Chapter 3: The Cursed Island
Y/n walks through turn with sparten armor on with the S-Class job request in hand after he learned that Lucy, Natsu and Happy are going to do an S-Class job that might be dangerous to them. As soon he enters the guild Hall he sees everyone in a panic and already heard the news about this just this morning.
Elfman: Y/n!
Alzack: Did you hear the news!?
Y/n: Lucy, Natsu and Happy take on a S-Clas job request.
Alzack: Um yeah.
Bisca: How can uou possible know that?
He show them the job request which shocks them and he walks over to Makarov and asked.
Y/n: But I wanna know how they got it?
Laxus: (smirk) I can tell you. A small blue cat try to be sneaky and snatch the job request from the board and fly off.
Y/n: And you knew this?!
Jet: Yeah and he didn't even try to stop him.
Droy: He just sat there and let Happy take it.
Y/n: How could you let that happen!
Laxus: (smirk) Oh give me a break, if the kid wants to be stronger then me then so be it, besides it's not like he'll ever gonna have a chance.
Y/n: (anger) Your a fucking idiot! You just indanger the lives of your own guild members because of your stupidity!
Laxus: (anger) What was that punk!
Makarov: That is enough! Both of yous!
The tow glare at each other before they look away. Y/n took off his helmet to ease the anger and asked.
Y/n: Is any of us gonna do something about this?
Makarov: I've sent Gray to go after then but he hasn't return back with them.
Y/n: (thought) Known Gray and Natsu's rivalry, I bet he too try to get stronger so he can beat Natsu just so to pass him off.
Y/n: Sent me to go after them. I can get them.
Makarov: Absolutely not! Your still new here and forbid you for chasing after them.
Y/n: Sir I know military training and I've been through several dangerous missions in my universe so I'll be fine. Plus, I've have a peek on the request and it was about a cursed island far away from the population. Even we may not be back for a few days, I will come back with them alive.
Makarov stare at Y/n and see the eyes of determination and duty's as a soldier. He breaths a sigh and said.
Makarov: Fine you will go but promise you will come back.
Y/n: I'll do that sir. If you want, get Erza to assist me.
Mirajane: Understood. Good luck and be careful.
Y/n nods and put on his helmet and rush out of the guild Hall to retrieve Natsu, Gray, Lucy and Happy and bring them back. Everyone else hoped he'll be fine out there on his own in a cursed island.
He arrives at Hargeon where he can get a boat and seal to this cursed island to get Natsu, Gray, Lucy and Happy out of there and return back to the guild. He walk through the street while the civilizations looks at him with his armor like they never seen it before.
Y/n: (thought) Guess words hasn't spread about a power armor spartan walking around Magnolia. Force, need to find a boat and to the cursed island.
He arrived at the dock and he go one by one asking Fisher men or people who have boats to take him into a cursed island but they refuse. Soon Y/n was standing in the middle of the Dock and seeing that no one ain't gonna take him to this cursed island.
Y/n: Well shit. Now what? I could use my jetpack to fly there but I don't know how long it will take so I rather not risk that.
Erza: Y/n!
Y/n turn to see Erza rushing over to him and once there Y/n said.
Y/n: I see Makarov and the rest told you what happened.
Erza: Indeed. I swear, as soon I get to them, I'm gonna kill them.
Y/n: Well take a easy on Lucy. I bet Natsu and Happy drag her into the job.
Erza: You may have a point. Still they must be punishment for disobeying guild rules.
Y/n: Understood. Still we need a boat and I don't think none of the people who have boats ain't gonna let us go there. Maybe we should-
Erza: (distance) Y/n, I got us a board!
Y/n was caught off guard and turn to see she didn't just got a boat but a pirate ship. He rush over to her and looks at the pirate ship and asked.
Y/n: (surprised) How the heck did you manage to convince the captain to take us there?
Erza: (smirk) I know my way of convincing people around.
Y/n: (smirk) Nice one Erza.
Erza blushes a little with a smile as the two claim onto the pirate ship and the ship departed of the docks and seal off to the cursed island. After a while of sealing Y/n was looking on the ocean at the side of the ship.
Erza join in and lend forward and look at the view with him and sighs follow by her saying.
Erza: We maybe on a mission to get our friends back, but at least the ocean id pretty.
Y/n: (smile) Guess so.
Y/n took off his helmet to let the air blow his hair a little. Erza blushes deep to see his handsome face and there was this moment of silence and then Erza asked.
Erza: (little blush) S-So where do you come from? I mean I know your from another universe but where were you born?
Y/n: I was born at a planet called Kholo with my mother and father. We live peaceful until the Covenant came and glass my planet into ashes. My parents were killed and I was the only survivor from the glassing by the Covenant.
Erza: (shocked) I' sorry for your lost.
Y/n: It's alright. That is why Spartan III's were made to do. Take revenge upon the Covenant for what they did.
Erza: And you still have till this day?
Y/n: Kinda. I realise there is no point of taking revenge something that I can't bring back. I still hate the Covenant but not too much.
Erza: I see.
Y/n: So how do wizard become S-Class? Just curious on how they you, Laxus and Mystogan get this kind of promotion?
Erza: It's kinda simple but we have to go pass what we call a S-Class trail. We have to complete each challenge in order to become an S-Class wizard's. It was hard but worth it in the end.
Y/n: (smirk) Huh, must be fun going through hard trails to get the grand prize.
Erza: (giggle) Yeah it was but it's also fun as well. Even if we do complete it or not, at least we have fun.
Y/n: (smile) I agree you with that.
Erza looks at his helmet in curiously and asked.
Erza: Mind I have a look at your helmet?
Y/n: You sure? It's kinda heavy.
Erza: (smirk) Oh come on, I don't see it heavy.
Y/n: Okay then, here.
He hands Erza his helmet and in the moment she grabs it her body immediately went down and the helmet slams onto the ground. Erza try to lift it and failed. Y/n shae his head and picks up the helmet for her and let's her looks at it instead of grabbing it.
Erza: (surprised) Wow, it's very heavy. How can you even manage to wear such heavy armor?
Y/n: It's thanks to the chemicals injection into our bodies and not to mention the training we have.
Erza: (smirk) Impressive, I like that.
Y/n smiles and so dose Erza as she really gets along with him. Her heart skip a beat to see his handsome smile and really wanna see what's underneath the armor he has on him.
Malw Captain: Miss Erza, we are close to the island.
Y/n: Miss Erza?
Erza: (smirk) Like I said, I know my way of convincing people.
Y/n take that and pit on his helmet as the ship arrives at the Cursed island. They dock and Erza and Y/n walk out of the ship as Y/n aim his rifle around for an ambush but no sign.
He lowe his rifle as Erza walks up next to him and asked.
Erza: Do you think they might go through those trees?
Y/n: Possibly. Here take this.
He hands Erza something ans she takes it and it was a small comment device but Erza doesn't know what that is and asked.
Erza: What is this?
Y/n: But it into your ear.
Erza dose so and once she did, he press a button on his helmet and speak through it.
Y/n: (comms) Hear me Erza?
Erza: (surprised) Wow I do!
Y/n: That will allow us to communicate even in far away decisions. Let's slip up, I take the trees while you take the beach. Contact me if you find something and I'll do the same to you.
Erza: Alright. Be careful Y/n.
Y/n: Same to you Erza.
Then the two split off. Erza walk along the beach while Y/n walk into the forest to search for Natsu and the rest of his friends.
(Hours later)
Y/n walk through the forest with his rifle sticking out just in case he'll gets attacked. He aim his rifle around and onto the trees while he keep an eye on his motion tracker while he slowly walk through the forest.
Y/n: (thought) Lucky there ain't jackel snipers around to snipe me. Still if I were Natsu, where would I be?
After a while or walking he arrive at a open field and he nearly fell off a large cliff. Or, what he thought it was. He looks around and sees a large circular like hole. Y/n slide down a hill and once hit the ground he looks around but see no sign. His helmet tells him that the area around him is detected that a large chunk of acid was spilled here.
Y/n: (thought) Acid? Why would someone drop a chunk full of acid here?
He was about to call in to Erza until he noticed something that he thinks that this ain't an accident. Within the decisions was a gravestone and as soon he gets close he sees it belong to a dead person by the name of Bobo.
Y/n: (thought) Damn. I feel sorry for someone who may lost this guy.
Y/n: So what I can tell I think this used to be a village until something happened that cost it to be burn away by acid. So...the biggest question is....who done it?
Then his motion tracker detected two life signal and he turn to see two people in the distance behind him. He hide behind the gravestone and peek out.
One looks like is a tall male person and has a cat like appears while the other was dress all green with blue spiky hair.
Toby: Man that stupid dragon guy is gonna pay for tricking me.
Yuka: Maybe you shouldn't be dumb and allow him to trick you.
Toby: (anger) Oh yeah! What about say that to my face!
Yuka: What ever. We need to head back to Lyon and get ready for Deliora's release.
Y/n: (thought) Deliora? That doesn't sound good.
Toby and Yuka walks off and once they are gone Y/n walks out behind the grave and he decided to follow them and see what or who is Deliora. He heads off and hopes he'll may find Natsu or any of them during his investigation on their plan.
(Moments later)
Y/n walks through the trees and he thought he lost track of them but he then see something in the directions. It look like a structure so he push away some bushes and branches and exit out of the forest and stand in front what it appears to be a temple.
The entrance was wide open and it was dark so he turn on his helmets flashlight and he swap his rifle to a shotgun in close quarters combat and turns on the flashlight on it as well.
Once that he walks through the entrance and make his way through the halls slowly and carefully with his shotgun in hand as he shine has light around and see ancient writing on the walls like it's telling a story but he can't tell what he walls are telling him.
Erza: (comms) Y/n? Are you there? Can you hear me?
Y/n: Hear you load and clear Erza. What's your situation?
Erza: (comms) I've found Lucy, Happy and Gray. We are at the village peoples camp and it turns out, a cult destroyed their previous village before we came here.
Y/n: That would explain the large hole I've found. What about Natsu?
Erza: (comms) Lucy and Happy told me the last time they saw him was in the village before it was destroyed.
Y/n: Well I don't see any skeleton bodies of him so he might have escaped just in time before the village was destroyed.
Erza: (comms) Understood. We're waiting for Gray to wake up but for now, be (static) out there. I don't want to (static) out there.
Y/n: Erz your breaking up. Repeat that again? Erza? Erza!?
Then it was just static and now Y/n was on his own. He walks further through the temple until he step into a large square like room with four pillars in a square in the middle ane Y/n walks into the middle of the room and scans around before he lower his shotgun.
Y/n: Seems like no one his home. Strange, they must be somewhere but where?
???: I see we have an intruder here.
Y/n turn to see Yuka and he aim his shotgun at him but then he felt spike spikws stab touch the back of his neck and he was shock with purple electricity before he fell onto the ground as he drop his shotgun.
Y/n: Fuck! Why can't I not move!
Toby: (chuckle) You just got paralysis by my claws. Good luck trying to move for a while.
Y/n: (thought) Damn, they ambushed me! I shouldn't let my guard down just a little.
Yuka walks ivee next to Toby and said.
Yuka: Let's take him to our Lord. He may think of something for this intruder.
Toby: Right.
Yuka snap his fingers and two people wearing black cloaks and wearing a scary looking mask came out of the darkness and they each lifted Y/n's lifeless arms and they drag him deeper to the temple with Toby and Yuka walking in front of them.
Y/n: So mind telling me whats going on here? Because id you using me as a sacrifice for your god, then good luck with that.
Yuka: It is not us yo decide your fate. It is for our Lord who will decide your fate.
Y/n: And that is?
Toby: We're ain't gonna tell you!
Y/n: (smirk) Why, little kitty scared of getting a little water on it's fur?
Toby: (anger) I am not a kitty and never will be!
Yuka: That is enough. We are here.
They stop at a closed door but it soon opens to reveal light at the other side and they go through. The room was light with touches on walls as they walk up to the end of the room and stop in front of a throne which a man is sitting on as he stare at Y/n in cold eyes.
Yuka: We found him wording around our temple. He might be one of those Fairy Tail guild that is assigned to stop our plan.
Lyon stood up and walks closely to Y/n and he stare through his visor. He noticed the fairy tail mark on his shoulder pat and he stare back at him and asked in a cold voice.
Lyon: Why have you came to this island?
Y/n: I'm here for my friends but I bet that might change.
Lyon: I see. We will not allow you and your guild gonna ruin our plan for us.
Y/n: Yeah speaking of wish I gonna ask, what is your plan so I may ruin it.
Lyon move his hand up to Y/n's helmet and he can feel the cold air coning out of his hand and he realise he is a ice wizard like Gray.
Lyon move away his hand and then gone on to say.
Lyon: I may not know what armor you are wearing but if your from Fairy Tail then you are an enemy to us. Take him away.
The two of his cult members nod and they drag him away and as soon he left the room. Yuka turn to Lyon and asked.
Yuka: It's won't be long until his guild members will come.
Lyon: Then let them come. We'll show them what we have. Once they are gone, we will bring back Deliora and kill it once and for all.
Y/n was thrown into a hole and he fell until he crash onto the ground with a huge thud. Y/n can feel his body moving so he stood up and look around to see he is in a prison hole. He looks up to see the gate above him closed and not only they take away his rifle and shotgun but his jetpack as well.
Y/n: Well so much for flying my way out.
Natsu: Y/n? Is that you?
He turn to see Natsu there as he step out of the darkness.
Y/n: (surprised) Natsu?! What in the world are you doing here?
Natsu: I try to face Lyon on my own but I was captured and was thrown here. So much for a easy job.
Y/n: Oh, speaking of that.
He then punch Natsu that sent him flying and crash into a wall.
Natsu: (anger) Ow! What was that for!?
Y/n: That's for taking a highly dangerous mission and nearly got you and your friends killed!
Natsu: (anger) Look I'm sorry but I wanna to teach Laxus not to mess with me and maybe I can impress granps!
Y/n: (anger) What about your friends lives?! What about Lucy's, she may be in the guild more then me but she is still young and it who knows how close she was killed.
Natsu was about to argue but he sees Y/n's point of risking not just his own life but the lives of his friends.
Natsu: I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking straight and well......I just done it.
Y/n sighsto himself and place a hand onto Natsu's shoulder and said.
Y/n: Your a strong wizard, your really are. But you must understand that straight isn't everything. You need to be smart and think before you act.
Natsu: I understand.
Y/n: Know, shall we get out of here.
Natsu: How? I smell for any way out but nothing.
Y/n want to see about that and walks over to one of the walls and start to suspect it and after of walking around, he stop at one wall and he turn to Natsu and said.
Y/n: Natsu blow up this wall right here.
Natsu: Right.
Y/n step out of the way as Natsu breath in and fire a fire ball at the door and the wall blow up in front of them. Dust clears away and they see a large hole with a tunnel that leads to their escape.
Natsu: (smirk) Alright!
Y/n: Let's go.
Y/n turns on his helmet flashlight and he leads the way while Natsu covers behind him. The two walk through the small tunnel until Y/n's sees a light ahead.
Y/n: I see a light!
Natsu: Same!
They get closee to it and soon they exit out of the tunnel and they look around to see this ain't a exit. But Y/n turn to his front and he looks up while he was in shock what he is looking at.
Y/n: (shocked) Natsu.....what in the living fuck, is that!
Natsu turn and they see a large monster like demon with his jaws open out like it was roaring as it was frozen in a large ice like prison.
Natsu: That's Deliora. Gray told us he know this creature years ago. This is the same creature...that destroyed his village, killed his family and....his master.
To be continued...............
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