Chapter 22: Need back up over

The sun shines over the hills at the unknown location. We see a large forest with trees everywhere and animal life waking up and going out their normal lives as we over see a large bridge with a lake at the bottom and on a bright we see two Spartans placing down mines on the bridge to stop anymore or anything to reach them.

One Spartan, Saie-A680 and Leo-B770 were busy placing down mines in sure that who ever comes that aren't human will get blown up sky high.

Saie: That should do it.

Leo: You sure this will work? Those mines look old and we have no idea what they can they can once they come?

Saie: It's either this or nothing. Still this bridge is the only path they have to across to get to the village.

Leo: Let's hope so but you do know their not human right. There some what people with magic that those villagers call dark wizards.

Saie: If those mines not go off, then I'll shot them with a sniper rifle. There is a tower I can use to take sniper point and fire once they are near the mines, I'll shoot and they blow up.

Leo: Let's hope so. Let's head back and hope Alaia got any contract through the radio.

Saie: Hope so, let's head back.

The two exit out of the bridge and make their way back to base which is a large village with walls surrounding it as they arrive the draw gate open and once open they enter to see the people within the village walking about and doing their normal life while children turns and point at them with amazement.

Leo: Seems like the kids start to open up to us now.

Saie: Yeah but for how long?

Leo: Hard to say.

They turn a corner to be met with two female Spartans talking to each other. Iris-B821 and Brielle-A523 as Brielle shows off her twin gravity hammers to Iris.

Brielle: (smirk) Let me tell you, these gravity hammers will ruin a Covenants day once hit by these two babies. I can just image now, flying while screaming into the stars.

Iris: That sound loud and messy. I prefer with knife combat or blade combat. If things get tough then I'll take them out with my pistol.

Brielle: Whoa, you don't know of fun do you?

Leo: Hey there ladies.

Saie and Leo walks over to them with Saie elbowing Leo in the guts for saying ladies before she asked.

Saie: How is Alaia with the radio? Gotten anymore?

Brielle: I think she got someone but the radio is hard to connect. Whoever that person is must be a Spartan.

Saie: (surprised) Really? I thought we were the only Spartans on this weird world?

Brielle: Looks like we're not the only Spartans. So place down the mines?

Saie: Yeah they are down. If they don't work or any enemy human approach them, then I'll shoot them with my sniper rifle.

Leo: So what are you two talking about?

Iris: Brielle is just telling me how gravity hammers are the king and Queens of bring chaos to her enemies.

Brielle: (smrik) And it still it! I swear if I face with a hunter then that hunter is gonna be pancaked.

Iris: Can't wait for that mess.

Brielle: What is that suppose to mean?!

Saie: Well I'll go and check up on Alaia and hope she got some news. See you three later.

Saie walks off from the group and make her way to the middle of town were UNSC equipment is set up and there is a tent in the middle as well as Saie enters the tent and see Alaia working on the radio and it seems there is no news about it.

Alaia: Fuck! Not again.

Saie: Having a hard time working that thing?

Saie sat down on a chair with Alaia responsed to her.

Alaia: Yeah. We're luckily these village people took us in last night. If we were there lost I'm the woods for any longer, we might be captured by them.

Saie: Right, by away what exactly were those people that chased us? They have this magic and attacks that I never seen in my life.

Alaia: Well what the villagers told me is that those are dark wizards and they use dark magic to get what they want.

Saie: But there is no such thing as magic..right?

Alaia: Well if aliens exists then why not wizards?

Saie: True. But Brielle told me you got someone who is a Spartan right?

Alaia: Yeah but I didn't hear it properly. It just said B-783 and Fairy Tail.

Saie: Fairy Tail? What is that?

Alaia: Not sure but it's pur best to try our best to reach this Spartan and who or what is Fairy tail is and get the hell out of here.

Saie: Yeah about that, do we even know this is really our world? I mean these are humans but they never heard of the UNSC, the Covenant or space travel. It's clear that these humans have no idea our technology and where they came from.

Alaia: Either we've been sent back in time or sent to another world, either way we must survive in order to get out of here.

Saie: Let's hope so.

Then another male Spartan named Rex-G665 came into the tent and he tells them.

Rex: Alaia those dark wizards are back, their at the front gate right now.

Alaia: Right, I'll talk to them.

Rex leads them and after a while we see the trio on top of a wall and looking down to see three dark wizards as they look up at them and one calls out to them.

Dark wizard leader: Hey open this gate right now and no one will not get hurt!

Alaia: Leave now. We don't care if you are human or not, your not getting in and hurting these people.

Dark wizard leader: (smirk) You don't know what your doing do you? This is our territory and these people are ours and if your taking them without our permission, then we have to kill you qnd everybody else in this pathetic village.

Alaia: Your insane. These people just wants to live in peace and they don't have to listen to you.

Dark wizard leader: Very well then. If you won't open then we have to take it by force. Tomorrow we will breach through these gates and we will kill you all. Hope you can beat us without magic.

He laughs while two other of his dark wizards walk off and disappeared into the trees while Alaia watch them leave with Rex tell her.

Rex: You think we are ready to face up with a group of dark wizards?

Alaia: We were off guard after we escape from the Banished. Now we have the high ground now.

(Short while later)

We see the Spartans placing down any equipment they have for the upcoming attack and once they look at tge equipment and gear they needed, they see they only have a four grenades, three flash bangs, seven mines, eight trip mines and few ammo that might not be enough.

Brielle: (smirk) Let's not forget these two babies.

She place her two gravity hammers onto the ground with Iris roll her eyes before asking Alaia.

Iris: What do you think?

Alaia: As long they don't have a second wave, we should be fine for the first wave.

Leo: You sure about that? We have no idea how many they are?

Alaia: That maybe so but we can deal with a full army of tjem longer enough for help to arrive.

Leo: And what help exactly? We have no idea if that Spartan dude is even real? It could be fake to lower in the Banished to here.

Rex: We have no choice. If it is help or not, we gonna stand our ground.

Leo: Let's hope so buddy.

Iris: So what is the plan?

Alaia: We know that the bridge is the only way for them to get through so once they step on it, we blow it up and if some get through then we can take them out. The village people will hide in their homes and if anymore wants to fight then they will join us.

Saie: You think they know how to fight?

Alaia: Their leader told me that he and his men were ready for them when ever they decided to attack this village. Besides they helped us so we're on the same page.

Saie: Right, let's hope that.

Alaia: For now let's get ready for an attack to come and hopefully help will come.

They nod and hope help dose arrive and not more trouble like the Banished or more and powerful dark guild. Either way they set up the defense and traps while Rex and Leo tell the villagers who know how to fight to get ready when ever they breach the front gate.

They were busy all day and soon after the sun was aboit to set and we see Alaia in the tent with a candle next to her as she tries the radio again and says through it.

Alaia: Hello this is Spartan B-770 and we need help. These dark guilds are gonna to attack this village we are in and we don't think we can take them all on. We need back up, please...if any UNSC hears this sent help.

The radio was static which Alaia breath in a sign and lend back on her chair while Rex enter her tent and tell her.

Rex: You should get some rest.

Alaia: Thanks but I'll be fine. How is everyone?

Rex: They were a bit scared but understand the situation and ready to block the doors and gather as much supplies they needed.

Alaia: That's good.

There was a moment of silence until Rex ask her.

Rex: Are you scared?

Alaia: Scared from what?

Rex: This world. This unknown world that we woke up to. This ain't our home, you know that right?

Alaia sat there in silence for a bit until she sighs qnd turns her chair to Rex.

Alaia: I'm not scared but I am concerned on how we suppose to get out of here.

Rex: Hard to say but what ever the Banished use must have sent them and us here.

Alaia: Yeah. Damn i shouldn't have seen that coming.

Rex: They jumped on us and quickly took us for capture before the planet we were one was glassed.

Alaia: Guess your right. You think the UNSC from our world thinks we are gone.

Rex: Spartans never die Alaia.

Alaia: But you know that's not true.

Rex:......yes, I do.

There was another moment of silence until Rex stand up and tells Alaia.

Rex: Try get some sleep.

Alaia: I'll try.

Once that he left leaving Alaia alone in the tent as she looks at tge radio and sigh before she blows out a candle and heads off to sleep.

(Next day)

It was morning time and we see Saie on a tower aiming down her sniper rifle at the bridge and waiting for them to come. After a few minutes she sees movements and here they come.

Some walk theie way across the bridge and after a while getting her aim she fire a singal bullet amd tbe bridge blow up and sending the dark wizards flying as she smirks to herself.

Saie: (smirk) Take that.

But then she sees something which she aim down her scope to see them using their magic to repair the bridge and once that they walk across it.

Saie: Well that's not good.

She claim down the tower and once down she rushes over to Alaia with the rest at front of the village fighters at the back as the Spartans reload their weapons.

Saie: Seems like they know how to repair a bridge.

Alaia: Guess this might be a rough battle.

Then they hear a slam by the gate whidh startled some fighters while the Spartans stand there ground and qim their weapons at the gate as the gate keeps on banging and banging.

Leo: I have a bad feeling about this.

Rex: Well suck it up and get ready.

After a few bangs from the gate the gate suddenly blow up and a cry is heard within the smoke as dark wizards charge through the gate.

The Spartans open fire and take out a few but soon they summon a large magic shield to block their bullets but Brielle rushes over qnd use her twin gravity hammers and slams them onto the ground and sent them flying.

More charge at her but she smirks underneath her helmet as she charge at them and swings her gravity hammers at them and sending them flying. Leo join in and fire his shotgun at them while he strike blows to them and dodging their attacks.

Rex also join in qnd soon the fighters and the rest of the Spartans join in as they battle the dark wizards. It was like a war zone bug instead of them fighting the Covenant they were fighting people with dark magic as they fire at them.

Alaia throws one dark wizard away while she fires her assure rifle at a few and taking them out before she dodge and sword slash and hits the wizard at the butt of her rifle follow by a round before she quickly draw her pistol and few at a few dark wizards.

Suddenly a purple lighting bolt travels towards her which she sees and active her armor lock to block I which it dose. She deactive her armor lock only to get tackled by their leader as they rolled onto the ground as the dark wizard leader try to stab her but she move her head to dodge the knife before she headbutt him which made him stand up and allows Alaia to stand up as well.

The dark wizard leader just glare at her before he launched at her and try to stab her with his knife while fire purple lighting at her which she dodges. The other Spartans try to hold off as best they can but soon they see there is just too many of them and the village fighters get taking out very quickly while the Spartans are starting to run out of ammo and get overwhelmed.

While this is happening the dark wizard leader strike blows to Alaia and one strike sent her helmet flying as she stumble back and get tackled to the ground by the dark wizard leader and pulls down his knife at her face but she grabs the blade to hold it while he laughs.

Dark wizard leader: No point of fighting bitch! We won and this will teach you a lesson to not to mess with us.

Alaia: You have no idea who you are dealing with.

Dark wizard leader: (smirk) Don't care. In fact I don't even care what you are, your not gonna come out of this alive and no one is not gonna save you and your pathetic warriors!

???: Think again!

Suddenly fire blasted the dark wizard leader which surprised Alaia as a hand reach out to her which she takes and Natsu helps her up.

Alaia: are?

Natsu: (smile) Natsu and I guess Y/n was right about you guys, you are awesome.

Alaia: Y/n?

We then cut back to Rex, Iris, Brielle and Leo as they get outnumbered and think this was it but suddenly the dark wizards suddenly turn to ice while some were slashed by Erza.

Gray approach them and asked.

Gray: You all alright?

Leo: (shocked) Um yeah thanks, half naked guy.

Gray: Damn it!

Rex: Who are you people?

Erza: We're wizards from Fairy Tail. We gotten your transmission and we're here to help.

Leo: Like how, it's not like you guys the whole UNSC forces with you.

Then missles fly over qnd blow up the dark wizards as two Pelicans hoover over the village and drop of UNSC marines inro battle qnd help the rest of the village fighters deal with the Dark wizards.

Leo: Oh never mind then.

More was coming their way but two grenade were thrown and they were blown up which is when Y/n drops down while firing his rifle and lands on the ground and quickly take out the dark wizards one by one as he twisted one dark wizards arm and then turn and fire a few rounds of another before he tossed the twisted wizards to the other and once that took out his shotgun and fire a round that took out a few dark wizards.

Brielle: (smirk) I'm ready in love with that Spartan.

Rex: So that must be Y/n that we got in the radio?

Erza: (smile) Yep, he got your first message two days ago and reported this to the Generals. After a while of debating they sent us to investigate.

Rex: Well you arrive just in time.

Taurus: Mmmmoooooooooo!!

A few dark wizards get wipe out by Lucy and Taurus which Brielle see more so she rushes over, leap over Taurus qnd slam he'd twin gravity hammers onto the ground creating a shock wave that sent the dark wizards flying.

Lucy: (surprised) Wow!

Brielle: (smirk) Now that's how to make a earthquake.

Taurus: Hey you look like a pretty hot girl, how about we kiss.

Brielle: Do me a favour and not say that again.

Lucy: (nervous smile) Yeah sorry about him.

Soon the dark wizards see they were now outnumbered and they pull back. The battle is won as the village fighters and the village people cheer for victory.


Alaia shake hands with Y/n while UNSC marines and other Spartans load everything into the Pelican while the village people celebrated their win and thanked them for freeing them from the dark guild.

Alaia: Thank you for responding for our call. We would have been done for if you and your other group of wizards haven't arrived.

Y/n: (smile) We answer the call and I'm glad I'm not the only Spartan in this world.

Alaia: Why how many Spartans do you all have before us?

Y/n: Just me but glad five Spartans are found and safe.

Alaia: (smile) Yeah same here.

Natsu: So where do I get those cool armor?

Alaia turn to see Natsu and Happy as they walk over to them.

Happy: (smile) Yeah and is their a fit for a cat like me?

Alaia: (shocked) Did that cat just talked?

Y/n: Welcome to Earthland Alaia.

Alaia: Earthland?

Y/n: This is the planets names. It's a different world were wizards exist and so dose magic.

Alaia: That would explain a lot.

Natsu: (smile) So you wanna join Fairy Tail?

Alaia: Is that a unit or squad?

Erza: No it's a guild.

Erza walks up next to Y/n and tell her.

Erza: (smile) It's a guild where we hang about and take on jobs. Y/n is the first Spartan to join us many months back.

Y/n: Yeah but it's a great place and UNSC troops like it. So what do you say?

Alaia looks at Y/n and at Erza as she thinks about it and since there is no where else to go back she accept it and nods to him.

Alaia: Sure. We can join Fairy Tail.

Natsu: (smirk) Alright! More Spartans to join Fairy Tail.

Happy: (smile) Aye sir!

Alaia: So now what?

Y/n: (smile) Now...let's head home.

After they were done loading they enter the Pelican qnd once inside the Pelican take off and fly off to return back to Fairy Tail to introduce to new Spartans to the guild members and their new home.

To be continued...............

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