Chapter 33: Explore and search
We see the Pelican were Y/n, Ur, Rex, Brielle, Iris, Alaia and Saie along with Edolas Natsu which he is inside the Pelican being amazed by their ship while we see the rest outside as Rex and Leo look at Edolas Natsu and back to the rest.
Rex: Are you sure it's our Natsu? He might be joking us.
Y/n: We're serious. We saw him getting out of a vehicle which he hates. This must be a different version of him, where ever we are this place must be an alternative dimension.
Leo: That's impossible but than again, we did enter Earthland which is another world so yeah.
Alaia: But how do we know he is our Natsu for sure?
Brielle: Say you said he acts scared easily when he saw you guys right?
Ur: Well yeah, why?
Brielle: I wanna try something.
She walks over to Edolas Natsu and once close she tap him on a shoulder and as soon he turns around, Brielle crackle her knuckles and tells him in a threating tone.
Brielle: Better not touch anything otherwise your dead.
Edolas Natsu is shaking in fear which Brielle turn and tell them.
Brielle: Yep this isn't our Natsu.
Y/n: (thought) Well that answers pur question.
He walks over to Edolas Natsu and ask him.
Y/n: We would like you to ask us some questions about this world.
Edolas Natsu: (scared) S-S-Sure thing.
Y/n: Well first off what is this world, where is our guild and more importantly who is this Edolas King?
Edolas Natsu: Well this world is Edolas, unlike your world this world has no magic and a lot of people struggle to survive without magic. The Edolas King is the ruler of this world and told us there is a way to bring magic to this world by transporting your guild from your world to here.
Y/n: So they can try and bring magic to this world? That's a insane idea I could ever hear!
Brielle: Any idea where our guild want?
Edolas Natsu: I think they must be taking to the capital.
Y/n: And where is the Capital?
Edolas Natsu: It's far but I can take you guys there if you like?
Y/n: No need, thanks. You can go now and be safe.
Edolas Natsu: (smile) Thanks man. Your really nice guy.
Once that he get onto his vehicle and ride off as they watch him ride off.
Rex: You sure it's wise to let him go?
Y/n: I can tell he's not gonna rat us out to who ever summon us here. If the Edolas King is the one then we have to track him down and get our guild back.
Ur: But first we should look for anyone who managed to not be captured. Maybe we can have a chance if we're a bigger group.
Y/n: That's a good idea. Leo, see you can get anyone singal in the Pelican. The rest will stay outside and secure the area.
Leo: You got it!
Leo enter inside while the rest stay outside and look out foe any enemies that might be sent by the Edolas King. Rex and Alaia were around the Pelican, fixing them while the rest are looking out. Ur sat down by the end of the Pelican and feel kinds thirsty so Y/n look around the Pelican and find aome water bottles so he take two and walks over and hand one to Ur.
Ur: (smile) Thanks.
She takes the bottle and have a drink while Y/n sat down next to her, take off his helmet and have a drink as well. The two sat together as Ur ask Y/n.
Ur: You think we can get out of here?
Y/n: I hope so but we get out of her, no matter what.
Ur: Still I feel weird without magic. How can you and the rest in your world manage to survive without magic?
Y/n: (smirk) Technology, creativity and more importantly skills. That's how we manage to survive and involve.
Ur: Huh, that's cool. At least your world doesn't have any problems of other guilds costing some chaos around the world.
Y/n: (chuckle) Yeah that will be a huge mess.
Ur: (giggle) Yeah agree. So you think the rest are alright?
Y/n: Hope so. If we're lucky we might get someone calling out to us.
Ur: (smile) Yeah let's hope we're not the only once here.
The two talk a bit more while we cut to Leo checking on the controls and checking on the radar and soon he hears a beep coming from the computers and turn to see the radar detected a UNSC tag so he called Y/n over.
Leo: Y/n! I got something!
Soon Y/n enter the cockpit and once there Leo show him the singal.
Y/n: Just one?
Leo: Looks like. Should we check I out?
Y/n: I don't know. It could be a trap but on the other hand, it could be a survivor.
Leo: Let's hope it's not a trap. This Pelican is pur only transportation so if this Pelican gose down we might be screwed.
Y/n: Still we can't leave a survivors alive, even if it's a trap or not, we need to investigate and see.
Leo: Alright then, get everyone inside. We're moving out.
Y/n nodes and calls everyone onto the Pelican and so they get inside the Pelican and once inside Leo starts up the Pelican and the Pelican take off and flies off to track down the singal and see it might be a UNSC survivor.
We see dead UNSC marines laying on the sand as we see Edolas knights around them after they won the battle. We then see two knights placing Benjamin to his knees as he look up to the Edolas Knight captain ad he look down at him ad Benjamin just tell him.
Benjamin: You fuckers. Why are you doing this?
Edolas Knight captain: Our orders to locate any Earthland beings and either bring them to the capital or kill them and sinceyour just a....what ever you and the rest are, then you deserve death.
Benjamin: Go fuck yourself. Your the people who sent us here and attack our troops. Your asking for a war.
The Edolas knight captain punches Benjamin in the face and two Edolas Knights pinned Benjamin to the ground as another came over and raised his axe to cut off his head. He was about to pull it down when suddenly a Pelican fly over and turn to aim it's large machine guns at them while Y/n, Brielle and Saie leap down and land on the sand and aim their weapons at the Edolas Knighte while Y/n barks at them.
Y/n: Drop your weapons! Now!
The Edolas Knights were shocked and scared by their sudden armor and weaponry so they lower their weapons and raised their hands into the air including the Edolas knight Captain.
Once they were on their knees Y/n walks over and help Benjamin up and once up he patted him on the shoulder.
Y/n: Good to see you Benjamin.
Benjamin: Same to you sir. Thank god you guys came just in time. Thought I was gonna lose a head by those knights.
Y/n: Good thing your okay, now then.
He walks over to the Edolas Knight captain and grab him and lift him up off of his feet.
Y/n: Where is the capital of Edolas?!
Edolas Knight captain: I-I won't tell you!
Y/n: You will! Brielle, wanna do the honours?
Brielle: (smirk) You know it.
Brielle walks over while Y/n hands the captain over to her as she slammed him to the ground and place her foot onto the captains head and slowly start to squeeze his head as he cry out in panic and soon he calls out.
Edolas Knight captain: Okay! Okay! I'll tell you! The Edolas Capital is on a small floating island and above it is a small city where the exceeds lived now please, let me go!
Brielle turn to Y/n and he nodes to her so she smirk and let's go of him and the rest of the Knights make a run for it while Leo lands the Pelican and enter inside. Once inside the Pelican takes off to the air as they are seen together at the troop deployment of the Pelican as a hologram of Edolas appear along with a line that might take them to the capital.
Rex: It's not enough. We need more information about the capitals location and possibly make it there.
Ur: Could we just fly around a while until we find it?
Alaia: Maybe but once we find the capital the Pelican's full might run out. We need other ideas.
They try to think of an idea until Benjamin stood up and tell them.
Benjamin: I have one. One of the guards is talking about someone by the name of Gajeel who is news reporter in this world. Apparently he is very knowledgeable about Edolas so if we track him down, he might tell us where the Capital is.
Saie: You sure it's a good idea. Edolas Natsu is alright but Edolas Gajeel, how can we know he won't turn on us?
Brielle: Besides I hate news reporters. Always being noisy and get into my business.
Y/n: If this worlds Gajeel is our only option then we can take it. Still we need to know his location.
Leo: Guys I got Gajeel's singal!
They were surprised by this as Y/n enter the cockpit and rush up to Leo and ask.
Y/n: (surprised) You mean our Gajeel?!
Leo: Yep! Looks like he is at a town close to us. We can pick him up there.
Y/n: Right, head over there and let's pick up our iron dragon slayer friend.
Leo: Aye sir!
(Short while later)
We see the town where Gajeel should be at as they land the Pelican outside of town while we see both Y/n and Ur walk into town with cloaks on them with their hoods over them as they walk through the street and see more Edolas knights walking by.
Ur: There is a lot of them here. Guess this means we're on the right track?
Y/n: Looks like it. If Gajeel is here then that's good.
He continue looking around town for Gajeel while trying to avoid the Edolas knights in case they will immediately recognise them and attack them.
They search around town for a while but soon they turn up nothing. They stop near the alleyway which they haven't check yet so they enter and look around. They search around while being careful for anything that might jump at them.
They turn corners while being careful. Soon they heard something which Y/n turn and immediately pull out his pistol and only see an animal exiting out of the bine and then running away when it spotted them. Y/n lower his pistol as Ur tells Y/n.
Ur: (smirk) Seems like Spartans are a bit paranoid a bit don't you think?
She lend out a giggle when a hand grabs her shoulder from behind along with a voice said from behind Ur which freaks her out.
???: Hey what are you two doing her-
She turn and quickly kicks the person in the face but her leg felt like it kicked something very hard and so stumble back while rubbing her leg as Y/n turn to see Gajeel.
Y/n: Gajeel! Thank god to see you here.
Gajeel: Guess I'm not the only one who enter in this world.
Y/n: You and me both.
Ur: leg hurts soo much.
Y/n: (smirk) And you were saying about someone being paranoid?
Ur: Ha ha.
Ur slowly gets up while Gajeel still ask.
Gajeel: What are you two doing here?
Y/n: We came here by a Pelican and we were trying to find the capital when we got your singal. We were hoping to find your counterparts ver-
???: Gajeel I got something you might wanna-
Then a Edolas Gajeel turn a corner and looks up to see Y/n and Ur with Gajeel which surprised him but he shake off the surprise and ask Gajeel.
Edolas Gajeel: I see you've got some friends.
Ur: (thought) My god he is wearing glasses!
Gajeel: Yes. This is Y/n and Ur, my guess being is that you two ain't alone?
Y/n: That's right. The rest are at the Pelican waiting for us right now.
Edolas Gajeel: That is interesting. You weren't kidding your friend is a super soldier, I've never seen that type of armor in my life.
Gajeel: So why do you need to find my counterpart self?
Y/n: We were hoping he might show us to the capital of Edolas.
Edolas Gajeel: Of course. We can head to your "Pelican" and I can show you all the way.
Gajeel: (sigh) Do we really have to take the Pelican.
Ur: (smirk) You could always walk if you want?
Gajeel mutters something and then sighs to himself and gose with the rest as they return back to the Pelican and once back inside they take off and fly off and follow the Edolas Gajeel's direction while Gajeel is trying not to throw up as they fly for a while until they arrive.
They see the capital ahead as they fly towards as they look at it in amazement.
Brielle: (surprised) Now that's a huge city!
Y/n: So what are their plans with our guild?
Edolas Gajeel: As fairs I tell, they are going to us your guild as a sacrifice so they can rain down magic across Edolas.
Y/n: (shocked) What?!
Leo: Guys! We got company!
They see the same creatures flying towards them so Leo fires his machine gun at them and took them down. Suddenly blue beams came at them as Leo immediately dodge them and try his best to avoid them.
Alaia: Looks like they know we are here!
Y/n: Leo get us out of here!
Leo: Working on it!
Leo turns the Pelican to escape but one of the beams hits the back thrusters and turn it into lacrima as alarms start to hold off as the Pelican start to spone around while also starts to fall.
Leo: Shit! The back thrusters are down! I can't control it!
Y/n: Everyone get into your seats and hang on!
They did so as they sat down and strap on while the Pelican gose down and heads to a small floating island and soon it crash landed hard near the edge of the island. It slow down and soon it stop close to the edge. Smoke comes out of the Pelican as Y/n force open the door and get everyone out before the Pelican is around to fall. Leo was the last as he gets off the pilot seat and races over while the Pelican starts to move which vest Leo to trip but manages to catch his fall before the Pelican start to fall off the edge of the island.
Leo rushes over and leaps out of the Pelican that fell to the ground and Leo grab hold onto the edge but he was losing his grip and soon he can't hold it and fell but immediately and hand grab him and he look to see Y/n as he pull him back to land with the help of Gajeel and Brielle as they pull Leo back onto land and they breath a sigh of relief.
Leo: Wow that was close. Thanks Y/n, you've just saved my life.
Y/n: No problem. We're Spartans, we look out each other.
Leo agrees as the two stand up and they all look over to the capital and see they were close.
Gajeel: Any way we can get down from here?
Edolas Gajeel: No idea. I think we might be stuck.
Alaia: We have our jetpack on us so we can get down easily but you, Gajeel and Ur.
Y/n: We can't go down yet. They have heavy defenses and we need to plan our attack and then we can-
???: Hey guys!
They look over and they were surprised to see Happy and Carla as they rush over to them as they rush over and once they get to them Y/n bend down to them.
Y/n: (surprised) Happy! Carla, you both are okay! But how?
Happy: It's a long story but short version we were with Natsu and Wendy and soon we met up with Lucy.
Y/n: They are here?! Where are they?
Carla: Used to be with us....not anymore.
Y/n: What do you mean?
Ur: Where are they?
Carla grind her teeth while she tell them.
Carla: This is all our fault. None of this wouldn't have happen if it was for us. We're sorry.
Y/n: Wow what are you two talking about? Why do you all feel sorry about?
Happy starts to cry as he turn to everyone and tell them.
Happy: (tears) They took them and.....they thanked us for capturing them. They belive we were working for the kingdom of Edolas so we can lower Natsu and Wendy into a trap.
Y/n: (shocked) What?! B-but-
Carla: What's and Happy found the reason for us coming to Earthland in the first place.
Y/n: And that is?
There was silence from Carla for a while until she turn to them with tears in her which is something they have never seen her cry before as Carla tell them.
Carla: (tears) We were sent to kill the Dragon slayers.
To be continued....................................
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