Chapter 28: We must say goodbye to those we care for

The control room within Nirvana were clear as we see Y/n, Violet, Alaia and Andrew along with the marines as dead hodges of Banished troops are seen on the ground while Violet place doe explosion charges onto the table as they gather around the table as Violet tells them.

Violet: These charges will be enough to blow a lacrima Crystal and bring this place down once and for all.

Andrew: We onky have six so we have to make this count.

Y/n: Agree. This is our final push, we can give this to the marines and they will give each of them to Wendy, Ichiya and Erza once they get to them. Remember we can't allow the Banished and Oracion Seis to win this, this must end now.

Natsu: (smirk) Agree man.

Then Natsu, Lucy, Gray and Happy came in badly injured with Gray and Lucy being carried by marine medics as they approach them.

Y/n: You four sure you can take this?

Natsu: (smirk) Sure thing man. Just leave this to us.

Y/n: Okay. I'll take the first lacrima with Natsu.

Gray: I'll take Violet and Andrew and take care the second lacrima.

Lucy: Me, Alaia and Happy will go for the third then. Let's just hope Zero isn't there.

Y/n: Guess that leaves three other lacrimas. Let's hope Erza, Ichiya and Wendy will handle them along with some back on their way. Alright everyone, LET'S MOVE OUT!

They each grab explosion charges and they split up and make their way to each Lacrima core to set up the explosion and we Nirvana once and for all.

(A while later)

We see Natsu, Y/n and some marines behind making their way through the hall of Nirvana scanning he area for a ambush. Natsu places a hand on a wall as Y/n turn his head to him.

Y/n: You okay?

Natsu: I'm good. No need to worry man.

Y/n nods to him and they keep on moving. After a while they arrived to the first core and at first they were lucky because they don't see any Banished troops anywhere but then A guy with red eyes and long white hair appears in front of them as he looks at them with a smirk.

Natsu: That's him for sure.

Y/n: I see.

Zero: (smirk) I must say Spartan, I never met a person to manage to stop a blast from Nirvana. You must be very powerful.

Y/n: There is more that you don't know about me Zero.

He slide his rifle at his back and pulls out both his enegry sword and shield and actives them while Natsu step up beside him while the Marines stay back and let them deal with Zero while they arm the explosion.

Zero smirks and he first ry to hit Natsu with his powerful dark attack but Y/n came in front of Zero and blast it with his enegry shield and then use his lighting magic on his engery sword and charge at Zero and swings his blade at him as Zero dodges it as he step to the side.

Then Natsu leaps up while his first burst into flames to land a blow to him but Zero reach out his hand in front of Natsu and fire a dark magic at Natsu that sent Natsu flying but then Y/n tackle him with his shield and he swope his sword to his pistol and fire a few shots at him but he dodges the bullets and then wave his hand up in the hand while Y/n's body suddenly locked inro place as he was lifted to the air.

Zero see a few marines arming the bomb but he summon creatures which they appear behind them and the marines were killed while Zero drags Y/n forward towards Zero as the two were face to face to each other.

Zero: (smirk) Your one interesting person but thid ain't gonna change anything. Once I deal with you and your friends we will rain chaos to this world and there is nothing you could do to stop me!

He slowly close his hand while Y/n can feel his body being squeezed as he scream in pain. Suddenly a blast hist Zero and sent him flying while Y/n fell onto the ground and lands on the floor and looks over.

In his shock he sees Jellal as he turn to Y/n as the two made eye contact while Natsu see him and yells out to Jellal.


Y/n: Natsu wait!

Natsu looks at Y/n in confusion whike Jellal looks back at Y/n as they look over to see Zero getting up.

Jellal: He'll be too strong for both of you to beat.

He then reach out his hand to Y/n and fired a beam that hits Y/n as he feel to his knees while golden sparks appear around his armor while Natsu grabs Jellal ans demands to know.


Jellal: I have increased Y/n's magic and strength. He'll get the upper hand against Zero. As you Natsu.

Then a gold fire appear on Jellal's hand as Natsu looks at it as Jellal tells him.

Jellal: Take this power, this one will give you the upper hand as well.

Natsu stare at it and to Jellal and back to the golden flame and then eats it. He suddenly feel so much powerful now as sparks appear around his body as well while Zero fully gets up as Natsu walks next to Y/n as Natsu smirks as he punches his own hand and asked Y/n.

Natsu: (smirk) I feel fired up. Ready for this man.

Y/n: (smirk) Ready man. Let's end this once and for all.


Lucy gets kicked across the room and lands hard on the wall by Xul approach her with his red Crimson engery sword while Alaia is battling with Seze as she dodge his swings.

Happy: You leaveher alone!

Xul: Little insect.

He slaps Happy away which he slams onto the floor while Xul approaches Lucy and grabs her by the neck and pinned her to the wall. He move his blade to Lucy's face as he chuckles.

Xul: I've killed many Spartans in my life but that fact I get to kill a wizard will be far more greater then anything I can imagine.

Lucy can feel the heat of his blade while Xul chuckles once more and gosw on to say.

Xul: Your a weak human I can tell. You allow your spirits to help you in your battle while you side back and let them do all the work. A true warrior will fight and die for honour and glory. Your just an embarrassment as a warrior. In fact, your not evern a warrior.

Lucy: Th-That maybe so.

She then grabs Xul's arm and looks at the elite straight into his eye with no fear or anything in her as she tells him.

Lucy: But I know I will do what everi can to save the Cait shelter guild and those who are in it. I may not be as powerful but I'll do what ever I can to protect everyone who needed help. Either if I am injured, weak or sick, I will never give up!

Xul: (chuckle) Such a heroic nonsense.

He was about to end her life when suddenly he was slapped away while he drops Lucy to the ground as he slams onto the wall and land hard on the ground. Lucy looks up to be surprised of a Hunter as the Hunter turn to Xul as he stood up and was confused by this while Seze leaps back as Alaia approach them.

Seze: We have to go now brother.

Xul growls in anger and the two turn invisible and leave the area. Alaia turn o the Hunter as the Hunter turn to Lucy and he puff into smoke to reveal Genini.

Alaia: What the hell are those things?

Lucy: (surprised) Those are Genini, what are you two doing here?

Gemi: We're here to help.

Mini: Your determination is very strong and care to other inspired us to help.

Alaia: At least that's good to here. You two alright?

Happy: I'm good. Those Elites were tough.

Lucy: Agree and kinda scary as well.

Alaia: (smirk) You'll get use to it. Let's hope the rest are okay at their end.

Lucy: Same. Let's hope they will be okay.


Natsu and Y/n charge at Zero and they take him on this time feeling more powerful then anything now as they strike powerful blows to Zero while Zero try his best to counter attack him but two against one is bad for him.

Natsu fire a powerful dragon roars at him which hits him and send him flying while Y/n freeze him in place with his ice magic. He holds Zero there while he calls out to Natsu.

Y/n: Natsu, arm the explosion now!

Natsu nods and rush over to where the marines are and grabs the explosion and stuck it at the lacrima. Y/n struggled to hold Zero in place but then another ice beam blast the ice as Ur came out of the halls and stand next to Y/n.

Ur: (smirk) Looks like I made it here just in time.

Y/n: (smirk) Well kinda.

After some confusion buttons that Natsu doesn't know, he finally get it to work.

Natsu: It's on! I think? Dose green means it's armed?

Y/n: Yes, nice work Na-

Suddenly the ice where Zero was in shattered inro millions of pieces and sent Ur and Y/n flying as they land hard on the ground. Zero in rage appears and grabs Y/n by the neck amd lift him up in the air as he tells him.


Y/n: (smirk) Simple....with a push o this button.

On his hand he was holding a trigger as he push it and the explosion gose off. Soon all explosion in each Lacrima that the rest of the team placed on blows up and all six lacrimas are all destroyed.

Zero is in rage by this while Natsu leaps up and his two fist burst into golden flames as he land the most powerful punch at Zero and he was sent flying while Y/n lands on the ground as Zero crashes onto the wall and onto the ground defeated.

Natsu smirks while Ur helps Y/n up. Then the whole place around them start to shake and falling apart around them.

Natsu: This isn't good.

Ur: We need to get out of here!

Y/n: Pilot we need extraction now!

UNSC pilot: (radio) I can't see you!

Y/n attached his grenade launcher to his rifle and aims it at the air ans fire a grenade at the ceiling and blows a whole to the surface open. While at the same time he slide in a flare into the grenade launcher and fire a flare into a hole so the Pelican pilot can see them.

Once there he drop down a rope Y/n grabs the unconscious Zero and they grab on the rope and the pilot railed them in whole the whole place falls apart. Once that the pilot pulls the Pelican away as Nirvana start to fall apart and soon there was a large explosion as the Pelican flies off.

They were on the Pelican as Y/n was on his radio trying to call for anyone until Erza came in.

Erza: (radio) This is Erza, we're okay.

Wendy: (radio) Same here.

Lucy: (radio) We're alright as well.

Gray: (radio) Looks like we won right?

Y/n: (smile) Indeed Gray. Misson complete. Returning to base now.

The Pelican that each of them were in flies off and return back to base camp as their mission is finally over.


They return back to base camp as the marines cheered while Hope and Kale hugged each other as all four guilds including those in Christina gathered up and cheered for their victory.

Y/n walks over to Wendy and Carla to see they were alright which Wendy respond by hugging Y/n which Y/n hugs her back.

Wendy: (smile) Thank you for saving my guild Y/n. Your my hero.

Y/n: (smile) No problem Wendy. But we're all heroes today, especially you Wendy. Good job.

Wendy: (blush) Th-Thank you.

Y/n turns to Carla which she looks away from him for a bit but then she sigh and said.

Carla: I guess your not as reckless as i though. Thank you for your help.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks Carla. Knew you have a kind heart in you.

Carla: (anger) What's that suppose to mean!?

They chuckles while Y/n looks Iver to see Tessa have her guards take the captured Oracion Seis away as they load tnem up into a UNSC vehicle. Y/n approaches her and ask her.

Y/n: Is that all of them?

Tessa: Indeed. We take them to the magic council so they will have a trail for their crimes.

Y/n: Thqnk you for helping us Tessa. We couldn't have done it without your information about Nirvana.

Tessa: (smile) It's no problem. Say what about him?

He looks over to see Jellal at the side lines as he looks over at them and look away as Y/h turn to her and tell her.

Y/n: He doesn't remember what he did. He's not much as a threat and he shown to redeem himself when he help me and Natsu win against Zero.

Tessa: You sure you can trust him?

Y/n: Of course.

Tessa looks over to Jellal and back to Y/n and tell him.

Tessa: Okay. I'll inform the council about this but it's best you keep an eye on him as best you ca-

???: That won't be necessary.

They look over to see more magic council guards along with a man in front whike the rest of the guilds see this and walks over to see what's going on.

Tessa: (surprised) Lahar? I didn't know the magic council sent you here?

Lahar: Thas is because we are here to arrest Jellal for crimes against the magic council.

They were shocked by this while Tessa tells Lahar.

Tessa: Sir we all due respect, Jellal has no memory on what he did and shown to help the guild and UNSC in battle.

Lahar: That doesn't change the fact that he is monster who trick the magic council to use our weapon for his plan.

Tessa: But sir! The magic council sent me to assist them in battle and arrest the Oracion Seis, not Jellal!

Lahar: Things change Tessa and you should be know about your failure of stopping Jellal's plan.

Tessa: (shocked) What?!

Natsu: (anger) Now hang on there! It wasn't her fault for whatever she did!

Lahar: She took too long and before she know it, it was too late. Many lives were taking by her. That is why she is no longer a member of the magic council royal guard.

Tessa: (shocked) What?! B-But I've been loyal to the magic council ever since I was young. They can't do this!

Lahar: They will, you aren't welcome back to the magic council and all your ranks will be taking away from you. You should shame of your actions Tessa.

Tessa couldn't believe this while Lahar waits for them to hand over Jellal but they will not do that. None of them will, so he was about to force them by having their guards to attack them when Jellal came out of the crowd.

Jellal: Wait.....take me if you may.

Erza: (shocked) Jellal?!

Y/n: (shocked) Jellal don't do this!

Jellal: It's fine. I must pay the crimes what I did, even if I don't remember them. I must pay for it.

He walks over to Lahar and he cuffed him and load him to the vehicle. Once that they watched as they take Jellal away and they can't believe this. Tessa just walks off still can't believe all her work was for nothing. Y/n was about to go and talk to her back Erza grabs his shoulder and tells him.

Erza: I'll go and talk to her.

He nods and Erza walls up to her and the two start to talk whike one by one everyone left until it was only Y/n as he watch Tessa hugging Erza while tears pour out of her eyes while Erza have a singal tear pour down at her eye to have Jellal gone again but she knows she isn't alone no more, she has her new family including Y/n with her no matter what.

(Next day)

We see the guilds at the cait shelter guild while the marines with the help of Brielle, Alaia, Violet, Andrew, Kale and Hope to get things loading to the Pelican while Y/n and the rest visits the Cait shelters guild master and his members.

Roubaul: We can't thank you all enough for all your help. Without you all, our lives and this guild would have been lost. We own you our lives.

Ichiya: Since we have defeated both the Banished qnd Oracion Seis, i believe and party is in order to celebrate this victory! Oh yes!

Hibiki, Eve and Ren: Your the man boss!

Ichiya: Man!

Soon they start dancing except Jura, Wendy, Carla and Y/n as they smiled as they watch them dance. Then they realised Roubaul and his guild members except Wendy and Carla aren't joining in or even smiling.

Y/n: Is there something wrong?

There were silence from them including Roubaul until the silence were broken by Roubaul telling them all.

Roubaul: My apologies for this but there is something you must know. You see....Nirvana was actually our creation many years ago.

They were shocked by this including Wendy and Carla as Roubaul gose on to tell them.

Roubaul: Many years ago we built Nirvana as a powerful city for our people to enjoy and live peaceful. We have gotten these plans from what we believed to be God's as they hand us the plans for Nirvana. At first we lived in peace until Nirvana's magic turn into pure into darkness and many people were slain. Soon we buried Nirvana so no one will not use it for evil. Now it seems the creation we made was awaken by those from another world.

Natsu: (shocked) That's crazy?!

Happy: (shocked) And you a knee about it?!

Roubaul: Indeed. I'm very sorry.

Y/n: And those gods? Do you mean the Forurnners?

Roubaul: Maybe but if you wish to call them then yes. But there is one more thing you all must know. This guild and the members except Wendy and Calra, are not real.

Wendy: (shocked) What?!

Y/n: But how?

Roubaul: What your all looking at here are just spirits who lived in this land. When a boy drop off a young girl here, we have no choice but to make it as a guild for her.

Wendy: (shocked) N-No this can't be true.

Roubaul: I'm sorry Wendy. But it is.

Then one by one each Cait shelter guild members were disappointing in front of their eyes which shocks eveyone while Wendy burst into tears while both her and Clara Cait shelter mark disappeared as well.

Wendy: (tears) M-Master.

Roubaul: (smile) Never cry Wendy. You have those who are real and they will take care of you. I wish you good luck Wendy.

Then he disappeared as well as Wendy burst into tears including Carla while everyone feels sorry for them. Then Wendy felt a hand on her shoulder as she looks up to see Y/n gently grabbing her shoulder as he tells Wendy and Calra.

Y/n: It's hard to see goodbye to those who are with us. But sometimes, you can't just bring those who are already gone right in front of your eyes. That is why, it is always say goodbye to those who are gone.

Wendy noticed that Y/n's tone was different. It sounded like he too is in tears as well and knows how it feels to lose those he care for right in front of hid eyes and eveyrone knows this.

Lyon: He sounded....sad.

Lucy: It's because he lost a lot of people before he came to this world. So he knows how it feels to lose the people he cares for right in front of him.

Then Y/n turns to Wendy and Carla and tells them both.

Y/n: You can come with us. You can Join Fairy Tail.

Soon Wendy and Carla agree and so they gather as much they need and once that they fly off. As Y/n, Ur, Brielle, Alaia, Tessa, Violet, Gray, Natsu, Happy, Wendy, Erza, Lucy and Carla make their way back to Magnolia and to Fairy Tail with three new members which are Wendy, Carla and Tessa as they will join Fairy Tail and be in a real family together.

To be continued.................

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