Chapter 15: The steel blade of trust and friendship
The large door opens and we see Y/n, Natsu and Happy enter the room where Lucy, Gray, Juvia and Erza are at as Y/n aims doen his rifle while Natsu and Happy walk pass him and once through he shuts the door.
Once that the trio see the rest near the table as Y/n place his assault rifle into his back while they walk up to them.
Juvia: Y/n your back~!
Erza: You three shouldn't be here.
Y/n: Well it's unfair that invited you to this tower so we decided to crash it.
Erza: You all don't understand the gravity of this situation.
Lucy: Erza we are here to help you and what ever this tower is, we can handle it.
Erza: It's not that. You should all leave now!
She turns away while her body shakes when Y/n walks over and place a hand onto her shoulder and tells her.
Y/n: I can tell you know this place more then anyone else in this room. What ever this place is you can tell us.
There was a moments of silence and then Erza turn back to them with one tear coning out of one eye which surprised everyone to see her cry like that. Soon she wipe a tear away and gose on to explain.
Erza: Okay....I'll tell you. As you can tell, this ain't a normal tower. This is called the Tower of Heaven.
Y/n: (thought) Tower of Heaven. So that's what that block head was on about earlier.
Erza: It was made by a group of dark cult who wants to use this to bring back one of the most powerful dark wizards ever named Zeref.
They were shocked by this except for Y/n since he doesn't know who Zeref is but he let's Erza to continue.
Erza: In order to complete it, they needed people to build it so they destroy a lot of village across Earthland and kidnapped everyone including the children as well. I....was one of those children who was taking as a slave to make this tower. It was a nightmare as we kid but without the friends I made here, I wouldn't have make it. Those people who kidnapped me are these friends and they usually call me sister since we live here in a young age. One of them was a boy named Jellal. Who show to never give up and he was determined to escape day.....they took him and after they took him I lead a rebellion to stop this for good. I lost a lot of people and even those I've gone close to. Soon I lead them all to victory and split off with the group to find Jellal but....when I found him....he changed. What ever they did it to him, he wasn't the same person I knew him to be.
They were shocked by this and know what happen next but still this shaking Erza when Y/n hugs Erza which surprised Erza but hugs him back.
Y/n: I'm so sorry what you and the rest of your old friends have to go through. It must be hard living in this shitty tower for all your life and being used as a slave.
Erza: It's fine Y/n and....thank you for understanding.
They broke off the hug with Y/n nod to her which Erza nods back with a little blush on her and then Y/n asked.
Y/n: Still I have one question. Who is this Zeref?
Lucy: Zeref is one of the most powerful wizards ever within Earthland. I think i remember Lullaby was made by Zeref.
Erza: Yes and I believe Deliora was also created from the book of Zeref as well.
Y/n: The why dose Jellal want to bring back a person that wnat to spread darkness and destruction all across the planet?
Erza: I'm not to sure but I believe it's something to do with Zeref can bring people to heaven for peace.
Y/n: That's pretty hard to believe.
Lucy: But why would your old friends be involve of this? Why kidnapping you and bring you here?
Erza: Jellal must have fed them with fales lies to them still, we have to find Jellal and put a stop to him.
Y/n: Agree. We should-
???: Your lieing big sis.
Y/n quickly pulls out his pistol and a young man step into the room and glare to Erza.
Erza: Sho.
Sho: That's not how I happen! Tell them the truth! We almost made it out if you haven't blown up the boats. We would have been dead if weren't for Jellal. He told us how you gotten blind with power and took one boat to escape while leaving all of us behind! You abandoned us but with Jellal's help, we've gone stronger and we'll do what ever we can to plase Jellal.
There was silence for a while before Natsu step up and tell Sho.
Nastu: I don't believe Erza would never do that. She would never abandoned you all or lose control of her magic.
Gray: That's right.
Lucy: You gonna know that Erza would never do such a thing.
Y/n: They are right. You and Erza along with the rest live this island together for years when you were all kids. She even lead a rebellion against those cult wizards so why do you think Erza would betray you all and escape on one boat.
Sho: Sh-Shut up!
???: The Spartan is right and I know Erza would never betray us.
Suddenly Simon appear out of nowhere, they were surprised but then Y/n said.
Y/n: So guess your on our side ever since we first met. I hope say you have one punch.
Simon: My apologies to that Spartan but I have to act like I am attacking you in order to blend in.
Y/n: Can't argue with that.
Sho: (shocked) S-So you knew as well?
Simon: I knew that Jellal was given us lies anoit Erza but I was afraid to even try to convince you all so I kept silent until now.
Erza: (smile) I'm glad you never lose faith of me Simon.
Simon: (smile) I'll never lose faith of you Erza. Your our sister and I would never think that you betray us.
Erza smile once more while Y/n lower his pistol and walks over to Sho to see himself shaking in confusion as he gose on to say.
Sho: So is all words that Jellal told us is a lie! Was all of this was so he can toy with us and try to hurt one of our own sister! DAMN IT! I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO BELIEVE ANYMORE!
Tears start to pour as everything looks at Sho, feeling bad for him while Y/n stare at Sho and tells him.
Y/n: Jellal may broke your trust to him but we can make him pay, together. He betrayed you, Millianna, Willy, Simon and more importantly Erza as well. He fooled all of you but I think it's time we take a visit to his office and show that lieing son of a bitch to never mess with anyone with this tower ever again.
Everyone agrees while Y/n took out his shotgun and he turns to Simon and asked us.
Y/n: Take us to Jellal.
We see them walking through the halls with Y/n taking point as he aims his shotgun around while the rest follow him. They walk pass a few drawings on the walls that are kinda creepy as they walk through the halls.
Lucy: Man this place is given me tge creeps.
Happy: Aye.
Juvia: Agree but I know my love will be tough enough to handle anyone that comes in our way.
Gray: Your love?
Natsu: Are we even there yet?
Simon: This is only the ground floor. Jellal is all the way to the top.
Y/n: Is there an elevator we might take to get to the top?
Simon: What's that?
Y/n: Never mind.
???: I see you are gonna come to see him, how excited.
Erza: Jellal.
Sho: (anger) Jellal.
Y/n: Where are you?
Jellal: I am safe within my throne room on top of the tower but if you all do want to see me you first will have to face my three knights.
Y/n: Three knights? Never know you have more friends in this tower. Must be rude to never introduce them to your old once fo you think?
Jellal: You do have a sense of humour Spartan even though you are a soldier from another world that always have to follow orders like a machine.
Y/n: Call me all you want Jellal, it's ain't gonna stop us from getting to you and kick your butt.
Natsu: (smirk) Yeah so get ready once we're up there!
Happy: (smirk) Yeah!
Jellal: Can't wait. One more thing. You all only have 12 hours until the magic council will use Etherion cannon to blow this place up.
Lucy: (shocked) What?!
Gray: (shocked) They are gonna use the Etherion cannon?!
Y/n: What is this Etherion cannon?
Erza: It's a large weapon that the magic council used to wipe out any threat within Earthland. It can wipe out a whole village within seconds.
Y/n: That's doesn't make sense. Why would the magic council wants to use it on this area......unless-
Suddenly Erza disappeared and they turn to see Sho holding out a card that Erza is trapped in.
Y/n: Erza!
Simon: What the hell are you doing?!
Sho: I won't let anyone have her. I'll find Jellal myself!
Then Sho rushes off and disappear within the darkness. Y/n rushes after him but not before he turns to the rest and tells them.
Y/n: You all go an doing Jellal while I'll go and get Erza.
Lucy: Okay.
Juvia: Be careful.
Y/n nods and rushes off to go after Sho while the rest heads off to face off against Jellals knights and Jellal himself.
We see a large building where the Etherion cannon will be fired and we see Tessa looking at all of this along with Yajima as Tessa asked.
Tessa: Do you think the Etherion Cannon will destroy the tower?
Yajima: Maybe but let us hope so.
Yajima take a quick look at Seigrain over at the other side to see he is talking to the other members assuring them it will work while Yajima have a suspicious glare which Tessa noticed and asked.
Tessa: Is everything okay?
Yajima: No, I've gone suspicious about Seigrain and his twin brother Jellal.
Tessa: If you don't mind me asking, why do you say that?
Yajima: He seems to not be concerned about his twin brothers death and he was so desperate to convince us to use the Etherion Cannon in order for the tower of heaven to never be used again.
Tessa: That is suspicious.
Yajima: Indeed. That is why I want you to search for any clues and report it to me or any of the magic council members.
Tessa: You want me to take this responsibility?
Yajima: Your our loyal commander Tessa. Don't let us down.
Tessa: Of course sir. I won't let you down.
She walks away with Yajima watch her leave as he smiles while he thinks to himself.
Yajima: (thought) Your starting to be like your mother. I hope she looks down on you and see how you grown. She would be proud of you.
Y/n: Sho stop!
Sho rushes through the halls with Y/n on his tail as they turn corner to corner and soon arrived at a walkway with a bridge and the room around them is filled with Japanese like theme.
Y/n stop and pull out his pistol an fire a warning shot near Sho which he stop and turn to Y/n as Y/n walks towards him.
Y/n: Sho you can't just take on Jellal by yourself. We can stop him.
Sho: No! I want to take revenge on Jellal and I'll protect Erza no matter what!
Y/n: I know your mad but this ain't you. Let Erza go and we can-
Sho: And why should I give it to you! Do you even know how to feels like to be lied to me your friend!
Y/n was silent until he sigh an tells Sho.
Y/n: No I don't know because I never have anyone who lied to me but what I do know is that your upset and what to take revenge but doing this alone is gonna get you killed. We can take him on, together.
Sho wasn't sure by this until Y/n looks over him and quickly aim his pistol which Sho turn to see a female women wearing all Japanese like clothes with a sword on her as she looks at them.
Y/n: I can probably take a guess here that your one of Jellal's knights?
Ikaruga: Indeed. The names Ikaruga one of Jellal's knights and this will be your end.
Y/n: Ma'am, I believe you don't know who I really am. I'm a Spartan and Spartans do not die.
He the fire three bullets at her bit the the bullets split apart when they gone close to her and fell onto the floor.
Sho: (shocked) What?! How?!
Y/n: Must be quick. But my guns ain't the only thing I can do.
He then took out his engery blade and active it which interested Ikaruga.
Ikaruga: What a interesting weapon. It is true your from another world. No matter, I'll make sure your end will be quick.
Y/n: Sho I think this is a perfect time to free Erza right now.
Sho: No way!
Then Ikaruga suddenly appear in front of Y/n and Y/n quickly blocks her blade strike which created a shock blast that sent Sho flying and crash onto a pillar and slowly open his eyes and see Y/n snd Ikaruga given blows to each other which he was amazed to see.
Y/n throws a kick at Ikaruga which she stumble back but disappear and reappear behind him and try to slash at him but Y/n turn and blocks her blade with his engery shield and then swing his engery blade at her but she leaps back and once she hits the ground, she charge at him and the two continue to give blows to each other.
Sho watched this in shocked when he hears Erza calling out to Sho in his pocket so he takes it out and Erza tells him.
Erza: Sho let me out!
Sho: I'm sorry but this if for your own good.
Erza: Sho Y/n needs my help, he can't handle Ikaruga's speed. He needs help.
Sho: But.....But.
Then they hear a scream from Y/n as we see Y/n stumble back and grab his arm that as a scratch from Ikaruga's blade as she smirked and rush at him. The two continue clashing blades but Y/n can't handle her speed and she managed to land hits to Y/n which she scream a little in pain before he was stabbed in the shoulder and pinned to the ground.
Erza: I know you want to protect me and I know I abandoned you and the rest. I'm sorry for not going back to save you all. But right now Y/n needs help and we can help him.
Sho looks at Erza an stop Y/n as he grunted in pain as Ikaruga walks over and pulls out her sword out of his shoulder and looks down at him and asked him.
Ikaruga: Any last words?
Y/n: Yeah I got one. Screw you.
Ikaruga just smirked and raised her blade and pulls I down but there was a clash and they see Erza in her Clear heart clothing as she kicked Ikaruga back and then helps Y/n up.
Y/n: Damn. Next time, I'm making sure you won't get captured because if so, I'm probably gonna end up losing an arm.
Erza just smirk while the two turn to Ikaruga as she stands up and gets to a battle pose and so dose Y/n and Erza. The stare at Ikaruga for a while until they charge at her and the two swing their blades at her and they were behind Ikaruga as the two stand up straight with Ikaruga drop her sword and fell onto the ground defeated with Sho being amazed by how they worked together so well.
Sho: (thought) Wow! I never knew big sis and Y/n would be stronger together. They are amazing.
Y/n: Hey Sho. You okay?
Sho: Huh? Oh yeah and I'm sorry about before.
Y/n: (smirk) That's already. Next time, try talk to us instead of trapping anyone in a card.
Sho: (nervous chuckle) I'll try.
Y/n chuckle while Erza smiled to see Sho just like she knew him to be. Once that was settled Y/n looks at the other door ahead of them and said.
Y/n: If you go through that door, we might get to Jellal more faster.
Erza: Maybe but I will not allow Jellal to win.
She turns to Sho and tells him.
Erza: Sho find Simon and my fairy Tail friends and gets them out of here as soon as you can.
Sho: Alright.
Sho rushes off with Erza turn to Y/n and about to say something when Y/n tells her.
Y/n: I know what your about to say and I'm leaving.
Erza: But it's too dangerous for you to deal with and....itsmy fight and I must end this.
Y/n: True but this might be what Jellal wanted you to do. Remember, the reason why he bring u out here is because so you can be sacrificed and if that is true, then I refuse to leave you alone with Jellal.
Erza looks down in worry but Y/n walks up to her and grab her shoulder while he tells her.
Y/n: Jellal betrayed you, frame you for abandoned your old friends and now he dares bring you back here just so you can be sacrifice for Zeref. I'm refusing this to happen and I refuse to let you do this on your own. We're ending this tonight either we die victories or die trying.
Erza looks at Y/n through his visor and looks at his wound and see he doesn't even care his wound is bleeding, he still wanna help Erza which her heart beats fast as she smiled and then hugs him.
Erza: (smile) Thank you.....Just....Thank you.
Y/n smiles underneath his helmet and hugs her back. Once that they stop hugging and they head off to face Jellal and end this night including Erza's nightmares about the tower of heaven once and for all.
To be continued..................
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