Chapted 17: New guild and new allies (Lemon)

It was morning at Akane Beach as Y/n and then rest are back at the resort after their battle I the Tower of Heavn and now they are back. While Natsu, Happy, Lucy and Gray are resting from from last night, we see Erza, Millianna, Willy and Sho at the entrance of the resort as Millianna, Willy and Sho apologise to Erza for what they did.

Millianna: We're really sorry Erza.

Willy: Yeah we shouldn't have known you abandoned us many years ago.

Erza: No it's my fault. I shouldn't have go back to save you.

Sho: Don't worry Erza we don't blame you. Still though, We're really gonna miss Simon.

Erza: Same.

There was silent for a bit when Y/n walk up next to Erza without his Spartan armor as he tells the trio.

Y/n: Simon's death was heart broken to you all but he will never be gone within us. He really was a good friend to all of you and a great allie to us all.

Willy:........Wait who are you?

Y/n: What? I'm Y/n L/n? You know, we battle at the towerof heaven?

Willy: (surprised) Seriously?! Your that guy!

Y/n: (surprised) You all think I was someone else?!

Willy: Well we never actually see your face so don't blame us.

Millianna: (smirk) Still though you are pretty handsome without your armor Meow.

Y/n blush a little while Millianna guve him sexxy glares before Sho asked.

Sho: So what should we do now? Where should we go?

Willy: Yeah I see your point. Tower of heaven was like our home but without it, there is no where else to go now.

Erza: You can join Fairy Tail.

They turn to Erza with surprised and also join in and tells them.

Y/n: I agree with Erza. You three can join Fairy Tail and you three and Erza will still be together forever. What do you guys say?

They look at each other and they think about it and soon they agree which made Erza smile. Once that they head back inside with Erza asked Y/n.

Erza: Have you seen Juvia? I wanna thank her for helping us.

Y/n: I think she is away to join our guild. We might meet her  there by tomorrow.

Erza: (smile) Can't wait.

Y/n also smiles and so they head inside and decided to have a party and we see them at the balcony chatting and eating some food with Millianna hugging Happy while Y/n sat next to her and asked her.

Y/n: (smile) So i see you like cats.

Millianna: (smile) Yep they are cute, fluffy and just so cute.

Happy: Please help me.

Y/n: (smile) You know I used to have a cat once.

Millianna: Really?!

Y/n: Yep. Used to call him Mister loner since he always find places to be alone but sometimes he sleeps on my bed when I was a kid. One time, I ended up having a cold and Mister Loner came to my room and sleep with me so I won't be alone.

Lucy: (smile) Aaaw that's so sweet.

Y/n: Yeah but he passed away before the Covenant glass my world. Still he was a good cat.

Millianna: That's so sad.

Y/n: Yeah but I'm fine. So Willy are you a fan of being a cowboy or a gunslinger?

Willy: (smirk) That's right. While we were kids and trying to escape, Me and Millianna found this lacrima that plays some cowboy shows which I've gone interested with and soon I've learn some magic.

Natsu: so how did you got a block head?

Willy: (anger) Oh shut up, it's a long story okay!

Y/n: (smile) Still must say you and Millianna have gotyen the upper hand and took my down. Your team work is pretty good i give you that.

Willy: (smirk) Thanks man.

Millianna: (smile) your just so nice.

Y/n smiles while we see Sho not feeling sure about this as he looks at the table and feels not right and probably have second thoughts about this.


It was night time and everyone was sleep at their rooms but we see Sho, Millianna and Willy at the beach and getting on a board as they were about to sail off when someone asked.

???: I can probably tell you three not going on a fishing trip at sea.

They quickly turn to see Y/n there with his arms folded as Sho sighs in disappointment and tells Y/n.

Sho: Look we appreciate for you guys invited us to join your guild. But there is a world that we never get to see, a world we never get to see since we were trapped on that island. Now we're free and we're hoping we can explore it. I hope your not mad at us.

They were silent and wait for Y/n to say something but he tells them.

Y/n: No your right.

They were surprised by his respond as he gose on to say.

Y/n: I mean. I wasn't given a chance to go anywhere in my world. But now I'm free to go anywhere and I completely understand and I'm sure Erza would understand as well.

Sho: Thank you Y/n.

Y/n: But just remember, no matter how far you three go or what things may happen on your journey. Just remember that Erza will always be with you all, including Simon. I wish you all good luck and take care.

He give them a salute as they all smiled and soon they sail off while they wave goodbye to Y/n and Y/n watch them and soon he turns and walk back to resort.

Once at the resort he enter his room and shuts the door and he turns to see Erza sat on the couch and turn to Y/n and asked him.

Erza: Are they gone?

Y/n: Yeah. Their gone. I'm sorry Erza.

Erza: (smile) It's fine. I'm just glad they are free and hope we can meet again.

Y/n: Same.

Y/n walks over and sat on the bed next to Erza and grabs her shoulder and pulls her for a hug.

Y/n: If you ever needed any help. You can always come to me, no matter what okay?

Erza: (smile) Sure thing. Y/n your one of the nices people I have ever met.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah i get that a lo-

Then Y/n was surprised when Erza kissed him on the lips. After a while he pulled Erza back and tells her.

Y/n: Wait Erza I can't. It's just that Lucy and I are-

Erza: (giggle) I know but she doesn't mind.

Y/n was confused when Erza pulled Y/n onto the bad and was on top of him given him a smile and a sexxy glare.

Erza: (smirk) I ask Lucy if I could have him and since some girls at the guild have their eyes on you, she agree.

Y/n: (surprised) R-Really? I-I mean I don't want to-

She puts her finger over his lip while follow by a smooth "ssshh" from Erza as she tells him.

Erza: (smirk) Never worry about anything. You deserve for what you did for us and in return, we give you the love that you never have in your world. Allow me to start my sexxy Spartan.

(Lemon start)

She gently lower down and lend in and kissed Y/n on the lips and made some moans to turn Y/n on and after a short while Y/n kissed her back which Erza thinks his lips are amazing as they make out on the soft and comfy bed as they play around their tongues for a while.

Then after a minute or two they stop making out to catch their breaths with their tongues sticking out and Erza crawl down and took off his belt and treasures and soon his underwear to see the size of Y/n's dick.

Erza: (smirk) My you have one big sausage.

She then grabs his dick and start to jerk on it while Y/n feels this pleasure ane grabs hold on the blanket while Erza gives him a hand job and soon the hand job turned into a blow job as Erza stick her whole mouth into his dick and start sucking his dick while Y/n lend out a few moans.

Y/n: (moaning) Erza. Holy shit Erza your unbelievable~!

He feels his dick getting bigger while Erza suck his dick harder and faster while Y/n can't take I anymore and lend out a moan and his cum exploded into Erza's mouth.

Soon she drinks it off and looks up to see Y/n panting but it felt really good while Erza giggles and soon after we see their whole clothes on the floor and we see them in bed naked as Y/n was on top of her making out but soon they stop and Y/n lend into Erza's neck and start to kiss a her neck.

Erza: (moaning) Oh my Y/n~That feels so good~!

Soon he kiss down to her chest and then start to squeeze one of them and play around with their while Erza lend out a few moans and soon Y/n stick one mouth at one breast and start sucking her breast while grabbing the other breast as Erza lend our some sexxy moans that gotten Y/n turned on and sucks even more as Erza's breast gets bigger and soon she lend out a moan.

Her breast milk exploded into Y/n's mouth which he drinks it all up and Erza was sweeting as the two look at each other and the two make out. After a while we see Erza on her knees and Y/n sitting on the bed and Erza given him a blow job once more but this time fasted and harder as Y/n grabs Erza head and she gose at it while Y/n hold his moans but let a few out and soon he lends out a load one once his cum exploded.

She drinks up his cum and then jumps onto Y/n lap and the two start to make out as they fell onto the bed. Soon we see Y/n on top of Erza from behind as he stick his dick into her butt and start thrusted in and out while Erza grabs on the bed tight and never felt this much goof in her life.

Erza: (moaning) yes yes go fasted and harder. Damn this feels good.

Y/n nods and he thrust his dick harder and faster as she can't take it a lend out a moan while she stick out her tongue as soon after Y/n lend out a moan once I was done.

Y/n pulls out his dick and sees Erza already passed out from that so he put Erza into bed and soon after claim into bed with her before he shut off the lights and cuddle up with Erza as they slept for the night.

(Lemon ends)
(Next day)

The sun was setting up as we see Y/n and Erza sleeping together after they have some "fun" together. Soon Y/n was the first to wake up and slowly sat up on his bed and strach while yawning. He looks over to see Erza sleeping peaceful on the bed with a smile on her face as Y/n smiled to see her happy and calm out of bed to be change.

He was in the middle of changing when Erza began to wake up and slowly move her head up a bit and call out to Y/n in a sexxy ton.

Erza: (smirk) Good morning sexxy.

Y/n: (smile) Morning to you too my scarlet knight. How well did you sleep.

Erza: (smirk) Wonderful just wonderful. That was a great time last night.

Y/n: (smile) Same but you sure Lucy don't mind.

Lucy: (smirk) Don't worry, i don't mind.

Y/n jumps to see Lucy at the door but she has a smirk as she walks over to him and kissed him on the cheek and tells him.

Lucy: (smirk) The next time we wanna have some "fun" I might invite Levy to join us if you know what I mean.

Y/n blushes deep while the two girls giggled to see him blushing. Soon Erza git changed and they join up with Natsu, Happy and Gray and they head out of the resort and back to the Fairy Tail guild Hall.


They return back to Magnolia but they were surprised to see that not only the Fairy Tail guild hall is repaired but it's huge and better then ever. It's like a castle for a second there once they step through the gate and loom around the oustdie guild.

Gray: (surprised) Wow this is amazing!

Y/n: I'll say, looks like the guild is repaired and better then ever.

Natsu: It's still not the same.

Lucy: (smile) At least we are back at top.

Ur: Hey there!

They look up to see Ur in top of the guild hall as he leaps down which they panicked that she will get injured but to their surprise she fired ice to created a slide and soon she alide down the ice and leap into the air and lands onto the ground on her feet.

Ur: (smile) Hey guys, how was your vacation?

Lucy: (shocked) Good but Ur your magic.

Gray: (shocked) You have your magic back!

Ur: (smirk) Yep. Took a while but soon I got it back. My memory is still a blurr though but I can wait. So what about you guys?

Y/n: We've been busy but see that the guild is repaired.

Ur: (smile) Yep all thanks to these soldiers that Elfman and Cana found near Magnolia.

Y/n: Soldiers?

Ur: Oh you didn't know, well I'll show you, follow me.

They follow Ur as they enter the guild hall and once inside they see everyone there charting and drinking while the guild hall it self is huge and even has a small bar to sit and drink while a stage which looks amazing.

But Y/n was shocked to see the soldiers walking about just like Ur was talking about.

Y/n: (shocked) Those are ODST's and Marines! Where were they?

Mirajane: Two days ago there was a large crash that shook Magnolia so Cana, Elfman were sent ti check it out.

Then Mirajane came up to them as she gose on to say.

Mirajane: When we got there they were injured so we take them and heal them. In return they help us rebuild the guild with their large machines with legs and hands.

Y/n: Cyclops. That must be a UNSC ship. But how did they get here?

???: I can explain that sir.

Then a female ODST walks over to him and gives him a salute.

Violet: Commander Violet sir, nice to see a Spartan here sir.

Y/n: At ease and explain.

Violet: We tracked down what we believe to be a Covenant supply ship however we learn it wasn't the Covenant, rather a new kind of Covenant. They took us as prisoners and after a while we escape however they seem they jump into slip space because when we escape we saw a planet we didn't know but before we could think anything our ship got hit and we crashed here.

Lucy: (shocked) That's some story.

Violet: Yeah but nice to see a Spartan here. Here we thought we have to survive without one.

Y/n: Any more Spartans?

Violet: No it's just us. Still good to see you sir.

Y/n: Same.

Juvia: (smile) Hey there guys.

They turn to see Juvia walking up to them as they turn to her.

Erza: (smile) Juvia I'm glad you join the guild. Thank you for helping us.

Juvia: (smile) It's no problem. I'm glad I have help.

Then Makarov walks over to them and tells Y/n.

Makarov: (smile) It seems we have more members from your world.

Y/n: Yeah you don't mind aboit that right?

Makarov: (smile) As long they don't make a mess, they will stay. Oh yeah there is one more new member.

Happy: Wonder who it is?

They look over and they were shocked to see Gajeel seeing on a table and take a glare at them.

Natsu: Gajeel!

Gray: Why did you let him in gramps!

Y/n: No of you stand down now!

Erza: I don't mind Juvia but he trashed our guild hall.

Y/n: Maybe so but we should give him a chance. True he was the one that trashed the guild but he deserves a chance just like all of us.

Makarov: Y/n is right. We should give him a chance and get to know him more.

Then Levy appear behind Y/n snd joins in.

Levy: Yeah i agree. Now is one of us he's not gonna do it again.

Erza: Alright but I'll keep an eye on him just in case.

Gajeel just glare at them while Violet tells Y/n.

Violet: Never knew Gajeel was apart of another guild.

Y/n: It's a long story.

At the back ground we see Jet and Droy glaring at Gajeel and remember what they did to them and they will make him pay.


We see Y/n snd Violet walking through Magnolia as Y/n shows Violet around turn when Violet asked.

Violet: Why are you wearing civilian clothes?

Y/n: Huh? Oh well i figured I need to wear something instead of wearing my Spartan armor around turn.

Violet: Guess I see your point.

Y/n: So what are you and your men gonna do now your here?

Violet: Don't know. Our ship is busted and we have no idea to get back home. Still those Covenant are news.

Y/n: Those are the Banished. Their not like he Covenant but they are more brutal then the Covenant.

Violet: Make sense. Though they show of a greater threat then the Covenant.

Y/n: I know.

They walk pass a park when they notice Jet, Droy and Levy along with Gajeel as they enter the park and walk up to them and Y/n asking.

Y/n: What's going on here?

Jet: We're just wanna show him not to mess with us.

Droy: Yeah he made a fool out of us.

Gajeel: Oh please just get over with it already.

Violet: You two need to stand down. Makarov doesn't want you two to make his life at the guild harder.

Jet: You weren't there so how about you leave us be!

Then Jet dashes towards Gajeel and ram him in the stomach which cost Gajeel to land the ground but Droy summons vines and tehy attack Gajeel. Y/n has enough and rushes over and active his engery blade and cuts off the vines and barks at Jet and Droy.

Y/n: You both stand down now! Gajeel may have trashed our guild and beat you three up, but this is not what Fairy Tail dose to it's own members!

Laxcus: See yoru give the new guy a hard time.

Then Laxus walks pass Violet and Levy while Jet and Droy turn to see Laxus. Y/n snd Laxus share a glare before Laxus walks over to Y/n and Gajeel as he gose on to say.

Laxus: If this is the guy that tear down our guild I understand why you would attack him. But I don't get why you have yo protect  him Y/n.

Y/n doesn't answer while Laxus gets mad and said.

Lacus: (anger) We became a laughing stalk because of him. While coming back form my mission, I stop them some punks that pissed me off. They say how we became the weakest guild around.

Suddenly a bolt of lightning hits Gajeel which shocked everyone. Y/n pushes Laxus out back which Laxus steps back and glare at him.

Laxus: (anger) Your starting to piss me off you know man.

Y/n: Fuck you.

Laxus gets even more mad and was about to zap Y/n with lighting when a sound of a shotgun is head and Y/n see Violet aiming her shotgun at the back of Laxus head as he turns to her.

Violet: How's about you leave or I'll show you that a bolt of lighting ain't a deadly thing in our world.

Laxus just growls in anger before he turns and walks off leaving them be. Violet lower her shotgun while Y/n turns to Gajeel and lend out a hand to him.

But Gajeel slaps it out of the way and stands up.

Gajeel: I don't need your help. Just leave me be.

Then Gajeel walks away with Y/n watching him go including Jet, Droy and Levy as Y/n turn to Jet and Droy in disappointment and then walks off.

Violet: You know. Gajeel may once been your enemy, but he's still human like you and me. Maybe understand that making Gajeel pay ain't gonna solve anything.

The two were ashame while we cut to Laxus walking through Magnolia as he thinks to himself.

Laxus: (thought) Damn that Spartan and damn Makarov. Fairy Tail is going soft and I can't stand here and do nothing. Its time i throw that old fool to thr ground and make that Spartan pay but first. I think go and find some allies to help and I think I found where they are.

Laxus dig inro his pocket and pulls out what looks like a Banished symbol as he smirks in a evil way and walks off to meet up with the Banished so they can work together to take over Magnolia so Laxus can rule the guild once and for all.

To be continued..................

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