Chapter 2: Make new friends
The sun shines on the small and peaceful town called Magnolia. A town to a magical guild known as Fairy Tail, where Y/n-B783 is currently a new member there after he was sent into this new world by a Forerunner artefact that he was sent to retrieve but he was transported instead.
Now we currently see Lucy sitting at her desk waiting down a note to her mother within her small apartment house as she writes.
Dear: Mum.
Yesterday was crazy and you might not believe me but we got a know member. I know it's normal but this new member is named Y/n-B783 and he is from another universe who is a super soldier fighting a galactic war against the group of Alien's known as the Covenant, crazy right? After he join the guild eveyone was a bit alarmed by how he looks but after he explain to them who he was they welcome him in, heck even a few girls start to talk to him when he took off his helmet, don't blame them.
She take a moment to pause and look over to see Y/n wearing his citizen clothes given by Lucy so he won't wear his armor a lot. He is checking his weapons as he set them on the table and checking them while Lucy smiles a bit continue writing to her mother.
Unfortunately he doesn't have a place to stay so I offered him to live with me for a while until he get enough money to get himself a small place to stay in. He's more respectful of my things then Natsu and Happy were. I'll be fine with him and don't worry about anything, I'll be fine.
From: Lucy.
P.S: Please don't tell dad by all of this especially Y/n staying at my place for a while will you?
She slide in the note into the letter and breaths in a sigh and stretch herself a bit.
Y/n: Hey Lucy. I wanna say thanks again for letting me stay here. You know you don't have to do that for me.
Lucy: (smile) Don't be silly your welcome to be here. Besides, your a lot more better guest then Natsu and Happy were.
Y/n: (chuckle) Really? What do they do?
Lucy: Trashing the place a bit, suddenly appear at my home without a knock and the other stuff.
Y/n: Must be annoying.
Lucy: Tell me about it.
Y/n: So Lucy, Natsu is a fire dragon slayer, Gray is a ice wizard, Erza is required wizard and Happy can fly. What's your magic?
Lucy: (smile) Glad you ask. I'm a celestial wizard.
Y/n: A Celestial what now?
Lucy: A wizard that can summon Celestial spirits from the Celestial world. Each of them have keys that you can summon. There is the silver keys that you can buy them in stores but the most rare once are the golden once.
Y/n: Sounds interesting. Mind show me one.
Lucy: (smile) Sure.
Lucy take one of the Celestial keys out and then there was a bright light and seconds later Y/n looks around and at first don't see no creature but he look down and see what appears to be a small white snow man that is shaking as it looks up at him.
Y/n: (surprised) Wow, is that one of the Celestial spirits?
Lucy: (smile) Yep, this is Plue. He's what we call Nikora, their not strong but they are super adorable.
Y/n smiles a bit and bend down to Plue and lend out a hand to him.
Y/n: (smile) Hey there little guy.
Plue looks at Y/n and then rushes over and shakes Y/n hand which Lucy find it very adorable to see.
Lucy: (thought) OK that's soo adorable!
Y/n: (smile) He reminds me of puppies in my universe. Cute and exited to see his or her master home.
Lucy: (smile) That's cute. Have you gotten any pets in your universe?
Y/n: W-Well not exactly but I wish I do.
Lucy wants to know more so she was about to ask until Y/n senses someone is here so he grab his pistol and spone around and aims his pistol at Gray who waved his arms into the air.
Gray: Wow man, chill! It's me!
Y/n lower his pistol and breath in a sigh but not before saying.
Y/n: Hasn't no one not tell you it is rude to enter someone's home without a knock. Especially when a person is not wearing any clothes except for shorts.
Gray: Look I just came here to remind Lucy about something and it's maybe best you can come if you like.
Lucy: What is it?
Gray: Well, remember Natsu challenge Erza for a rematch in the train station after they completed a mission? Well....they are gonna do it.
Lucy: (shocked) What?!
Y/n: Rematch? What rematch?
In front of the main entrance of the guild Hall we see both Natsu and Erza standing at both sides of the large crowd and about to fight. Lucy and Y/n appear within the crowd and see this happening.
Lucy: (shocked) They are actually serious?!
Y/n: Dose this happen often?
Gray: Sometimes but he's gonna get beaten up ad soon as possible.
Elfman: (smirk) This is gonna be manly to see.
Macao: (smirk) Bet Erza will win again.
Loke: One way to find out.
Wakaba: Show him good Erza!
Y/n: Aren't any of yous worry about the team broken apart? Besides, I thought they are one of the most strongest team?
Gray: Strongest team? What kind an idiot got that idea?
Mirajane smiled before she burst into tears while Gray realise his mistake.
Gray: (nervous) Oh...I didn't mean to call you an idiot Mira.
Lucy: Smooth move Gray.
Y/n: Still you sure this is even allow?
Elfman: They are manly to deal with it. They are one of the toughest members around.
Levy: (smile) Besides we have this happen a few times but we never have the guild broken apart so it will be fine.
Y/n: Guess that's true.
Gray: Besides, did you usual have something like this in your universe?
Y/n: Slightly. It's more safer and kinda fun in the way that you know of.
Then Erza transform into her flame armor which surprised Y/n a bit and now know she had more armor as he thought and then the two start to fight.
While they fight Y/n explains to some of the members about ehat he was talking about.
Y/n: You see, in my universe Spartans sometimes train to combat rebel forces or the Covenant and sometimes we fought other Spartan teams in combat with the training court. There is a few objectives of each match. Team death match, Big Team battle, Capture the flag, Rumble, Bomb, Swat and many more.
Gray: (surprised) Wow that's a lot.
Elfman: (smirk) And that's I like to call manly, sigh me up!
Y/n: Their not as dangerous to some of yous to think. It's safe and Spartans get more stronger and improved their skills better with these training exercises.
Lucy: Sounds interesting. How many Spartans are there?
Y/n: Too many to count but I'll say a few that is out there but they are very different to me like for example, there is the legendary Spartan team called Blue tea-
Then a slap of a hand gotten everyone's attention and they turn to see a frog like lady walk through and got to the middle of the crowed.
Magic council lady: May I have your attention please. I am from the magic council.
Y/n: (thought) Magic council? Makarov told me something about these group of people but I must ask I'M I THE OBKY ONE YO SEE SHE IS A FROG?!
Magic Council lady: I have come here because one your guild members have did a terrible crime.
Then she turns to Erza and said.
Magic council lady: Erza Scarlet, you are under arrest!
Everyone was shocked by this and even Y/n was shocked as well ans question why would they arrest Erza like that, what were they thinking.
(Short whole later)
Everyone was inside of the guild hall in silnce and can't believe that Erza is taking away to be judged by the magic council members.
Y/n looks around and see no one isn't gonna stand up and go to assist her....Well except for Natsu but he is turned to a lizard and trap inside a cup.
Natsu: Hey let me put you guys!
Mirajane: No way, just try to calm down.
Natsu: Let's just me go please! I'm losing breath in here!
Mirajane: If you do, your just gonna go on a rampage and trash the trail.
Natsu: Oh come on! You know Erza didn't do wrong!
Y/n: I agree with Natsu. What he and the rest of yous told me is that Erza risk her own life to protect the people from a dangerous flute.
Gray: If we just go in there, we might end up the same out as Erza's.
Y/n: So your just gonna sit here and let Erza do the trail by herself?
Gray: If the magic said your guilty, your guilty.
Y/n cannot believe he is hearing right now. He can't just stand there and let Erza do the trail on her own so he walk towards the door before Makarov asked.
Makarov: Where are you going?
Y/n: Gonna help Erza.
Elfman: Look I know your manly but facing those guys is suicide.
Max: He's right. If you go in there, you might get arrested.
Y/n: I'm not afraid of them. Even if they try to stop me, I'll clear my way so I can assist her. I have a strong bound to never leave anyone behind, especially Erza's.
Then Y/n left the guild to get his armor on and head to the trail to assist Erza.
Wakaba: There he gose, a new member of Fairy Tail is gonna be in prison.
Macao: Should I get him?
Makarov: No, leave him. Those eyes tells that he's determined to help those that needed. He might not be a Wizard but he truly is a soldier in heart.
Eervyone hopes that Y/n will be around and hope he or Erza get back safely without pissing off the magic council.
Within a trail we see Erza in cuffs and facing the members of the magic council. One of them was leader named gran doma as he first spoke ans said.
Doma: Erza Scarlet, you are here becoming of the crimes that have been committed by your actions. According to eye witness reports people saw a female warrior with red long hair wilding a sword. Thist matches the picture of you, Erza Scarlet.
Erza was silent not wanted to cost any trouble but she is ready for the punishment that us coming to her.
Y/n: Sorry for the late Erza, been busy.
Erza turn and eveyonr in the room was surprised to see Y/n with his Spartan armor on but in the magic council eyes, they see a mysterious and unknown armor person step into their court and walk up next to Erza.
Org: (anger) How dare you interrupt the trail!
Belno: (anger) Who do you think you are?
Y/n: My apologies, my name is Spartan Y/n-B783. And I'm here to tells yous that Erza's actions was justified.
They were confused by this and they have enough of this but before one of them calls for guards to arrest them, one member named Siegrain rise out his hand and said.
Siegrain: Let's hear him out. I am interesting on what he has to say.
Org: (shocked) Are you mad Seigrain?
Belno: (shocked) This man has interrupted our trail and walks in to say Erza Scarlet's actions was justified?
Doma: enough!
They quit down ans sat down. Then Doma looks at Y/n and said.
Doma: Very well then, give us a reason why we shouldn't have arrest you and Erza in thsi room.
Y/n turns to Erza and Erza signals him to leave but he's not gonna do that so he turn back to them and said.
Y/n: I may have not know what happened during the attack on the Eisenwald attack but what I do know is Erza and her team did an excellent work by stopping them. True they cost some damage but damages may have to be authorised in order to save lives. You must understand that Erza is no criminal including Fairy Tail but their hero's, they just saved a whole town your YOUR troops against Eisenwald and that Lullaby creature and if it wasn't for them, lives would have been lost. So I ask you this question and one query only.....are you really gonna to arrest Erza Scarlet for something what she believe is right?
The magic council were stunned by what he said. They look at each other while Erza herself was shocked by this and really see justice within him and gone out of his way to proof her innocent.
Doma stood up from his seat and said.
Doma: We have seen now and we apologise for the arrest. You are free to go you two, but the next time something like that happens, we won't hear either of yous out.
Erza was surprised by this and after she got the handcuffs off her. Y/n and Erza left the room and now they walk through the halls to head back to Magnolia.
Erza: Y/n?
Y/n: Yeah?
Erza: Why did you come for me?
Y/n: Because they have no right to arrest you like that after what you and your team did.
Erza: (little blush) I-I know but you shouldn't get involved. Your still new and I- I mean, we can't afford losing our new member this quickly.
Y/n: I see what you mean but no matter what, Spartans will do anything to seek the injustice and make it justice.
Erza smiles a bit but at the same time blushes a bit as her heart skip a beat that Y/n came all this way just so to assist her in the trail.
Erza: (thought) My heart never beat this fast before when ever I'm near him. He truly is a Knight of a shining armor for me.
Everyone in the guild was shocked after the two came back and Erza explain to them what has happened and that shocked them.
Macao: (shocked) No way! They just let you go when Y/n enter the room!
Wakaba: (shocked) Talk about being a badass.
Cana: (smirk) And brave as well. Like a man with that.
Elfman: (surprised) Oh man your so manly that you faced off those magic council!
Y/n: (smile) Thanks guys but it was nothing.
Natsu: (smirk) Nothing? You totally show them who's boss. Oh, let us continue this fight.
Erza: I rather not.
Y/n: Yeah it's best we relax a bit and leave her be.
Natsu: (smirk) Oh I'm not gonna let you get away that easy!
Then Natsu charge at Erza which Erza sigh, stood up and punches Natsu in the stomach that knock him out cooled as he fell down onto the ground and he was out.
Y/n: (thought) Holy shit she is very strong. I don't wanna mess with her in Spartan training if she even get Spartan armor.
Everyone laugh that Erza took him out so easily. Erza turns to Y/n before she start to blurry and she stumbled towards him and then she fell but Y/n race over snd caught her before she hut the ground.
Y/n: Erza! Erza what's wrong?! You okay?! Erza!
Then he looks up to try to call for an assist but he realise that everyone was asleep except for him and Makarov.
Y/n: (thought) What in the actual fuck is going on here?
Then he heard footsteps and turn to see a mysterious man with cloak all around him as he walk pass Y/n and then walk up to the job request board.
Y/n thinks he has something to do with it so he stood up, pulls out his pistol and aims it at him.
Y/n: Ok punk, hands up where I can see it!
The mysterious figure turns to him and he looks surprised to see him awake.
Makarov: You can stand down Y/n. He's a member here.
Y/n was both shocked and confused while the mysterious person picks out a job and walk towards Makarov.
???: I'll be leaving now.
Makarov: Wait, release them from your sleeping spell.
He agrees and turn to leave but not before he looks at Y/n one more time before he looks at the entrance and walks out of the guild. Right after that everyone except for Natsu wake up.
Macao: Man was Mystogan here?
Bisca: Why doss he have to put us to sleep like that?
Alzack: No clue.
Y/n: Mystogan? Who is that?
Gray: He's usually a type of person who doesn't like anyone to know what he looks like. When ever he comes by he cast a sleeping spell to put us to sleep.
Y/n: All of us? But....I wasn't infected by it?
Everyone was shocked to hear what Y/n said but at the same time confused, even Makarov was the same.
Macao: (shocked) No way you see him?
Wakaba: (shocked) Your joking right kid?
Y/n: No I'm serious. I caught Erza before she hit the ground and then I see all of yous asleep apart of Makarov.
Gray: Yeah that's because Gramps is strong enough to resist Mystogan's sleep spell and have a good look at his face.
???: That's not true. I see him.
They all look up at the second floor and see a yellow spike guy wearing a black coat as he looks down at everyone down below.
Elfman: (surprised) Laxus?
Wakaba: Never know he'll be here.
Gray: And he's another member you be rare to see.
Laxus: (smirk) He's just a bit shy. You should respect his privacy.
Then Natsu woke up and stood up and look up at Laxus.
Natsu: (smirk) Alright Laxus, let's fight right here!
Y/n: Didn't you have enough when you faced Erza?
Laxus: (smirk) Seriously? If you weak against the red chick, what makes you think you can face me?
Erza: (anger) What are you trying to say?
Gray: (nervous) L-Lets calm down Erza.
Laxus: (smirk) I'm saying I am the only wizard that is stronge enough while yous down below are punch of weaklings.
Then he point at Y/n and said.
Laxus: Especially you. No Magic just your skills? Yeah right, skills aren't gonna work in this guild, including your luck.
Y/n: We don't have luck. We just make our own Luck.
Laxus: (smirk) What ever, I'm saying I'm the only and WILL be the most strongest member around.
Natsu: (anger) How's about you come down and ill show you!
Laxus: (smirk) You come to me punk.
Natsu: (anger) With pleasure!
Natsu rushes over the counter and was about to take the first step but a large hand of Makarov slams Natsu to the ground which surprised Y/n a bit while Makarov said.
Makarov: Your not allow at the second floor Natsu. At least not yet.
Laxus: (smirk) I think you made him mad.
Natsu: (anger) Shut up!
Makarov: That is enough Laxus!
Laxus: (smirk) Yous all just fools. Do you wanna know who is the strongest member of Fairy Tail? Your looking at him.
Everyone share glares at Laxus while Y/n can see Laxus is unpopular within the guild and understood why he doesn't come here often.
It was close to night and we see Y/n within the Fairy Tail library ans have several books and reading a few to try to learn any information about this world and it's laws.
Mirajane walk down and place down a cup of coffee next to which Y/n turn and said.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks Mirajane. Sorry if this place is too messy for you.
Mirajane: (giggle) There's no problem, after all you still new here and I understand why you spent your time here.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah I gonna say this world has some interesting stuff unlike my world has. I can't believe your world manage to survive without technology but instead magic.
Mirajane: (smile) I see why.
She sat down next to him and Y/n finish another book and set it aside and then asked.
Y/n: So Mirajane, I wanna ask, why aren't we allow to go to the second floor?
Mirajane: It's because the second floor is only for one of the most strongest Wizards. You see, the job request at the main guild are like children but at the second floor holds what we call S-Class job request.
Y/n: S-Class?
Mirajane: Their only those who are called S-Class Wizard like Erza snd Laxus. The jobs are hard to complete and I took days to finish to or possibly even a whole year to complete it.
Y/n: So their like Headhunter mission's correct?
Mirajane: I guess but what is a Headhunter?
Y/n: It's what I am. Headhunters are two or one Spartans that go into enemy lines to destroy or distract them so a big wave of UNSC soldiers will come over and take out what's left of the Covenant.
Mirajane: Sounds dangerous.
Y/n: Yeah but i survived a few of these dangerous missions and escape alive.
Mirajane: Until that one mission that sent you here?
Y/n: That doesn't count!.......maybe a little.
Mirajane giggles once more and lend her head onto the table while Y/n drink his coffee and said.
Mirajane: (smile) Your a funny member and we're glad you join us.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah, I must say, this please is pretty cool. People here are nice....Well except a few.
Mirajane: (smile) Well never worry about Laxus and don't listen to him. We accept anyone here to the guild even if they have magic or not.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks Mirajane and I'll keep that in mind.
Mirajane smiled and she start to fall for Y/n because of his charm and his sense humour that made her laugh.
After that Mirajane lock up the guild the two say goodnight and head off home.
Soon Y/n return back to Lucy's apartment and unlock the door using a spare key she give him and let himself in and calls out.
Y/n: Sorry for the late, just been reading some....books.
Then he realise Lucy isn't here which is odd for her to do. He walks into the living and look around for her.
Y/n: (thought) Odd. Wonder where is she?
He then step on something and he looks down to see a piece of paper. He bend down and pick it up and look at it.
Y/n: Oh no!
He see it's a request job but not just a normal one. It's an S-Class job and believes that Lucy or possibly Natsu and Happy take this job and possibly head off to do it.
Y/n: (thought) Oh fuck. This can't be good. Makarov will not like this. But still, I hope Lucy will be alright....I hope.
To be continued............
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