Chapter 29: Well you look different

It's been several weeks since Wendy, Tessa and Carle join Fairy Tail after Y/n and the rest return from a epic battle against the Oracion Seis and the Banished and return to the guild as they celebrated their three new guild members. Tessa at first was a bit shy but soon she'll come around qnd get to know everyone in the guild and the UNSC soldiers and other Spartans.

Magnolia has also have a few changes as well ever since they were gone. The UNSC place down anti aircraft turrets around Magnolia to protect it from any Banished attacks from the sky, some UNSC command bases to control them and connect the UNSC Generals or the magic council when ever if it's emergency. Most citizens either gotten used to it and some join the UNSC to learn who it feels to be a marine and soon they fully became an Marine.

Still it's a normal day at the guild where we see Wendy, Carle, Natsu, Happy and Benjamin as Benjamin has a cast on his arm while Wendy ask him.

Wendy: Dose it hurt you? I can heal it for you if you like.

Benjamin: No need Wendy. I rather let it heal the old way.

Wendy: Alright then.

Natsu: (smirk) Still can't believe you survive an attack from a large monkey with a hammer and only broken your arm.

Benjamin: Yeah tell me about it. Guess I'm the only one in my family who still live.

Wendy: What do you mean?

Benjamin: Well I have two brothers who served the UNSC but they die during battle. Ryker Carmine was killed by a sniper before the start of the war. Joel Carmine was eating alive but Jackels who hunted him and his squad.

Wendy: I'm so sorry for that Benjamin.

Benjamin: (smile) It's fine. As long I'm still alive, our family name will never die.

Natsu: (smirk) Heck yeah!

Happy: (smile) Hey Carla, do want to share my fish?

Carla: No thanks.

Benjamin: (smirk) Oh come on Carla. I can see you as a cute couple.


Benjamin lend out a chuckle to see her embarrassed when Levy walks over to the four.

Levy: (smile) Hey there.

Benjamin: (smile) Hey Levy, how is things with-

They turn and they notice something is different about Levy. She looks the same but the onky difference is that her chest is a bit....bigger then before for some reason.

Wendy, Carla and Benjamin noticed this but Natsu and Happy were clueless and respond with a smile.

Natsu: (smile) Hey Levy. What's happening?

Happy: (smile) Anything you need?

Levy: (smile) I was wondering if you seen Y/n around? He promise me to search up some books at the book store today.

Natsu: Think he's at the weapons room with Tessa underground.

Levy: (smile) Awesome. Thanks guys, see you all later.

She then truns and walks off while Benjamin turns to Natsu and Happy in confusion that they hadn't noticed.

Benjamin: Is it me or have you noticed Levy is a bit different.

Natsu: Hhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmm.....Nope.

Happy: (smile) Same here.

Benjamin: Of course you didn't. What about you Carla and we-

Then he turn to see both Wendy and Carla gone as Wendy needs to know how Levy got her chest bigger while Benjamin sighs and wait for his drink to come.


Underground the Fairy Tail is a series of hallways that UNSC marines can hang out underneath and it doesn't have much then Siren base. There is a small break room, barracks to sleep and the weapons room which is where we see Tessa and Y/n at.

Y/n is wearing his normal clothes and so dose Tessa as she looks through the weapons on the shelfs and takes out a battle rifle and looks at it.

Tessa: Wow it's kinda heavy.

Y/n: (smirk) Really? Didn't you not hold swords or spare in battle?

Tessa: (giggle) Far point. Still it's kinda interesting to be holding these types of weapons.

Y/n: Why? Doesn't the magic council not have those weapons delivered by the UNSC?

Tessa: They rather stick with the swords and other melee weapons for combat situations.

Y/n: I see why. So how are you feeling, you now being here?

Tessa slide back the battle rifle and breath in a sigh as she forms a fist and tells Y/n.

Tessa: I just feel.....angry that they kick me out after everything I did foe them. My mother used to work for them and now this is the thanks they get for us? Have me be kicked out. Their bunch of assholes.

Y/n: Agree. They are assholes and I don't like them including everyone here as well.

He walks over to her and places a hand on her shoulder and tells her.

Y/n: But your with a true family. A family that will never kick you out for anyway.

Tessa smiles and gently land her hand on top of Y/n's hand as she turns to him and gently grab his hand and move his hand to her cheek as she smiles while Y/n blushna bit.

Tessa: (smile) Your hand is so warm and nice.

Y/n: (little blush) Th-Thanks Tessa. J-Just glad you are-

Then she lend over and kiss him on the lip as she wrap her arms around his waist while Y/n surprised died down and he kiss her back while wrapping his arm around her waist. After a while they stop and they stare at each other as Tessa  lend her head to Y/n's chest for a hug as she tells him.

Tessa: (smile) Thank you Y/n. I'm glad I'm in a better family.

Y/n smiles and hugs her back. They stop hugging qnd Levy came in and find the two as they turn and they noticed that Levy's chest is a bit bigger as she rush up to Y/n.

Levy: (smile) Hey Y/n~! What brings you and Tessa here?

Y/n: Uuummm nothing much just showing Tessa around. Say are you okay?

Levy: (smile) Yep. Say ready to go to the library to pick out a book?

Y/n: Oh right, I remember that. Sure let's go.

Levy smiles as the two head off and once that Tessa stood there and find it off that Levy's chest is bigger then before.

Tessa: (thought) That was weird. Wonder if anyone else noticed something different about Levy?


Lucy, Erza and Juvia: (surprised) Levy has her chest what now?!

We see Lucy, Erza, Wendy, Juvia and Mirajane at the supply room as Wendy told them what she saw. Carla doesn't want to take part of this so she left to return to the main guild.

Wendy: Yeah. I don't wanna sound mean or anything but usually her chest would be smaller right?

Erza: Maybe she had somethings underneath her shirt?

Juvia: (anger) The worst part is that she is using it to flirt with Y/n!

Mirajane: (smile) That's some surprise. You think she might have use her magic to make her chest grow?

Lucy: I don't think so but I'm actually curious on how she done it.

The girls wanted to know as well when a voice tells them.

???: I know how qnd it's because of this.

They turn to see Cana as she show a small potion with some  pink liquid inside as Erza takes it and reads the label.

Erza: "Burster Booty potion" hmm this is interesting. I've never heard this potion before.

Cana: (smirk) She must have gotten it from a store and use it for Y/n.

Juvia: (anger) How dare she! We must destroy it at once.

Cana: Yeah we should......or we can drink it.

Lucy: (blush) Say what now?

Wendy: (blush) Y-You saying we get our chest grow as well?

Cana: (smirk) Why not? We all love Y/n and we can do anything to Y/n if our chest gets a bit bigger.

Lucy: I don't know about this.

Erza: Maybe so but who knows, it could be fun.

Cana: (smirk) Then what are you waiting for! Drink I up!

Erza looks at the potion and she dose so. Soon Juvia was next, Then Mirajane, Cana and now Lucy as Wendy slowly walks back and tells them.

Wendy: (blush) I-I-I think I should pass. See you girls later okay?

Cana: (smirk) You lost! Go ahead Lucy, drink it up.

Lucy looks at it not suring about this but she takes a deep breath and drinks it up while Wendy kinda wants to join in but she gets blushed thinking about it and maybe try it out for another time.


We see Y/n and Levy at the library as they sat across each other with books in hand as they read through both Earthland's history and Y/n's worlds history which Y/n hands Levy to read through.

Levy: (surprised) Wow you world has faced with many wars before you came here.

Y/n: Yeah it was all before I was born. My father took part the Insurrection and Argyre Planitia campaign.

Levy: (surprised) Yeah and many wars before that. Besides that there is a lot of different history then our history. Wish i could have seen your world.

Y/n smiles and continues reading but after a while he noticed Levy looking at him so he peaks over to see Levy star at him while she lend her body forward, showing her breast which made Y/n blush red and looks back to his book while Levy giggles and continues reading.

Soon they left with some books on them as they decided to head to Y/n's place which is siren base. Along the way Levy wrap her arms around Y/n's and press her breast to Y/n's arm which made Y/n blush even more while Levy smile to see him blushing like that.

Soon they arrive to Siren base and we see them at Y/n's private quarters and once there Levy looks around his room in amazement to see many high tech stuff he has. She then pokes on a device and ask.

Levy: What is this thing?

Y/n: That's a Music box. I sometimes listen to music when ever I'm alone. Just to make me relax and calm or listen to some music that is fun and nice.

Levy: (surprised) Wow that's interesting. Mind you play a song?

Y/n: (smile) Sure.

He gose over and look through all the list and finds one that will be good as he press that and play it.

(Music start)

Levy listen to the song that is coming out and she likes it. It sounded romantic and nice while Y/n smiles and walks over to her and lend out a hand to her.

Y/n: (smirk) Wanna dance?

She blushes deep which Y/n find it a bit cute as she smile and gently grab his hand and the two start to dance like they were in a nice ball as they slowly dance around with them holding each others hands as they slow dance around.

Levy can imagine them in a wedding and on a dance floor which make her smile as they dance around.

Y/n: So Levy.

Levy: Yeah?

Y/n: Not wanna sound like a creep or a pervert but your chest are a bit big? How?

Levy: (giggle) Guess you have noticed huh?

Y/n: (blush) W-W-Well a little.

Levy: (giggle) Well if you wanna know, I brought a potion from a store that can increase my breast and make them a bit bigger.

Y/n: (surprised) Didn't even know they sell those kind of things.

Levy: Thought so as well. like them?

Y/n: (blush) W-W-Well y-yeah but I don't care what size they are. Your perfect to what ever you are. Besides, your really smart and cute as well.

Levy blushes whil she smiles as she hugs Y/n while they dance as Levy tells Y/n.

Levy: (smile) Still your pretty cute, handsome and very nice. You risk everything you have in order to save those that needed help.

Y/n: (smile) That what soldiers do Levy.

Levy: (smile) More then a soldier. Your a human person that has a heart to do what is right. That why we live you Y/n, I love you as well.

Y/n (smile) And I love you as well, Levy.

The two look at each other and then their lips touched and they kisses while the music continues as they make out while they dance backwards. Soon the two fell onto Y/n's bed and they make out on the bed as Levy made cute moans while Y/n moans back at her as their tongues met as they continues making out for a bit.

(Music ends)

Even after the music ends they still make out for another while and soon they open their eyes at each other and move away their heads while they catch their breaths. They look at each other with love in their eyes and Levy was about to kiss him even more when a voice surprise them both.

Lucy: Mind we join in?

They look over with the two about to say something when they noticed that Lucy, Erza, Cana, Juvia and Mirajane have their chest been bigger then Levy's.

Y/n nearly have a nose bleed seeing their chest being bigger but he cleans it up while Levy asked in shocked.

Levy: (shocked) How did that happen?

Mirajane: (smile) Let's just say we found the potion that you used and we drink it.

Levy: (shocked) You drank it?!

Cana: (smirk) Relax there is some left. Beside....

She enter the bed and grab Y/n's head and pulls him towards her breast and his face was pressed onto her breast as Cana gose on to say.

Cana: (smirk) We can test them with our handsome test subject.

Soon the other girls enter the bed and they each take turns laying Y/n's head onto their large breast, staring with Erza who snatch Y/n from Cana and press his head to her breast while she smiles.

Erza: (smirk) How dose it feel Y/n? You like them?

Y/n can't find the right words to say because his mind is seemed to not be working while he was pulled to Juvia who press his face to her breast while calls out.

Juvia: No! He loves my breast! Go ahead my love, have your face on my breast as much as you like, I don't mind.

Soon Y/n was pulled away from Juvia and have his head resting on Mirajane's as she giggles and said.

Mirajane: (smile) You girls are too rough on Y/n. Perhaps all he needs is some sleep and my breast can be his pillow if you like.

Then Lucy takes Y/n and place his face onto her breast as she hugs him while Y/n face was on her breast as this continues for a while and then all girls decide to finish thid up with all of their breast pressed around Y/n's face while they all ask him.

Lucy, Erza, Juvia, Mirajane, Cana and Levy: So Y/n, which of our breast is better?

Y/n have his whole face blushed red and his mind isn't working as he can't take it anymore and hid nose pour out of hid nose and he falls onto the bed and passed out while the girls giggled to see that his mind want overload of their large breast.


Rex and Leo return to the guild after their recon mission with some sniper marines behind them as they walk away while Makarov, Violet, Iris and Saie approach the two Spartans.

Makarov: What is the report?

Leo: Well we check out the area that we have reserved from Banished coms and what we found is something we never seen.

Rex: It's some sort a large Banished Prisom camp. At first we thought it was just a normal prison but we soon found out we were wrong.

Violet: Why?

Leo: Because that prison is a prison...for captured Spartans.

They were shocked by this as the other guild members heard of this and they were shocked as well.

Boze: (surprised) You mean there are more Spartans and they are captured?!

Alzack: How many are there?

Leo: Can't tell but judging by the size of it, I think there is possibility 100 or 115 Spartans that are captured.

Iris: If we go there and free them. Maybe we can have a chance of defeating the Banished.

Saie: What if its a trap?

Violet: It's the only shot we got to get a upper hand.

Makarov: Where is this prison?

Rex: At a area called "The landscape of blood."

Violet: Sounds scary. What is that?

Tessa: It's where the second trade war have their final battle.

Then Tessa walks towards them as Tessa gose on to tell them.

Tessa: Many warriors lost there lives near the end of the second trade war. Some say that area is hunted by spirits of ghost warriors while some say no one survived the final battle. Still it used to be a town until it was all destroyed, now its just a wasteland.

Leo: Still those Spartans needs our help and if we break them out, we might have a chance.

Rex: I agree with Leo. This is one chance to get a upper hand.

Makarov nods to this and after a while he tells them.

Makarov: In that case I have a few of my members to help you on your mission.

Y/n: Mind I join.

Then Y/n came into the guild as he wipe his nose and walks over to them.

Violet: Where have you been?

Saie: And is that blood on your nose?

Y/n: Um best not to ask.

Makarov: You sure? You needed a break during your last mission.

Y/n: (smile) I'll be fine. Besides that's a week ago, now I'm ready for combat.

Makarov: (smirk) In that case. Wish you luck and be safe.

Y/n: (smile) I will sir.

They make they way to get geared up while Violet has to ask.

Violet: Seriously though, why you have blood on your nose?

Y/n: Let's just say.....Lucy and the rest "hug" me around.

Violet: Ok?

Violet still have no idea what he is talking about but she shake that aside and gear their gears ready and head out on their mission to save the Spartans and bring them home.

To be continued................

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