Chapter 14: Unsuspected guest

It was the afternoon and we see Y/n within his hotel room at Akane beach along with Natsu, Happy, Gray, Lucy and Erza as they are enjoying their time there. Y/n is on a table working on something before he heads down to join everyone else at the casinos to play some games.

Y/n: Almost done annnnnnddddd done!

He place it on his wrist and he looks at it for a second before turning to his pistol and pulls out his new device that is on his wrist and fire a grabbgle which grabs the pistol and pulls towards Y/n and soon he quickly grab his pistol.

He smirks as he look at his grabble that he have been making and now it's working perfectly. He hears a knock at the door so he slide his pistol away into his pants and walks over and opens the door to see both Lucy and Erza wearing fancy dresses including Y/n sho is also ready to head done.

Y/n: (surprised) Whoa, you two look pretty.

Lucy: (smile) Thanks your so kind.

Erza: (smile) You look great as well.

Y/n: (smirk) Thanks, feels like I'm the President.

They share a laughter before Y/n shut his door and the trio head down the casino to have some fun. After a while they arrive there and see tons of people there wearing fancy suits and trying to win some money.

Y/n: Man this casino is trice as larger then the once on my world.

Lucy: I can't imagine there is a lot of them in each planet where you are.

Y/n: Yeah, in fact Los Vegas is still one of the famous Casino places till this day. Heck, it's even a large city so anywhere you go is all games and bets.

Lucy: (surprised) That must be large.

Erza: (smile) You go hang out with the guys while we try to earn some money at the second floor.

Y/n: I wish you both luck then. Stay save.

They nod and Y/n walks into the crowd and looks around for either Gray or Natsu and Happy as he wonder through the crowd. Soon he come across Natsu and Happy argue to a worker about a machine so he get in between them and asked Natsu and Happy.

Y/n: Is there any problem that I might fix?

Natsu: (anger) Yeah! This stupid machine didn't give us the number we wanted!

Happy: (anger) so unfair!

Male woker: I'm sorry for that sir. May you want to try it again?

Natsu: (anger) No!

Y/n: Calm down you two, it doesn't look that hard.

Natsu: (anger) Oh yeah! How about you try it then!

Y/n: Um okay I guess.

He walks over to the machine and looks through the numbers and after a while he chose 19 and the balls in there start to move around and after a while three balls appear in front of Y/n and all three show all three 19's. Soon a siren gose off for a winner which Natsu and Happy were stunned and have their jaws dropped while Y/n was given a lot of money from a woker.

Y/n: (thought) Well that was lucky.

Y/n just walks off to find Gray while Natsu and Happy complain more while Y/n shake his head follow by a sigh and soon find Gray not far and sit next to him while he is playing cards with a crowd of people.

Gray: (smirk) You show them to shut up for once.

Y/n: Yeah but at the same time I feel bad for them.

Gray: I won't worry too much man, they be fine.

Y/n: Guess so. So, have you spoken to Ur? Trying to jog her memories about you and Lyon?

Gray: (sigh) Yeah we chatted. She is like years ago but she still doesn't remember me. Like we first met, still I'm thankful she is alive and I can see her again, even though she is not herself.

Y/n: She is still Ur and no matter she remembers you or not, she is still your master and always will be.

Gray: (smile) True. Hey, thanks for doing your best to jog her memory. I see she really likes you.

Y/n: (smile) No problem Gray, besides your a "chilled" guy you know.

Gray sighs while Y/n chuckles to himself from that pun and then a female voice spoke beside Y/n.

???: Um excuse me, Y/n?

Y/n and Gray look over and they were surprised to see Juvia wearing a nice blue dress along with a necklace with a fairy tail logo on it.

Juvia: (smile) It's....been a while hasn't it?

Y/n: (surprised) Juvia?

Gray: What are you doing here?!

Y/n: Gray settled down, I don't think she isn't here for any trouble.

Juvia: I-Indeed. I'm here to give peace, I'm not here to ruin your time.

Gray: Alright.

Gray looks away while Y/n stands up and asked Juvia.

Y/n: What about we talk at the booth.

Juvia nods in this idea and soon we see them at the booth as Y/n sip his drink and asked Juvia.

Y/n: So now your longer a guild member of the Phantom Lords and there is no where else you can go?

Juvia: Indeed. Without The Phantom Lords I am lost but seeing Fairy Tail inspired me to join and make things right.

Y/n: I see. Well I don't know what the other guild members might say but I'll talk to Makarov about this as soon we come back.

Juvia: I promise I'll be my best behaviour.

Y/n: (smile) But I'm sure they will accept you. You just have to earn their trust.

Juvia: (smile) I'll try my best my love.

Y/n: Alright.....Wait...what did you sa-

Suddenly the lights immediately shut off follow by a gunsound which cost people to scramble while screaming while Y/n and Juvia sat up and Y/n pulls out his pistol and looks around.

Y/n: Damn it, can't see. Requiring to my Spartan armor. My helmet has night vision.

He dose and once that he turns on his night vision on his helmet and immediately sees someone behind Juvia around to slam his fist at tge back of her.

Y/n: Juvia behind you!

He grabs Juvia and movesher out of the way as a fist missed her as Y/n step back while holding Juvia which made her blush even more to be carried by Y/n before he gently set her down and pulls out his shotgun and aimed at the person.

???: I'm impressed. You can see through my magic.

Y/n: That's because I have something that you don't have. Now who are you!

Simon: The names Simon and I'm here to get our sister.

Y/n: Sister? What are you-

Then he suddenly disappeared like a ghost as he aim his shot gun around as he try to find him. Soon his HUD detected something behind him so he quickly turn only to get punched by Simon and be thrown across the room and crashed onto a pillar and crash onto a table.

Juvia: Y/n!

She try to look around for him while Simon quickly disappeared and once that the light turns back on and it was a huge mess as Y/n breaks out of the rubble and slowly gets up whike Juvia sees him and rushes over and help him up.

Juvia: You okay?

Y/n: I'll live but who was that guy?

Juvia: I'm not too sure but what dose he mean our sister?

Y/n: What ever he is talking about, we know he is not alone.

Once fully up they look around and soon find Gray also within the rubble as he craws out of it and stands up and dust off his suit.

Y/n: Gray you okay?

Gray: I'm fine bit what or who was that?

Y/n: No idea. He must be a bounty hunter but either way, he isn't alone.

Lucy: Guys!

They look over to see Lucy rushing over to them but stop ehen she sees Juvia and was about to pull out her keys but Y/n said.

Y/n: Wait, Juvia isn't the one who attack us. She isn't our enemy.

Lucy puts away her keys and once that tells them.

Lucy: Still Erza has been kidnapped.

Gray: (shocked) What?!

Y/n: By Simon?

Lucy: Yes but also three other people. They call her sister and Erza know them.

Y/n: She Know them?

Gray: Where did they take her?

Lucy: No idea but I'm worried about her.

Y/n: We'll find her, that's a promise.

Suddenly a burst of flames came out where Natsu and Happy where so they rushes over to see Natsu standing up and rub his chin while saying.

Natsu: Man what a jerk. How dare that block head shot me in the mouth.

Y/n: A block head? Wait, He shot you in the mouth?!

Natsu: Yeah why?

Y/n: I wonder how you survive on so many situations but I'll asked that once er find Erza.

Lucy: Where's Happy?


He was about you rush off when Y/n grabs his scuff to stop him while he tells him.

Y/n: Don't be reckless Natsu. We need to think smart and try to stay focus. Now, why would they take Erza and where are they taking her?

Lucy: I have no idea why but one of them say they are taking her home.

Y/n: Home?

Juvia: What do they mean by that?

Lucy: Not too sure but what ever this home might be, can't be good.

Natsu: Well we can't just sit here and do nothing, we gonna go after them and bring Erza and Happy back!

Gray: Good idea Natsu but there is one problem your forgetting, where are they taking them exactly. Now way we can just track them down.

Y/n: Actually we can.

They were surprised as Y/n pulls up a tracker inside his HUD while he tells them.

Y/n: I installed a tracked inside the radio ear pieces so that way i can track you all of all of you are MIA.

Natsu: And that stand for......?

Y/n: Missing in action. Give me a minute for me to find her signal and we be on our way.

Juvia: (smile) He is so smart, I'm so glad of meeting him once more.

Gray: That's kinda creepy.

Y/n: Find her!

Lucy: Where?

Y/n: It looks like she is on a boat sailing to a unknown location. We can get a boat and head there.

Natsu: Oh mean we have to-


It was morning time and they were on a small boat for a while and following Erza's trail and hoping they can make it before it be too late.

Natsu wasn't feeling well while the rest were sitting back as they were waiting for their arrival.

Lucy: Why would they wnat Erza?

Y/n: No idea but where ever their going, It ain't good.

Gray: What ever their plan might be, we gonna make them pay for kidnapping one of our friends.

Y/n: Agree.

They sat on the boat for a while until Juvia points over and they turn to see destroyed ships that belong to the magic council fleet follow by dead birds that are seen floating oj the water which shocked them and believe this area might be dangerous.

Soon they face forward and they were shocked to see a large creepy tower in the middle of the ocean and as soon they made it to land, they leap off the boats and Y/n takes point while he rest follow him.

He has his rifle out as he hug the rock and peaks over to see guards on the steps and see they were too many of them to get through.

Y/n: (whisper) We need to find an alternative way to get in.

Gray: (whisper) Any ideas?

Y/n: (whisper) I'll call command and maybe they-

He realised what he was about to say and sigh a little and really needs to get use of going on missions without any support by the UNSC.

Juvia: (whisper) We can search below the ocean to see there might be a hole we have enter.

Lucy: (whisper) Will we drown?

Juvia: (whisper) I can make an air bubble so we can brave while under water.

Y/n: (whisper) Nice idea Juvia. Let's dive down everyone.

Juvia smiles while her heart race a beat as soon after they were under water and have air bubbles on their heads and soon they see a hole and they head through the hole and came out and came out of the water and made it underneath of the tower.

Y/n aim his rifle around while the rest comes out of the water and took off the air bubbles on their heads.

Lucy: (smile) I gonna admit, these air bubbles are pretty useful when it comes to under water jobs.

Gray: Now we are in, what's the plan now?

Y/n: We need to find a place to set up while some of us find Erza and Happy. Gray, you go and find Erza.

Gray: Right.

Y/n: Lucy, you and Juviw will find a place so we can meet up while me and Natsu go and find Happy.

Lucy: Okay.

Juvia: I won't let you down.

Y/n: Right. Natsu, let's move out.

Natsu nods and they split up to do their work. Soon we see Natsu and Y/n enter the hallway with Y/n aim his rifle around and see everything is all clear.

They move on and make their way through the hall while Natsu asked.

Natsu: So who was that long blue hair girl earlier?

Y/n: You just noticed that now?!

Natsu: Don't blame me for waking up after someone shot me in the mouth.

Y/n:....Can argue with that. Well that was Juvia, she used to be a member of the Phantom Lords and a member of the element four.

Natsu: (shocked) What?! Why did you allow her to join with us?

Y/n: Look you may not trust her but someday you have to work with enemies and one day see them as allies. Trust me, I work with some human terrorist during the human and Covenant war either by orders or to survive. You have to sometimes expect the fact that one day, your enemies might become friends.

Natsu was silent for a while and looks down but then he ask him another question.

Natsu: Wait...if you pkace a tracker on all of our radio ear pieces, why can you track Happy's as well?

Y/n: Oh.....uuuummmm....yeah about that.

Natsu: ???

Y/n: I kinda......forget to do that.

Natsu:.......Really man.

Y/n: Hey don't blame me! I didn't have enough equipment to make a few more! Plus, you two are always together so I thought I won't hurt to give one of you a radio ear piece!

Natsu: Dose Happy know about this?


Natsu sigh while they talk about this later and continue on. Soon they encounter a door which Natsu sniffs the air and turns to the door.

Natsu: I think Happy is in there.

Y/n: Be careful Natsu. Who knows what's in there.

He nods and grabs tbe handle and opens it. Y/n spring out while aiming his rifle at the room and they see......a room filled with nothing but cats. Y/n lower his rifle and they enter the room and looks around.

Y/n: Um is this some sort a torture room? Because if so, I'm questioning their choice of torture.

Natsu: (surprised) Wow look at all of this stuff!

Y/n: We're not here to be amazed, we need to find Happy.

Natsu: Yeah Yeah but right after we look around.

He looks around while Y/n sighs to himself but his attention was drawn to cat ears which he takes and put it on top of his helmet and look at himself in the mirror and thinks it's pretty funny and cute.

Y/n: (chuckle) Looks like thsi Spartan is ready for a cat fight with the Covenant.

Natsu: Hey dude check this out!

He turn to see Natsu wearing a cat like helmet and dose cat like poses while he calls out.

Natsu: Let's go Happy! Eye sir!

Y/n: (chuckle) Nice one Natsu but we should get going before anyone find us here.

Natsu: Fine Fine just let me take this off and we can g-

When he try to get it off, it won't come off. Natsu try his best but it will not come off.

Natsu: Um dude. I think this thing is stuck in my head!

Y/n: You gonna be kidding me.

Natsu: I can't get it off! Hey, can you help me!

He was about to when he stop and have a feeling that there is someone behind him. A smirk is seen by someone behind him and he pulls a trigger but Y/n quickly turns, grabs the barrel ane move it to the ceiling which fires and make a large whole as he kicks the person in the stomach while quickly aim his rifle at the guy.

He stumble back and looks up at Y/n and Y/n sees his blocky face which he asked.

Y/n: What the fuck is up with your face. You look like someone made your face with Lego?

Wally: (smirk) The names Wally and you should respect I but I got to admit, that is some skills.

Y/n: That's way I'm a soldier and your a block guy.

Wally: (anger) Your gonna pay for that you punk.

His arm turned into a barrel of a gun and aism it at Y/n which Y/n gets ready for but suddenly Wally's arm was moved away by a women which surprised Wally and asked.

Wally: (surprised) What the heck was that for Millianna!

Millianna: You meanie! You were about the kitty!

Wally: Wait you got it all wrong! He's not a cat at all look!

They look at Y/n and he stood there in silence until he only said.


Millianna: (smile) So cuttteee!

Wally: (anger) I wise guy huh? I'll show you!

He try to aim his arm gun at him but Millianna gets in front of him which confused Y/n a but but he can see him smirk and he quickly ducks down and dodges a shot that his arm appeat behind him and he return back with a round of bullets but Wally dodges the bullets until Y/n rans out a round.

Wally: You see! Their just wizards that come her to ruin our plan!

Millianna: Really? Meow! I hate people who trick thsi kitty!

Then she attacks Y/n with robs out of nowhere but he quickly dodges them but one grabs a hold of him and tired him up.

He start to get tight up and fell to his knees while Millianna walks over to him and the two stare at each other while Wally walks uo behind Y/n and tells Millianna.

Wally: (smirk) Nice work. Now, let's end this fool.

He aim his gun at the back of Y/n's head but before he finish him, Y/n asked.

Y/n: Before I die, tell me. Why did you kidnapped Erza and what for?

Millianna: Meow, should we tell him?

Wally: Probably not but since you are gonna die I guess we can tell you a little. You see, we need Erza to be sacrifice so we can active the tower of heaven.

Y/n: (thought) Tower of Heaven? Is this what this place is?

Y/n: How come you know Erza and why did you call her sister?

Millianna: (smirk) She's not really our sister Meow. But we live here as children.

Y/n: (thought) Seriously? They lived here? This doesn't make sense.

Wally: (smirk) Well that's enough information from you now. Time to di-

Suddenly he was hit on the back of the head by a toy cat who Happy used to knock him out with. Millianna was caught off guard and this give Y/n a chance to break oit of her robe and hits Millianna at the back of her neck and she'll fell onto the ground unconscious along with Wally.

Happy: (smile) Nice to see you.

Y/n: Same to you. Any idea where Erza is?

Happy: I was unconscious so I didn't see where tehy have taking her.

Y/n: Don't worry, we'll find her.


Y/n: Oh right, forgot about Natsu.

They head inside the room and once there Y/n pulled out thecat helmet out of Natsu's head and thtow it aside.

Natsu: Man I thought I was gonna die if I have that on.

Happy: (smile) Natsu!

Happy hugs Natsu and he hugs him back while Y/n got a radio call from Gray and told him which he nods and once he hangs up he tells Natsu and Happy.

Y/n: They find Erza, we need to head to the dinner hall and discuss on what's going on here.

Natsu: Right. Man what is this place?

Y/n: Apparently this placeis called the Tower of Heaven. Still Wally and Millianna told me that  they including Erza used to live here.

Happy: Really? How?

Y/n: Not too sure. Still we gonna head to their location and find out.

Natsu: Right. Let's go.

The trio head out of the room so they can regroup with the rest and possibly find more answers about Erza, her past and what this tower really is and what is it for.

To be continued..............

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