Chapter 37: Last stand
The huge Lacrima island is making it's way towards the Exceeds home island and soon it will crash and make a huge explosion that will kill both fairy Tail and the Exceeds. On the Lacrima island we see Leo, Rex, Gajeel and Happy battle a Edolas Knight named Lily as Rex charge towards him as he fire his twin pistols at him but his armor bounce off the armor while Rex gets close and land a a few blows at Lily as he strike a blow at his stomach and headbutted him I the head which cost Lily to step back.
Then Gajeel leap over and land a strike and was about to land a strike at Lily but he dodged it as he slids to the left. Then he quickly turn around and grab the barrel of Leo's shotgun and snatch it out of his hand and kicks Leo, sending him flying and rolling towards the edge when Happy came down and managed to stop his rolls before he rolls off the cliff.
Happy: I got you.
Leo: Thanks for that Happy.
They get up and see the Lacrima island getting close to the Exceeds so Leo turns to the others and tell them.
Leo: We're running out of time! The island is about to crash any second now!
Rex: We have to stop it before it's too late.
Lily: There is no way to stop it!
Then he grabs Rex by the neck while he blocks Gajeel's strike as the two stare at each other while Lily tells them.
Lily: Soon the island will crash and our goal will be complete.
Rex: So you be willing to kill your own kind for the sake of your king?
Rex: You must understand that your king doesn't give a crap about your race and only wants to kill them all in hopes to bring magic to this land. Do you wish to watch thousands of Exceeds all die within seconds, or you wish to help your kind and fight with us to take down the king.
Lily stare at him and back to the Exceeds island as he thinks about this until the island they were on suddenly slows down and then stop inches from the Exceeds island.
Gajeel: It stopped?
Happy: How?
Natsu: Hey, you guys!
They Leo and Happy look down at the edge of the cliff and see Natsu, Lucy, Erza, Gray, Coco, Ur, Y/n, Benjamin, Iris, Alaia, Saie Brielle and most UNSC marines as Natsu, Lucy, Erza, Gray and Coco tries to push the Lacrima island back along with the large blue creature while Y/n and the others cover them in case the Edolas knights would come for them.
Leo: Good to see you all again.
Lucy: (smile) Same to you.
Coco: We're gonna save the Exceeds no matter what Lily. We're still friends after all so I won't let you or your Exceed friends die right here, right now.
Lily is surprised while he turn to Rex still grabbing his throat and then he let's him go as Rex drops onto the ground with his feet and stood up as Lily nodes to him ehile Rex nodes back.
Gajeel stands down as he, Happy and Lily rushed over to help Natsu and the others while Leo and Rex leap over to Y/n and the others as they landed and rush up to them.
Leo: You think it?
Brielle: If we have explosions we can destroy the chains.
Benjamin: We have some rocket launchers that we can use.
Y/n: Then get them out. Target at the chain.
Benjamin: You heard the men, get a move on!
The marines node and ready the rocket launchers and they fire at the chains which there was a few explosions but didn't do much damage to it.
Y/n: Keep firing. We gonna destroy that chain before it's too late!
Wendy: Y/n!
He turn and sees Wendy and Carla as they rush up to them.
Y/n: Did you get the Exceeds out of here?
Carla: (smirk) Well chance of plans.
Y/n: Chance of plans? What do you-
Then they all see the Exceeds with wings flying by them and helping up Natsu and the others as they slowly push back the Lacrima as best they can.
Male marine: Okay that's something.
Benjamin: Force on the chain marine!
They did so as they fire at the chains but there it didn't do anything. Y/n had a idea as he grab some detonators and grabs a spar jetpack and flies over towards the chain and once on the chain he runs up to where it grabbed and plan some explosions onto it.
Once that he flies away and once clear he press the button and there was a huge explosion followed by a blue light that suddenly blinds everyone and within seconds the chain immediately disappeared and the island float away from the Exceeds island.
Once they realised this, they cheered as Y/n lands back onto the Exceeds island and looks back to the Lacrima island and suddenly a portal appear above them and it slowly starts to suck the Lacrima out from the island and then gose through the portal and once that the portal closes.
Everyone was silent know as they watch the now empty island disappeared while the others wonder what happened to the Fairy Tail guild within the Lacrima now.
Brielle: What happened?
Iris: Is our guild gone?
Wendy: Oh no.
???: You don't have worry.
Everyone all turn and they were surprised to see Mystogan while on the same huge blue creature as he explains.
Mystogan: Your guild is safely return to Earthland. Right now you guild members dose not remember anything abut they are all safe and sound.
Benjamin: That's a relief.
Y/n: (smirk) Seems like we did it!
Everyone cheered once more and smiled as they succeed of stopping the Lacrima from hitting the Exceeds island and got Earthland Fairy Tail safely back to their word.
Y/n looks over to see Lily and Mystogan staring at each other as Mystogan remove his hood to reveal Jellal.
Y/n: (shocked) Wait Jellal?! What the hell?
Wendy: (smile) He's the Edolas Jellal. I know it's confusing for me and Carla when we first met him but after what we been through it now make sense now.
Carla: (smile) You'll get used to it.
Y/n: Well since I've been through in weird situations such as this one. I think I've already gone used.
They giggled while he turns back to Lily only for a beam gose through hid chest all of a sudden, making him yell as everyone is shocked by this.
Edolas Jellal: Lily!
Leo: In coming!
They all look over to see Edolas Erza and the other Edolas knights heading towards them as they yell as they charge towards them.
Y/n: Crap! Incoming back up!
Y/n and the others open fire at them but the Edolas knights fired at them which they dodge the incoming shots and soon the grounr beneath them start to fall apart and Y/n, Alaia, Iris, Saie, Brielle, Benjamin and a few marines fell off the island and they were falling towards the ground.
Lucy: we gonna help them!
Erza: You guys go while I'll defend the Exceeds.
They node as Wendy, Happy, Gajeel and Carla join the others Lucy have the creature to go down while Y/n and the others are falling. They try to use their jetpack but they run out of fuel.
Y/n: Shit! I'm out!
Lucy: Guys!
Then the large creature came down and they see this and soon they land onto Lucy and the others but suddenly one od the Edolas knights land a hit at their ride and they go down.
Alaia: Hold on!
Soon they crashed hard onto a open area with the forest around them. Once crashed they got out and find some cover before the Edolas knights would coms.
Y/n: We need to get ready when they come.
Natsu: Wait!
Y/n: What is it?
Natsu: I can smell him.
Gajeel: Same here.
Wendy: Me too.
Rex: Who the Edolas King?
Natsu: Yeah. We go and take him down once and for all.
Y/n: Right. We lower the guards away from you three. Good luck.
Natsu node and the three dragon slayer head off while the others get to cover and soon the Edolas Knights land across from them and charge towards them.
Y/n: Looks like this might be our last stand everyone. Let's give them hell!
The marines cried out as they open fire and take out a fee Edolas knights as the Spartans open fire at them and taking out every Edolas Knights they see. Gray and Ur freeze them with his ice magic and use his ice magic to make cover for the marines while Lucy summons Leo from her Celestial key and he blows up the Edolas knights.
Y/n fired his rifle and dodge some shots as he fire a round of hid rifle while he tossed his grenade towards them which blows up and send them flying as he dodge a swing from a knights and turn and fire his rifle at him. Brielle creates huge waves with her gravity hammer that sent the Edolas knights flying, Alaia and Iris fire a few rounds at the Edolas knights, Iris dodges theie swings and stabs them with her knife and then tossed the knife towards a knight, stabbing the knight in the eye. Rex, Coco and Leo, the marines, Happy and Carla as the Leo, Rex and the marines continue to open fire at them but suddenly there was some explosions as the knights now bring up heavy weapons as they fire some explosions at them which cost a few marines to be sent flying back and land hard onto the ground.
Leo: We're getting overwhelmed here!
Y/n: Hold the line!
Lucy: We can't give up let! We gonna keep on fighting!
Soon Gray and Ur was hit by a explosion and was sent flying back including Coco, Happy and Carla. Brielle slammed her gravity hammers at them and sending them flying but soon a few explosions over whelmed her and the last explosions sent her flying, separated her Gravity hammers as she fell onto thr ground.
Y/n: Brielle!
A few explosions hits on the rest ad Alaia and Saie try their best but soon they were shot too much and then was sent flying from the explosion. Lucy, Iris, Leo and everyone else were fallen from the explosions, leaving Y/n standing as he turn only for him to get blow up and sent flying.
He rolled to the ground and slammed onto the wall. He nearly gets up as his hud beeps very fast due to his shields burst as he look over to see the Edolas knights near his friends and aiming theie spears at them.
Y/n sees this and flashes of his old teams deaths appear in his head and knows he can't let this happen again, not in his life.
(Epic battle theme)
He slowly gets up while his shields return back as he gets up and looks over to see the Edolas knights pointing their spears at him as they approach him. He sees this and knows he is out numbered but he doesn't care.
He quickly draw out his pistol and fire at a few shots at the Edolas knights and then rush towards them while he fired his pistol and once he was out he tossed his pistol at a Edolas knights head, knocking him out and then grabbing a Fallen shot gun and fire a few pumps at the Edolas knights.
Breaking their armor as the shells hit their armor as he make theie way towards them in a fast paced and dodging their attacks as he swing his head and body to dodge the incoming spears and then kicked one to his knees and turn to dodge another spear swing and then headbutted the Knight, knocking him out and he lands onto the ground while he fired a shot with the kneeled Knight as he pulls out the last grenade the tossed it at the Edolas Knights which land near them and the grenade blows up, sending the knights flying while everyone watched in amazement.
Coco: Whoa! Is this what Spartans do!
Gray: (smirk) Yep.
Coco: (surprised) Awesome!
Then Y/n rushed over and grab two assault rifles and fire at them, taking out many Edolas knights around him and once he was out he drop his twin rifles and pulls out his engery sword and shield snd blocks their strikes and slicing them as he swing his engery sword, cutting off their metal swords as Y/n kicks them back and continues to battle with his energy sword and energy shield as the Edolas knights were now terrified as one Spartan is taking all of them out.
Soon Brielle and the other Spartans join the fight as Brielle grabs one od her gravity hammers and slammed at them while the rest open fire at them while they get up and join up with Y/n.
Together they battle the Edolas knights as they swing, shoot and stab the Edolas knights that were coming there way. They tossed every grenade they have, frag, spike, plasma, anythings that deals a lot of damage as the Edolas knights were sent flying after every explosion as they continue to fight then together.
Leo: We won't go down without a fight! You hear us!
Rex: Your messing with the wrong group of Spartans! Because we don't go down that easy!
Ur: (smirk) Yeah that's right suckers!
Alaia: We won't surrender for our friends!
Saie: If we die here then we will sacrifice ourselves for the sake of our friends!
Iris: That's right!
The Edolas knights charges towards them but they keep on fighting, standing their ground even if they fire some explosions around them they still stand their ground. They keep on battling as theie shields break once more and their armor starf to craxk due to how many shots that are hitting them.
One even landed on Y/n's helmet which he groan in pain while Lucy and others worry that he might be hard but he stood his ground disbite his visor being broke, exposing his serious face which made the Edolas knights fear them even more. Still they continue to charge towards them but they keep on fighting, some throwing away their empty weapons and join Y/n and Brielle with melee combat as they strike blows at the Edolas knights and showing true warrior spirit as they take on many guards and kicking them away.
Lucy: Let go of me!
Y/n looks over to see Lucy in trouble so he rushed over while the two Edolas knights grab a hold of her but Y/n kicks one away and scares the other one which cost him to run away while Y/n picks up Lucy as tells her.
Y/n: (smirk) That's twice I've saved you.
Lucy: (smirk) Still thanks Y/n.
Then there was a explosion hit near them which Y/n covers Lucy as they look over to see more Edolas knights coming their way however all of sudden coming came out from the ground.
(Epic battle theme ends)
Gaint vines came out from the ground and slammed onto the Edolas knights, sending them flying while some back. Suddenly something came out from the ground behind Y/n and the others as they turn to see a large green tree with the Fairy Tail flag on it.
Y/n: Fairy Tail?
Lucy: (smirk) Nope. That's the Edolas Fairy Tail.
Soon the doors open and all the Edolas Fairy Tail members came out while holding wizard like weapons as they stare at the Edolas knights and they charge towards the Edolas knights as Y/n is surprised by this and says to Lucy.
Y/n: Well this will be a interesting battle.
To be continued....................................
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