Chapter 31: A Spartan prsion break (part 2)

We see the open landscape with nothing but stone and some small sticks that are sticking out from the ground as the sticks break when a UNSC scorpion tank drive through it followed by several UNSC vehicles making it's way to the prison to break out the Spartans that were captured by Banished forces.

The captain is within the first tank as he searches around ro any Banished forces that was up ahead. Unfortunately there was too many dust blocking his site of seeing the Banished forces so he raised his fist to signal all vehicles to stop which they did. The rest of the tanks form up and make a defensive line as the UNSC captain try to see through the huge dust in front of him.

Soon he sees something glowing and it was getting bigger and bigger which the UNSC captain calls out.

UNSC captain: Everyone take co-

He was blown up along with his tank when a large red plasma blow he and the tank up and soon Banished wraiths appear out of the dust and fire at the UNSC forces.

The UNSC tanks return fire follow by a few Warthogs and rocket hogs as they return fire while more Banished vehicles came out with the wraiths and open fire along with some Banished troops as we cut to the prison base that was behind the Banished forces as we see the control centre with some elites on controls as the head warden of the prison step inside the control room and look through the window to see the battle happening out there.

Upa: (chuckle) Pathetic humans. Do they really think it be easy for them to try to attack this prison and free their Spartans. What a waste.

Elite crew: Warden the Spartans are still engaging the hunters and the Goliath's.

Upa: No worries, they will fall sooner or later. Two hunters might be no problem to them but a lot and add two Goliath's into the feild....Well....let's say it will not end well.

Elite crew 2: We alos believe they have those wizards with them. A dragon slayer in fact.

Upa: Is it the fire dragon wizard?

Elite 2: No iron sir.

Upa: An iron dragon slayer? Hhmmm how interesting, no matter they won't last long. Ready the squad when things are quiet.

They node as Upa still watch the battle through the control rooms window thinking that there is no way the humans will not succeed.


We see Y/n, Gajeel, Leo, Rex, Brielle and Alaia fighting off the hunters as they dodge many explosions while also dodging a two new kind of hunters as they charge at then but they dodge it. Y/n shot out flames at the hunters as the hunter roars in pain as Y/n open fire at a few while throwing his Grenades at them and blow them up which didn't do a thing as he dodge a incoming plasma cannon.

He met up with Rex as the two open fire at the hunters while Rex tells Y/n.

Rex: How are you feeling?

Y/n: Pretty great. Trap at the bottom floor and fighting against a army of hunters, which is bad but not panicking.

Rex: Guess this is the first time you've ever faced so many of them before?

Y/n: Guess so, you?

Rex: Same. Hey looks like Gajeel is having some fun.

They look over to see a Hunter trying to strike on Gajeel with it's shield but Gajeel grabs it and then start to eat the shield before he stab the hunter with his iron spear hand and then stretched both of his iron spears out of his hand and take out a few hunters.

Brielle: (smirk) Nice one!

Alaia: We need a way to get out of here!

Rex: How the left is busted!?

Y/n: I got an idea but you all better get down.

They all did and once that Y/n charge up his fairy law blast as the other hunters see this and charge towards Y/n before it be too late. But Y/n was done and fired a white beam at the hunters and killing them while also vaporised their bodies so they could never come back again.

Soon all the hunters including the two new kinds of hunters were killed as Rex catches Y/n before he hit the ground which Y/n node to him while Rex node to him back. Everyone else regroup at the middle while also looking around in case there isn't any more hunters that aren't dead.

Alaia: Are you okay Y/n?

Y/n: Yeah I'm fine. I feel less weak when the last time I've used it. Seems like I'm getting a handle of it without completely being weak or passed out.

Brielle: (smirk) Yeah! I can tell that's gonna be useful in the future.

Gajeel: can we talk about how we should get out of here?

Brielle: Well aren't you a dragon slayer, can you not spread your wings and get us up there?

Gajeel: (anger) I don't hac ethat you idiot and even I would do you think Wendy or Natsu also have that as well!

Brielle: I'm only asking, no need to be rude.

Gajeel: (thought) If only I have my kitten with wings that cab get me out of situations like this.

Rex: So now what?

Leo: Yeah it seems like we might be stuck here. I don't think our jetpacks can't even get us to the first or forth floor.

Y/n: Well there has to be a way out. I mean how do they store their hunters in here. There has to be a way out somewhere.

Alaia: Look over there!

She points over and they turn to see a door that they haven't noticed due to how dark this floor was as they walk over and open the door and see it was a elevator which they enter and once inside Y/n selected the top floor and the elevator close it's doors and gose up.

Rex: How did the Banished even manage to hold so many Spartans without any UNSC forces from our universe not knowing?

Gajeel: Either they are lazy or dumb.

Leo: Wait a minute....those Spartans we saw inside the cells. I believe they are the MIA Spartans or those that were thought to be dead.

Y/n: You sure?

Leo: I'm sure. The Spartan we saw before his death was actually Troy-A220. He was with a squad until they were MIA and we thought they were dead.

Brielle: So why bringing all those Spartans here?

Leo: Probably for torture or something else. But probably torture since we know the Banished right about now.

Y/n: Still those Spartans will not stay there for long. We're bursting them out of there and get out of here.

They all agree and waited for the elevator arrive on their floor. While this is happening Gajeel walks over to Y/n.

Y/n: Hey Gajeel, something on your mind.

Gajeel: Yeah I've been to ask you about the first time we met. While I was apart of Phantom.

Y/n: Sure what is it?

Gajeel: As far as I tell you never faced any powerful wizards a few days after you came to this world and no matter what I beat you or Natsu, you still stand and fight. I just wanna know why? Why do you still continue on fighting even know I'm stronger then anyone else?

Y/n: That's because I fight for others around me. You might not care about Fairy Tail and the members around you but I do. I've lost everything as a Spartan in my universe and I was giving a second chance and this time I won't lose anyone in my life anymore. True I do fight for humanity but I also fight for those I call family, and since your apart of us your also my family as well Gajeel.

Gajeel is a bit surprised by his words and this gives him flashbacks how he protected him from Jet, Droy and Laxus as Gajeel looks at Y/n and tells him.

Gajeel: Don't give me wrong I hate being around people in Fairy Tail......but you were the only one that show respect towards him so....yeah.

Y/n: (smirk) Huh I never knew you have a soft spot Gajeel.


Y/n: (smirk) What ever you say.

The rest smirk when the elevator arrives at their floor qs they ready their weapons and once the elevator door sopen they take out the Banished forces that were not suspended them and they were quickly taking out. They walk into a unknown room at first but Leo looks at thw wires and realised where they are.

Leo: This must be the power room. This must be where the prisons power comes from.

Gajeel looks around and then looks up to see weird Al creatures floating around qnd sticking their tentacles into wires and other systems.

Gajeel: What the hell are those things?

Leo: Those are Engineers. They're not much as fighters but they are very good at repairing things.

Gajeel: Yeah and they're giving off a weird smell. Gross.

They continue on and soon they make they arrive to what seems like a large computer as Leo walks over to it and looks at the languages.

Y/n: Can you understand it?

Leo: Yep. Looks like this computer controls all the power and defenses. Shutting this place down will make this prison completely defenceless.

Alaia: Is it possible you can shut it down from here?

Leo: Maybe I can. Hold on while I breach through their fire walls.

They waited for Leo as they look around as Gajeel keeps clear on the Engineers as Alaia check on the elevator and sees I close but sees that it's coming back up as she wave everyone apart of Leo to come and he see it.

Y/n: Looks like more are coming.

Gajeel: Then let's teach them a lesson.

Brielle: (smirk) Agree.

Soon the elevator doors open and grunts came out first followed by four brutes and two elites as they see the dead bodies of their troopers before one grunt was shot in the head as Y/n, Rex and Alaia open fire at them as they quickly find cover and return fire.

Bullets and red plasma flies by as the elite who is firing a Brute plasma rifle sniff the air and looks up as Brielle came down and slam her twin gravity hammers at them and sending them flying. While Gajeel takes them out with his iron dragon roar and soon they were taking out as we cut to Leo who is done ad he step back while the rest return to him.

Rex: Is it done?

Leo: (smirk) Yep and not only I've deactivated the cells but I also turn their defenses against them including the cannons outside meaning....we should getting a call from one of the UNSC soldier who is in charge

UNSC lieutenant: (radio) Hello dose any copy? Spartans what's your situation?

Y/n: We read you loud and clear Lieutenant. What is the situation?

UNSC lieutenant: (radio) They're defenses have just turn against them outside and now we're moving towards the prison.

Y/n: Copy that. Once we take down the warden of the prison, we contact you. Over and out.

Once the calls ends a screen of Upa appear on the computer as he demands.

Upa: (computer screen) Why is our defenses have turn against us! Report!

When he realised the sparhace taking over he growl while Y/n smirk and tells him.

Y/n: Looks like your prison is done for. You have a chance to surrender now and no one will not get hurt.

Upa: (computer screen) You Spartans will pay for this. But fine, if you want me....come and get me.

The transmission ends as Leo looks through the computers and tells them.

Leo: Looks like he's calling a Phantom to pick him up. He's making his way to the landing pad on the roof right now.

Brielle: (smirk) And here I thought Elites would come here and challenge are to a dual.

Y/n: Still we can't let them get away. Gajeel your with me, the rest will help the Spartans to get to the exit and meet up with UNSC forces.

Alaia: Right. Be safe.

Y/n: (smile) We will. Let's go Gajeel.

He node and the two head out while the rest find another way ti get to the prison cells to assist the Spartans in anyway they can.


On the roof of the prison we see a Phantom making it's landing ad Upa and his guards make their way towards the Phantom when Y/n qnd Gajeel arrived as Y/n draw his rifle at him.

Y/n: Freeze!

Upa's two guards turn and aim their plasma rifles at them while Upa turn to them and chuckle.

Upa: Spartan. Disbite what you have saw what I did to your Spartans, I would suspect you to show fear towards us.

Y/n: Quite the opposite. We're angry and we can't wait to beat you up for what you did to them.

Upa: I see. Just like many Spartans who make their final stand before they were so called "Killed in action." You know, during my time within the Covenant I always see the Spartans as actual immortal creatures. Creatures that were unstoppable and unbeatable which cost me to fear them.....that is until one battle when I faced a Spartan.....and won but with a gost of one of my limbs. But my blood thirst of killing or torture Spartans was born and in a way I sacrifice my elite code and gotten new robots limbs and I was exiled by my Covenant kind. The Banished welcome me in opens arms and I was even in charge of this prison.

Y/n: So your torture Spartans when ever you want.

Upa: That's right. So Spartan what are you going to do now? Are you gonna kill me now or take me to your prisons so I can meet more Spartans so in one day I will break out and-

But Y/n should Upa through the head with his rifle as he fell onto the ground dead while Gajeel take out his guards as he lower his rifle as Gajeel tells Y/n.

Gajeel: Man do they always talk a lot?

Y/n: Probably but yeah.....they might do.

Soon the Phantom flies off and as we cut down to see the UNSC forces have punched through the Banished forces and the large gate open up and Leo, Brielle, Rex and Alaia exit out with other Spartans as the marines help them get inro medical hogs while a Pelican fly by and make it's landing at the landing pad. Then a UNSC general exit out and walks over to Y/n as he salute to him.

Landyn: At ease Spartan. You did a good job along with your Spartan team. Including your wizards friend as well.

He sees Gajeel eating the empire of the elite guards as he ignored that and turn to Y/n.

Landyn: With your action, we have more Spartans on our side and I believe they will be ready to kill qny Banished that they see for what they did to them while they were in prison.

Y/n: Just doing our job sir.

Landyn: Indeed. With your brave action here Spartan I here by promote you as Commander of the UNSC forces.

Y/n: Thanks you sir. I won't let you down.

Landyn: (smile) That's good to hear Spartan. Have you and your Spartan team return back to the guild, you all deserve a break.

Y/n: Thank you again sir.

Landyn take his UNSC troops into the prison in hopes they might use this one day while Gajeel walks over to Y/n.

Gajeel: Guess the rank commander seems important to you isn't it?

Y/n: (smile) Guess so but it feels great at leats.

Gajeel: Agree.

Y/n: Hey thanks for helping us Gajeel. I really appreciate with it.

He lend out his hand as Gajeel looks at it and sigh as he take Y/n's hand and shake on it.

Gajeel: This make us even right. You help me and now I've help you.

Y/n: (smirk) What ever you say. Now let's regroup with everyone else.

Gajeel: Sure thing.

Soon they make their way down and made their way outside as other Spartans came up to them and thanked him for saving them as he node to them with a smile on them as bith he ans Gajeel find the rest as they also see them and Brielle tells them.

Brielle: (smirk) Looks like a mission done!

Alaia: (smile) Yep. Now we have more Spartans in our battle against the Banished.

Leo: If there is anymore out there.

Rex: Agree. Their could be more Spartans still in prison as we speak.

Y/n: (smile) Then it's pur job to free them in anyway we can.

They all agree as their Pelican arrive which Gajeel doesn't like but they drag him into the Pelican and once inside the Pelican takes off as Y/n took off his helmet and breath in a sigh as he look at everyone and see them all smile while Alaia is helping the sicked Gajeel.

This gives Y/n flashbacks about his old team members as they laugh and talk as he smile to himself. He was thinking he might form a new team of Spartans, a new Fireteam: Eagle strike but he still wasn't sure he is take command. Still he needs time to think about as the Pelican take them back to Magnolia so they can all relax and not worry about anything for a while.

To be continued......................

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