Chapter 18: A battle royal of Fairy Tail
It was a nice day in Magnolia as we see people putting up decorations for the Harvest festival as many people were exited for it to started. We see Y/n and Lucy walking down the street with Lucy holding a bag filled with clothes while Y/n walks beside her without his Spartan armor as he looks around and said to Lucy.
Y/n: Seems like this is gonna be a great festival.
Lucy: (smile) Yeah this is gonna be great. Have you ever been one before?
Y/n: (smile) No but this will be my first time. Can't wait.
Lucy: (smile) Awesome.
Y/n: So what's with the clothes you've bring?
Lucy: There is a Fairy Tail pretty competition and who ever wins will get a lot of money. I'm gonna try to win so I can pay off the rent.
Y/n: (smile) Sounds fun. I wish you good luck Lucy and hope you win.
Lucy: (giggle) Thanks, maybe if I have some money left we can go out somewhere special.
Y/n: (smile) Sure I like that idea.
Lucy smiled once more as they arrived at the guild and once inside they see all the guys near the stage waiting for the show to start. Lucy walks off while Y/n spotted Ur talking to Violet so he walks over and sat with them.
Y/n: (smile) Hey there you two, what are you two talking about?
Ur: (smile) Just Violet is telling me how she completed a mission solo and it was amazing.
Violet: (smile) It was nothing really. I also stick to the shadows and pick off targets.
Ur: (smile) Yeah but in a badass way. Man, I wish I can see that in action.
Violet: (smirk) Maybe someday.
Y/n: I thought you two will take part of the pretty competition?
Violet: I'm not much as a fan of getting dress. It's fun but I rather watch.
Ur: I wasn't bothered gonna try pick some clothes to use for the competition. Hard work.
Y/n: (smile) Guess so. So Violet were is the rest of the troops?
Violet: At our base. It's not much but it will do. We have left over Pelicans and other vehicles and weapons.
Y/n: Just as long we have the fire power against any threat, we should be fine including the rest of Earthland.
Violet: Yeah, do you think the Banished might attack here?
Ur: (smirk) Not a chance. If they dare they will be wiped out with Y/n's Fairy law blast.
Violet: Fairy law blast?
Y/n: It's a long story but I'll explain when we have time.
Max: Is everyone ready for this years Fairy Tail pretty competition!
Everyone cheered while Y/n, Violet and Ur turn to see that the competition is about to beging with Max on stage as he also calls out.
Max: Our first pretty girl is new around here but not afraid to wash us away. Let's give it up with Juvia!
Then Juvia comes on stage wearing her swimming bikini as she waves at everyone but especially Y/n while everyone cheered while Violet rolled her eyes and said.
Violet: Even in this world there is still creeps around here.
Y/n: (smile) Light it up Commander, it's just a show were everyone can sit back and relax.
Ur: (smile) He's right. At least everyone is happy.
Violet: Guess so.
Soon each girls comes on stage showing off either their clothes or their skills while guys cheered when ever they come up on stage. Lastly was Lucy as she step on stage wearing a cheer leader outfit ad she address the crowd.
Lucy: (smile) I don't have much but I can some cheering for fai-
???: Now to our next beautiful girl in Fairy Tail.
Lucy: Hey I didn't even started!
Then the curtain behind Lucy opens to reveal a women that Y/n never seen but see the Fairy Tail logo on her as she gose on yo say.
Evergreen: One of the most beautiful women ever in Fairy Tail. Evergreen!
The guys cheered but Y/n, Violet and Ur find it odd that Evergreen just show up.
Ur: I never met her before. Is she new?
Y/n: I think so heard Makarov told me about her and she is a team member of the thouder league.
Ur: Oh you mean they listen to the lighting jerk. Great.
Lucy turns to her and sees Evergreen as she asked.
Lucy: Um I don't believe we have ever met?
Evergreen: (smirk) Well its nice to meet you...Lucy.
She then pulled down her glasses and look at her while Natsu within the crowd sees this ans called out.
Natsu: Lucy! Don't look into her eyes!
But it was too late as Lucy was turned inro stone which everyone were shocked by this.
Y/n: Lucy!
Makarov: Evergreen what is the meaning of this! Let her go right now!
???: Not a chance old fool.
Then a light strikes on stage and Laxus appears which Y/n rushes up next to Makarov and calls out to him.
Y/n: Let Lucy go! Are you nuts trapping Lucy into stone!
Laxus: (smirk) Oh relax Spartan this is just a game. Besides, she's not the only one.
More curtains were pulled and Y/n and the rest were shocked to see Mirajane, Cana, Erza, Levy, Juvia and Bisca turn into stone.
Y/n: How could you!
Makarov: What do you think your doing!?
Laxus: Putting in a new game. A game that can proof who is the strongest guild around. A Fairy Tail battle royal!
Violet: A Fairy Tail battle royal?
Ur: I have a bad feeling about this.
Laxus: You all have 40 minutes to fight each other and if the last person is standing will win. But if the time runs out, then these girls will be destroyed.
Y/n: (anger) You mother fucker! What did they do to deserve this!
Laxus: (smirk) I rather watch your language Spartan. Anything like that I might take one of them out just to proof the point.
Makarov: (anger) I ordee you to let them go right now Laxus!
Laxus: First take part of my game and I'll let them go. Goof luck.
Then both Laxus and Evergreen disappeared and once that every guild member rush out to find Laxus. Makarov was about to when he slams into an enchantment that shows purple symbols.
Natsu, Happy, Gray, Y/n, Ur and Violet walks over with Violet asked.
Violet: The hell is this?
Makarov: An enchantment. This is Freeds work.
Violet: And those symbols? What do they say?
Makarov: It said anyone who is over 82 shall not take part.
Ur: That's weird?
Y/n: Still we gonna go and find Laxus.
Gray: Right.
Natsu: ALRIGHT! Time to show Laxus who I a-
He rushes towards the exit but slams into the enchantment ehidh shocked them as Natsu step back.
Natsu: The hell is this?!
Violet walks over and wave her hand and it gose through. She step out of the guild and so dose Y/n, Gray and Ur and they see they can go through perfectly but Natsu and Makarov can't.
Y/n: Don't worry, we get you two out of there.
Makarov: No. You four maybe our only hope of stopping Laxus and end this foolish game. Good luck and stay safe.
Natsu: Aaww this sucks! I wanna take part of this battle royal. Plus HOW THE HECK I'M I OVER 82?!
Happy: And here I thought we know each other but I guess not.
Violet: I'll head to our base to call get UNSC soldiers here to help the other guild.
Y/n: Right, I'll search for the other guild members so we can plan something to find Laxus.
Ur: (smirk) Guess this leaves me and Gray to find Laxus.
Gray: (smirk) Yeah let's do this mast- I mean Ur.
Gray really needs to stop calling Ur his master as the two head off while Violet also head off to get some help while Y/n rushes off to find the other guild members.
After a while we see Alzack, Jet and Droy up ahead as Y/n rush up to him and ask them.
Y/n: Any luck?
Jet: No luck. Damn what was Laxus thinking.
Droy: I know he is a jerk but this havegone too far.
Y/n: Agree but let's keep moving and find him.
They node and they were about to continue on but an enchantment appear behind and in front of them as symbols appear above them.
Droy: What is this?
Jet: Y/n vs Alzack vs Droy vs Jet.
Y/n: What? Is he suspected us to fight each other?
Droy: That's not cool.
Alzack:.....Sorry guys.
Y/n turns and quick requip to his Spartan armor and dodges Alzack suddenly magic bullet as Y/n aims his pistol at Alzack.
Y/n: What on earth are you doing Alzack! We're on the same side!
Alzack: I'm sorry but I must save Bisca.
Y/n: We can if we work together. Jet try to use your speed to-
Suddenly when he turn he quick dodge Jet's speed and leaps back and calls out to Jet.
Y/n: Jet you too! We're on the same side!
Droy: Sorry but we have to savethe girls.
Then Droy throws seeds at Y/n and plants appear and attack Y/n as he stumble back. He stand up and Jet quickly rushes over with his speed and try to punch him but he ducks down just in time and leaps away while Droy ans Alzack battle each other.
Y/n: Guys don't make me do this. We're in a guild, we're family!
Jet doesn't say anything as she dashes over to Y/n and was about to strike at him while Y/n was ready for it when suddenly a mirror appear behind Y/n and someone grab him and pulled in into the mirror and soon the mirror closed whidh shocked Jet as he stop and look around.
Jet: The hell was that?
Then Jet gets shot in the back of Alzack as he finish with Droy and Jet lay on the ground defeated while Alzack search around for Y/n but see he is gone.
Alzack: (thought) Sorry guys. But I have no choice.
The enchantment disappeared and Alzack walks away searching for any guild members to take out to save Bisca.
We see Y/n in the sewer as he looks around and was surprised that someone saved his life but wasn't sure who it was.
???: Been a while Y/n.
He turn and was shocked to see Sue, Boze and Tessa as Y/n breaths in a sigh of relief and said.
Y/n: Thanks for the rescue. Here I thought I have to fight my former guild members.
Boze: (smile) No problem. It was actually Tessa who asked for help.
Y/n: Help? Did you know about what's going on Tessa?
Tessa: Yes. After the magic council have fallen apart because of Jellal, they assigned me to search for any banished camp sites and soon we found something that you really don't like.
Y/n: What?
Sue: A guild member named Laxus came to one of their camps and made a deal with them. He can allow them to use Magnolia as their base and in return they help him be a guild master.
Y/n: (Shocked) WHAT?! IS HE FUCKING MAD! Why would he ever made deals with the Banished!
Boze: No clue but there already here and probably with Laxus as we speak.
Y/n: This is not good. We need to warn everyone about this.
Sue: That's.....gonna be hard. With everyone fighting each other, they won't listen.
Y/n: Shit your right. There has to be a way.
Tessa: There is. We must take down the thunder league. We should start by who turn the girls into stone.
Y/n: That be Evergreen.
Tessa: Good. The next we take care of the enchantment and shut it down.
Y/n: That's Freeds enchantment and he might be tough to beat.
Tessa: Yes but as long we work together, we should be fine.
Boze: His enchantment only works on those who are a fairy tail guild member so we should be fine.
Y/n: I'm one of them.
Tessa: No problem, hold still.
She walks over and took out a potion and pours it onto her Y/n as he looks at his hands to see them sparkle before fate away.
Y/n: What is it?
Tessa: It's a special type of potion that can allow you to go pass Freeds enchantment.
Y/n: You think it work?
Tessa: (smile) Trust me, I will.
Y/n: Well thanks for that including you Sue for pulling me out of that battle.
Sue: (little blush) Sure no problem.
Y/n: I wanna know why you two want to help us? Aren't you two members of the Phantom Lords?
Boze: Yeah but after it's shut down we decided ti make things right by helping you and your guild.
Sue: And maybe join them once this is all over.
Y/n: (smile) Well I appreciate the back up. Now let's do this.
Tessa: We should split up so we could find the thunder league more easier. Sue, Boze you two search for Freed while me and Y/n find Evergreen.
Boze: You got it.
Sue: Be careful.
Y/n: Same to you two.
Sue blushes and the four split off to find the two thunder league members and put a stop of this battle royal once and for all.
We see Natsu, Happy and Makarov looking at the enchantment as symbols appear that shows who is facing who and who is defeated.
Happy: (shocked) No way! Y/n is defeated!
Makarov: (shocked) This can't be good. Gray and Ur are also out as well by Bickslow. Now it's up to Violet with some back up.
Natsu: This sucks. I wanna be a part of it.
Makarov: (anger) Don't be a fool Natsu! Why do you want to battle your own guild members!
Natsu: So I can proof who is the strongest guild around!
Makarov: This ain't a game. It's a foolish game set up by Laxus. If we don't do something, the girls will be destroyed.
Natsu: (smirk) Come on gramps. You think he'll do something like that. I'm sure he isn't gonna do it and just doing this for the fun of it.
Makarov: (thought) You still think he is one of us. After everything he has done?
Happy: Guys look!
They turn back to the enchantment and Makarov were shocked that half fo the guild were taking out.
Makarov: (shocked) That can't be. Half of the guild have been wiped out. We can't sit here do nothing, we gonna do something.
Natsu: But how? We can't get through the enchantment.
Happy: I can go through perfectly fine but I can't do this on my own.
Makarov: There's got to be someone that can help us.
There was thinking of something when someone calls out form behind.
Gajeel: Let me go gramps.
They turn to see Gajeel and they were surprised that he was here this whole time as he walks over to them while eating an iron plate.
Gajeel: I'll search around and find Y/n and see if he is alright.
Natsu: Really? Why do you wanna search for him?
Gajeel: Tch, don't give me wrong I hate the guy... (Sigh) But he did try to help me so I'll return him the favour so we can be even.
Makarov: You sure you can handle this?
Gajeel: Sure I can.
Gajeel walks over but gets blocked by the enchantment as Gajeel slams his fist into it but can't go through.
Gajeel: (anger) DO I LIKE 80 TO YOU!
Makarov: (thought) This and be good. Please Violet, hurry and bring your soldiers here and soon.
A sewer led opens and Tessa and Y/n exit out of the sewer and back on the streets of Magnolia as the two look around for to see no guild members around.
Y/n: All clear.
Tessa: Let's just hope Sue and Boze are alright finding Freed.
Y/n: Same. So what do you mean by the magic council falling apart?
Tessa: After Jellal plan was complet, one of his henchmen cost the entire building that we were in to fall apart. Luckily I survived but the magic council members were injured by this sudden attack and the rest of the royal army squad were killed.
Y/n: Tessa I'm so sorry for your lost.
Tessa: After that the magic council was a mess. I was sent out to find any Banished camp and take their technical we in hopes we can rebuild the magic council stronger then ever.
Y/n: If this is over, I can help you all rebuild.
Tessa: Thanks but we can be alright. Now let's find Evergreen and-
Evergreen: Look for me?
They turn and see Evergreen above them as she slowly falls down and lands on her feet.
Evergreen: (smirk) It's very nice to meet you Y/n. I wish we would catch up and maybe have some tea and chat.
Y/n: Evergreen I'm given you a chance to free the girls. This isn't right.
Evergreen: (smirk) I love your voice I really do but I must obey to Laxus orders. So how about you two hold still.
Y/n: Tessa don't looks her-
But it was too late as Tessa rushes over try to swing her blade at her but she looked into her eyes ans turned inro stone just as her blade nearly lands on Evergreen's head.
Y/n: Tessa!
Y/n fires ice sharps at Evergreen but she flies up in the air and throws in fairy dust that blows up ane sent Y/n flying back and crashed into a building.
Evergreen lands on her feet and once the smoke clears up Y/n rushes towards her and swings his engery blade at her but she dodges it and try to stare inro his eyes but Y/n try to do his best not to look at her eyes and continues to swing his blade at her.
Evergreen takes off and Y/n looks up as Evergreen sum,ons more Fairy dust at Y/n but he active his armor lock and the Fairy dust blows up. Seconds later Y/n flies up into the air with his jetpack on his back and flies towards Evergreen and grabs herby the shoulder as the two fly around while Evergreen smirked.
Evergreen: (smirk) Your a strong man aren't you? Too bad I have to hurt you.
She elbowed Y/n that made him to let go and she blast him with win magic and he crashed to the ground hard. Y/n slowly stands up and see his jetpack is destroyed so he throws it away while Evergreen flies over him and ask him.
Evergreen: (smirk) I don't get on why you care about your guild members. Your a Spartan, why should you be hanging out with them?
Y/n: Because they our my only family I have. I never have a family after the Covenant took it away from me and I promise myself to protect my new family. I refuse to battle them because they are my friends! IF THEY GO DOWN, THEN I'LL BE THE ONE THAT WILL HELP THEM TO RISE UP!
Evergreen: (smirk) How cute. But unfortunately this is were you are defeated. Goodbye, my handsome Spartan.
She pouts out more Fairy dust towards Y/n which Y/n try to move but it was too late as the dust surround him and soon they blow up sky high with Evergreen smirking see that he is defeated.
But she was shocked to see two sheilds after the smoke clears up as Y/n opens his eyes and see that he is still okay and as soon the shields disappeared Evergreen and Y/n were shocked to see Erza there as she turns to Y/n and help him up.
Erza: You okay?
Y/n: (shocked) Yeah but Erza. How?
Erza: I'll explain once we deal with Evergreen and free the rest.
Y/n: Right. Let's do this.
Erza requip to her Heaven's wheel armor whike Y/n took out both his engery blade and energy shield and get into a battle stand as Evergreen smirks and said.
Evergreen: (smirk) Well this will be interesting. Fine then, let the real games begin.
To be continued...............
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