Chapter 10: Time to finish this fight

Lucy is seen within the engine room getting thrown around by Gajeel as he laughs. Lucy throws around and get injured when she lands onto the ground while Gajeel smirks of enjoyment.

Sue and Boze were there which they were ordered by Jose to keep an eye on Lucy and they just stand there and watch Gajeel throw and beat Lucy.

Boze: Jeez dose he have enough.

Sue: No kidding I'm surprised she is even standing.

Lucy slowly stood up while Gajeel just looks down at her with a smirk and said.

Gajeel: (smirk) Your a tough girl I give you that bit you should just give up. Your guild is gonna be destroyed and no one is here to save you.

Lucy slowly stood up and face Gajeel and tells him.

Lucy: I won't give up. My friends will save me and we will beat you.

Gajeel: (smirk) Is that so.

He then elbow Lucy in the stomach which cost her to fell to her knees while Boze step in.

Boze: Yo Gajeel I think that's enough. I mean, what if you kill her.

Gajeel: (smirk) Then I tell Jose that you two bet on it.

Sue and Boze: Please don't.

Lucy: (smirk) You think your strong, thing you can fight Natsu and eveyone else just because your a Iron dragon slayers.

Gajeel turns to Lucy and she slowly stood up and looks at him with a smirk and the tells him.

Lucy: (smirk) You gonna be sorry when my friends come. Your gonna be sorry once "He" arrives.

Gajeel: (smirk) Oh really, well looking around it seems like they aren't coming. I think it's time you shut up for good.

He turn his arm into a iron like blade and looks at Lucy and raised it up to the ceiling and was about to slash at her when a hand grabs him from behind follow by a voice from behind.

???: Dose your mother not telling it's not nice to hit a girl!

But before Gajeel could respond he was thrown and crashed through a wall which shocked Sue and Boze as Lucy smiled to see Y/n stood up and turn his head to Lucy.

Y/n: Lucy you alright?

Lucy: (smile) Yeah, thank you.

Y/n nods to her before he turns back to see Gajeel walking out of the hole and spit out a little blood and glare at Y/n while Y/n take a few steps and stop.

Y/n: You came and trash our guild, hurt Levy, Droy and Jet and beat and throw Lucy like a toy for you to play. Words can't describe how mad I am.

Gajeel: (smirk) And why shoulders I be feared by you, you have no magic and what the hell are you?

He actived his engery blade on his right hand while his engery shield on the left ad he gets to a battle pose and tells him.

Y/n: I am a Spartan. And you may be strong, you have no idea what I can do.

Gajeel: (smirk) This will be easy.

Natsu: Don't think so!

Then Gajeel turn and gets punched in the face by Natsu which cost him flying towards Y/n but he hits Gajeel with his shield and he slide onto the floor while Natsu walks up to Y/n.

Y/n: Your late.

Natsu: (smirk) Sorry this place is just so confusing so I make my own way. So....shall we show this fool a lesson?

Y/n: (smirk) Agree. Let's do this.

Natsu nods with a smirk and the two gets a fighting pose while Gajeel slowly stand up and roars and fires metal at them but the two split off and charge at him.

Natsu fire his flames at Gajeel while Y/n rams his shield at him made him to stumble back and then Y/n try to swing his engery blade at him but Gajeel dodges it and then he launches an iron pillar out of his hand and it hits Y/n in the stomach but he moves out of the way before the pillar slams Y/n to a wall.

Y/n slowly stand up and rush at Gajeel but Gajeel swings his stretched Iron Pillar and hits Y/n in the head and senting him across the room which worried Happy and Lucy but Y/n lands on the wall with his feet and sees Natsu battling Gajeel and losing.

Gajeel punches Natsu in the face and throws him aside before he turn and Y/n use his jetpack to boost himself towards Gajeel and grabs him and slams him onto a wall which it cracks.

Gajeel elbows Y/n at the back of the head but Y/n flies around the room slamming Gajeel into wall after wall while Gajeel gets hurt but he grabs Y/n's jackpack and rips off one of the thrusters that cost the two to crash onto the ground and Y/n to let go of Gajeel.

Y/n rolled onto the ground and slowly stood up onto his knees and see his jetpack is broken so he throws it away and then Gajeel fires an iron blast at Y/n and but Y/n enters armor lock as Iron hits him before Natsu punches Gajeel from behind with his iron fist and the two fight.

Happy: Come on guys you can do it!

Lucy: If onoy is have my Celestial keys, I would have help them.

Y/n hear this and after he deactivated his armor lock he pulled out Lucy's Celestial keys and calls out.

Y/n: Lucy catch!

He throws them towards her and she was about to catch them when Gajeel sees this and throws Natsu away and stretch out his iron hand and grabs the keys and retracted his arm and looks at the keys and to Y/n.

Gajeel: (smirk) You have a nice throw but ain't gonna help you.

Then he throws the keys away and stretch out his iron arm and grabs Y/n by the head and slams him onto the floor.

Natsu: No!

Natsu leaps up to attack him but Gajeel also grabs his face and then throws him away wwhich he lands onto one of the engines and fell hard onto the ground.

Then Gajeel turn back to Y/n ans start to drag Y/n around the room while holding down his face while Lucy cover her mouth in shock and soon Gajeel throws Y/n across the room and he crashed onto the cracked wall that collapse while he fell onto the ground and so dose the rubble that lands on top of him.

Y/n slowly stand up and his left visor was broken exposing his left eye as he slowly stand up.

Natsu: Y/n. No!

Natsu in his last attempt used iron dragon roar at Gajeel and flames hits Gajeel as Natsu continues but when he stop he smirked but his smirk was vanished when he sees Gajeel standing and he iron dragon roared Natsu and he slams onto the hall and then fell onto the ground.

Lucy: (tears) No....this can't be happening. They can't lose right? They just can't.

Y/n slowly try to get to his feet but Gajeel walks up behind him and grab the back of his head and slams it onto the ground before he force Y/n to look up at the open hole and said.

Gajeel: (smirk) Will you look at that, we're putting some finishing touches to your guild.

Y/n watched as he see the massive phantoms beating down their guild while other guild members try to stop it but their magic was no use. To his horror the guild fell and everyone scream when the guild fell.

Gajeel laughs while Y/n was shocked to see it's fall and can hear tbe screams and cries of everyone while Gajeel tells Y/n.

Gajeel: (smirk) Give up, no point of fighting us no more. Your guild is no more dose it feel to lose.

He then drops Y/n onto the ground and turns to walk off while Lucy ans Happy have tears to see both Natsu and Y/n have fallen but Y/n's hand moved and then his hand makes a fist and he slowly stand up and turns to Y/n with his eyes was now in anger and determination.

Gajeel stop and turn to see Y/n limping towards Gajeel which Gajeel smirks and walks towards him.

Lucy: (tears) Please....don't do this. Just let them take me. I don't wanna see you die.

Gajeel: (smirk) Whoa you'll really wanna die just for a stupid guild.

Gajeel reach out his fist and throws a punch but Y/n catches it which made Gajeel smirk even more but his smirk turn into surprise when his other hand spark all of sudden and the I spark into flames as Y/n says.

Y/n: (anger) There is one thing you must know about Spartans. And that is.......

Then his whole arm turn inro flame and he punches Gajeel in the face which was the most powerful punch Gajeel have ever felt in his life.


Gajeel was sent flying and crashed into a wall near Boze and Sue who were shocked to see Y/n not only have magic but his magic is rising and still is.

Gajeel stood up and looks at Y/n and Y/n swings his other arm and a strong wind lift Gajeel up into the air before Y/n swings his arm down and Gajeel slams hard onto the ground.

Then Y/n pulls his arm back and Gajeel was dragged towards Y/n and then Y/n raised his other hand a a floor below Gajeel raised up and slams him onto the ceiling.

He breask apart as Gajeel slams hard onto the ground. Gajeel stood up and looks at Y/n and tells him.

Gajeel: (smirk) Is that the best you can do?

Y/n: I'm just warming up.

Then his arm lights up with lighting and once that he rush at Gajeel and once close he swings his fist back and thrust it forward and then punches Gajeel in the face follow by a shock of electricity and that cost Gajeel to be sent flying and crashed onto a wall.

Natsu, Happy, Lucy, Boze and Sue were shocked to see Gajeel slowly trying to stand up but fell back onto the ground and he was defeated while Y/n turns and walks off and towards Natsu and help him up.

Y/n: You okay?

Natsu: Yeah. Man that was awesome!

Y/n: Guess.....I have magic now.

Natsu: (smile) Heck yeah!

Y/n smiles while Boze and Sue watch this and Boze said.

Boze: Crap that guy is strong.

Sue: Yeah and dreamy.

Broze: Huh?

Sue: (little blush) Never mind.

Lucy and Happy rushes over and Happy huge Natsu to see him alright while Lucy walks up to Y/n and see his damaged armor and his cracked visor which made her look down and said.

Lucy: I'm sorry.

She was crying while looking down but she felt a hug and see Y/n hugging her while Y/n tells her.

Y/n: No need to apologise Lucy. Just as long your safe, I'm Happy.

Lucy hugs Y/n back while crying but it was cut short when Y/n gets a call from Erza.

Erza: (radio) Y/n (static) We're taking on (static) Jose but if we (static) Just please protect the guild and....I love (static).

Y/n: Erza?! Erza! Damn! Natsu, Happy get Lucy to safety and get back to the guild.

He takes out his assault rifle from hsi back and walks out while Lucy asked.

Lucy: Wait! Where are you going?

He stop and turns to her and he tells her.

Y/n: Finishing this fight.

Then he walks out of thr room and dose what he says he'll do, Finishing this fight.


We see Gray, Elfman and Mirajane are seeing laying on the floor unconscious while the only one is standing is Erza who is facing off with Jose but Jose is too powerful which Erza will use up every magic she had to beat him.

She throws her sword at him but Jose dodges it and summon a ghostly skeleton hand to grab her and lift her up to the air.

Jose: (smirk) I must say you pull up a good fight miss Erza but now I will show you true terror of the Phantom Lords.

Then two skeleton ghost appear beside Jose and they start to suck the soul out of her while she scream in pain whole Jose smirks but Erza tells him.

Erza: (smirk) You may have defeated us but we will never Surrender Lucy. Lucy came to this guild in her free will and she is one of us, she laugh with us, cries with us and smiles with us. She doesn't care about money or anything other then the friends and her true family around her and no matter what you won't return her to her father.

Jose: (smirk) Do you think I'll hand over her to her father? I use her as a bargain and her father have no choice but to give us the money and we be tge most powerful guild ever and you and your guild can't stop us.

Erza: No!

Then she scream in pain even more while Jose smiles in a evil way and he thinks he is about to drain the life out of her when two flash bang grenades rolled over which made Jose look out and they go off and blind Jose.

Erza fell onto the ground and she was surprised while Jose wipe his eye and yells out.

Jose: (anger) WHO DARES ATTACK ME!

(Epic theme start)

Once Jose open his eyes he sees Y/n leaping over Erza and towards Jose. Jose was about to fire his dark magic at him but Y/n tackle him to the ground and they rolled onto the ground and then Y/n kicked Jose and he slams his back onto the stairs while Y/n stood up.

Erza: (surprised) Y/n!

Y/n: Check on Gray and the rest while I deal with this fucker.

Erza nods and rushes over while Jose slowly stands up and glare at Y/n and said.

Jose: Your a fool to try to attack a dark wizard without any magic.

Then Jose was shocked to see Y/n lights up fire fire his right hand while lighting at the other and tells him.

Y/n: (smirk) Think again.

He then fires two elements and it hits Jose and Y/n continues until he stop and rush at him and he punches Jose but Jose try to fire his dark magic but he duck down as the dark magic flies over him and then he leaps back and summons ice sharps and launch them at Jose which he blocks with his dark magic but Y/n creates a fre fire balls and throws them at him before quickly take out his assault rifle ame fire a round at Jose.

Jose blocks them with his magic and once that he was quickly elbowed by Y/n and Jose was in mid air as Y/n grabs his head and slams him onto the ground and then chuck him away.

Jose lands onto the ground and he slowly stand up and a dark orb surrounded him as Phantom skeletons appear all around them as Jose calls out while his eyes turn black.


Y/n looks at the Phantom skeletons and active his engery blade which electricity appear on it as Y/n says while his visor suddenly repaired it self.

Y/n: Watch me.

The Phantom skeletons charge at Y/n but Y/n swings at them and he slice up all the Phantom skeletons on his own with no fear, no cowardness or anything that is backing hi  down. The Phantom skeletons try to show Y/n fear but now....Y/n is showing them fear as he signal Handley take out all the Phantom skeletons.

Once that he turns to the last fre Phantom skeletons along with Jose who was in shock and Y/n deactive his wngery blade and two of his arms lights up and he feels like he is charing up for something which he looks at Jose who was shocked to see what Y/n was about to do.

Then Y/n thtust his arms and back and then thrust it forward and a large beam of light travels towards The Phantom skeletons and Jose. The Phantom skeletons were vaporised by the light and the light travel towards Jose and he was hit by this light.


The whole top of the Phantom guild blows up which vost everyone yo turn to see the bright light and see the Phantom ghosts coving their face and disappearing which surprised everyone and wonder who would that be that cost the Phantom ghost and the whole top guild to be gone.

(Epic theme ends)

We see Y/n breathing while the whole room around him, Erza, Elfman, Mirajane and Gray was gone and once the smoke was clear they see Jose and his skin was very white and he was shaking in fear as he stare at Y/n before he fell back and passed out.

Erza: (shocked) I don't believe it.

Gray: (shocked) Not only he has magic but he defeated Jose.

Elfman: (smile) Now that's what a real man dose!

Mirajane: (smile) That's Y/n alright.

Y/n was breathing heavily while he looks at his hands and he never felt this exhausting ever in his life. He fell onto the ground while landing onto his butt just as Erza rushes over and Y/n fell back but he was grabbed from behind by Erza who remove his helmet and place his head onto her lap.

Y/n: Hey Erza.....I....I never been this tired ever. I think....I think I am....gonna take a nap a...little.

Then he shut his eyes and passed out while Erza smiles while placing a hand onto his head.

Erza: (thought) You did a fantastic job Y/n. Rest now, you deserve it.

Soon Gray and the rest walks up and onceup Gray asked.

Gray: what type of magic was that? It felt like it was pure or light.

Makarov: That's because it is Gray.

They turn and they were shocked to see Makarov all better now as he walks over to the unconscious Y/n and tells them.

Makarov: I thought I was the one to have this type or magic but it seems Y/n as one as well but in a different type.

Gray: What is it?

Makarov: It's called Fairy law but his is different. It was more like a blast but it's a type of magic that took me years to master it.

Elfman: What dose it do?

Makarov: It allow those to take out any enemy if they are strong or have larger numbers but once it used the user will be extremely weaken once used.

Erza: Will he be...?

Makarov: He'll be alright. Let him rest now, we won.

They all agree and everyone in Fairy Tail cheered in their victory and see they have defeated Phantom and won the battle while Y/n sleeps knowing he did what Spartans do and that is winning a battle no matter what it takes.

On a hill we see the Forerunner seeing the victory in the distance and turns but not before saying.

???: You will rest spartan but know that we will meet face to face.

Then he turn into a small blue light and flies off into the sky  whike Fairy Tail celebrated their victory.

To be continued................

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