Chapter 27: Spartans will do anything to save someone

The sun was was about to set down as we see a few marines on the edge of the cliff still on the search on the rest while we see Wendy and Carla sat behind of a rock with Wendy looking down on the floor and feel ashamed when Brielle sat down next to Wendy and hand her a bottle of water.

Brielle: Here. You two might be thirsty.

Wendy: Thank you.

She takes the water bottle and takes a drink while Brielle hands a small one to Carla which she refused so Brielle puts it away just in case she changes her mind.

Wendy: I'm a coward. I let everyone done and there was nothing for me to do.

Carla: You shouldn't blame yourself Wendy.

Brielle: She's right. You weren't useless on this mission.

Wendy: Yes I was.

Brielle: (smirk) Oh come on Wendy. Don't let this blame yourself thing pull you down. Just remember, your a wizard but not just a wizard but both a dragon slayer and a healer wizard. Your probably be powerful then Natsu of possible.

Wendy: I guess.

Brielle: Say mind telling us about this Jellal guy?

Carla: I agree, I never know you knew Jellal?

Wendy: It was a long time ago. When I was a child he was the one who found me and help me to take me to a guild. We thought we be there together but...he drop me off to the cait shelter guild and I never seen him again.

Brielle: Just like that? Weird.

Wendy: Yeah. There is some talk that he was apart of the magic council and he did some bad stuff.

Brielle: That's what Y/n told us.

Wendy: I don't believe it. I know there is still some good within him and I just hope he can realise what he is doing and help us.

Brielle: That would be lucky.

Marine: Ma'am!

The three look over as Brielle stood up and see two Maarine's with Ur on their arms and judging by her wounds she looked injured as Brielle rushes over to her as they set her done.

Brielle: What happened to her?!

Marine: We just spotted her walking through the woods and then passed out when she spotted us.

Brielle: Wendy!

Wendy: On it.

Wendy dose her work while another Marine holding a data pad told Brielle.

Marine 2: Ma'am there is something large coming up here.

Brielle: Where?

Carla: There.

Brielle turned to Calra who is looking out of the veiw as Brielle walks next to Carla and was shocked to see what she is seeing in the distances.

Brielle: (shocked) What in the mighty fucking that?


Voices is heard around Y/n some were yells followed by something punching his chest over and over again follow by his lip being places by another lip and something was blown into his mouth as this happen over and over again until he start to wake up.

Violet: He's waking up!

Y/n open his eyes wide as he start to cough out water as he turn to cough the rest of the water out of his mouth while Violet pats his back to get all the water out of his mouth while we see Happy, Andrew and the rest of the Marines as Y/n finally got all the water out of his mouth and looks over to them.

Violet: (sigh of relief) Thank fuck your alive. Thought we lost you.

She then hugged Y/n to be glad that he is alive which Y/n hugs her back. She let's go and Andrew helps him up and once up he realised and immediately asked.

Y/n: Where is Natsu and Lucy?! They were with me?! Are they okay?!

Andrew: Calm down sir they are okay. It's a good thing we found you three floating by the lake unconscious and got you three out of there.

Y/n: Thank god. Hang on, I thought you and your squad were captured by the Banished forces?

Andrew: We were until Violet and her squad came and save us.

Violet: (smile) Can't let my order brother die on my watch.

Andrew: (smile) Guess so sis.

Lucy: Man that was a rough ride.

Y/n: Lucy!

They let go of Y/n as he walks over to Lucy and see her okay but the weird part is that she has a new set of clothes.

Lucy: Um where did these new clothes come from?

Y/n: I was about to ask that.

Virgo: I did.

Y/n jump to see Virgo, one of Lucy's Celestial spirits appear beside Y/n which also surprised the rest.

Virgo: While you all were trying to revive Y/n I got some new clothes for both Natsu and Lucy since their were wet and damaged.

Y/n: Thanks for that Virgo.

Virgo: It's no problem and nice to meet you in person Y/n. Lucy told me a lot about you.

Y/n: Yeah guess so.

Natsu: The next time I'm on a boat, it be too soon.

Then Natsu appear wearing also a new set of clothes and before they all can relax now knowing eveyrone is alright. They here something in the bushes as they turn to see Sherry came out of the bushes as Violet and her squad aim their weapons at her.

Y/n: Wow hold your fire! It's only just Sherry.

Violet: She attacked us for no reason and she injured Ur as well!

Y/n: What?!

Lucy: Behind you!

Y/n turn to see vines appear as they were brought to life by Sherry and she was about to attack him when Gray appear and tackle her to the ground.

Y/n: Gray! Perfect timing.

Gray: You all alright?

Natsu: Well I'm okay thanks to your trap.

Violet: Trap? But Gray was with us thw whole time?

Y/n: It's a long story but I'll explain later.

Sherry: (smirk) You all shall pay for my lover! You all shall pay!

Y/n: Lover? You mean Lyon?

Violet: We believe Lyon was killed during the fight of the speedy member of the Oracion Seis.

Lyon: Not exactly.

They all turn to see Lyon along with Hope and Kale as they came out of the bushes. The site of Lyon shocks Sherry.

Sherry: (shocked) Lyon?

Violet: (shocked) But how? We searched everywhere for you?

Gray: (shocked) Yeah and that explosion!

Lyon: I manage to throw away the bomb and it cost both me and Racer away. After I woke up I try to find my way oit and that's when I found Hope and Kale captured which I rescue them.

Kale: Yeah but i would have escape by myself.

Hope: (chuckle) What ever you big guy.

Then the dark engery came out Sherry as he falls unconscious which Y/n catch her. Lyon takes the unconscious Sherry and tells them.

Lyon: If I were you I suggest you head to the cait shelter guild at once. We believe the Banished is gonna to attack there and Nirvana is fully awaken and it's making it's way there right now.

Lucy: (shocked) That's not good.

Natsu: Looks like we have to stop them before it's too late.

Y/n: Agree. I'll take the marines to the cait shelter guild to get everyone out of there while the rest of you will stop Nirvana from getting there.

Natsu: (smirk) Sounds like a plan. Goof luck Y/n.

Y/n: Same to you. Be safe you guys.

Gray: (smile) We be done before you know it.

Lucy: Just be okay will you?

Y/n: Don't worry I will.

Once that Y/n and the rest of the UNSC soldiers go to find a vehicle to get to the cait shelter guild while Natsu, Gray, Happy and Lucy head off to stop Nirvana before it be too late.


After Y/n and the rest drop off Lyon and Sherry to where Christine is at they make their way as fast on ther Warthogs as they can to the Cait shelter guild when Alaia come son to their radios.

Alaia: (radio): This is Alaia-G770 dose anyone copy over?

Y/n: This is Y/n-B783, we hear you loud and clear Alaia.

Alaia: (radio) Thank god to hear your voice. Banished forces is already at the cait shelter guild and we need back up over!

Y/n: Copy that. We're approaching to your location right now!

Soon they burst out of the forest and arrived at the cait shelter guild where they see UNSC soldiers and Alaia there as they take on Banished forces from both the air and ground. Two rocket hogs fire their missiles at the Banshees and blow them out whike Y/n fire his fire magic and take out a fee Banished forces as soon as they park their Warthogs.

The gunners open fire at the Banished forces while Y/n and the rest exit out of the Warthogs as Y/n rushes over to Alaia's cover and once there Alaia tells him.

Alaia: Glad to see you alright.

Y/n: Same to you. So what is happening?

Alaia: Well as you can see Banished forces are attacking this guild but we have Pelicans on there way to get these guild members out of here.

Y/n: Right let's hold them off!

Alaia nods as they came out of cover to open fire at the Banished forces. The Banished forces try to do what ever they can to break through their defences bit there was just too many of them as a few marines were taking out and Y/j use his ice magic to create a wall to give more cover to the marines.

Kale fire his grenade launcher at the Banished and blow them up sky high while hold his shield in front of him as plasma bolts and spikes bounce off of his metal shield while Hope fire her battle rifle and take out most Banished forces.

After a while the Banished forces suddenly start to pull back as they make a run for it to the forest and once that they were gone. The marines cheered of victory but Y/n thinks why did they retreat until they felt a large shake.

The ground beneath the shoke like crazy and before they know it they look up to be met by Nirvana in the distance and not only that it start to charge up it's cannon and aiks down at the cait shelter guild.

Andrew: (shocked) Holy shit! That thing is huge!

Alaia: It's gonna fire at us!

Violet: Look! Pelican!

They see a Pelican making it's way to them and it make it's landing as both Violet and Y/n race to the guild and opens the door to the other guild members including their leader Roubaul.

Violet: Come on everyone let's get out of here!

Everyone was scared to see Nirvana except for their master as he looks at them and tells them.

Roubaul: No.

Violet: (shocked) What?!

Y/n: You can't stay here! If you do, you all will die!

Roubaul: It is okay. This is the punishment of our sin.

Y/n: (thought) Sin? The hell are you talking about?

Andrew: We need to go now!

Violet and Y/n looks at them and with no choice they turn and make their way to the Pelican but Y/n stop and look back to the guild and knows that if this guild gets destroyed, then Wendy and Carla will be sadden.

He makes a fist and tells turns which Violet sees and calls out to him.

Violet: What the hell are you doing?! Get in to the Pelican now!

Y/n: I can't let them die Violet. I gonna do what is necessary to save them.

Violet: Damn it Y/n there is no way you can stop Nirvana! You will die!

Y/n: Then so be it.

He look at his hands and knows this has to work as he turn to Violet and the rest and tells them.

Y/n: Take off...and watch the show.

Violet can't believe this and with no choice the pilot takes off and they fly off whike Y/n takes off his helmet and throws it to aside as he walks up to the edge of the lake and stare back at Nirvana and look at his hands.

Y/n: Okay gose nothing.

He takes a deep breath in and out as he shut his eyes and then his arms startto glow and soon his body start to glow in some light as Roubaul and the rest of the cait shelter guild members watched as Y/n reach his two hands forward and he open his eyes with us eye sglow white as Nirvana was done charging and fires a large blast at the cait shelter guild and to Y/n.

Y/n: FAIRY LAW......BLAST!!!!!!!!!!!

He then shot out a powerful fairy law blast he ever made as the two beams collected which made a shock wave that made the Pelican shake a bit while Violet and the rest on it were shocked that Y/n can do that.

While thus is happening we see Y/n struggling to hold it off as he take a few steps back but he determined of saving this guild burns into his head as he stood up fully and lend out a cry as he lend out every strength, every power and everything he has as his Fairy law beam punche through Nirvana's and hits one of Nirvana legs and cost a large damage to it as it shuts down it's beam while Y/n close off his attack and stumbled back whike panting heavily.

He was very tired as he fell on one knee whike breathing heavily while a Pelican arrives as the hatch opens and Violet reach out to Y/n. Y/n smirks and grab his helmet, stood up and takes Violets hand a climb inside the Pelican as they take off to Nirvana.

Erza: (radio) This is Erza, what just happened?! First Nirvana fired and then there was a large beam that hits one of Nirvana's legs.

Y/n: That was me Erza. I used Fairy law blast to not only stop it but hit one of it's legs.

Erza: (radio) Y/n! I'm glad for that and I'm glad your safe. I'm sorry for left you all, you all must be worried.

Y/n: (smirk) To be far you worry for me as well.

Erza: (radio) True. I'm here with Wendy, Brielle and Carla.

Y/n: Are they okay?

Carla: (radio) We're okay but I can't believe you stop Nirvana from hiding our guild on your own. Have you got any idea how powerful that was?!

Brielle: (radio) He doesn't give a shit about that. He's just one badass Spartan.

Wendy: (radio) You saved everyone me and Carla care for. Thank you so much.

Y/n: That's what Spartan dose Wendy. They save lives and gets the job done.

While the Pelican arrives and flies around Nirvana Christine appear next to the Pelican and Hibiki gets into their radios.

Hibiki: (radio) Glad you stop Nirvana from destroying the Cait shelter guild but we're done here. Nirvana is slowly repairing itself and we only have 50 minutes before it be fixed and be ready to fire again.

Violet: Any way to stop it?

Tessa: (radio) There is. See those legs around Nirvana. Those are it's power and it's sucking some magic from the ground and inside are lacrima's. There are six of them and we need to destroy them at the some time otherwise it will repair the other.

Andrew: We have a few explosions with us. If we get yo them. Maybe we can set it up and blow them u-

???: (radio) I don't think it will not work.

Y/n: Who is this?

Hibiki: (radio) How did he get to this radio coms?

Zero: (radio) I am Zero the guild Master of the Oracion seis and your plan will not work. I have my Banished troops guarding at all six while I'm at one of them.

Y/n: We will stop you and stop Nirvana once and for all.

Zero: (radio) Hood luck trying Spartan because I just too down three of your friends. A Ice wizard, a dragon slayer wizard, a Celestial wizard and their blue cat.

Alaia: (shocked) He got Happy, Lucy, Gray and Natsu?!

Y/n: (anger) You motherfucker! Your lucky your on radio right now because I will beat the shit out of you!

Zero: (radio) Try your best Spartan because I'll be waiting for you to come. You shown to be strong with your magic so how about we face each other. One on one, you and me. Let's see how tough you are to beat me.

Then it cuts off as the Pelican hovers over a whole within the castle as the hatch opens as Marines attached ropes onto the Pelican and throws down the rope and they slide down. Y/n grab his weapons to go when Violet stop him.

Violet: You almost died so many times Y/n. Your not going anywhere.

Y/n: I'm going Violet. I have to stop him before it's too late.

Violet stare at Y/n and know she can't convince him so she lend in and kiss him on the check and tells him.

Violet: Be alive after thid okay?

Y/n was blushed by it but nods and she slide down the rope whike Y/n leaps down and lands onto the hole and they see two paths.

Violet: Have medical teams find Natsu, Gray, Happy and Lucy and get them up their feets while we take over the control room.

They nod and they split off while Y/n, Violet and the rest take off to take over the control room. The medical team along with some marines search foe them when one found them in the room as they enter to see them on the floor unconscious as the medical team dose their part whike the marines stand and guard.

The medics patch them up and injected with chemicals to heal their bodies more quicker. Soon Natsu was the first to wake up as a medic see this and Natsu slowly try to stand up but fell back but the medic helps him up.

Soon Gray, Happy and Lucy start to wake up as the medics help them up as Natsu slams his fist onto the ground while the medic ask him.

Marine medic: You okay sir?

Natsu: Y-Yeah man. We're is Zero?

To be continued...............

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