Chapter 21: The tour around the new base (Lemon)
Time has passed since the festival and the word about the UNSC and Spartans have grown ans soon it became public after the UNSC Generals and magic council form a truth and knowing that a upcoming war which is the Banished might come, they decided to sure their technology and plans in order to defeat the Banished and make sure this war will not come.
Meanwhile at Fairy Tail and UNSC troops who were in cryo start to bound with the other guild members and start to be great friends. Soon everyone was shocked that Laxus was kicked out a week ago and Natsu wasn't happy about it.
Natsu: Why you have to kick him out gramps!
We see Natsu with Makarov while everyone else watched as Y/n and Erza step over to him.
Erza: Natsu that's enough. You know why Makarov have no choice but to kick him out.
Natsu: This sucks! How can I be stronger if you kick Laxus out of the guild! Can you at least sent him to his room or something?
Y/n: Natsu don't stress Makarov enough.
Natsu: But.......
Makarov was also silent as well while Happy lands on Natsu's shoulder and said.
Happy: I can't believe he was a dragon slayer as well.
Ur: Yeah no kidding. How come you never tell us your grandson was a dragon slayer?
Makarov: He's not a dragon slayer.
They were confused and he explains to them about how his father used dragon lacrima to give him the abilities of a dragon. He may have the powers of a dragon but he's not exactly a dragon slayer. At one point he nearly leave the guild forever and other guild members try to stop him and soon Freed came and convinced him to not go which he complay.
During this time Makarov tells them all about Fairy Knight and that he was their protecter until his death which shocks everyone by this and even Y/n tells them all about this as well which shocks them even more. Soon we see Erza and Y/n on the second floor as she tells Y/n what happened to Mystogan and what's behind the masked.
Y/n: (shocked) Mystogan was Jellal?! How is that possible?
Erza: I don't know myself but I feared he might appear one day and I have to see him.
Y/n looks at Erza and then pulls her for a hug which she blushes but hugs him back.
Y/n: Don't worry Erza. I'll make sure he'll explain everything. I promise.
Y/n doesn't know how but he will for Erza sake.
(2 weeks later)
It was another day and we see Y/n sitting on a table drinking his coffee while reading the news about many UNSC bases being made across Earthland. He wear his Spartan armor on him since everything seems to be calm now after the festival.
Cana: (smirk) Hey there handsome. See your not wearing your badass armor?
Y/n looks over to see Cana sat next to him as she takes a sip of her beer while Y/n smirks a little while he tells her.
Y/n: (smirk) Why not. Everything seemed to be clam after the festival and now many UNSC bases are being made across Earthland.
Cana: (smirk) Sounds great. Is one of them near Magnolia right now?
Y/n: Yeah and it's almost done.
Cana: (smirk) That be cool to have in Magnolia.
A sigh is heard as Lucy walks over and sat down and lay her head onto the table as she sighs in disappointment once more.
Y/n: You alright Lucy?
Lucy: (sigh) Fine it's just...I lost the pretty competition and now I need to find some way to get money.
Cana: That sucks.
Y/n: Don't worry Lucy. Maybe I can take on a job and get some for you.
Lucy: Thanks but no thanks. Still there has to be another way.
Erza: Excuse me!
Then Erza runs by them which surprised them a bit and then Gajeel also runs by wearing his rock star outfit and soon many guild members start to run about in a hurry.
Lucy: Wonder what's going on?
Y/n: Oh this is interesting. There s a reporter from the social weekly gonna come here and visit us.
Lucy: (surprised) Really? You sure?
He turns over the newspaper to Lucy and show her the headline.
Y/n: Seems like this reporter is gonna come over, ask us some questions and take some pictures. That could be fun.
Cana: (smirk) Bet the reason why is because this guild has a group of soldiers and one handsome one as well.
Y/n: Still maybe if you get his attention Lucy, maybe you'll get more money.
Lucy: (surprised) Your right! I gonna hurry before he comes.
Then Lucy rushes home to get ready while Y/n just smiles while Ur walks over to Y/n and tells him.
Ur: Hey Y/n, how is things?
Y/n: Good, is there any problems?
Ur: Well no but I think Alzack wants to see you at the shooting range.
Y/n: Huh wonder why. Well I'll go and see what's up. See you two later.
He leaves the table and walks off as Ur watch him walk off as she gets a headache so she touches her head.
Cana: You okay?
Ur: Yeah, I've been getting these headaches even since that battle with Bickslow and one of his doll possession things hit me on the head.
Cana: That must have hurt.
Ur: (smile) Yeah but I'm good.
Cana: (smirk) Cool. Say what do you think about Y/n?
Ur: Well I say he's pretty nice and hot with his voice. Man his voice is heavily good.
Cana: (smirk) I think so as well. Wanna try to surprise him when he is at least suspected.
Ur: (smirk) Sure thing.
We see Alzack at the shooting range as he pulls out his magic pistol was fire a few shots and hit each shot but something was bothing him as he looks down in shame when the doors open and Y/n step in.
Y/n: See your liking this room huh Alzack.
Alzack: Huh, oh yeah sure. It's a good place to be.
Y/n can tell something if troubling him so he walks over and ask him.
Y/n: You okay Alzack? Your not yourself.
Alzack: (sigh) It's just.....what happened in the festival and how I turn on you, jet and Droy. I was acting selfish andi want to apologise for that.
Y/n: Alzack you have one reason to apologise for what happened during the festival. We were all trying to save the girls and you were just worried like all of us all. But now they are all safe and that's important.
Alzack: (smile) Yeah guess so. Thanks man.
Y/n: No problem. Besides, won't allow your lover to get crushed by Laxus.
Alzack: (little blush) How did you-?
Y/n just smirks while he shrugged while Alzack was surprised but smiled as the two have a shooting companion to see who get the highest score while they have a great time together.
We see Violet and her marines lining up at the door as she order them to be ready when the reporter comes as Y/n walks over to her snetells her
Y/n: I don't think there is no reason to order the marines to get ready for the reporter. I mean this reporter is gonna come here and ask us some questions and take some pictures.
Violet: I know but we want the UNSC be proud and behave when ever the reporter comes.
Y/n: Well let's see how this will turn out.
They step back in complete surprised to see a guy with a camera as he step into the guild as the marines gives the reporter a salute while he said once morethis time even louder.
???: SO COOL! The armor! Those weapons! And how amazing they are! SSOOO COOOOOLL!!
Violet: Um I wasn't suspect that.
Y/n: Same. So you must be the reporter of the social weekly?
Jason: (smile) Yep! You can call me Jason! And you must be....?
Y/n: Names Y/n-B783.
Y/n:....Um yeah, that's me.
Jason: Do you mind I ask you some questions?
Y/n: Sure thing.
They sat down and Jason start to ask him questions while Violet and the rest of the marines watched just as Lucy rush in wearing a nice dress and ask Violet.
Lucy: Did I miss it?
Violet: Nope. Your just in time. He's just speaking to Y/n right now.
Lucy sees Jason asking him some questions and after that and some pictures being taking including some with Y/n wearing his armor, Jason shake hands with Y/n snd Goss on to ask others some questions and taking some questions as well.
Lucy try to get his attention but either he gets too distracted or just didn't notice her but still Y/n and Violet watch this as Y/n shake his head.
Y/n: Poor Lucy. Wish I could help her out.
Violet: Agree. Well better check on our new base and see how it going.
Gray: Mind we come?
Then Natsu, Gray, Happy and Erza walk over which Violet looks at them and said.
Violet: I don't know. It is a military base and you all ain't military.
Happy: Oh come on please!
Natsu: (smile) Yeah I wanna see if Flame troopers can actually shoot out fire.
Gray: Not what your thinking of idiot.
Natsu: (anger) Shut up!
Y/n: Why not. I think it be great if we give them a tour.
Violet: Alright but promise you guys won't destroy any of the equipment we have.
Erza: (smile) Don't worry, we won't. Right boys.
Happy, Gray and Natsu: Yes ma'am.
Violet: Alright. Let's go.
We see them walking through the woods heading to the base to get a tour around the UNSC base. Lucy join in since she failed to get Jason's attention and wants to see this base as well. Levy was also there because she is interesting about the technology snd Juvia was there is....because of Y/n.
Anyway they arrive at a large gate which Natsu rolled his eyes and ask them.
Natsu: I think your bass ain't bigger enough for ours.
Violet: (smirk) Oh yeah.
Violet press a button and the gate open as they watdh as the gate slowly open and their jaws dropped to see a massive base filled with UNSC equipment, vehicles driving by and marines marching to one base to the other.
Violet: (smile) Welcome to Siren base. This this is small now Natsu?
Natsu: (shocked) Wow.
Happy: (shocked) This is a huge base!?
Gray: (shocked) Amazing!
Levy: (shocked) Look at all the technology they have.
Y/n: Follow us and we give you all a tour.
They enter the base and they were greeted with a AI which appears on a holopad next to them.
Ethan: (smile) Hello. My name is Ethan and I'm the Siren's bases personal assistant AI.
Juvia: (surprised) Amazing!
Erza: What is a AI?
Violet: It stood for Artificial intelligence. Those are called dumb AI's. They help around the base and help new marines around the base.
Happy: That's cool!
A string wind blows them as a Pelican make it's landing sjd once it lands the hatch opens and Marines start to make their way out of the Pelican and give Violet and Y/n a salute as they walk by.
They enter the base and they walk through the halls of the base and show them and rooms they have within the base. They show them the armoury where they store the weapons and equipments, the garage where repair crew repairs Warthogs and other UNSC vehicles, the barracks where marines and ODST's sleep, the cafeteria and lastly the training room to train new marines in battle.
During this tour Y/n decided to show them his barracks as he open the door and they were amazed to see a nice room with a window looking out of Magnolia and the base as Lucy looks through it.
Lucy: (surprised) Whoa! This is a nice veiw.
Y/n: Yep and I'm gonna live here soon. I hope this won't bother you Lucy.
Lucy: (smile) Oh no I understand and besides we have a great time living together.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah same here.
Happy: Lucy is in love!
Lucy: Shut up you stupid cat!
Y/n chuckles a little while everyone else share a laugh while Natsu asked.
Natsu: Say where are those Generals you have? I wanna meet one of them?
Violet: Well due to how short the Generals are, they decided to form a military council snd help the magic council to search out Banished bases and report this to any UNSC that is closes to them.
Gray: Hope their not as jerks as the magic council are.
Violet: Don't worry. Unlike the magic council that you all told me about, the Generals are far more smarter and wiser then the magic council.
Gray: Let's hope so.
Juvia: (smile) I gonna say the UNSC are one of the interesting military force I have ever seen.
Levy: (smile) Same and the soldiers are also interesting as well.
Violet: (smile) Thanks. Thought we wish we have some Spartans. It can't be just me and Y/n taking command for the whole base and other bases.
Natsu: (smirk) I wish for a dragon slayer like Spartan! That be cool to meet.
Gray: You really think they have a dragon slayer Spartan? Man your getting dumber and dumber every day.
Natsu: (anger) Shut up ice brain!
The two argue which was stopped by Erza slamming their heads to each other and they fell down unconscious while everyone shares a laugh before they leave the base.
It was late at night as we see Y/n returning back to Lucy's apartment for the final time before he'll move to his new home which is in Siren base as he open the door and step inside to Lucy's apartment room.
Y/n: Hey Lucy, I'm ho-
He was a bit surprised to see not just Lucy and Erza here but also Levy and Juvia as well wearing PJ'S as they turn to see him.
Lucy, Juvia, Levy and Erza: Hey Y/n, Welcome home.
Y/n: (little surprised) Um hey there girls. Having a sleep over or something? Sorry if I interrupt it.
Lucy: (giggle) Not at all, in fact your here just in time.
Y/n: (surprised) Really?
Erza: (smile) Of course. Since your gonna move to your new home, we figured to through a small party for it.
Y/n: Really? You girls really don't have to do this.
Juvia: (smile) It's no problem my love. We really want you.
Levy: (little blush) and really wanna share you for tonight.
Y/n: (smile) Well thanks girls I really app....Wait, what do you mean by share?
Erza: (smirk) By this.
Then Lucy lock the door and she and Erza walks over and gently each grab hold of his arms and pinned him to the wall while Juvia and Levy walk towards him and start to press their breast to Y/n's chest which made him blush as they were close.
Juvia: (little moan) I've been waiting for this feeling forever.
Levy: (little purr) Indeed. So warm, soft and strong.
Y/n: (blush) U-Um what is this?
Lucy: (giggle) Remember I said that I'll have a few girls to "share" it with you?
Y/n: (blush) Um yeah and you said it will you, me, Erza and Levy right?
Lucy: (smirk) Yeah but Juvia wanna join in on the fun as well~hehe.
Erza: (smirk) Ready girls. Let's have some "fun".
(Lemon start)
Juvia was the first to lend in and kiss Y/n on the lips as she made these sexxy moans while Y/n can't help but feel her soft and warm mouth which Y/n kiss her back and the two make out while the three girls watched as they bite their lips to see how hot this is.
Levy can't take it and bend over, pull down Y/n's treasures and underneath to see his dick and she start to give Y/n a blow job while Y/n make these moans while she dose it.
Y/n: (moaning) Oh Levy~!
His mouth was once again cover up by Juvia as the two continue to make out while Levy continues sucking his dick while Erza and Lucy let's go of Y/n as he wrap his arms around Juvia as they make out while Lucy and Erza bend down while Levy continues sucking his dick until his dick was about to explode so Levy pull out her mouth and Y/n lend out a moan and cum exploded and spread all over Lucy, Levy and Erza as they have their mouths sticking out and caught some into their mouths.
They drink up the cum while Y/n slide down from the wall with Juvia lay her head to his chest as the two take a breather while the trio smirks at Y/n in a sexxy way and turn to each other.
Lucy and Levy start to make out right in front of Y/n as they fell on the floor and making out as the two share moans to each other while Erza join in and now few girls made out while Y/n gets really turned on by this and start to jerk off while squeezing Juvia's breast as she made a soft moan.
Erza, Lucy and Levy livk each each and clash their lips to each other while they moan harder and a bit louder while Y/n jerks off faster and harder until his cum exploded out of his dick once more and poured onto Lucy, Levy and Erza and they gone wet.
Lucy: (smirk) Looks like our Pj's are wet. Guess we have to do this naked.
Levy: (panting) Yeah agree.
Erza: (smirk) Same here. Care to join in you two?
Y/n: (panting) Yeah. Let's do this shit.
Juvia: (panting) Same my love. Same.
They all take off their clothes and they were now naked as we see Y/n place Levy on Lucy's bed as he stick his dick inro her butt and start to thrust it in and out while Levy made out some moans while Juvia also lay on the bed next to Levy and Y/n stick his finger into her vigina as Juvia lend our a moan.
Juvia: (moaning) My love! Yes~! Oh yes right there! Yes!
Levy: This feels incredible! Keep going!
He dose so while in the back ground we see Lucy shucking one of Erza's breast as she pinned her on the wall while Erza lend out some moans as Lucy continues sucking her breast.
Lucy: (smirk) Whoa Erza. Never know you have some great boobs.
Erza: (panting) Ah~! Just shut up and keep going.
She lend out a gasp as Lucy grabs her other breast and start to squeeze them while Y/n gose faster on Levy while Levy and Juvia hold hands and sticking out tones to each other and making out and after a while they all lend out a moan and soon after we see them on the floor as the girls piled up ontop of Y/n snd they each take turns kissing Y/n on the lips.
Lucy was the first to go and soon Erza takes a turn then Juvia and then Levy. Soon Juvia will to give Y/n a breast job as she stick her breast between his dick and start to rub at his dick with her bresst while Erza sat on Y/n's face and Y/n starts licking her vigina as she lend out some moans ans soon after cuj exploded into the room.
Soon Levy wants to sit on Y/n so she stick on his waist and Y/n's dick enter her vigina while made her moan as Erza and Levy made some moans while Juvia was bend over and licking Lucy's vigina while Lucy slap her butt.
Lucy: (moaning) Oh yes Juvia keep going~!
Levy: (moaning) This feels so good!
Erza: (moaning) Almost there! Almost there~!
All four girls including Y/n lend out aload moan and as the girls have enough and passed out on the floor while leaving Y/n on the floor barely conscious.
(Lemon ends)
We see laying on the floor while around him are the naked Erza, Levy, Juvia and Lucy ad they slowly crawl over and start to cuddle up with Y/n as they each find a part of Y/n's body to cuddle up and done so.
Y/n was breathing heavily and never that kind of "fun" in his life as he look around to see them snoring peaceful with smiles on their faces while he looks up at the ceiling and thinks to himself.
Y/n: (thought) Things are changing and now the UNSC is know everywhere across Earthland. Still I got to protect it from the Banished. Even if I have to be the only Spartan in this planet but will do my job, no matter what.
He looks at the girls and he each wrap his arms around both Lucy and Erza as he shut his eyes and tells himself.
Y/n: (thought) I must protect the people I care for. Their my new family and I'll sacrifice everything for them. Even...if it means I have to sacrifice my life for them...that is a promise that I will keep.
He then falls asleep as they all have a good night sleep including the rest of Magnolia and Earthland.
???: (radio) Hello?! Dose anyone reading us over? This is Spartan Alaia-G770 dose anyone copy over?! Anyone please respond we need help! We don't know how long they will find us but sent help please! Oh god, there they come! Everyone get to cov-(Static).
To be continued.................
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