Chapter 26: See your own self
The beam from Nirvana continues shooting out from the ground and into the sky that is seen in base camp. We see Y/n, Lucy, Happy, Carla, Tessa, Hibiki, Brielle and Wendy inside a tent while Natsu is with Erza and the rest of the troops as Y/n tells eveyrone that Jellal is back which shocks them.
Lucy: (shocked) Jellal is back! How is that possible?!
Wendy: This is my fault. If i haven't bring him back, none of this weren't happen.
Y/n: Don't blame yourself Wendy. You were forced to by the Banished and the Oracion Seis. Now we know what they are looking for but one question still remains, what the hells is Nirvana?
Tessa: Nirvana is a weapon that is pure of darkness. Those black stuff that are coning out of the beam is what turns anything into darkness, including turning someone as dark as ever.
Happy: I'm confused what do you mean by Turing people as dark as ever?
Carla: It means those who are in the light will turn to the dark side and be evil.
Lucy: That can't be good.
Hibiki: Masted Bob also told me about this. Anyone who is shown to either have anger or sadness will fall to the dark side.
Lucy: That means Natsu right?
Hibiki: I don't think so. Those who is anger but onky because of someone may not fall into darkness.
Y/n: So Natsu is safe. Well as long Natsu is here with us, he'll be fine.
Then a Marine rush into the tent and tells them.
Male marine: Sir I hat to report but Natsu is gone!
Y/n: You gonna be kidding me! Where?
Male Marine: No clue but after he's gone Erza is gone as well.
Carla: (anger) And not with a thank you? How rude.
Lucy: That's what make you mad about?
Brielle: What should we do?
Y/n: We need to find Team B and C but we also need to find Erza and Natsu so they won't fall to darkness. Me, Lucy, Happy, Tessa and Hibiki will go and find Natsu and Erza while Brielle, Wendy and Carla will go and find the rest and find Christtina and try to get it working.
Brielle: (smirk) As long we smash some Banished forces, sure I'm in.
Y/n: Alright, let's move out.
They exit out of the tent and Lucy, Hibiki, Happy and Tessa head out while Wendy catch up to Y/n which Y/n turn sto her.
Wendy: I'm sorry for making this mission harder for you all. Maybe I shouldn't be on this mission with you.
Then to Wendy's surprised Y/n pets her on the shoulder as he tells her.
Y/n: (smile) No worries Wendy. Your always be apart of thid mission and besides, we're humans and we all make mistakes sometimes. Just keep your hope up and never give up, we finish this mission for sure.
She blushes from Y/n's kind words which she nod as Y/n turns and catch up with the rest whioe Wendy can feel her heart beat fast as she watch him.
Wendy: (thought) My heart has never beat as fast to someone before. He really is a very kind person.
Brielle: Yo Wendy! Let's go!
Wendy catch up to Brielle and they head out with the rest of the marines to find Teams B and C and take them to Christina for shelter.
We see Y/n, Lucy, Hibiki, Tessa and Happy along with a few squad of Marines slowly making their way through the forest to search for Natsu and Erza. They slowly walk through the forest and after a while Y/n raises his fist signaling them to stop which they did.
Y/n moves forward when he sees a rifle on the ground and he turn around the corner and was shocked to see the dead marines laying everywhere.
The rest came and Lucy and Happy wete shocked by this site. Y/n check one of the bodies and see spikes from a spiker as he stood up and said.
Y/n: Looks like this was a Banished ambush.
Hibiki: This was Andrew's squad. If that were true then where is Andrew?
Y/n: No clue but Violet ain't gonna like it.
???: Help. Over here.
They turn and follow the call for help and they see a marine pinned on a tree which Y/n pulls the tree away and once that he helps the marine up.
???: Thank you sir. Thought I'll be gone for.
Y/n: No problem Marine. What's your name?
Benjamin: Benjamin Carmine sir, Private sir.
Y/n: What happened here?
Benjamin: It was an ambush sir, the Banished give us hell and I think they captured some of the marines along with commander Andrew.
Lucy: Where did they take them?
Benjamin: I think they went that way, but be careful I believe there is a Oracion Seis member there that is with the captured marines.
Y/n: Understood. Your with us, let's get out troops back.
Benjamin: Sir yes sir.
Y/n hands him a battle rifle and once that they head off to where Benjamin told them where Andrew and the rwst of his squad went. After a while of walking they heard something which made them take cover as a large spider like machine burst through the trees and stop to scan around the area.
Lucy: (whisper) What is that?
Y/n: (whisper) That's a locust. But it looks different, it's not just the paint but....I decided someone in there.
Suddenly the Locust spotted them and fire a beam at them but they roll out of cover and they return fire at the Locust but the bullets bounce out of it's tough armor as the locust fires it's beams once more which they take cover.
Benjamin: How the heck are we suppose to take it out?!
Y/n: Just leave this one to us. Time for some action Lucy.
Lucy: (smirk) You know it.
She pulls out one of her keys and summons Sagittarius as he appears which surprised the Marines.
Sagittarius: I'm ready as you command.
Y/n: Nice. Okay Sagittarius use your explosion arrows to take down it's legs and I'll do the rest.
Sagittarius: You got it!
He pulls out his bow and some explosion arrows and fires the arrows at the Locust which made an explosion that cost the Locust to go down while Y/n rushes up, leap onto the Locust and place his hand on top of it and freeze the Locust on the head to it's legs.
After that the Locust is seen completely frozen as Y/n leaps out of the Locust head while Sagittarius finish it off with another explosion arrow as there was an explosion and the Locust shattered into many pieces.
The Marines were surprised by this as Y/n high fixed Sagittarius and Lucy for a job well done. Then he got something in his helmet and turns to it.
Y/n: I detect Natsu near us.
Lucy: Really? Is he alright?
Y/n: No something is wrong. Double timing people!
They rush through the bushes and make their way to Natsu's location and after a while they burst out of the bushes and they draw their weapons at....Gray who is on a boat with Natsu feeling sick with Gray have a Ice spare and was ready to kill Natsu.
Y/n: Gray what the hell are you doing?! That is Natsu, drop the spare now!
Gray: (smirk) Oh look it's the Spartan. Too bad that your still alive, thought you would have been killed.
Lucy: Gray what is wrong with you! You know we're on the same side!
Gray: (smirk) Who cares about that crap. I can do what ever I want and that is killing this dragon slayer right now.
Tessa: He must be infected by Nirvana's evil powers.
Hibiki: Yeah and it who knows how many other guild members have fallen into darkness as well.
Y/n: Hang on a minute there.
They turn to Y/n as he lowee his rifle and he suddenly realised something.
Y/n: Gray would never fall to darkness because he is cold. Nothing breaks him into darkness and according to my helmet, I detected only two life form where Gray is standing.
Hibiki: What are you saying?
Y/n: I'm sorry that's not Gray. If I'm right then who or what are you?
Gray start to laugh and then his eyes turn qnd suddenly there was a puff of smoke and it turned to Lucy whidh shocks everyone.
Benjamin: (shocked) Wow that's crazy!
Y/n: I get it now. It was you who know our plans all along. You some how snuck into our meeting before this attack and somehow now our plan.
Fake Lucy: (smirk) Your as smart as well Spartan. Well done.
Hibiki: Well now we know your just a fake Lucy. No way you can't convince us your the real Lucy.
Fake Lucy: (smirk) Oh I am real as every. Take a look of these.
Then she pulls over her shirt showing her brewst to then while Lucy screams in embarrassed while the men except for Y/n gets surprised and there was even a cheer form one of the marines.
Tessa: That's rude.
Fake Lucy: Now you see they are real.
Hibiki, Sagittarius and Marines: Yep their real alright!
Lucy: (embarrassed) I hate all of you! Why dose this always happen to me.
Y/n: If your done showing off tell us where Andrew and his squad are?
Fake Lucy: (giggle) I'm not telling you, I forgot to mention that I also have Lucy's magic as well and I can use them against you lot. Sagittarius take them out.
Then to everyone's shock Sagittarius fire his arrows and take out most of the Marines while Y/n rushes over andtackle Sagittarius to the ground.
Y/n: Sagittarius what the heck are you doing?!
Sagittarius: I'm sorry comrades but I can't control myself!
Y/n: Lucy!
Lucy: On it!
Sagittarius disappeared while Fake Lucy smirks as Banished else's came out of the lake behind the Fake Lucy and open fire at them.
Y/n returns fire while Benjamin who wasn't hit stand up as Y/n tells Benjamin.
Y/n: Benjamin get those Marines out of here! Get them back to base camp as soon as possible!
Benjamin: Yes sir!
Y/n: Happy, Tessa go with Benjamin while we take care things form here.
Happy and Tessa: Okay.
Benjamin, Tessa and Happy take most of the injured marines and carry them away while Y/n take out the last squad of Elites.
???: Well Well Well looks like we have some guests yo join our party.
Angel appears out of the trees while the Fake Lucy puffed into smoke as they see two little Celestial sprint as they disappear to the Celestial world.
Y/n: You better stand down Angel. You have no idea what your activing.
Angel: (smirk) I think we know what we're activing and as soon Nirvana is fully awake, we will spread chaos to the world.
Y/n: But we're going to stop you. Right here right n-
Suddenly he gets slammed by a Brute with a Gravity hammers as he was sent flying and splash into the lake. Hibiki try to help him but the Brute chieftain kicks Hibiki which he slams onto a tree and fell onto the ground.
The Brute turns to Lucy to crush her but Angel tells him.
Anegl: No. The blonde one is male fight, you have your own to deal with.
The Brute Chieftain nods and stomps towards Y/n as he slowly stands up and as the Brute swings his hammed to cross him but Y/n quickly grabs the brutes hammer while Lucy calls out to him.
Lucy: Y/n!
Y/n: I'm okay! Take care of Angel while I'll deal with this big boy.
Lucy nods and she gose on to battle Angel while the Brute swings his Gravity hammer that made Y/n leap and land hard on the ground. The Brute walks towards him while Y/n pulls out his shotgun and fire a few pumps but the bullets bounce off the brutes armor as he gets close and grab his shotgun and crushes it.
He then grabs Y/n by the neck and lift him up in the air as he chuckles at him.
Brute Chieftain: You Spartans are so easy to kill. I thought you Spartans were invisible but I see your not.
Then Y/n proofs the Brute wrong by grabbing his face and fires flames at the brutes head which he yells out in pain that made the Brute to let go of Y/n as he drops to the ground.
The Brute remove his helmet and throws it to the lake whole he lend out a ragging roar and charges towards Yn and swings his Gravity hammer at him but Y/n dodges it and took out his enegry blade and clash blades at the Brute Chieftain.
The Brute roars once more and then kicks Y/n at his stomach and sending Y/n back ad he rolled back to Lucy who is breathing heavily and having a hard time while Y/n stand up next to her.
Lucy: Having a hard fight?
Y/n: Yep. I can say the same to you.
She nods while the Brute Chieftain walks up next to Angel while Lucy summons Leo.
Leo: Ready for this fight Y/n.
Y/n: Yeah guess so.
Angel: (smirk) Oh Leo I see that you have your new masted. I suppose you know this spirit.
She then summon her own spirit which shocks then to see Aries. Leo, Lucy and Y/n were shocked by this while Hibiki is also shocked by not just seeing Aries but Leo as well.
Hibiki: (thought) Those were Karen's spirits. How did they....that's impossible.
Y/n: You gonna have Aries fight her own friend?! Your sick!
Angel: (smirk) Maybe so but at least this will be interesting.
Lucy: No way I'm not letting Leo fight her old friend!
Leo: It's fine Lucy. I got this.
Lucy: (shocked) What?!
Y/n: No way! Get back to the spirit world right no-
Leo: It's fine Y/n. I know this might be hard to see but we must obey.
Then Leo walls up to Aries and they began to battle. Lucy and Y/n can't believe this while Y/n makes a fist seeing this and can't believe someone can allow this. Then he realised the Brute Chieftain walk towards them while they are battling and they didn't seem to notice.
The Brute raised his hammer which Y/n sees and rushes towards them. The Brute bring down the hammer while Y/n pushes the two away and then the hammer lands a powerful hit at Y/n which shattered his chest armor and sending Y/n flying and crashing into a rock in the lake.
Lucy: Y/N!!!
Leo and Aries were shocked by this action while Lucy rushes up to him and see his chest armor broken and he is bleeding out.
Lucy: You okay! Talk to me! Please!
Y/n: I'm fine Lucy. I-I can make it.
Then the Brute raised his hammer and Aries and Leo and the Brute slames his Gravity hammer at them which send them flying as they disappeared back to the spirit world.
Lucy and Y/n were shocked by this action while hne Brute Chieftain walks towards them as he chuckles and he was about to kill them when suddenly bullets fly by as they turn to see Benjamin fire his battle rifle at the Brute Chieftain.
Benjamin: I got this sir!
He fire more of his battle rifle as the Brute gets hit by bullets which angers him as he chase Benjamin which Benjamin turns and runs while the Brute chases after him.
Angel: Well that sucks. Oh well guess I have to do the old way. Gemini finish then off.
They appear as they form into Lucy once more as they grab a Fallen spiker and walks towards them. Lucy is out of magic and Y/n is too injured as the fake Lucy walks up and aims the spiker at them.
Fake Lucy: (smirk) This is goodbye.
Lucy: Don't do this! I know you can make a choice, you can make your own decisions because I allow my to havetheir own decision and I know you do the same.
The fake Lucy just stood their in silence until Y/n slowly stands up and once stand up he looks straight at the fake Lucy's eyes and tells them.
Y/n: You can copy Lucy's magic and her body as well right? That means you also copy her mind as well. Then look into her memories and tell me that she trust her own spirits and treats them like they are her own family, like they are the spirits she counts on. If Lucy sees that you can make decisions then so do I! Your not just some spirit that blindly following orders or just some machine, your a living being just like me and Lucy! Don't listen to what Angel is saying and listen to what you think is right, remember Lucy's actions, remember what she did to her spirits and what she did to make them happy.
The Gemini gose down to Lucy's memories and sees Lucy's actions and true care to her own spirits including all spirits and remembers how Y/n also cares about spirits as well.
Fake Lucy: us.....
A tear came down their eyes as they drop the spiker and they disappeared back to the Celestial world.
Angel: (anger) What?! How dare they disobey me like that!
Y/n grabs the spiker and aims it at Angel as Angel sews this but then a beam knocks Y/n's weapon oit of his hand as more Banished troops came and they surround them as Banshees appears over head.
Angel: (smirk) Looks like I win in the end.
Y/m is too weak to fight them all as he fell onto one knee while he breaths heavily thinking this was it. Suddenly there was a light behind him as he turns to see Hibiki grabbing Lucy by the shoulder and using his magic to unlock something inside of Lucy.
Hibiki: I think you should get down if I were you Y/n.
Y/n doss so while Banished troops open fire at Lucy and Hibiki but the plasma bolts froze in place which shocks them. Then Lucy eyes glow and stars and planets appears around them and then there was a large explosion that take out Angel and her Banished forces.
The smoke clears up as Y/n slowly stand up and see Angel defeated and floating in the lake still alive while the rest of the Banished forces were taking down as well.
He turn back to see both Hibiki and Lucy fell unconscious as Y/n slowly make his way to Lucy and pick her up.
Y/n: Okay whereas Natsu?
He turn to see the small boat that Natsu was on floating away form them.
Y/n: Shit!
He rushes towards Natsu and see a waterfall ahead and Natsu is about to fall in. Soon he made it and grabs the boat as the boat was close to the waterfall.
He slowly walks back dragging the boat away from the Waterfall but in the trees there was a jackal as he aims down his beam rifle and fires a shot which hits Y/n on the shoulder as he lend out a yell and what's worst he slipped and he, Lucy and Natsu fell to the waterfall and they fell for a short while and soon they splash to the lake which Y/n hit his head at the bottom and this cost him to fall unconscious as everything around him turns black.
On top of the waterfall we see a Jackal looking down to see any bodies coming out of the water. Seze appears next to the Jackal as he tells him.
Seze: Forget about it. No way they can't survive the fall like that, let us move and rejoin the battle.
The Jackal nods as the two walk away hoping Natsu, Lucy and Y/n are out of their sites for good this time.
To be continued..................
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