Chapter 35: Someone to trust
Gunfire can be hard in the room where Natsu and Wendy are being held in within the Edolas Palace follow by screams and more Gunfire. Then we cut to Iris taking out the last Edolas knight as the knight fell onto the ground while Benjamin breaks Natsu and Wendy's chains and set them down on the floor and check to see they are alive.
Iris looks out of the door in case of any more knights that might come at their way as she glance over to Benjamin who he look up at her and node, signalling her that the two are alive but unconscious. She nodes back and then they head rushing footsteps which Iris ready her Silence SMG and waiting for the footsteps to get closer and closer. Then Lucy, Carla and Happy enter the room as Iris immediately lower her SMG and tells the trio.
Iris: Jesus I would have shot you within a second if you guys weren't fast enough.
Lucy: Yeah probably shouldn't radio you in to say we're on our way.
Then Happy and Carla rushes over to Natsu and Wendy as Benjamin bends down to them and tells them.
Benjamin: They're alive but unconscious.
Carla: Wendy I'm so sorry this happen to you.
Happy: Me too Natsu! I'm sorry.
They watch this happen when Rex radios in Iris as she answer.
Rex: (radio) Iris we need some back up here! We're getting out numbered right about now!
Iris: Understood Rex, back up on its way.
Benjamin: I'll go and help them.
Happy: Same here.
Lucy: Be safe you guys.
The two rush out of the room and after they left Y/n and Gray rush into the room and see the room is clear and Natsu and Wendy are safe.
Iris: Where's the rest?
Y/n: Brielle, Alaia and Saie are holding off the Edolas knights as best they can. How's Natsu and Wendy?
Iris: Alive, thank god for that. What were they doing to them?
Y/n: No idea.
Then Gray walk over and shakes Natsu violently while yelling at him to wake up.
Gray: Hey wake up you lazy idiot!
Lucy: Jeez no need to shake him that way.
Gray stops and see either Natsu or Wendy are going to wake so he said while pulling out a bottlel filled with pills.
Gray: Well since they won't wake up best we give them these.
Y/n: What are those?
Gray: These are magic pills? Take one of these can allow you to use magic in Edolas. Gajeel give us these when we were free them that Lacrima.
Iris: You mean the Lacrima that was in the capital? But I thought that was the guild Hall?
Y/n: I thought so as well. Seems like they are still out there.
Gray: Huh, want one?
Y/n: I'm good. I'll wait until we head back home.
Gray: Sure thing.
Gray puts the pills into both Natsu and Wendy which made them to wake up coughing ad Natsu coughs while Y/n and Iris help him up.
Y/n: Take it easy man. You oka-whoa!
The two step back when his flames suddenly burst out from his fist as he growl in anger and then rush out of the room as they watch him go.
Lucy: Where is he going ?!
Iris: Probably tracking down those people who tortured him and Wendy.
Y/n: Don't blame him.
Carla: Wendy!
They turn to see Wendy coughing and soon she woke up as Y/n bend down next to her.
Y/n: You alright Wendy? What did they do to you and Natsu?
Wendy: (coughing) We have to.....stop them. Before they destroy the Exceeds.
Y/n: What?
Iris: What do you mean?
Lucy: Yeah what are you talking about?
Wendy: They were draining our dragon slayer magic so they can use a weapon that can slammed the Lacrima Island above into hhe Exceeds home.
Y/n: That Lacrima island? Wait a minute, is that Lacrima island possible where our guilf might be at?
Iris: It is huge so it would make sense. But why would hey target at the Exceeds? I thought they see them as gods or something?
Wendy: They believe if they clash the Lacrima into the Exceeds home there will be a gaint explosion and magic will rain down apon Edolas, bring magic to them forever and ever.
Y/n: (shocked) If that happens then our guild and the Exceeds will be gone.
They are shocked by this news as Y/n nodes to Wendy and stood up and radio in Rex.
Y/n: Rex this is Y/n, find you way to the large Lacrima island above you and try to free our guild.
Rex: (radio) Copy that!
Gray: So what's the plan?
Y/n: We need to find the king and stop him before it's too late. We split up and find the king. Time is against us everyone, we don't know how long until the king decided to unleash this weapon onto the Exceeds home.
They agree but then hear another rushing footsteps which Iris and Y/n aim their weapons and suddenly Natsu came back this time screaming in fear and then tells them.
Then Natsu noticed Gray as Gray looked at him and then Natsu ask Gray.
Natsu: Are you our Gray or weird Gray?!
Gray: What are you on about?
Lucy: He's our Gray Natsu.
Wendy: (surprised) Huh, your our Gray? Why didn't you say so?
Gray is shocked by this while Iris asked Wendy.
Iris: Wait you just notice that now?
Y/n: I may not know who this other Gray is but I'm pretty sure he is our Gray.
Gray: (tears) Oh I get it now. Its probably because it's dark and you guys can't see me. Right?
Y/n: (smirk) Oh don't be a drama queen Gray, they probably met the other Gray from this world.
Wendy: (panic) I'm so sorry that I offended you Gray! Thank you for saving us.
Gray: Sure. No problem.
Carla looks down as Wendy turns to her and tell her.
Wendy: (smile) And thank you as well Carla. Your the best.
Carla just stay quiet while Y/n sees that she is stay ashame but she'll be fine. Once that was settled they exit out of the room as Y/n and Iris go to the left while Natsu, Lucy and Gray will go on the right.
Y/n: What about you Wendy and Carla?
Wendy: We try to warn the Exceeds about this and hopefully we can get them all out of there.
Y/n: Right. Good luck guys and stay safe.
Natsu: (smirk) You too man and thanks for the save.
Y/n: (smirk) No problem. See you guys at the other side.
And so they split off to find the king and stop his plan before its too late.
We see the laying bodies of the Edolas knights as we see Brielle, Alaia and Saie as the trio breath heavily ad Brielle stood up while holding both Gravity hammers as they see the mess they have made as Brielle smirked underneath her helmet and lend out a yell.
Brielle: (smirk) BEST! FUCKING DAY! EVER!!!!!!!
Alaia: Man there were so many of them.
Saie: Yeah no kidding. You think Y/n and the rest made it?
Alaia: Hope so.
Alaia: Brielle please calm down.
Brielle: (smirk) What ever you say. So should we catch up with Y/n and the rest?
Alaia: I guess we should. Say look over there!
They turn and at the other side they see the Edolas King walking by them as the trio watch him walk through and then disappeared at the other side.
Saie: Was that the king?
Brielle: Looks like him. What is he doing?
Alaia: Let's follow him, come on!
The trio follow the king, trying to figure out what he is doing. After a while of following they reach to a large open gate with only two guards who allow the king to enter. Once inside Alaia and Saie take down the guards and once that they slightly open the doors and peak inside to see a massive room with a large machine as the Edolas King approaches a small and really old man as he turns to him.
???: My sire the dragon chain cannon is ready. Soon we will use it to smash the Exceeds home and magic will rain down apon us at last.
Edolas King: Very good. With this power we can use it to destroy our gods and magic will rain down and once that the world of Edolas will have its magic!
Brielle: (whisper) Man he is one crazy old dude.
Saie: (whisper) Agree.
Alaia: (whisper) Still they are going to destroy the Exceeds with that machine. We gonna do something.
???: Here my lord. This key will active the dragon chain cannon and our goal will be complete.
He show the Edolas King the key which Alaia pulls out her DMR and aims down at the scope as the Edolas King turn and reach out his hand to grab it. Alaia aims at the Edolas King's head as she have her finger at the trigger and she was about to pull it when suddenly another voice this time a child called out.
??? 2: King wait!
Then a female child rushes very quickly towards as the two old men turn to her.
???: Coco what are you doing here?!
Coco: Wait king don't fire it yet! Lily is on he gaint Lacrima island and if you active it, he'll die!
There was silence in the room as the Edolas King glare at Coco in a cold way and then ask.
Edolas King: Why do I care about him?
Coco: He's your loyal knight and served with you all these years!
Edolas King: I do not care about his loyalty or what he fights for. He is a Exceed so there for he and the rest of the Exceeds will die.
Coco: But that isn't fair! You can't kill Lily, I refuse that to happen!
She then snatches the key and makes a run for it. The Edolas King wave his staff and blast a lighting bolt at her legs that cost her to fell.
Brielle: (whisper) That little fucking bastard! No one harms a child on my watch!
Brielle kicks the door open and rushes over as the Edolas King zaps another bolt at Ccoc but Brielle gets the front of it and blocks it. Her shields break as the Edolas King stops while Coco turn to see Brielle protection her which surprised her while Alaia and Saie rush over and aim tueie weapons the two.
Alaia: Stop this now! Your done here.
Edolas King: (anger) I will not allow you three to stop me! Our dreams will come true just you wait, Edolas will be reborn once more!
Saie: By what? Killing another species and our guild for what? To bring magic to your world? Your insane.
???: You dare to be rude to the king! You all shall be punished!
Brielle: Fuck off dude. As long the key is with us, you won't active it.
The two were angry by this as Alaia throws in a smoke grenade and smoke filles the air as Brielle picks up Coco and the trio make theie escape while Coco is surprised that three mysterious and scary looking warriors came and saved her.
Edolas King: Byro, go after them and bring back that key!
Byro: Yes sire!
We see the four hiding within a room as they take a breather while also helping up Coco as we see Alaia help Coco wrap her leg around with bandages and once that she place both hands onto Coco's shoulders and ask her.
Alaia: There you go. You okay?
Coco nodes but feels a bit nervous which Alaia understood so she took off her helmet and set it aside her while Coco is surprised to see her face.
Alaia: (smile) Names Alaia-G770. That's Brielle-A523 and Saie-A680. We're Spartans of the UNSC.
Coco: Spartans?
Alaia: (smile) Super soldiers to fight against threats such as this one. Say you were very brave standing up for what is right.
Coco: I only done it to protect Lily but now I see how evil the king really is. I'm so sorry for what we did, please forgive me.
Alaia: (smile) Don't apologise. It's never your fault.
Brielle: Yeah if anyone to blame is that king who sent us here.
Saie: Yeah. He's the one to blame.
Coco: I guess so. Still why did you three save me? Aren't I your enemy?
Alaia: Well after what you did back there, not anymore. Besides I can tell your very sweet and have a good Heart within you.
Coco: (smile) Thanks. Your three aren't soo bad as well.
Alaia: (smile) Thanks.
Brielle: So tell us. What is this Dragon chain cannon and what dose it do?
Coco: The dragon chain cannon is a weapon that allows to control the two floating islands above us. This key here is powered by dragon slayer magic and once it's installed, the cannon will fire a large chain that will hit the Lacrima island and pulls it towards the Exceeds home.
Alaia: But without the key they can't active it right?
Coco: Yeah.
Brielle: (smirk) Awesome! Then all we have to do is to destroy it.
Brielle grabs the sky and throws it to the ground and raises her Gravity hammer to smash it when Coco called out.
Coco: Wait don't! That is the only way to return your guild friends to normal and back home!
Brielle: Huh?
Saie: What did you say?
Coco: Well.....I don't know much but what I do know is that dragon slayer magic can free anyone inside of Lacrima and since that's powered by dragon slayer magic, it can also be used to free your guild friends and return them back home.
Saie: But we have three dragon slayers with us so why do we need the key if we have three dragon slayers?
Coco: The differences is that three dragon slayers isn't enough to free your friends. Some might be free but others could be lost, that's why this key is important to not just the king but to you all as well. That key is the only one that can bring your friends back to normal and back home.
The trio listened to Coco as they look down at the key and wounder what to do with it. Then Alaia picks up the key and puts it onto her back and tells the rest.
Alaia: Then it looks like we need to head back to the room and use the chain cannon to sent everyone back home ams safe.
Saie: But how? Those guards could be crawling at the room we were in. Probably even more.
Coco: I know one way to get in! Follow me!
Alaia: Right, let's go girls.
She put on her helmet and once that the four exit out of the room and make theie way to another path that they can get back to the room in hopes to use the key ti free their captured guild friends and return them home.
We see Y/n and Iris taking out Edolas knights while moving up and searching around. They search for the king but there is no sigh of them. Soon they some how come across Natsu, Lucy and Gray as the trio rush over to them and stood beside a large neck on their left.
Y/n: Any luck?
Natsu: Nope can't seem ti find him anywhere.
Lucy: Maybe he is at the top?
Gray: Still let's search for that room. Maybe he is in here.
Y/n: Copy. Stay back.
They did as Y/n slowly open the door slightly and peek over to see no one so he opens the door fully while he aimed his shotgun and wave to everyone to follow. They did follow as they walk through the long dark hallway as Iris is behind them, backing them up while Y/n is at front. It wasn't long until they see light up ahead and they enter the light and the were shocked and surprised to see a large theme park with the lights turned on but there was nonone around.
Y/n: Um is this some kind of a theme park?
Iris: Looks like it.
Lucy: Man the Edolas King is one crazy duds.
Gray: Yeah just look at this place.
Natsu: (scared) Oh god. Please don't make me go to one of those rides.
Lucy: No we're not Natsu.
Y/n: Stay sharp. This might be a ambush.
They node and they make their way inside the theme park as they look around and see no one but themselves. They move slowly and carful through the theme park and soon they walk by a carousel horse which ut suddenly turned on and they all turned to see it spine around very slowly.
They were about to leave when they hear a chuckle and see a pink armor knight riding on one of the carousel horses as he comes around while he lend out a chuckle while he said.
???: A pleasure to see you all here. Welcome to your end Earthlanders.
The ride stopped and he gets off as he bow in front of them and introduce himself.
Sugerboy: (smirk) The names Sugerboy and it is nice to see that you have come to meet your faith.
Iris: Sugerboy? Yeah I already don't like that guy.
Lucy: Agree.
???: Enjoy the fun while it last!
They turn and look up to see another man standing on top of the tower as he leap down and land on his feet and then walk towards them.
Hughes: The names Hughes and this is the day you earthlanders will fall by our hands.
The two were ready for a fight and so dose Y/n snd the rest as Y/n pumped his shotgun while he said.
Y/n: Well then....let's get this party started.
To be continued..........................................
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