Chapter 32: The world of Edolas
It was a nice day as we over look at the UNSC siren base ad we see Y/n walking through the halls just only wearing his normal clothes as he walk through the base while looking for someone and soon enters the shooting range and was a bit surprised to see Erza looking at the DMR and look at the target range and aim down the scope of the DMR and fire a singal shot and aim the target in the head. This surprised Y/n a bit so he walked over to her while he said to her.
Y/n: (smile) Nice shot. Guess you got some lessons with some marines or other Spartans?
Erza: (smile) Yeah. At first it was pretty hard to aim but soon I've got a handle out of it.
Y/n: (smile) Sounds good.
Erza: (smile) Yeah but still, I rather use my powers rather then fire range weaponry.
Y/n: (smile) I respect that.
Erza hands over the DMR to Y/n which he takes it and pits it back on the shelf and once that he stood there for a bit until he turn to Erza and ask her.
Y/n: Hey, can i talk to you about something?
Erza: Sure is everything alright?
Y/n: Yeah things are good but.....I've been thinking reviving Fireteam: Eagle Strike with a new team of Spartans.
Erza: (surprised) Really? Who be apart of your new team?
Y/n: Leo, Rex, Brielle, Iris, Alaia and Saie. I figured I can ask to join in my revive team.
Erza: (smile) That sounds like a great idea.
Y/n: I think so as well but that means I have to be leader which.....I don't know if I can. I mean, how can you lead your team into battle?
Erza: Well I'm not much as a leader to Natsu and the rest but I do act like a leader just so Natsu and Gray won't argue and fight each other. Okay now I think about it, maybe I do act like a leader to all while Makarov isn't around.
Y/n: (chuckle) I think so as well.
She giggle while she place a hand on his shoulder and look at him and tell him.
Erza: But when things are seemed to be lost and I don't know what to do, you've also taking up the roll as leader as well. Remember how you give an inspired speech during our war against Phantom and lead us into battle.
Y/n: Yeah but-
Erza: (smile) But nothing. We were all hopless with the lost of our master but you didn't. You told us to never give up and when ever things seems hopless for me or anynof us, we will always remember your speech and how you told us to never guve up, even if odds are against us. You lead us and in the end we won because of you inspired us to never give up. So I believe that you can lead your new team as thenew Fireteam: Eage strike and be the best squad leader in your group.
Y/n looks at Erza in surprise which he smiled and kiss her on the lips which she kiss him back. After a long second they stop and look at each other.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks Erza. I guess I really need to forget the guilt that has been dragging me down after my teammates death.
Erza: (smile) You shouldn't blame yourself for them. That is in the past, can make your own future along with your new team and....with us.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah your right. So, shall we check up the rrst at the guild.
Erza: (smile) Of course.
The two head out of the shooting range and walk together with Erza wrap her arms around Y/n's arm which she give him a cute warm smile which he smile back as they heaf to the guild to see what has been happening and hope Natsu and Gray ain't fighting each other once they arrive.
Once there they separate as Y/n looks around and see eveyrone is doing fine as he finds Ur talking to Brielle and Violet talking to each other as he walk over and sat with them.
Y/n: (smile) What are your girls talking about over here?
Ur: (giggle) Just some girl stuff.
Y/n: Say have any of you seen Wendy and Carla?
Violet: Carla storm off because of Happy while Wendy is out there, trying to get Carla so she can apologise to Happy.
Y/n: Really? It has been a long while since Carla and Wendy join here, why dose Carla act rude to everyone?
Brielle: No clue. Guess there are some cats thar are mean without any reason.
Violet: Agree. When I was little, I own a cat who is mean unless she is giving treats. But I swear that cat hates me and dose what ever she can to make it clear.
Ur: That sucks.
Violet: Yeah that's why I'm more a fish lover. They're calm and kinda cute.
Brielle: Until a cat eats them.
Violet: Yeah i need to keep an I on that when I was a teenager.
Y/n: Well let's just hope Wendy will calm Carla down. Say any of you want to go on a job?
Ur: Heck yeah! Count me in!
Brielle: (smirk) Same here.
Violet: Can't. I've been sent to protect a village from some bandits.
Y/n: Well good luck Violet.
Violet: You too Y/n.
She left the table and wlak pass Leo, Rex, Saie, Iris and Alaia walk over to their table to see what are they doing.
Rex: (smile) Hey guys, what's happening here?
Y/n: Nothing much. We figured we can go on a job, wanna join?
Rex: (smile) Sure thing.
Leo: (smile) Yeah why not. Kinda getting tired staying around in the guild anyways.
Saie: So what job are we taking?
Y/n: Let's check on the job request board and see.
They all walk over and look at the job requests board with Nab still at the job request board trying to pick out a job but soon Y/n pick out a job that they all can do.
Y/n: (smile) This looks neat. Alright let's go there!
He requip into his Spartan armor while the rest head off to get into their Spartan armors. Y/n and Ur wait at the entrance while Ur spotted Gray arguing with Natsu which trigger something that she gets a flashback of kid versions of Gray and Lyon at a small hutt as she grab her head in pain while Y/n noticed and ask her.
Y/n: You okay?
Ur: Y-Yeah I'm good. head hurts a bit.
Y/n: You gonna be alright coming with us? You can stay here if you like?
Ur: No it's fine. It's not as bad, I can shake it off.
Y/n: Alright. Just tell me if it gets worse okay?
Ur: Sure.
Soon the rest came in their Spartan armors as Leo walks over to Y/n and tell him.
Leo: Man your lucky you can just requip into your Spartan armor with no problem.
Y/n: (smile) Maybe I can ask Erza to train you all how to requip but her teaches might be rough for you all.
Leo:.....Um...Maybe later.
Rex: Ready to go sir?
Y/n: Yep, let's mo-
Natsu: HEY!
They turn to see Natsu walking up to them as he tells Y/n.
Natsu: I thought you and I are gonna have a battle to see who is the strongest?!
Y/n: Ooooooohhhhhh I forgot about that. Yeah sorry Natsu but once we're back, we can totally have our fight.
Natsu: (sigh) Alright. Still can't wait.
Y/n: (smile) Same.
The two fist pump and Y/n and the rest left. Since rain came they decided to take the Pelican that is on the landing pad next to the guild. Rex takes the pilot seat while Leo takes the co-pilot seat as the two start up the engines while the rest climb aboard.
Once on the Pelicans doors closed and the Pelican take off while Ur felt a massive magic engery as she sat down while grabbing her head while Y/n rush up to her.
Y/n: You okay?
Ur: I feel....I feel a lot of magic enegry. It's something I've never felt before.
Leo: (radio) Um Y/n, you might wanna see this.
Y/n make his way to the cockpit and once there he walks up to Leo and Rex as Leo point out of the window so he looks and looked up, only to see a massive portal overhead Magnolia that is disguising as a strom cload.
Y/n: (shocked) What in the hell is that!?
Rex: Not too sure sir. But we're being pulled towards the portal.
Leo: Is it a slip space portal?!
Y/n: No. I don't think so! Get us out of here!
Rex: We're trying but we're being pulled towards us!
They try to get the Pelican away but the Pelican was being lifted closer and closer towards the portal while the towns, the streets and even the Fairy Tail guilf start to disappear like they too were being sucked into the portal above the sky.
Y/n: Everyone hang on!
The Pelican gets closer and closer to thr portal and soon the portal sucks them up and after everything is being sucked the portal closes, leaving what was Magnolia completely empty and nothing but dust.
(Unknown world)
The portal opens as we see the Pelican being the first one to get through ad it fell towards the ground as they lost all of their power as Rex and Leo immediately try to get everything back online while the rest enter their seats and hang on for dear life.
They hope that Rex and Leo get the power back online and lucky they did as everything starts to turn on and once that Leo and Rex pulls up the Pelican before they will crash and fly back up to the ground. As soon they were safe they all breath a sigh of relief while Ur fell onto the ground while she said.
Ur: (sigh) Thank god. No wonder Natsu and Gajeel get sick when ever they get on any vehicle. I feel like throwing up after that fall.
Brielle: (smirk) Well just like we told Natsu and Gajeel, don't throw up.
Ur: Thanks.
Iris: The hell was that we just gone through?
Alaia: Was it a slip space portal?
Saie: I don't think that was a slip space portal.
Y/n: (radio) Guys get in here, I think we might be in another planet.
They all enter the cockpit and they all see what he ment ad they see many floating islands with some water pouring down as the Pelican fly through while they look around in shock and amazement.
Ur: (shocked) Wow what is this place?
Leo: No idea but we can't connect to anyone. It looks like all radios are down and there is no singal anywhere.
Rex: We're in uknown territory.
Y/n: Yeah but still, it can't be just us. There have to be someone. See you detected any singal from anyone.
Rex: Roger that.
Leo: Copy.
Y/n enters the troop carrier of the Pelican as they continue to fly while Y/n try to radio in anyone but after a while there is no one. He start to worry while Ur enter and see hin worry as she walk over to him and tell him.
Ur: Don't worry. We will find them.
Y/n: (sigh) I just hope they are alright.
Ur: Same but we will find them. What ever that portal was we can find a way to get out of here.
Y/n: I hope so Ur. I hope so.
She node and then Alaia came in and ask Y/n.
Alaia: So what's our plan? We can't stay flying for long. We need somewhere to land.
Y/n: Right. Is there anything that we can land?
Alaia: There is a desert that we can land.
Y/n: Good, let's land there and start looking around.
Alaia: Right.
Soon the Pelican flies down towards the desert and soon make it's landing and once landed they got out with weapons in hand and look around. Thye look around for any signs of life but nothing.
Leo have a datapad with him as he try to use it to scan the area but it wasn't working.
Leo: Damn it! I can't seem to scan anything through this thing. Looks like we're on our own.
Iris: So what's the plan?
Y/n: Rex, Leo, Alaia, Brielle, you three stay by the Pelican and we radio you in if we ever needed pick up.
Rex: Alright. Be careful out there.
Y/n: We will. Let's move people.
Rex, Alaia, Leo and Brielle stay behind and mind the Pelican while Y/n, Ur, Iris and Saie head out to see what they can find. We see them walk through the desert in hopes to encounter a town or any signs of anybody walking by but no such luck. Soon Ur start to feel getting hot and figured blasting her with a little bit of cold wind might work.
She face her hand towards her and was ready for the nice cool air but nothing happens. She realised this and try her best but nothing isn't working.
Ur: The hell? I can't seem to use my magic?
Y/n: Really? You sure?
Ur: Yeah, check yours?
They stop and Y/n try to shoot out flames but nothing came out. He look at his hand wondering what is going on.
Iris: So you both can't use magic here?
Saie: I'm no wizard but I believe something must be blocking out your and it has to be this world.
Y/n: Maybe. Still we can handle without magic until we figure out what's going on and what is this place.
Ur: Aw man, that means I have no magic to cool me off from this heat.
Iris: So we now know magic doesn't seem to work here, we got that checked out. Next question is where are we?
Y/n: I hope we can stumble to someone while walking here and someone might tell us where we are.
Ur: We've been walking for a while and there is no one out here.
Saie: We got a vehicle, over there!
Saie point to their left and turn to see something moving fast towards them. They stand there and watch as they see the vehicle was getting closer and closer and soon the vehicle came to immediately stop when the driver spotted them and stop right in front of them.
Y/n: Looks like our luck has finally come.
Ur: That's a relief.
The driver side door open and followed by two hands reaching out along with a voice call out in a panic and feared torn.
???: (scared) L-L-L-Look I-I have my hands up! P-Please don't kill me!
Iris: What is he talking about? We didn't even aim our weapons at them?
Saie: Probably because of our armor and how deadly we might be.
Iris: True.
Y/n: Don't worry sir, we're not here to harm you. We're just lost and we were hoping yo might know where we are?
???: (scared) Wh-What do you mean?
Y/n: Like what is this place? What is this world?
???: (scared) This.....This is Edolas. Your at Edolas.
Y/n: Edolas?
They were confused by that name while the person step out and they finally get to see his face and this shocks them to see who the person was.
Y/n: (shocked) Natsu?!
We see Natsu shaking while he his hands raised in the high while he shakes in fear even more.
Edolas Natsu: (scared) H-How did you know my name?
Y/n: (surprised) Natsu it's us! We're friends from Fairy Tail, don't you remember us?
Edolas Natsu: (scared) N-No. I don't remember you all in my whole life.
They were even more confused while Ur walk up and whisper to Y/n.
Ur: (whisper) I don't think that's our Natsu. I've never seen him act like this before. Plus he was driving a vehicle and he looks fine.
Y/n: (whisper) Yeah it might make sense if Natsu have a twin brother but I believe this is Natsu but not ours.
Edolas Natsu: Wh-What are you talking about?
Y/n: Look. We're good people and we're not here to harm you. We're just want to know information about Edolas and what brought us here.
Edolas Natsu: Wait? You guys from Earthland?
Y/n: Yes. How did you know?
Edolas Natsu: The Edolas King was talking about it during his speeches and how that world will give us what they always wanted.
They look at each other, not knowing what he is talking about so they turn back to Edolas Natsu and ask him.
Y/n: Can you come with us to the rest. It's best you explain us more to all of us about this world and this "Edolas king."
Edolas Natsu: S-Sure thing. Get on and i can take you there faster.
Ur: Yes please! If I have to walk back again i might die of this heat!
Ur and the rest get on Edolas Natsu's vehicle and once on Natsu gets on the driver seat and smirks as his personality suddenly changed.
Edolas Natsu: (smirk) Alright let's get this baby rolling!
And so he takes off as he takes the rest back to the Pelican so Edolas Natsu will explain more about Edolas and more about the ruler of this world as well.
To be continued..........................
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