Chapter 11: The only family a spartan has (Lemon)

The wind gently blows outside as we see Y/n without his Spartan armor laying on a hospital bed unconscious and has been for a week after he defeated Jose. Soon he slowly started to wake up and open his eyes.

He grunted while he sat up and at first his vision was in a blurr but soon it gotten clear and he look around and see he was in a small hospital within Magnolia.

Y/n: Was I Injured or something? What happened to me?

He try to remember but he remember some sort a lartev fight with Jose and next thi and he know he was on the ground with Erza as he passed out. Before he could think anymore the door opens and Ur step in and see Y/n awake which she smirked while she walk over to him.

Ur: (smirk) Good thing you wake up before I came, otherwise I might wake you up.

Y/n: Ur? What happened to me? Where is everyone else?

Ur: So you don't remember anything after the battle the Phantom Lords?

Y/n: I remember beating Jose but then I blacked out.

Ur: Well after the battle the magic council finally came and ask us questions. They try to wake you up but they see you were unconscious so they won't borther waking you up. That or they were scared to awake a Spartan that take down Jose.

Y/n: Don't blame them.

Ur: (chuckle) Yeah. Anyways, after a while and some talk with some witnesses who over saw the fight, they believed the Phantom Lords were the once that started it so they were happy to disband the Phantom Lords and it's guild members.

Y/n: Well that's a relief.

Ur: You were unconscious for a week but we were worried you never wake up.

Y/n: (smirk) Spartans never die Ur.

Ur: (smirk) Yeah but good to see you awake.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah. So....where is everyone else at now?

Ur: Rebuilding the guild hall, I just came by to see how you doing and you know the rest.

Y/n: I see. Well I guess it's time to see how are they doing.

Y/n pull over the blanket and slowly gotten out of bed but he fell to his knees which Ur catch him.

Ur: Wow, carful Y/n!

Y/n: Why do I feel like my body is weak.

Ur: Maybe I should have mention that you used a type of magic called Fairy Law to defeated Jose. Makarov said your body might be weak but soon you'll get your strength back.

Y/n: Guess that explains why I passed out.

Ur: (smirk) Yeah but got to admit, you were cute while you slept.

Y/n blushes a little while Ur smirks even more and Ur helps him to the changing room and once dressed they headout of the hospital and head to see everyone else ane see how are they doing.

Once there Y/n sees everyone working on rebuilding the Fairy Tail guild Hall and once they step inside Troy sees Y/n and calls out to everyone.

Droy: Hey everyone! Y/n is here!

They were surprised and turn to see it's true and they cheered to see Y/n is alright and awake. Y/n smiles and wave to everyone while Droy, Jet ane Levy who have bandages on them but awake as they walk up to Y/n.

Jet: (smile) Glad to see you awake Y/n. You were oit longer then us.

Droy: (smile) Yeah but it's great to see you awake.

Levy: (smile) How are you?

Y/n: (smile) Still a bit weak but I'll get my strength back. What about you three, you three are alright?

Jet: (smile) We're fine but we heard what happened between you and Jose.

Droy: (smile) Yeah you were amazing facing of Jose by yourself, especially with his nightmarish like dark magic.

Y/n: (smile) Oh come it was nothing. I just do what I do best but we all won together and that's more important.

Levy: (smile) That's right. We were also worried and some of us came by to see how are you doing and leave you some flowers to show care to you.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks, you all didn't really need to do it.

Levy: (little blush) O-Of course. You risk your life for us so it was.

Y/n smiles and looks around to see the guild getting repaired and see everyone working hard to repair it.

Y/n: (thought) The Phantom Lords give us hell but at least we push them back harder and won.

Cana: (smirk) Nice to see you awake Y/n.

Then Cana wrap her arms around Y/n from behind and press her breast onto the back which made Y/n blush as Cana smiles to feel his warm body.

Cana: (smirk) Man your body is so warm. Mind I take you to my place so I can cuddle with?

Y/n blushes even deeper while Levy and Ur gets jealous from Cana flirt towards Y/n even Juvia peeks out behind a wall breaks a wall by crushing in while she death glare at Cana.

Natsu: (smile) Yo Y/n, nice to see you awake man!

Then Natsu, Gray, Happy and Erza walks over to Y/n while Canalets go and walks off not before giving Y/n a blow kiss and she left while Y/n turns to them.

Gray: (smile) Great to see you back. Sleep well?

Y/n: (smirk) Well besides the headaches I've been getting, yes.

Happy: We were worried you never wake up. You must be a strong sleeper as Natsu.

Natsu: I'm not that hard to wake up.

Happy: Really, you couldn't be awaken up until fire appear.

Natsu: Fire is my alarm clock. Don't just me.

The two argue a little while Y/n sighs to himself while Erza walks up to him and then hugged him which Y/n blushes a little but hugged her back.

Erza: Don't ever worry us like that.

Y/n: (smile) Well it's hard to keep that promise.

Erza smiles knowing of his sense of homur and let's go when Mirajane walks up to them.

Mirajane: (smile) I am so glad you are up Y/n and just tin time as well.

Y/n: (smile) Cool. So I can guess this new guild is gonna be a lot more different then the last?

Mirajane: (smile) Very different actually and i just have the plans for it.

Y/n: Really? Can I see.

Natsu: I like it what I was.

Gray: what is it gonna be this time?

Ur: (smirk) Bet its gonna be cool.

Then Mirajane shows what looks like a guild which looked very weird and confusing.

Y/n: Um.....that....looks....very interesting Mira.

Natsu: I don't get it, where is the exit?

Gray: Man this is terrible. Who even draw this.

Then Mirajane start to cry which Y/n slaps Gray at the back of the head for being an idiot.

Gray: Ow!

Y/n: Probably not say that next time.

Gray: I was only saying.

Erza: Oh by away, there is a letter for you.

Y/n: A letter?

Erza hands him the letter which Y/n takes while Erza explain.

Erza: It came out of nowhere and it seems someone wants to see you in person.

Y/n looks at the letter and opens it and see it was a location which he wonders who wants to meet him in person.


We see Y/n walk through the woods looking for this location until he find it. He looks up and was confused to see a lake ahead of him which he walks over and looks around.

Y/n: (thought) Wait is this the location? Is this some kind of Joke or what?

???: Hello Spartan. We have met at last.

He turns and was in complete surprise to see what looked like a Forerunner soldier just appear out of nowhere and was now in front of him.

Y/n: (shocked) Your a Forerunner?!

???: Indeed if you wish to call me that Spartan.

Y/n: You know who I am?

???: Oc course I do. I have a special and rare type of magic that who ever stamp is on, I will know about their name, past and what they look like.

Y/n doesn't understand what he ment until he look down at his Fairy Tail mark and realised that this stamp allows him to know everything about them.

???: Come. I will allow you to enter my home.

He snap iis fingers and the lake suddenly start to drain away and once the water was all, Y/n see the lake as metal walls around it follow by stairs that appear and a lift in the middle.

The Forerunner soldier walks down with Y/n following and once down and step on the lift, the Forerunner soldier press on a hologram button and they gone down and after a while they reach to the bottom floor and tehy start to walk through the high tech hallway that looks clean and new.

Y/n: So.....who are you really?

Fairy Knight: I've been called by many names but a close friend of mine call me, Fairy Knight.

Y/n: Sounds like a cool name. So you've been alive for how long?

Fairy Knight: When thsi universe was made.

Y/n: What do you mean by that?

Fairy Knight: I don't show this to anyone except a close friend but since your not from this word, I think I should tell you this universe reason of being here.

Y/n was surprised that Fair Knight know he is not from here bit soon they reach to a door and once open they step in what looks like a large circular room with high tech computers that show everything within not just Magnolia, but Earthland itself.

This shcoked Y/n as Fairy Knight walk up to the controls and type something and then the light die down a little and a hologram of the same slip space device that sent Y/n here shows in front of them.

Y/n: (shocked) That's the sad artifact that sent me here!

Fairy Knight: Indeed. We called it "The Dimensional Slip space drive." It was made to go to different words in different universe but it's also used to create them. Earthling and this universe...was the first we made..

Y/n: (shocked) What?! You get to tell me that artfact not only transport anyone to different words but make them as well?!

Fairy Knight: That is correct. Near the end of the Forerunner and flood war, a group of scientists found a way to create a device to go to different words but also created them. Their goal is to make a new word so they can survive and so as the humans in your world. We took DNA's of humans and created this universe. To make sure that the flood will not infected any of the humans we created them, we decided to give them all magic because their magic will be too strong for the flood to infected. Soon we were also given magic so we too will not get infected.

Y/n: So magic is the shield so the flood will not infect them?

Fairy knight: That is correct. Unfortunately the rings were activated and all of our kind and your kind were gone....except for us. Soon we decide to be rulers of this planet and train humans how to use magic and they see us as gods. But one of our researcher decided to kill all of us for power and he created demons, monsters and the first few dark wizards to fight us and a war began. Soon the war ended but all of the Forerunner kind was gone....except for me. Soon the humans will this words slowly forgotten about us and veiw us as mythical gods or creatures.

Y/n: Shit. That sounds terrible.

Fairy Knight: Indeed. But I saved a human life from a group of dark guild and she.......was the first human friend I ever have and soon we have a third member and we call themselves "The order of Earthland." We swear to protect Earthland of our member betrayed us and there was a battle which cost the death of my close friend and soon....the group was disbanded and I continued be within the shadows and watch as Fairy Tail grow so I can keep her promise of protected a Knight...of Fairy Tail.

Y/n: If you were promised to protect Fairy Tail then where were you when Phantom attacked?

Fairy knight: I do not want to fear anyone of my existence and if they knew the truth....then problems will come.

Y/n looks down still in shock about all of this and then he asked.

Y/n: So if you know about this device that sent me here? Can you sent me back home?

Fairy knight: That's.....impossible. Without the dimensional Slip space drive I can't sent you back. But do you really wanna go back to your world?

Y/n: I......I don't know.

Fairy Knight looks at Y/n and he walks over and place a hand on his shoulder and tells him.

Fairy Knight: You are a soldier and I understand that you wanna return back. So you can fight and die for your human kind. But...sometimes you want another life. A second chance to be something like you never part of a family.

Y/n looks down while he thinks about it while Fairy Knight let's go his shoulder and turns away and said.

Fairy Knight: I think our talk ends here but I will call apon you if there is something I needed you for.

Y/n: Okay.

He turn to leave but Fairy Knight said.

Fairy Knight: Don't tell anyone about this....including Makarov. They should not know about this.

Y/n understands and nod to him before he left leaving Fairy Knight alone while Y/n thinks about what he said.


Y/n opens to Lucy's apartment and shuts the door behind him. It was getting late as he walk in and can hear Lucy in the shower and humming to herself. He looks over to see his Spartan armor and weapons at the conor and see they looked clean.

He smiles whne he hear a shower stop and Lucy calling from the other side.

Lucy: Hello? Is anyone there?

Y/n: Oh hey Lucy. It's me.

Lucy: (surprised) Y/n! Your awake!

Y/n: (smile) Yeah and nice to see your alright.

Lucy: (surprised) S-Same. Hey wait there, i still need to get changed.

Y/n: Sure. Take the time you need.

He walks up to the door and land his back onto it and the two were silent as Y/n sighs until Lucy asked at the other end.

Lucy: you....wish to go back to your own world?

Y/n was surprised by Lucy's question and was about to day something until Lucy gose on to say.

Lucy: If that's so then I completely understand your reason. Your a Spartan fighting a war and I know this guild business and jobs not suitable for a soldier for you. But I know your worried you will upset me or anyone else but you have no worry about anything matter where you are....we care for you and.....we will always be with matter what.

Y/n was shocked by Lucy saying all this and he look down his Fairy Tail logo and he realised he was given a second chance, a chance to be what he was never given but better and he really find something that he truly will fight and protect.

Y/n: Lucy.....I appreciate your words but the truth is.....I don't want to go back to my world. I.....I realise that I finally was given a second chance and that is being what I am. No taking orders, no more deaths around me, no every battle I was sent in. I was given something that I never have in my whole part of a family. A family.....that I will fight and protect.

There was no answer at the other end but instead a door opens Y/n turns to see Lucy only wearing her bra with shorts while Y/n must admit, it has been a long while to see Lucy smile to him.

Lucy: (smile) I think of it as well. After my mother died, my father never paid attention to me and ignored me as a child. All I someone to care for me.

Y/n felt bad for her rough childhood life so he gently grabs her by the hand and looks into Lucy in the eyes and tell her.

Y/n: Lucy I am so so sorry for your rough childhood life. I too have a rough life as a young age. I lost my whole family from the Covenant, turned into a super soldier and...never experience what I feels like to be a normal person. But now I do and i promise I will protect you and everyone matter what.

Lucy smiles while her heart beats fast but she smiles and hugged Y/n which Y/n hug her back.

Lucy: (smile) You did so much for all of us. Risk your life for everyone in the guild including me. Y/n.....I love you so much.

Y/n: (smile) And I love you too Lucy.

Lucy blushes deep and so dose Y/n but their hearts were warm and Lucy was the first to lend over and kiss Y/n in the lips. Y/n can feel her soft and smooth lips which made him kiss her back.

The two kissed while they share a few moans while they walk backwards and the two fell onto the bed and they start to make out on Lucy's bed.

(Lemon start)

Lucy have never felt this turned on before as she moaned while they make out. Y/n was also never feel this turned jn as well and they make a few moans as they make out and rub their hands around themselves.

After a while of making out they stop to catch a breath and they look at each other with love in their eyes and then Lucy sat up and took off her bra and throw aside ans she rub her breast together which made them bounce.

Lucy: (smirk) My god your so hot when you make those moans. It make me turn on even more.

Y/n: (smirk) I can say about you including your beautiful melons.

Lucy: (giggle) Wanna....suck them my darling Sparta.

Then she lend them over and they were at his face. Y/n gets really turned on and turned Lucy over which made her gasp a little. Now he was on top of her and he start kissing on her neck and right down to her breast which made her moan and make her really horny when Y/n stuck to lick on her breast and soon sucking one of them.

Lucy gets really turned on and even more when Y/n grabs her either breast and start to squeeze them which made her breast bigger and bigger while Lucy lend pur a few moans.

Lucy: (moaning) Here comes my milk Y/n~! Aaahh~!

Then Lucy's milk spilled out onto Y/n's mouth and he drinks it all while Lucy breaths heavily and never feel this so horny before while Y/n crawled up to her and looks at her and said whioe he touch her left cheek to feel her warm body.

Y/n: (smile) Your one cute girl Lucy Heartfilia.

Lucy blushes more and then he surprised her by lifiting her up and they kissed once more as Lucy kiss him back as they walk back and they were pinned on the wall and slowly slide down while they continue to make out.

Soon they stop and Lucy pull down his treasures and his wonderwear and sees Y/n's dick and it was big.

Lucy: (smirk) Wow you have one large sausage.

She giggles before she lend down to it and stick her hole mouth into it and start giving Y/n a blow job which made Y/n lend out a few moans as Lucy moaned while sucking his big dick as it gets bigger and bigger.

She start to do it faster which made Y/n really turned on as he lend his head back and the lend out a cry of pleasure as his cum exploded onto Lucy's mouth and she drink it all.

She remove her mouth from Y/n's dick and Y/n was breathing heavily while Lucy crawl onto Y/n and start to touch him everywhere trying to make him really turned on which worked and Y/n kissed Lucy once more and she kiss him back.

Y/n lift Lucy up and pinned her onto the wall and pulled down her short and underwear ane then stick his dick into her vagina which made her moan with pleasure.

Y/n: I'll do this slow if you like.

She nods and start to thrust it in and out which made her blushed even more while lending out a few moans and so dose Y/n as he gose to thrust it in a bit faster making Lucy tiled her head back as she enjoys this.

Lucy: (moaning) Oh Y/n~!

Y/n continues making Lucy very horny and after a while the two lend out a loud moan which hopefully didn't wake up the landlord lady. The two were sweating and breathing heavily as they look at each other and the two lend in and kiss each other and they fell back onto the bed as they play around with their tongues as they share moan to each other and soon they stop and look at each other.

They look at each other with love in their eyes but they were very tired as well so Lucy shut her eyes and fell onto of Y/n's naked chest and she purred like a cat while Y/n smiles to watch her sleep.

(Lemon ends)

We see the two laying on the bed with the two nearly naked with Lucy sleeping on top of Y/n as Y/n watch her sleep and decided he too get some sleep as well.

Once the lights were off by Y/n, he pulled over the covers on them with Lucy cuddling Y/n as she slept which made Y/n relaxed and happy as he looks at the ceiling and thinks to himself.

Y/n: (thought) I was once a Spartan fighting a war against the Covenant to help humanity to survive. I wasn't given a choice but now.....I feel happy and true, that may have abandoned the UNSC and my Spartan brothers and sisters, but I will not stop fighting for a family that I was given.

He looks at Lucy once more and gently pats Lucy on the head as he smiled once more.

Y/n: (thought) I will fight for Fairy Tail, Magnolia and this world's own Super soldier and wizard.....I will be....this world's Spartan.

Then he too fell asleep with a smile on his face believing his second is the best thing he ever have......although. over Earthlands Planet we see a Banished Ship floating over the planet and we can see now....this ain't the last time Y/n will fight an alien empire that will wipe out mankind.

To be continued.............

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