Chapter 16: Die for those you care for

We see Tessa walking through the halls heading to Seigrain's office to see if she could find any clues that she can find to see what he is planning.

Once there she slowly opens the door and peaks inside to see no one so he shuts the door behind him and make his way inside the room and looked around.

Tessa: Okay Seigrain, what are you hiding in here.

She looks around the room trying to find anything that looks suspicious. She check everywhere trying to find anything and after a while she lend on the desk and breath a sigh. She was about to leave when she felt like a button underneath the table which she bend down and see a button.

Tessa: (thought) Bingo.

She pushes it and a secret draw opens up on the table and when she looks through the draw she sees a book which she takes out and opens it and read through it.

Tessa: (shocked) My god! This.....this can't be!

She closes the book and rushes out of thr room to tell the guards the news and they head off to arrest Seigrain ans stop the fire of the etherion cannon before it is too late.


We see Jellal looking at the Etherion cannon within the lacrima and see it is almost ready to fire. He smirks as he turn away the lacrima while he said to himself.

Jellal: It seems my plan is almost complete. Soon the world will changed forever and we can begin our journey to the heavens. If only Erza would be here to see this wonderful achievement.

Y/n: Hey buddy.

Jellal turns but was quickly punched in the face by Y/n and fell onto the ground. Y/n stand over him while Erza came into veiw and pointed her blade at Jellal which Jellal smirks to see Erza.

Erza: You may have captured me and managed to gain control of this tower but there is one thing missing in order for you to active it.

Jellal: Oh and what would it be Erza?

Erza: Magic. You needed a lot of magic in order to active the tower of heaven but we realise that this tower has none. Why bring me here if you don't have any magic.

Jellal just smirks to himself while Y/n looks back at the lacrima to see it about to fire which he asked Erza.

Y/n: You got a plan to stop this cannon from firing?

Erza turns to the Lacrima and nods to Y/n.

Erza: I may have stopped a Jupiter cannon before, I can't stop this one.

Y/n: And it be too late for us to escape if we get out of here. So I guess this might be it.

Erza: I believe so.

The Etherion cannon is now charging up while Lucy and the rest make their escape except for Natsu and Simon who were still in the tower. While this is happening, Y/n sighs to himself and tells her.

Y/n: Well at least we will die for what we fought for.

Erza: Indeed. Y/n.

Y/n turns to her and then she hugs him which Y/n hugs her back while Erza smiled and tells Y/n.

Erza: (smile) Thank you for everything and tyank you for making me happy.

Y/n: (smile) Sure. No problem Erza.

Soon the Etherion cannon fires and hits the tower of heaven that cist waves which Juvia use her water magic to surround the boat within a bobble to protect the board from the waves.

Once the waves were come they still look at the tower with worry faces, wondering if they are alive in there.

Lucy: They gonna be okay right?

Gray: Don't know but I hope so.

Sho: (shocked) What the hell?

Once the smoke clears up they see that the tower was still standing but it's true form is revealed to them. A large tower like lacrima crystal which shocked them. We then cut to Erza, Y/n and Jellal as Erza open her eyes and the two look around and see they are still alive.

Erza: We're alive? How?

Y/n looks over to Jellal to see him smirking until Y/n gets two and two together and walks over and slams Jellal into the wall while aiming his pistol at his head.

Y/n: I shouldn't known this was your plan all along!

Jellal just smirked but soon laughed which Y/n tells Erza his full plan.

Y/n: Erza, Jellal new he needed magic but he knows one magic that is enough to charge up this tower.

Erza: (shocked) The Etherion cannon. Yes that make sense.

Then Jellal stops laughing and looks at Y/n through the visor and tells him.

Jellal: (smirk) That's right and now the tower of heaven is charged up and I can begin the sacrifice!

Then Jellal place a hand onto Y/n's stomach and blast him, sending him back and crash into a lacrima crystal.

Y/n: Damn it!

Erza rusher over to him and help him up while Jellal slowly stands up as Erza was angered by this but then a voice calls out for her.

???: It's not just his plan.

They look over to see Seigrain appear as he walk up next to Jellal leaving Erza shocked by this.

Erza: (shocked) So you  are in on this as well?!

Seigrain: (smirk) Indeed. I planned for the Etherion cannon  to target this tower and once that was done, the rest is history.

Jellal: It took use years but our patience was worth it.

Erza: (anger) How could you!

Y/n: and your fake twin brother will pay for that.

Jellal: Fake twin brother?

Erza: What are you talking about?

Y/n: Erza remember I said about my motion tracker and how it works?

Erza: Yes but wh-

Y/n: I don't see Seigrain on the motion tracker.

Erza: (shocked) What?

Y/n: I only see Jellal, you and me. I don't see Seigrain and even when I first met him. At first I thought my helmet was malfunction but soon I realised it's not my helmet, but infact Seigrain himself. He wasn't real Erza, the two are the same.

There was silence until both Jellal and Seigrain smirked snd the two walk up to each other as Seigrain's body gose into Jellal and soon there was only one which is Jellal as he stare down at the two with a smirk.

Jellal: (smirk) You are one smart soldier aren't you.

Then Jellal suddenly reach out his hand and a dark hand grabs Y/n while pushing Erza back snd lift him up into the air before he tossed him off the tower.

Erza: Y/N!

Y/n falls but he quickly shot his grabble and the grabble grabs on the edge and he lands his feet onto the wall. He breath a sigh of relief before he start to claim up and once up he claims back onto the tower and looks over to see Erza fighting Jellal but Jellal gets the upper hand snd grabs Erza by the neck and slams her onto the ground.

Y/n quickly take out his assault rifle and fire a round at him but Jellal rais his hand up as a lacrima wall appears ti block the bullets and then four lacrima walls surround Y/n and he was trapped.

Y/n: Fuck! Erza! Erza!

Jellal grabs Erza by the neck and carry her to one of the lacrima crystals and soon place her in and it start sucking her into the lacrima crystals as Erza scream in pain.

Jellal: Ah yes, soon your sacrifice will be complete and our journey to the heavens will begin. It has been fun Erza but this is goodbye.


Jellal turns to walk away while Y/n makes a fist as they burst inro flames and he start punching at the lacrima wall and soon it breaks and he rushes over to Erza and managed to grab her hand and try to pull her out of the lacrima but the lacrima was sucking her into it very fast and he try his best but it was no use.

Then suddenly another han grabs Erza's hand and Y/n was surprised to see Natsu as the two pulls Erza out of the lacrima and Y/n set her down while Jellal turns to see Natsu.

Y/n: Shit thanks man. That was close.

Natsu: No problem.

Erza: He's too powerful for you two to fight him. You both need to leave while you two still have a chance.

Y/n looks over to Jellal and knows he can't let him get away from this so he stood up and tells Erza.

Y/n: Erza he tried to kill you, hurt my friends and have been tournament your life all these years. I'm not gonna let him get away for this.

Erza: Y/n.

Natsu: I'm with you man. No one messes with me friends. Let's do this.

Natsu and Y/n stand side by side while Erza was behind them. Y/n active his engery blade and shield and the two charge at Jellal.

Natsu fires flames at Jellal which he blocks with us magic while Y/n rushes up and try to swing his engery blade at him but he kept dodging it and fires a dark magic which Y/n blocks with a engery shield before he fires lighting at him whifh he swipe away. Natsu leaps over and try to land some blows at Jellal with his iron fist but Jellal kept dodging his attacks.

Then Y/n lands a kick at Jellal in the waist from behind and another whidh sent Jellal flying and crash onto a wall. Jellal slowly stands up and he charge up his magic and fires a powerful blast which Y/n gets in front of Natsu and active his armor lock as the blast hits him and gose upwards.

Once the blast stop Natsu fires a powerful dragon roar at Jellal which hits him and he skidded back and crashed onto the wall.

Y/n deactive his armor lock as the two stare at Jellal to see what he can do next. Jellal slowly stands up and tells the two.

Jellal: You two are fools to even try to face me. Now you two will die!

He fires a powerful blast that sent the two flying and they crashed onto the ground. Y/n slowly stands up and Jellal and Y/n lock eyes as Jellal tells him.

Jellal: You shouldn't have stayed at your world. But now your fate has been decided.

He then charge up his most powerful attack at Y/n. Y/n was too injured to move but then Erza gets in front of him and wave her hands across.

Y/n: Erza!

Natsu: What the heck are you doing?!

Erza: I will not allow you to kill Y/n. If you kill me, you'll lose your sacrifice!

Jellal: (smirk) It doesn't matter. I can always find a new one to replace you Erza. So long Erza.

He then fires a powerful blast which Y/n sees and pulls Erza to a hug to protect herself from the blast and before the blast would hit them, someone else gets in front of them and take the blast. There was a large explosion and smoke fills the air.

Natsu, Erza and Y/n turn and to Erza shock, she sees Simon in front of them as he fell onto the ground while the trio rushes over to him.

Erza: Simon!

They get around him as Simon looks at them and said.

Simon: (smile) Sorry.....but I can't allow Jellal to win.

Erza: Damn it Simon why! Why didn't you leave!

Simon: (smile) Because I can't allow you to die. You have a life to fulfill, a life that is better then mine.

Erza was in tears while Simon slowly turns to Y/n and tell the Spartan.

Simon: You....protected Erza ever since you came here. Promise'll always protect her no matter what.

Y/n: I will. I promised.

Simon smiled at him before he took his last breath and then dies in front of them. Erza was in tears from this and cries while Y/n stood up and makes a fist while he hears Jellal's laughter.

Jellal: (smirk) What a fool! Simon guve his life to save you both but he knows his sacrifice will not matter. I will not allow either of you leave this island aliv-

Then Y/n suddenly appears in front of Jellal and throws a powerful punch at Jellal in the face that sent him flying g and he crashed onto the wall.

Erza and Natsu were shocked to see how fast Y/n have gone as he slowly walks towards Jellal as Jellal stand up and fires dark balls at him but he quickly dodges them in quick speed and once close Jellal try to throw a punch but Y/n grabs his fist and then punched Jellal in the stomach in his other hand and tossed him away.

Y/n: Natsu....let's end this asshole once and for all.

Natsu: Yeah. Let's finish this.

(Epic battle theme start)

Y/n nods while the rest stare at Jellal as he stands up and Natsu rushes over and fires more flames at Jellal which he block but quickly punched by Y/n with his lighting fist and punch him even more while he dodge Jellal's attacks ashe throws more lightning punches at him and then blow him away with his wind magic.

Jellal was sent flying while Natsu appears and slam him onto the ground so hard that the floor cracked while Jellal blast Natsu away ans stand up and was about to fire his dark magic at him but Y/n grabs him from behind and throws him across the room. He suddenly appears where Jellal was about to land and grabs him by the face and elbow him in the stomach before he tossed him which Jellal lands in the middle of the room.

Natsu and Y/n stand side by side as the two nod to each other and Natsu charge up his fire dragon roar while Y/n ready to use fairy law on Jellal as he charge up his fist while Jellal sees what they are about to do and fire once again a powerful dark magic.

Then the two fires both of their magics together and it collided into each other and the three gets into a lock before both Natsu and Y/n yell out and fires through Jellal's dark blast and the two magics hit Jellal sending him flying.

Jellal: (thought) This is impossible! There is no way I can be beaten by those two. This is impossible!

He lands hard onto the ground while Natsu and Y/n were breathing and see they have defeated Jellal. Natsu turns to Y/n and raised up a fist at him which he smirks underneath his helmet and put his fist in front of Natsu's as the two smirked while Erza watched this in shock.

Erza: (thought) They defeated him. I can't believe that they defeated him. My nightmares are now over....thank you you two, thank you.

(Epic battle theme ends)

The two walk over to Erza and Y/n grabs Erza and lift her up. He nods to her and she nods back to signal him she is alright. Then Y/n hands Erza to Natsu while he walks over and picks up Simon and tells them.

Y/n: He fought for bravery and truth. He deserves better then being here. He should be buried somewhere else then this nightmare.

Erza agrees including Natsu as the whole place falls apart as they leave and managed to get onto the boat on time as the whole Tower falls apart and it was gone with Jellal gone as well.

They watched as they sail off with Eza glad that the nightmare is now buried including Jellal as well. He may have betrayed her, she doesn't blame him and still thinks he was changed because of the tower and those who used her and the rest as slaves.


We see Y/n and the rest made it to shore ad Y/n was done putting Simon into his grave and once dug up he walks up next to Erza and the rest as they stare at Simons grave and were silent has they have to say goodbye to their old friend.

One by one they each return back to Akane Beach ans soon it was just Y/n and Erza.

Y/n: He was a good man. He really was on our side.

Erza: Yeah.

Y/n: Erza?

Then Erza burst into tears and fell onto her knees and cry while she tells Y/n.

Erza: (tears) How can I protect my friends if one of them just died right in front of me. I've seen many people die when I was a kid and I lost so many because of it. How can I can I protect my own guild now.

She cries once more in front of Simons grave until Y/n helps her up and tells her.

Y/n: I know how it feels to lose the people you cared for. I too watch my soldiers and my team members die right in front of me and all around and I was helpless to stop it. But....we must understand that their sacrifice will never be forgotten. They will and shall be always be with us and we will not like their sacrifice be forgotten. Simon aacrifice his own life just so you can have a better life, a life that was token from you but managed to get it back and now your an S-class wizard because of it. Your strength and determination allows you to be a better person, a better wizard in fact. Simons death will never be forgotten and this will remind you, me and everyone why we fight. Why we want to help others so we can save more lives and will die trying.

Erza sees that Y/n is right and wipe the tears away and nods to him. Y/n nods back to her and then Erza gently hugs him while he tells him.

Erza: Your one of the best guild member I have ever met. I'm so glad you joined us.

Y/n smiled and gently hugs Erza back. Once that Erza left with Y/n following her but he turn back and sees the spirit of Simon and many other children that were taking away as they smiled at Y/n. Y/n turns to them sne guve them all a salute and they do the same.

Once that the spirits go to the afterlife while Y/n turns and walks off and return to the resort with everyone else as this mission is complete.

To be continued................

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