Chapter 36: The fight for the key

A school like Bell can be heard ringing out the dark ans scary looking hallway whike laying on the floor we see Y/n laying on the ground when he suddenly move his hands and slowly forms a fist and slowly gets up. He shake his head while he slowly gets up on one knee and look around to see he was in what looks like a school hallway but something was different about it.

He gets up onto his feet and looks around whike he try to remember what happened and how he end up like this.

Y/n: How did I get here? The last thing i remember was that blast from-

Suddenly flashes of the fight within he theme park appear in his head as he remembered what happened.

Y/n: Oh right. I remember now. Shit. Those two were pretty strong I give them that.

He grab his things and one's that he try to call up anyone in his coms.

Y/n: Guys is anyone alive? Lucy, Iris, Natsu, Gray do you guys copy? Anyone? Shit. Let's see what this place might be.

He slowly make his walk through the hallway while searching for anyone that could be in this creepy place. He can hear some creepy laughter behind or in front which he aim his rifle around but there was nothing so he keeps on walking.

Hi make his way through the halls while growls and distant roars are heard as Y/n slowly walk through until he head something hitting at one of the lockers next to him. He swing his rifle at the locker and aim at it. There was more hits by the locker more and more as Y/n approach the locker and grab the handle.

He then open the locker and a witch jumped at him which made him open fire his rifle and shoot her dead. But he noticed sparks coming out of the witch as the witch retrieve itself back into the locker and the locker doors shut in front of him.

Y/n: Is this some kind of a scary theme park? Guess one of those guys must have put us here after we were defeated and unconscious. Hope they are alright.

His HUD pick up someone approach him from behind so he turn and aim his rifle and waits for someone to come towards him. He can hear someone running towards him and it was pretty fast. Suddenly Lucy appear running towards Y/n and then actually bumped into Y/n.

Y/n: Lucy are you-

Then he realised she was wearing a sexxy biking like outfit which made him blush underneath his helmet while Lucy tells Y/n.

Lucy: We need to run now!

Y/n: Why it's just a theme park. It's not like those animatronics isn't gonna kill us.

Lucy: Well tell that to those guys!

She points that she was running from and Y/n sees monster students rushing towards them and they were ready to kill them.

Y/n: Okay then never mind we should run!

The two make a run from the monster students. There were too many of them to face so after a while of running they hide within one of the lockers which worked as the monsters run pass them.

We see the two squeeze up within a locker with Lucy's breast pressed against Y/n's chest armor which he blushed but ignore that and ask Lucy.

Y/n: Where's Natsu, Iris and Gray?

Lucy: Well me and Natsu work up in a class room while i don't know where Gray and Iris are at. They might be fighting Sugerboy.

Y/n: And Hughes?

Lucy: Natsu is fighting him at the class room.

Y/n: Can you take me to him. He might need some help.

Lucy: I would if I know where he was. I mean I was chaste by monster students so yeah, kinda forgot.

Y/n: Okay and one last question which I'm not a pervert but.....why are you wearing that?

Lucy: Oh....Well I woke up in this changing machine that changes peoples clothes. Of course Natsu was having fun with I so I gave him a taste of hid own medicine. Of course before we know it Hughes came so Natsu have a "good idea" to distract him.

Y/n: Let me guess. It didn't work.

Lucy: Yeah didn't work at all. (Smirk) Say, you think I'm hot while wearing this?

Y/n: (blush) One problem at the time.

Lucy: (smirk) Whatever you say.

Soon the two got our of the locker and look around. Ones they see the Ghost is clear they make their way through the hall while Lucy ask Y/n.

Lucy: So what now?

Y/n: Best we find a way out and regroup with Iris and Gray outside.

Lucy: You think they be alright?

Y/n: I'm sure they be fine. Still let's get out of here before more of those monster students find us.

Lucy: Right.

They make their way through the halls of the theme park like school until they managed to make it out and look around to not see Gray or Iris anywhere.

Lucy: Got them?

Y/n: Can't see them in my HUD. They might be further of the theme park.

Lucy: Well let's look around and find them. Them qe find Natsu and-

She rush off onky for her to bump into someone as the two fell onto the ground while Y/n walks rush up to Lucy and turn to see Coco laying on the ground while still holding the key.

Alaia: Y/n! Lucy!

Then Alaia, Brielle and Saie rush up to them while Lucy gets up from that while Coco dose the same. The trio looks at Lucy's outfit ad Brielle ask her.

Brielle: What's with the outfit your wearing?

Lucy: It's a long story but whose this child?

Saie: That's Coco. She was apart of the Edolas army but not anymore.

Y/n: Why?

Coco: Because they want to destroy the Exceeds and they need this to activate it.

She shows them the large key as both Lucy and Y/n look at it until Y/n pick up something coming up behind the girls so he looks over and see an old man arrive towards them as he catch his breath while the rest turn to him.

Y/n: Whose he?

Brielle: Apart of those jerks who harm Coco.

Byro: You will hand over the key now Coco.

Brielle: (smirk) She doesn't have to listen to you. Now time for you to go flying!

He charge towards Byro as she was to hit him with her gravity hammer when he splashed Brielle with some liquid which immediately she was frozen in ice.

Y/n: Brielle!

Lucy: You okay!?

Coco: Watch out! He uses liquid spells, you better be careful.

Saie: So just avoid the incoming liquids. Got it.

Y/n: Let's do this girls.

Lucy: Yeah!

Lucy summons Taurus as he appear behind Y/n and the rest.

Taurus: (smirk) Look at you girls, you can are soo hot!

Lucy: Force on him and be careful with his attacks!

Taurus: Whatever you say!

He charges towards Byro but he splashes that burned Taurus and immediately was defeated but Saie run pass him and try to strike a blow but he splashed a storm attack that sent everyone flying. Y/n grabs Coco and lands his feet onto the floor while everyone land hard onto the ground.

Soon Brielle breaks out the ice and charge at him but he quickly dodges and splashed some explosion liquid that sent Brielle flying and land hard onto the floor.

Brielle: (anger) He's starting to piss me off.

Y/n: Lucy we need more help!

Lucy: Right! I'll summon Virgo!

She dose so and Virgo appeared in front of Y/n and the rest as Y/n stood up and pulls out his flash bang.

Virgo: Is there anything I can do?

Y/n: (smirk) You can help us punished this old dude over there.

Virgo: I will do so.

She digs underground while Y/n rushed towards Byro and tossed a flash bang which blow up, blinding him as Y/n managed to land a blow at Byro just as Virgo made a hole that he fell into.

Lucy: (smile) Alright!

Virgo: Will you punished me now princess?

Lucy: Your so weird!

Coco: (thought) She's a princess! I never knew she was a princess in her world. So would that make Y/n a king since the two are together?

Alaia: You think he survived?

Y/n: Maybe but we should move before-

Suddenly there was a earthquake and before they know it a gaint tentacle came out of the hole wiich Y/n immediately dodges as the large tentacle slams onto thr ground. Then a few more tentacles show up and then a gaint octopus came out of the ground while Bryo's face is shown like he was turned into a gaint octopus like creature.

Saie: Oh fuck.

Brielle: You've got to be kidding me!

Alaia: He has Coco!

They see Coco captured by one of Byro's tentacles as he laughs while he make his move towards Y/n and the rest.

Byro: Now I will crash you all and our plan will be complete!

Lucy: This is bad.

Y/n: Everyone pull back now!

Then a tentacle grabs Y/n and lifted him up into the air as Byro slowly starts to squeeze him as Y/n lend out a groan of pain.

Brielle: We got to do something!

Lucy: But how.

Virgo: Princess take this!

Then Virgo hands something to Lucy as she looks at it and ask.

Lucy: What's this?

Virgo: It's a wipe from the celestial world. You might use it against him but I don't think it won't do any damage to it.

Saie: Well it's better then having nothing on us. Ready for this Lucy!

Lucy: Yeah! Let's do this!

She actived the wipe and once that the girls charge towards Byro with Brielle slamming her twin gravity hammers at Bryo's stomach while both Alaia and Saie got onto the roof building and open fire at him, costing him to move his tentacles and try to hit them.

While Lucy try to use her wipe but it didn't do enough damage to Byro which he swings his tentacle at her, hitting her and she crashed onto thr ground.

Y/n: Lucy!

Lucy slowly gets up as she looks at the wipe and look up at Byro having both Y/n and Coco as she thinks to herself.

Lucy: (thought) I can't just give up here, not right now. Y/n risk his own life of others including mine. Time to save Y/n this time!

She reactivated her wipe this time it was fully charged and she charge towards Byro and managed to land some damaged towards Byro whike Byro gets hit a lot.

Then Y/n can feel like Byro's grip on Y/n is losing so he forced on his strength and soon he was break free and leap over towards Coco and managed to free her while Byro sees this as Y/n pulls out four grenades and said.

Y/n: (smirk) open wide!

He unpin them and tossed them into his mouth and once that he grabs Coco and jump off as the grenades go off which hurt Byro as he start to fall and soon he hit the floor with a heavy thud.

Y/n lands on his feet whike he holds Coco by his arm as he put her down and turn to see Byro turning back to normal and lay their unconscious while Lucy and the rest walk up to them.

Brielle: (smirk) Now that was great.

Y/n turn to them and sees Lucy's new wipe which he tells her.

Y/n: (smirk) Nice wipe.

Lucy: (smile) Thanks. Just glad you two are safe.

Y/n nodes and then realised Coco drop the key somewhere and soon they find the key. Y/n was walking towards it when Sugerboy appear on his bike as he snatched the key off the ground and ride off.

Y/n: Hey!

Sugerboy: (smirk) Sorry but this key belong to us. Take care.

Coco: Oh no! If he brings it back to the king then he'll use it to kill all the Exceeds!

Y/n: We need a vehicle!

Gray: I'm on it!

Suddenly Gray rides by them as he chase after Sugerboy while Iris rushes towards them and tells Y/n.

Iris: We need to head outside now. Benjamin and his forces are getting out numbered and we need to help them.

Y/n: Right. Alaia, Brielle, Saie your with me. Coco, Lucy find Natsu and regroup with Gray if he gets that key. Find Erza as well and finish the job.

Lucy: You got it.

Y/n: Right then Spartans let's move!

They head off to help out Benjamin while Coco watched the, go and find the Spartans even more cooler working together.


We see Benjamin Ur and marines being outnumbered by Edolas knights and they were running out of ammo as the Edolas knights get closer ans closed towards them. Ur beast them up and thanks to Gajeel giving her the pills that he give her, she can use her magic and freeze up the Edolas knights guards.

Ur: Damn they are too many of them.

Male Marine: We're running our of ammo!

Benjamin: Then hit then with yoru weapons! Let's show those knights the might if the UNSC!

Male marine: Yes sir!

Ur: (smirk) Looks like this battle maybe Huge.

Benjamin: Yeah but let's give them hell.

Ur: (smirk) Right!

Benjamin fire a few rounds from his pistol until he ran out which he tossed the pistol at a Edolas Knight which fell onto the ground and then he tossed some grenades that sent the knights flying ones they go off. Ur is seen taking oit the Edolas knights while freezing them with her use magic.

A few marines would either get shot or stabbed by the Edolas knights as Benjamin sees they were about to be killed when suddenly bullets fly by from behind and soon the Edolas knights were killed and Benjamin and Ur sees Y/n, Saie, Alaia, Brielle and Iris as they walk up towards them as Benjamin tells them.

Benjamin: Thank god you guys show up. Here we thought we were about to be killed.

Y/n: You did a good job you two. I guess Leo and Rex are on that Lacrima island.

Ur: Yeah along with Happy and Carla.

Y/n: What about Edolas Gajeel? Where is he?

Benjamin: Don't know. He must have run off or something, I don't know.

Ur: You can't blame him. He's a reporter, not a fighter.

Y/n: He did his job.

Brielle: So what's the plan?

Y/n: We wait here until Natsu and the rest are out with the key. Hopefully they can get the key before it's-

Suddenly the whole capital turns red follow by the Palace Tower opening up as everyone turn to see something coming out of the tower and soon something shot out and hit the gaint Lacrima island.

Alaia: Oh shit.

Ur: (shocked) What in hell is that?!

Saie: They activate it!

Brielle (anger) God fucking damn it! Now what?!

They watched as the gaint Lacrima island moves towards the Exceeds home and they only have who knows how long until th3 Lacrima will hit the island, killing but Exceeds and their own earthland guild.

Benjamin: What should we do sir?

Y/n: Leo, Rex do you read me! The island your standing on his moving! You need to get out of there now!

Leo: (coms) No shits it's moving! Hold on, we try to-

Edolas knights: There they are!

They turn to see another wave of Edolas knights charging towards them which they open fire but they deployed their shields to block the incoming bullets.

Saie: What should we do now!

Y/n: Just stand your ground and let me think!

They were starting to get surround and they were thought this was it but then a giant blue creature crashes in front of them and they see Erza, Gray, Natsu, Lucy and Coco as Erza tells them.

Erza: Get on! Now!

Y/n: You hear her! Go Go Go!

They climb on and one's that Erza takes off as they breath a sigh of relief.

Y/n: Nice safe Erza.

Erza: Your welcome.

Y/n: Still we have a problem in our hands.

Erza: I know we need to stop that Lacrima island from crashing into the Exceeds.

Brielle: Did Wendy and Carla told us they are going up their to warn them about this?

Alaia: Let's hope so.

Y/n: I know those two can do it. For now we need to do everything in our power to stop it from killing the other Exceeds. Let's do this guys!

Everyone: Yeah!

They head towards where the Lacrima island is crashing into and they hope they can stop it from crashing into the Exceeds and they also hoped that Wendy and Carla get the Exceeds out of the island before it's too late.

To be continued......................................

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