolas Makarov.

Then he remembers the sound of the Edolas Kings voice and it sounded kinda familiar to Makarov, even his speeches which he tells everyone.

Y/n: This may sound crazy but maybe the Edolas King is the Edolas version of Makarov. He and the Edolas King do sound familiar, especially when they do their speech.

Lucy: Huh now I think about it, they do sound similar.

Gray: Guess we never know for sure.

Gajeel: Hey where the heck is lily!?

Alaia: Lily? You mean that muscle like Exceed?

Brielle: Isn't he and the rest still back at Edolas?

Happy: Actually they too were pulled to the portal just like us. Now they are away to find a new home here on Earthland.

Y/n: That's good to hear.

Carla: Yeah. As long they are not in any danger, I hope they have a peaceful life.

They agree and soon they head something in the bushes ans soon a small black exceed came out of the bushes while holding a rope while the rest stare star at him.

Erza: He looks kinda familiar.

Natsu: Yeah who are you?

Lily: I'm Lily. The muscle Exceed you guys were talking about.

Y/n: (surprised) Wait what? But your just like Carla and Happy?!

Alaia: (surprised) Yeah how is this possible?

Lily: I can change the size that I am so I can fight better. Its the reason reason I was a guard for the Exceeds.

Y/n: So your not coming with them?

Lily: No. I figured I'll join with you guys since I have no where else to do. Do you mind I join your guild.

Y/n: Sure thing. Welcome to Fairy Tail.

Lily smiled and then tug a rope which Leo ask him.

Leo: So what's with the rope?

Lily: I've captured someone who was spying on us.

???: Hey let me go!

Then they were all surprised when Lisanna came out of the bushes as they stand there shocked by this.

Erza: (shocked) Wait? Isn't she not Edolas Lisanna? Why is she here?

Rex: Yeah why was she pulled just like all of us?

Y/n: Maybe.....she is from Earthland.

They were even more shocked and confused until Lisanna spoke out and tells them.

Lisanna: He's right. You see....when I was about to die this large portal in the sky appeared and pulled me into the portal while at the same time, a Edolas counterpart of me took my place while I was sent to Edolas. When I arrived to Edolas Fairy Tail, I realised how different everyone was and they too lost their Lisanna but they believe I was her. So I decided to stay with them and try to make them feel happy while I'm around.

Rex: So you took over Edolas Lisanna's place?

Leo: Guess that large portal just pulls anyone it wants in random times.

Ur: Wait Natsu, Wendy, Carla and Happy went to the Edolas Fairy Tail guild and you were there so, why didn't you tell them?

Lisanna: Because I was afraid that if i reveal ti Edolas Fairy Tail that I was not their Lisanna then they will be sad. So I keep my distance but when that portal open and was pulled. They told me they knew and they will fine without me. Now I'm here right now.

Benjamin: (surprised) Wow. That's some story.

Lisanna: I'm sorry for not telling any you all of this, I just don't want anyone to be upset, that's all.

Y/n: That's alright Lisanna. You were trying what you think was good and now your home.

He pulled out his knife and cut thr rope from her hands and then help her up.

Y/n: (smile) Now....let's go and give your siblings a surprise.

(Short while later)

We see Mirajane and Elfman at Lisanna grave as they stand in front of it for a bit while rain hits the umbrella that Elfman has over them as they stand there a bit until Y/n calls out to them from behind.

Y/n: Elfman, Mira!

They all turn to see Y/n and they were a bit shocked how damaged and dirty his armor was.

Elfman: Jeez your mission must be rough.

Y/n: You can say that. Say I have someone here who would like to see you two.

Mirajane: Is it a new guild member?

Y/n: (smile) Actually, someone you never believe.

He step aside and Mirajane and Elfmans were shocked to see Lisanna while Lisanna looks up at them and let out a small smile while she said.

Lisanna: (smile) Hi there Mira and Elfman.

Soon the two burst into tears and suddenly the two hugged Lisanna while they burst out crying in joy. It was really Lisanna as they cried even more while Lisanna smiled while she in tears as she hug them back while Y/n smiled to see a family back together after all these years as Mirajane and Elfman were happy and glad that their little sister has returned to them and they are now happy family once again.

To be continued............................

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