Chapter 19: Fear the demon within

The Fairy Tail battle royal still continues with each guild member within Fairy tail facing each other within Magnolia streets fighting in order to save the girls that were turned inro stone. But not all are fighting each other.

We see Erza and Y/n facing off against Evergreen as we see Y/n taking Erza's hand and taking her into the air with his jetpack while Evergreen was floating above them. Y/n tossed Erza towards Evergreen and Erza slices her Fairy wings that cost her to fall but she grabs Y/n and the two crash onto the roof with a thud.

Erza: Y/n!

Erza lands on the roof and turns to see Y/n standing up and blocking Evergreen's kicks and punches while he active his engery shield that cost her to punch at the engeey shield snd hurt her hand.

Then Erza thtow her sword whole Evergreen step back and the Sword nearly hits her but stab her clothes and pinned her to the wall while Y/n walks up to her and demands.

Y/n: Let the girls go Evergreen and tell us where Laxus is?

Evergreen: (smirk) So you can beat him? No way a Spartan like you would ever stand a chance against him.

Y/n: Just do what I say.

Evergreen: (smirk) I will but there is one magic you should know about.

Y/n: And what's that?

Evergreen: Erza! Do me a favour and beat this fool!

Without word, Erza start to walk towards them which Y/n turns to her in complete shock.

Y/n: Erza? Erza what are you doing?

Evergreen: (smirk) Even if she is free from my spell I can control her and now she is my slave. Now, destroy him Erza.

Erza walks up to Y/n and the two stare at each other as Erza pulled back her fist Y/n can't believe thsinis happening while Erza throws her punch and Y/n shut his eyes for the punch. But then he realised he didn't get hit so he open his eyes only to see Evergreen get punched in the face instead.

Erza: Stop your bluffing and just do it already.

Evergreen: Okay fine. You both win.

Y/n:......Erza....did you try to scare me?

Erza: (giggle) Maybe.

Y/n: (chuckle) Erza you maybe one scary girl but I love my scary girl.

She smirks while back at the guild we see Lucy, Mirajane, Juvia, Levy, Cana and Bisca free from Evergreen spell while we see Makarov, Gajeel, Happy, Natsu and Violet along with her UNSC troops there and they were surprised that the girls are free.

Happy: (smile) Yay Y/n amd Erza did it!

Violet: Huh well that was unsuspected.

Makarov: Are you girls alright?

Lucy: Yeah I'm fine but where is everyone?

Makarov: I'll explain everything.

Meanwhile we cut back to Erza and Y/n on the roof seeing explosions in the distance while Erza sigh to herself and said.

Erza: This is gonna take a while to clean this mess up.

Y/n: Agree, let's hope the citizens believe this battle royal is part of the festival.

Erza: Hope so. Don't want eneyone to panic about all of this.

Y/n:.......Say Erza, how did you break free?

Erza: I don't know actually. It's maybe to do with my eye but I don't know.

Y/n: (smile) Still good to have you back.

Erza smiles and nod to him. Suddenly they heard something that sounded weird as Erza asked while looking around.

Erza: What is that sound?

Y/n: (thought) Wait....where did I hear that sound befor- Oh no.

He spone around including Erza and they were shocked to see seven alien drop ships flying over head them and flying pass them and set landing in each location in Magnolia.

Erza: (shocked) What are those things!

Y/n: (shocked) Those are banished Phantoms! Tessa was right.

Erza: What do you mean?

Y/n: She told me that Laxus made a deal with the Banished and now I think they are here since now Evergreen is out.

Erza: (shocked) Are you serious! What was Laxus thinking!

Y/n: So much keeping the citizens calm, now we have a invasion in our hands.

Erza: What do you want me to do?

Y/n: Get every guild member to stop fighting and tell them to defend Magnolia. I'll contact Violet and get the UNSC troops ready for combat.

Erza: Okay. I wish you good luck and be safe.

Y/n: Same to you.

Once that Erza left the roof while Y/n get into his coms and calls up Violet which she respond.

Violet: (radio) Y/n they are here!

Y/n: I know, we saw but we must defend Magnolia before it's too late. How many troops and vehicles are have?

Violet: (radio) 330 troops and 200 vehicles.

Y/n: (surprised) Really? That's surprising that we have a lot.

Violet: (radio) Yeah I was thinking the same thing.

Y/n: Still get them inro Magnolia and drag the Banished out of Magnolia.

Violet: (radio) What about you?

Y/n: There is still Freed out there and if he's still around, he might try to assist the Banished. We took down Evergreen now it's Freeds turn.

Violet: (radio) Alright. Good luck and be safe.

Y/n: Same to you.

Once that com ends he looks at the veiw of Magnolia before he quickly turns and aim hsi rifles above a hologram of Laxus.

Laxus: (smirk) Spartan, nice to see you.

Y/n: Don't give me thta look! Why in hell did you made a deal with the Banished!

Laxus: (smirk) They are proofing to be strong warriors and see they have a bad history with Spartans like you. I agree that we have a common enemy.

Y/n: Laxus these Banished will betray you and take over Magnolia!

Laxus: (smirk) I know, which is why they have to do what I say or I will destroy Magnolia with my toys.

Then lighting bolts appear around Magnolia in the air and Y/n sees lacrima like crystals that are filled with lighting bolts inside.

Y/n: What the hell are those things?

Laxus: (smirk) These are the thunder Palace and I'm threatening them to work with me or they will have a taste of my lighting. That or if they fail, this Magnolia will fall.

Y/n: (shocked) So your gonna kill a whole lot of people?! You sick fucker!

Laxus: (smirk) Oh and one more thing. If you try to destroy one of them, then the lighting will attack anyone who took it out. So goof luck trying to take them out Spartan.

He laughs while he fate away while Y/n looks up at the thunder Palace and thinks to himself as he jump off the roof and rushes through the streets.

Y/n: (thought) This isn't good. I need to find a way to not only stop the Banished but also the thunder Palace as well. Damn, how come life always have to give me a hard time. Let's hope after this is over, we can all relax. Let's hope.

Y/n turn around the corner and sees Mirajane helping Elfman up but sees an elite in cloak active his red enegey sword and was about to stab Mirajane but Y/n quickly fire his rifle and took out the elite.

Y/n: You two alright?

He rushes over to them and he helps Mirajane as they lift up Elfman while they node and said.

Elfman: Yeah thanks man. What the heck was that?

Y/n: An elite. Their pretty tough and skilled with a blade.

Elfman: (smirk) Bet they never seen a real man like m-Ow!

Mirajane: Don't move more. You need to take it easy.

Y/n: Have you seen the thunder Palace placed around Magnolia?

Mirajane: Indeed. Laxus must be mad if he is gonna use them.

Y/n: Yeah but first we need to find Freed and then Laxus and end this for sure.

Mirajane: I believe Juvia and Cana are searching for Freed as well.

Y/n: Let's find them and work together.

She nods and they carry Elfman to find Juvia and Cana so they can take on Freed and defeat him.


We see Laxus in the charge with a bunch of Banished troops as an elite commander named Seze 'Vuzmee walks over to Laxus and tells him.

Seze: Banished troops are now at the streets right now.

Laxus: Have they killed any guild members yet?

Seze: No. They are shown to be powerful and-

Laxus: (anger) You told me that the Banished are one of the strongest forces ever, but now I see you all nothing but weak fools.

Seze: We are proud warriors and we shall kill them! Unless you wanna be the first to be killed.

Laxus: (anger) Is that a threat?

Seze: Maybe, do you want to find out.

They glare at each other until another elite commander named Xul Hatum sees this and barks at Seze.

Xul: Seze that is enough! We must join forces in order to complete our mission. Is that understood!

Seze: (growled angry) Yes sir.

He turns and walks off while Xul looks at Laxus and ask him.

Xul: I wanna know. I've seen many humans kill each other for many things but you, something is different. Why do you want us to join you and wants us to kill your own guild?

Laxus: Because they are weak and there is no weaklings in my guild. Those who try to challenge me will be crushed.

Xul: That including the Spartan.

Laxus: (anger) Damn it. He is my number one hit list of my worst guild member ever and after all of this and once I bring new guild members, I'm gonna hire them to hunt down Y/n and kill him and use his armor as a reminder for those who try to stood up or who question me....shall be destroyed.


We see Elfman, Mirajane and Y/n getting close to a bridge and they were close to Juvia and Cana's location but they take a break from the walking as Y/n aij his rifle around to make sure the area is clear.

Elfman: Hey Y/n, thanks for freeing Mirajane and the rest of the girls. That is some man work.

Y/n: It's not just me Elfman. Erza helped as well.

Mirajane: Let's hope they are alright?

Y/n: Same. Still we should-

Suddenly a bridge near them breaks apart like something was thrown and they turn to see Cana badly hurt so Y/n rushes over to her.

Y/n: You alright? What happened?

Cana: We found Freed but.....he trapped us and Juvia...she-

???: She destroy one of the thunder Palace in order to rpood her true loyalty towards Fairy Tail.

Y/n looks up to see Freed standing at the edge of the broken bridge along with his two brute with gravity hammers.

Y/n: (anger) Freed stop this now! I know the rest of the thunder league maybe rough around their guild members but your smart, you know that this has gone too far!

Freed: I'll do what ever I can to please Laxus.

He turns to the two brutes which they node and they leap down and walks towards Y/n as Y/n active his engeue blade and ready for a fight.

Elfman: Hey how about you come down and face us! Man to man!

Freed: You gave been defeated. Your disqualified form the battle.

Elfman: Oh yeah! How about this!

Elfman rushes over and leaps up and try to punch him but Freed dodges it but not before he taps his sword into his chest a purple symbol appear on his chest.

Elfman: What the heck is this?

Freed: Those who broke the rules shall be punished. Dark Ecriture: Fear!

Then Elfman scream in fear while he grab his head.

Mirajane: Elfman!

Y/n: No!

He quickly take out the brutes with his engery blade and leaps over to strike at Freed but suddenly he was slammed on the ground by a hunter and he was pinned on the ground as a Hunter roars at him while Y/n try to slash at the hunter but the hunter grab his engeyr blade and tossed it away.

Y/n: Freed stop this! You've going too far!

Freed: Dark Ecriture: Pain, Fear, suffering, nightmare!

Elfman screamed from everything while Y/n just watched while Mirajane start to cry while she begs Freed.

Mirajane: (tears) Freed....please stop. That's enough.

Freed ignore her and wipes his sword at Elfman while Elfman screams more while Mirajane cries even more while Y/n shake his fist in anger and no longer wanna watch this anymore. He sees a plasma grenade in one of the brutes belts and fire a grabble and once he has it and active it and throws it at the hunters head.

Once the head blows up Y/n rolls away and quickly took out his pistol and quickly take out the two in coming grunts and brutes and once that he rushes over as Freed was about to finish this with death for Elfman but Y/n grabs Freed by the arm and headbutt him as Freed fell on the ground as Y/n aim his pistol at his head and tells him.

Y/n: It's over.

There was silence between the while Mirajane was relieved that Elfman is safe. Suddenly Y/n hears an elite behind him and seconds later an elite engery sword stab through Y/n's shoulder as his shields break while Y/n scream in pain.

Mirajane: Y/N!!!!!!!!

The elite tossed Y/n away while he lies there in pain while more Banished troops arrive and surrounded Mirajane while the elite grabs Y/n by the neck and glare at him while Mirajane believes that Y/n is dead as she looks down not say anything.

Banished grunt: What's wrong human? Scared? Hahahahahahah!

The grunts laugh while Mirajane says nothing but soon the rocks start to float that at first they didn't notice but soon a string wind blows around them as they step away as a large and dark magci circle appear as Freed and Y/n sees this.

Freed: (shocked) Wh-What is this magic?

Mirajane yells at first as one elite try to stab his engery sword at her when suddenly she scream out follow by a burst that sent the Banished troops flying back as Mirajane turned into a demon in front of everyone which shocked them.

Y/n: (thought) That's....her beast mode.

Mirajane continues the scream but more like a roar like a demon while the Banished troops around her stood there in shock by this.

Soon she stop and turn to the first elite and quickly slice off his head with her claws. The rest try to open fire at her but she cuts them downin her blind rage and soon all Banished troops were gone as she looks over to Freed and flies towards him but Freed dodges it.

The two take flight while Y/n slowly stand up and quickly take out an elite taht was grabbing his neck and rushes over to see both Mirajane and Freed fight.


Soon Elfman wakes up and Y/n turns to him and help him up.

Elfman: What happened? Where's Mira?

Y/n: Fighting Freed and she....turned into her beast mode.

Elfman: (shocked) What?! I have to go-

He fell back to his knees while Y/n tells him.

Y/n: Your too weak to try to stop her. I'll try to calm her down. You can get Cana and find Juvia while I'll deal with Mirajane and Freed.

Elfman: careful.

He nods and he active his jetpack and takes off into the air as he chase Mirajane and Freed around the rocky mountains as he try to dodge each of their attacks and try to catch up with them but either their attacks were slowing him down who the pain that he gotten from an elite engery sword is slowly him down.

Y/n: (thought) Damn it I never seen Mirajane be so mad before. I think a fee guild members did told me she did get mad when Laxus allow Lucy, Happy and Natsu take a S-Class job. Man, wish I was there to see that. Force, you have a rampaging Mira on the line here so let's try to catch up to them and we-

Suddenly he stop when a huge dark beam nearly hits Y/n but luckily he stopped as once it's gone he sees Freed on the ground defeated but sees Mirajane lands across from him and launches towards him.

Freed thinks this was it for him until Y/n lands between them and Y/n aim his shotgun as Mirajane and tell her.

Y/n: Stop this Mira! You don't want to do this!

She growls and try to slash at Y/n so he can move out of the way but Y/n said.

Y/n: Don't break her promise.

She stop her hand near Y/n's helmet as he sees this and Lowe his shotgun and tells her.

Y/n: Mira your one of the nices person I have ever met in my life. When ever I have a bad day or I'm sad of something. Your always there to either make me or the rest happy just like Lisanna would. I know you try your best to be like Lisanna and I get it why. Lisanna was like the light that Fairy Tail needs and without her, that light is gone so you try to take over as her light and she would be proud of that. Don't let your dark magic, your beast form take over you and do something that you will regret for many years.

Mirajane stare at him while he tossed away his shotgun and looks Mirajane in the eyes and tells her.

Y/n: I know your a good person and I know you can make the right thing. If I know anyone who can make a beautiful smile on his or her face. That would be you. So please don't do this Mira, don't let Lisanna down.

Mirajane looks at Y/n for a while and then grabs his helmet and tells it off and then she lend over and kissed Y/n on the lips. Y/n was surprised by this but he kissed her back while she changed back to her human form and after a while they stop kissing and she looks at him with a smile that Y/n likes.

Mirajane: (smile) Thank you for snapping me back Y/n. I love you.

Y/n: (smile) Love you too Mira.

Freed: W-Why?

They turn to Freed as Freed stare at Y/n in surprised and asked once more.

Freed: Why didn't you not let her finish me? She defeated me and thr rules said-

Y/n: Freed....I don't give a damn about the rules. But what I do give a damn about is my family, my guild members. I see that you've been following orders by Laxus all your life and I know because I've been following orders as well. But sometimes you and I have to realise that we are human and we can make decisions and make what ever and when ever we want. The UNSC never given me a choice back in my world, I was like a machine to them, always following orders and hopes I've completed it. But when came here and join Fairy Tail they treat me like I was one of them, treat me like human, treat me like I have feels ans soul. Laxus used you and so dose Bickslow and Evergreen. Bit I'm given you a choice, a choice to either join up with Laxus do he have to give you more orders so more lifes will be taking....or make a right choice and turn against him and join us.

After Y/n speech to Freed, Freed start to tear up and realise that he is right and can't always allow Laxus to tell him what to do. So he released his enchantment around Magnolia and it was done.

Mirajane: (smile) Nice work Y/n. It's over now.

Y/n: Not yet. There is still one more member of the thunder league left and this time.....he's gonna pay for what he did to Fairy Tail, our friends and Magnolia. He better watch out, because a Spartan is on his way to end this fight for good.

To be continued................

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