Chapter 23: A guild joint operation
Within the room in the newly build UNSC military Government base we see six Generals of the UNSC sat around on a table while two UNSC marines stand guard by the door as the Generals are having a meeting and discussing about the Banished activity and their allies.
Liam: Gentleman, as we all may know we believe that the Banished as gang some allies with this works dark guilds. We believe that their goal is to take over this planet by qny means necessary. We must put a stop to this before it's to late.
George: Will Spartans now popping up everywhere in Earthland we believe it's the time that we will strike.
Oliver: But are we sure this is the best choice? We may have pur forces but are we sure we are ready to face off the Banished right now?
Nick: we have no choice. We can't just sit here and making more bases Gentleman, we must fight in order to defend this planet.
Rose: I agree and since more guilds are shown to work with the UNSC including the Magic council, it's time that we show the Banished who we are.
Jessica: I agree.
Liam: I have informed the Magic council and they told us something that we must stop before it's to late.
Jessica: What it it?
Liam: It appears that the Banished and a guild named the Oracion Seis is looking for something and this might theeating the world. Which is why they told each masters of each guilds to bring in their best wizards to help the UNSC I our fight against the Banished and the Oracion Seis. Failure will not be a option.
We see Y/n, Saie, Iris, Alaia, Leo and Rex walking through the streets of Magnolia wearing their Spartan armor as they walk through the street and see many Magnolia people surprised to see more Spartans and stare at them for a while.
Saie: They are starting at us.
Leo: Yeah that is creepy.
Brielle: (smirk) Oh relax it's not so bad. We get used to it.
Y/n: Brielle is right. As soon they see us walking around, they start to get used to it. Their just surprised to see more Spartans here.
Brielle: (smirk) So Y/n, ever wonder doing training with me when ever we have free time?
Y/n: Sure but let's see what's happening at the guild.
Rex: Is it important?
Y/n: Maybe but it could be fun.
Soon they walk into the guild and see all of the members gathering around and looking at a Magic drawing of all the dark guilds with three important dark guilds in the middle and lined with many guilds.
They walk over and see all of this and see only one X over The Phantom Lords which is disbanded couple a months ago.
Y/n: So what is all of this?
Mirajane: Well we have word that the dark guilds has been active ever since the Banished set up many bases in some parts of Earthland. Now it seems they form and gang a large amount of Dark wizards across Earthland.
Rex: Sounds scary.
Leo: So what's with the three guilds in the middle?
Sue: Those are what connects to other dark guilds.
Boze: It's like they hand over the dirty work to the small class of Dark Guilds. These guilds are Grimorie Heart, Tartaros and Oracion Seis.
Juvia: Together they form one of the strongest dark guilds ever and now the Banished have gang allies with them.
Y/n: Never know they accept humans into their ranks?
Leo: Well they're a new enemy we haven't seen until now.
Y/n: True. Say Oracion Seis sound familiar, who are they?
Mirajane: The Oracion Seis is one of the strongest guilds ever. That is because there is only six members.
Lucy: (shocked) Only six?
Violet: (shocked) They only have six members? Is that even allowed in guilds law?
Mirajane: I don't know but they are one 9f the strongest guilds we know of.
Makarov: Speaking of the Oracion Seis.
They all turn to see Makarov return back from his meeting as he looks at everyone and tell them.
Makarov: I have word that the Oracion Seis are up to something along with the Banished. We have no choice but to destroy them.
They were shocked by this and there was silence for a long time until Mirajane said Cheerfully.
Mirajane: (smile) Welcome back master.
They all fall while Mirajane gose on to say.
Mirajane: (smile) I hope your meeting gone well.
Leo: (whisper) Did she even hear what he said?
Rex: (whisper) Don't know but don't wanna be on her bad side.
Erza: Master what do you mean we have to destroy them?
Makarov: Their Allience will the Banished is shown to be a threat to both UNSC and Magic council. We have no choice but to strike at them before it is to late. However both UNSC and Fairy Tail can't take them on, Operation: United guild strike must be active.
Y/n: Operation: United guild strike?
Makarov: Yes, Fairy Tail, Blue Pegasus, Lamia Scale and Cair shelter. These four guilds will assist the UNSC in battle against the Oracion Seis and the Banished forces.
Natsu: (smirk) We don't have to need them to help us. We can take them on, in fact I can take them on myself.
Brielle: (smirk) Now that's my type of language there! Hell yeah let's break some shit!
Erza: Don't be reckless you two.
Y/n: We get our gears ready to head out.
Makarov: Alright, good luck and come back safe.
Y/n: (smile) Yes sir.
Within the forest we see Two Warthogs driving through a dirt road going ahead while two Elephant one at the front and one at the back with two more Warthogs at the back making their way to the meet up point.
In the front we see Y/n, Erza, Ur, Gray, Natsu, Happy, Lucy, Brielle, Alaia and Violet were chosen on this mission along with UNSC marines on board as Violet check on the equipment and weapons, Natsu try not to throw up, Gray and Erza just sitting there doing nothing, Brielle swings her hammer with Alaia typing something on her data while Y/n walks up to Lucy and ask her.
Y/n: You okay?
Lucy: (nervous) Well I'm kinda nervous about this. I mean we're facing off against not only six dark guild members bit also some aliens from your world. I question why you was chosen for this mission.
Y/n: I believe your very useful with yoru Celestial spirits and judge by each qnd every singal one, I believe they are strong which makes you strong.
Lucy: (smile) Yeah guess your right. Thanks Y/n.
Y/n nods to her and walks over to Ur who is talking to Happy and once he walk over he ask the two.
Y/n: You two ready for this?
Ur: (smirk) Heck yeah! First mission with my return Magic. This is gonna be great.
Happy: (smile) Yeah and with you, Brielle and Alaia we can stand a chance.
Y/n: Agree and I believe I heard that Blue Pegasus has two Spartans in there as well.
Happy: Who?
Y/n: No clue but only one way to find out.
Ur: (smile) Well can't wait for that.
Marine driver: We're approaching to our location right now Ma'am.
Violet gets outside and see the meeting point which I'd a large mansion like building where Blue Pegasus picked as their meeting point.
Once parked the Marines stay outside in guard while the rest head inside. Once inside the candles around the room suddenly lights up once they step in the middle of the room.
Y/n: Where is everyone? This is the meeting point right?
Erza: That's right. This place is owned by Blue Pegasus master named Bob.
Brielle: Bob? That's a stupid name.
Gray: Oh yeah I remember that guy. He gives me the creeps.
Erza: I know he might be creepy or his name is dumb but let us show a bit of respect.
Violet: Still I have a bad feeling about this. It's just too quiet.
Brielle: (smirk) But a great placeto start a party.
Alaia: Let me scan the area for any life.
Natsu: Okay just tell us when we are here.
Happy: Okay we're here.
???: Their here!
They turn to see a light drawn onto three figures in suits while they chant Fairy Tail several time before they stop and they all said.
???,???,???: We're see glad you came.
Violet: Um what the fuck is this?
Y/n: Must be a way to say hello.
Violet: Have you even met the members of Blue Pegasus?
Y/n: No I don't.
??? 1: We are-
??? 2: Blue Pegasus-
??? 3: Elite crew.
Then there faces being shown to them. The first was young man with Brownish blond hair, next was a short young man with blond hair and the last was another young man with black hair as each dose their pose.
Hibiki: Hundred night Hibiki.
Eve: Holy night Eve.
Ren: Silent Night Ren.
They all do a pose while they get confused snd don't know what to say until Violet points at them and asked.
Violet: Hey do I know these guys from somewhere before? I think I seen their faces at social weekly magazines?
Lucy: (shocked) Yeah they are, their one of the greatest man in social weekly. Hibiki get the higher points because of his charm and looks, every girl wants him for life.
Y/n: So their like one of those super models in our world. That's interesting.
???: Ah! I see more Spartans are here after all!
They turn to see two Spartans with one holding what looked like a UNSC shield while the other a female Spartan as they appear next to the stairs.
Y/n: Nice to see more Spartans here to assist us in battle. What are your names?
Kale: Kale A-321 and this is my girlfriend named Hope A-660.
Hope: Nice to meet you all.
Y/n: Same here and also nice to see your guild members getting along with...ours
Hibiki, Eve and Ren start to flirt with Lucy, Ur, Erza, Alaia and Brielle and try to make them comfortable while Hope and Kale shake their heads.
Ren: You have a large hammer my Lady. May I hold them for you, they look heavy for-
She then stick her hammer at him and tell him.
Brielle: Touch my babies and your ass is going up to the moon, got that.
He step back while understanding while Violet shake her and see that this can't get any weirder.
???: How greatful to meet you after soon long.
They all look up to see another figure on top of the stairs with a light shooting down at him.
Y/n: (thought) I'm starting to wonder where are those lights coming from?
Ur: (surprised) Wow that's some smooth voice.
Brielle: Yeah but not as better as Y/n's.
Erza: (nervous) Him. Oh god.
???: It has been a while, hasn't it Erza?
Erza: (Nervous) Y-Yes it has been. I-I am honored to work with you Ichiya.
Then they see him properly and they see him to be a small person possibly the some hight as Makarov with a handsome but weird face.
Ichiya: Do not be nervous Erza. You are will relaxed with a face of beauty.
Brielle: The fuck is up with his face?!
Hope: You'll get uses to it. To be honest I really hated when he try to flirt with me.
Erza start to shake which is something that no one has ever seen from Erza while Ichiya slide down the handle of the steps and then he lands on his feet perfectly while Eve, Hibiki and Ren bows on one knee and claps for him.
Even, Hibiki and Ren: We didn't know she was your girlfriend master. (Turns to everyone) Please forgive us.
There was a long silence until Erza burst at Ichiya by saying.
Erza: You now that is not true!
Kale: Look we're wasting time here, we should get ready for more guild members to come as well.
Y/n: How long do you think they will come?
Kale: Hopefully not long because if I have to stand here and watch these guys flirting with the girls, I will slam them with my shield.
Ichiya: Sniff Sniff, Sniff Sniff. Sweet Purfum!
Y/n: Sweet....purfum?
Hope: That's what he says when he smells any Purfum.
Y/n: That's....weird.
Hope: Tell me about it.
Gray: Listen here dream boys.
Ichiya, Eve, Hibiki and Ren turn to Gray as Gray tells them.
Gray: It be wise you leave these girls alone. You got that?
Ichiya: Clear as crystal, you can go now.
Gray gets even more pissed while Eve, Hibiki and Ren say goodbye and thanks for dropping by which Gray has enough and ask.
Gray: (anger) We're here on important business. Do you boys even know how to fight?
Ren: (smirk) Wanna find out?
Eve: (smirk) We can show you what we got.
Natsu: (smirk) This is gonna be interesting! Count me in!
Erza: Everyone needs to calm down.
Then Ichiya sniffs her hair behind her which guve her the shake and then she sucker punched him and sent him flying.
Erza: Stay far away from me!
Ichiya: Mmmmaaaannnnn!!!
Lucy: (shocked) What a punch!
Hope: (smirk) Nice.
They walk as Ichiya flies towards the door but gets catches and turn to Ice which draws Gray and Ur attention and they were shocked to see Lyon at the entrance still holding Ichiya on his hand while he said coldly.
Lyon: How dare someone throw this fool towards me.
Y/n: (surprised) Lyon?
Natsu: (smile) Hey Lyon, see you've joined a guild.
Lyon just looks around the room and spotted Ur which they lock eyes for a while as Ur gets flashes of Lyon and Gray as young as she grabs her head and fell to her knees which Y/n rushes over to her.
Y/n: Ur you okay?
Ur: Y-Yeah I'm fine I just....I just feel like I know him for some reason.
Then Lyon throws Ichiya which he lands hard on the ground with his ice on his head shattered ad he lands at Eve, Hibiki and Rens feet.
Gray: What is your deal?!
Lyon: He was the one who attacked me. Don't blame me.
Ren: (anger) That was our boss!
Eve: (anger) How dare you!
Hibiki: (anger) You men should leave now.
Y/n: No let's all calm down.
???: I guess women aren't welcome.
Then a carpet below them comes to life and attacked Lucy which Y/n sliceit with his engery blade and Lucy realised who used that type of magic and she sees a women qppear next to Lyon.
Lucy: (shocked) Sherry?!
Y/n: You know this girl?
Lucy: Well before you came to the island, Sherry is this crazy girl who might have a crush on Lyon.
Sherry: It is nice to meet you again Lucy and I see you have a boyfriend who is a Spartan. I suppose he must be filled with the power of love.
Y/n: (thought) I feel like she is gonna say that a lot.
Soon everyone from Fairy Tail, Blue Pegasus and Lamie Scale are looking at each other and ready for a fight while Y/n and the rest see that this will be hard to calm them down when suddenly a gun fire his heard and they turn to see a squad of male ODST commander enter the room as he slide his pistol into his holster and looks at everyone.
???: That is enough. We all are working together and we can't complete this mission if we all have to fight each other. So stop this and deal with it!
Violet: (surprised) Andrew? Holy shit i didn't know he was here as well.
Y/n: You know him?
Violet: He's my brother, we work together on missions and i thought he was killed by the Banished forces. Guess he must have survived.
Y/n: He seems serious.
???: Thank you Andrew, I can take it from here.
Then a male wizards with no hair step into the building as Andrew guve him a salute and walks off.
Y/n: And who is he?
Erza: That's Jura who is one of the ten wizard Saints, never know he was picked for this mission.
Y/n: Well lucky for us.
Jura: Weeks still waiting for the members from the Cait shelter guild.
Ichiya: Speaking about Cair Shelter guild, I head they are onky sending one.
Erza: Just one?
They were shocked by this and wonder why they are only sending one member.
Brielle: (smirk) Only one member? I can't wait to meet who ever is from the Cait shelter guild. Bet he or she is stronger and show those Banished forces who is boss. Haha, I can't wait to see this wizard and maybe we can-
Suddenly their hear what sound like a scream as they turn to see a women on a floor as she slowly stand up and wipe off the dust off of her clothes while they all stare at her and wonder who she is until she tells them.
Wendy: Sorry I'm late, I'm from the Cait Shelter guild. My name is Wendy Marvell, it's nice to meet you are.
Everyone stood therein silence staring at her for a minute while Brielle sighs and said while resting her hammer to her shoulder.
Brielle: She's not much but bet she know how to fight.....right?
To be continued...............
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