Chapter 30: A Spartan prison break (Part 1)
Wind blow the desert landscape with desert like hills around everywhere with small life crawling across the extreme heat of the desert. Everything is seemed quiet until two hornets fly over head as we see the two hornets fly through the desert heading to the location thanks to Tessa knowing about the area and where it is.
On one Hornet we see Rex, Leo and Briella on with two marine gunners on each side of the hornet while at the second we see Gajeel, Alasia and Y/n at the other as they are sent to break free the Spartans that were captured and make sure they will be safe.
Gajeel was feeling sick due to be on a vehicle while Y/n and Alaia see this as Alaia asked.
Alaia: Guess Natsu ain't the onky one with motion sickness. I wonder all dragon slayer have that weakness?
Y/n: I believe Wendy is the only one who isn't infected by it.
Alaia: Wonder why?
Y/n: No idea.
Rex: (radio) So why are we being Gajeel along then?
Y/n: Natsu can smell iron so we needed him in case we have to make our way in without gunsblazing.
Rex: (radio) Can he do that?!
Y/n: (smirk) Well if Natsu can smell fire and eat fire, why not Gajeel.
Rex: (radio) See your point.
Unsc pilot: (radio) Sir, we're approaching the landing zone.
Y/n: Copy that. Eveyrone, break times over, time to get there work.
Brielle: (radio) It's about time.
We see a UNSC camp site as the two hornets make their landing at each landing pad. Once landed they gone out with Alaia help Gajeel getting out of the hornet while the Spartans walk over to the lieutenant as he gives overs yo two marines and once they left Y/n and his Spartans approach him.
Y/n: What's the situation Lieutenant.
UNSC lieutenant: Sir Banished forces are pushing us back hard as we speak. They really don't want anyone to get near the prison at all cost.
Y/n: Anyway we can get in?
UNSC lieutenant: Well there is a cave that gose around their defenses but we lost connect to our squad when they enter the cave.
Y/n: Copy that Lieutenant, order your men to continue the battle while we investigate the cave and see what we can find.
UNSC lieutenant: Copy that Sir. I'll have a squad of marines to come with you right away.
The lieutenant left as Alaia and Gajeel catch up to them as Gajeel crackle his neck.
Gajeel: Man that was terrible. Hope I never get on those things again.
Leo: Well once our mission will be complete them maybe we will.
Gajeel: I rather walk then riding on that thing again!
Rex: Say Gajeel why do you offer to help us? Your not a type of guy to go on missions with some people?
Gajeel: Don't give me wrong I hate joining up with some people I hate. But.....I own you a favour for standing up for me Y/n.
Y/n was confused but then he remembered what happened with Droy, Jet and Laxus when he join the guild.
Gajeel: You may have beaten my ass when I was apart of Phantom but when you stood up for me from them I gonna say......I respect that.
Y/n: (smile) No problem Gajeel. Guess your not a iron jerk after all.
Y/n: (chuckle) Just kidding Gajeel. Just Gajeel.
Gajeel just sigh as more marines arrives to help them and so they head off to thus cave. It was not long when they approach the cave, it was a large entrance as Leo scans inside the cave and see there was no sign of anything inside the caves entrance.
Leo: Looks like everything is clear.
Rex: You think this might be a trap?
Brielle: (smirk) Well we can't stand around and do nothing. Let's go in!
Y/n: Right. Eveyeone, let's move out!
The marines turn on their flashlights attacked to their weapons while the Spartans turn on their night vision in their helmets as they enter the cave. They walk through the dark cave as they shine their lights around the cave to see if anything will attack them or not. They slowly walk through the cave with some marines were carful if there was an ambush.
Gajeel sniffs the air and points them to the right direction as they take turns while they thought to hear some noises but they shrugged it off ti be their imagination.
Leo: So Gajeel what got you the idea to join Fairy Tail?
Gajeel: It's none of your business alright.
Leo: Alright fine, just want a nice conversation.
Everything seemed to be quiet ad they make their way through the cave. Brielle walks up next to Y/n and ask him.
Brielle: So what are you thought about Natsu, Wendy and Gajeel?
Y/n: What do you mean?
Brielle: I mean. It's odd that there are more then one Dragon slayer right? If that were true then how many do you think are they?
Y/n: To ne completely honest I have no idea. They are very interesting and their dragon disappeared on the 7th year, the 7th month and on the 7th day is weird.
Brielle: Very weird. You think we might find answers some day?
Y/n: Maybe but who knows. The world has many secrets.
Brielle: (smirk) What ever you say. Maybe after this you and I can "hang out" if you catch my drift.
Y/n blushes underneath his helmet and knows what she ment but they soon enter what looks like a catacombs with stone like bridges that is connected to many othe rcave entrance around them as they were amazed by it.
Gajeel: Who do you think done this?
Alaia: No idea but it's interesting.
Y/n: Marines, stay here and connect us if anything happens.
UNSC marine: Yes si-
Suddenly a marine was shot in the head which they quickly take cover as red plasma bolts fly out ad Banished wasp came out of the holes and open fire at them.
Leo: Guess that's a welcome party!
Brielle: Damn it! I can't slame my babies if they are flying!
Alaia: You think they are the reason for the lost marines?
Y/n: Maybe but let's take them out first!
They open fire at them and take out many wasp while Gajeel leaps up and landed onto a platform and pulls out his iron spike out of his hand and stab through the wasp. More came out beside Gajeel but he turn his whole body into iron as he charge at them and take them out while Y/n and the rest open fire at them.
Most Marines were taking out while some were injured. One Marine was pinned down to the ground by a wasp but Brielle slams the wasp onto the wall and then slams her gravity hammer, squashing the wasp as green blood was splatter onto the wall.
Once that Brielle helps the marines up and after a while they clear the area just as Gajeel lands on another platform and sniff the air and turn to the hole he is standing on.
Gajeel: Hey I don't know what but I smell something over there!
Y/n: Copy that! Marine have you znd your injured marines out of the cave and return back to base camp. We take things from here.
UNSC marine: Yes sir. Good luck.
Once they the Spartans active their jetpacks and made it to where Gajeel is and they follow him through the cave. After a while they see something glowing and soon they arrive to what looks like a station area with a Banished door at the far end.
They see many weapons laying around with some they never seen before as Alaia picks up what looks like a large pistol with a large knife attached to it.
Brielle picks out what looks like a pistol but it only shots out electricity rather then plasma.
Y/n stare at two rifles with one may look like it can shoot electricity while the other looks like a carbine rifle but red and far different.
Leo picks out a large cannon that looked like it can only fired a large spike out to attack their enemies.
Rex picks up what looks like a plasma like shotgun as he fires it shot three red plasma bolts and it seemed to be powerful.
Rex: It looks like the Banished made their own weapons rather then stealing some.
Brielle: (smirk) Looks badass. How come the Covenant didn't made these? So I can steal and kill them with it.
Alaia: Do you think these weapons were made to kill Spartans?
Leo: Some might be. Like those two electricity weapons. It looks like it's cable of taking down our shields.
Y/n: No wonder they manage to capture many Spartans. These weapons are made to combat against Spartans.
Gajeel: Enough looking around and let's see what's inside that door.
They agree and leave teh weapons and make their way to the door. Once at the door Leo open the door and once the door open they walk through a long hallway as they aim their weapons around for any ambushes as they walk through.
Brielle: You think this is the place?
Leo: Probably.
Rex: I don't like this one bit.
Y/n: Keep your eyes open everyone.
They make their way through the halls until they reach to a door and ince there Leo once again gets it open but once the door open they were horrified to see a Spartan strapped onto a table without his armor, onky a black body suit at the other side of the glass window as they rush over as Y/n tells Rex and Leo.
Y/n: Release him!
They get to the controls while Y/n heads inside of the room while Alaia and Brielle guard the door as the cuffs were open as Y/n gets the Spartan out of the table and set him down. He then start to cough whike he looks up to Y/n.
Male Spartan: (smile) Good to see another Spartan here. (Coughing)
Y/n: What did they do to you Spartan? What happened?
Male Spartan: They (cough) tortured us.....wanted to see us (coughing) break. They were enjoying it.
He cough harder as Gajeel enter the room while Y/n ask him.
Y/n: How many Spartans are currently here right now?
Male Spartan: There's only 80 Spartans now. The on-(coughing) the only way to free them is to get to the control room. That's how you get them all free. (Coughing) I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough, I'm truly am sorry.
He cough even more as Y/n noded to him before he tells him.
Y/n: It's okay Spartan. Your safe now, you can rest easy now.
Male Spartan: (smile) Thank
He took his last breath and passes away. Y/n stood there qs he sigh and stand up while Gajeel see his pain as Y/n exit out of the room and informs the rest.
Y/n: Alright listen up! We know now there is 80 Spartans here and more will die if we don't save them. Our objective is to head to the control room and free them.
Leo: Well can also shut down the defences so the marines can go through.
Rex: That's right so we head to the control room and shut everything down.
Brielle: (smirk) And kill anything that stand against our way.
Alaia: We should hurry before it will be too late.
Y/n: Right let's move.
But then a door open as they turn to see an elite as the elite spotted them and was about to yell when Gajeel stab the Elite in the gut with his iron sword arm and pulls it out while the elite fell onto the ground.
Gajeel wipe the elites blood onto Leo's shoulder while he said.
Gajeel: And here I thought they recact more faster.
Once that they go through the door and make thier way through the hall. When they about to take cover they immediately get to cover as plasma fire nearly hit them as we see the Banished forces blocking their way as they open fire at them.
Y/n: Damn it! They're blocking our way!
Brielle: (smirk) Leave that one to me.
She rolled out of cover and rushes over with her twin Gravity hammers as she used her jetpack to boost up into the air and then slammed her gravity hammers down which sent all Banished forces flying and land hard on the ground.
Brielle: (smirk) I love my babies.
One jackal stood up and aims his needler at her from behind when he was immediately frozen by Y/n as the rest walks up to her.
Brielle: (smirk) Now that's the reason I like to use gravity hammers rather then guns.
Gajeel: (smirk) Not gonna lie, that was cool.
Alaia: You think they will notice that noise?
Suddenly the alarms gose off around them which Leo respond.
Leo: Well they do now.
Y/n: Let's move out everyone! go, go go!
They race through the halls trying to make their way to the control room while Banished forces blocks their way but they throw their Grenades at them and blow them up sky high and they go pass them as they break through many blocks from the Banished forces until they made it yo a door which was locked when they get to it.
Y/n: Alaia, Leo can you slice it open?!
Alaia: Yeah! Give us some time!
Rex: There they come!
Banished focrs comes around the corner as Gajeel slams his hands and metal walls appear to give them cover as they get to cover and open fire at the Banished forces and take out most Banished forces.
They also find cover and return fire as Y/n fire his attached grenade launcher in his rifle and blow some away while Rex shot some heads with his battle rifle while Brielle leaps out of cover and slams her Gravity hammer onto the ground sending some flying. More znd more Banished forces keeps pouring out as they are getting overwhelmed by them keeping on coming.
Y/n: Leo, Alaia situation!
Alaia: Got it open!
The door open and they walk back while their continue open fire at the incoming Banished forces and once everyone is at the otherside Y/n shuts the door and destroy the control so they can't get in.
Y/n: That was close.
There was no respond so he turn to see all of them looking at something so he turn and he was shocked to see a massive prison cell with roll after roll of cells that has several floors up to hold Spartans. They were shocked by this as Leo looks down to see more levels down below as they walk the walkway that is around the cell block as they look at this in shock.
Rex: (shocked) There is no way they could have finish this sooner right?
Leo: (shocked) Maybe but I do not wanna find out.
Brielle: Looks like we know what these cells hold inside.
They wall over to Brielle and inside was a Spartan without his armor and he was hungry and weak as he sat on the floor not saying anything as he slowly looks up at them and they see his exhausting face.
Gajeel: (shocked) Is this what Banished do to capture Spartans?!
Rex: Looks like it. If that were true, then how long have the Banished been doing to them?
This deeply angers them more importantly Y/n as he looks at the tortured Spartan and tells eveyrone.
Y/n: Come on. If we gonna help them then we need to get to the control room.
They agree and they make their way through the walkway as they look around to many cells that some were captured Spartans while some were empty meaning they are being tortured now or they were already gone. Soon they reach to an elevator which they enter and the lift gose up.
Gajeel: Do you think they will able to fight?
Alaia: They may looked to be weak but they will be once they escape.
Brielle: (smirk) Yeah and show those Banished forces to never mess with us!
Leo: Well at least it can't get any worse.
Suddenly the lift immediately stop before they can get to the top.
Rex: You were saying.
Then the lift immediately gose down so fast that sent some mid flight as the lift gose down to different floors until they get to the bottom floor as they slammed onto the ground.
Y/n: Eveyrone alright?
Gajeel: I'm fine.
Leo: Same.
Rex: Me too.
Brielle: Alive as always.
Alaia: Same. Wonder what this floor holds?
Y/n: Probably something not good. Get ready.
The elevator doors open as they look over and they see nothing at first but then they felt some thuds coming from the darkness and soon an army of hunters came out of the darkness as they roar at them while they see a lot of hunters.
Leo: This can not be good.
Rex: Guess this is their guard dogs.
Brielle: (smirk) An army of hunters? Yeah right, they have to do better then that.
Suddenly there was a massive thud follow by a shake as they see something behind the army of hunters as two massive creatures comes out of the darkness and lend out a roar that shakes the room as it turn sto them.
Gajeel: (shocked) What the hell are those things?!
Y/n: No idea but get ready everyone! This is gonna be a tough fight!
They make their way towards them while they get ready for a hard fight as they rush out of the elevator and race towards them ready for a long and hard fight.
To be continued................
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