Chpater 91: Finish the fight
On the still constructive Halo ring we see the control room then seconds later a Pelican flies over and then drops down to drop off Y/n, Arbiter, John and Junior as they leap off the Pelican and look around for any Flood but the arra is clear.
The reds jump out then aftee that John turns to the blues on board the Pelican.
John: Fly back once we complete the job.
Tucker: Roger that.
Then they fly off and once fly away the rest walk over to the door and try to open it but it refuse to open.
Y/n: Watcher can you open this door?
Watcher: Might take a while.
Cortana: Allow me to help.
The two get to work while the rest stand around waiting.
Simmons: Hey John, sir? Is this the same layout as the ring you were on?
John: It's familiar but not close.
Sarge: Well it will be unfamiliar once we destroy it for the second time. Hopefully there are some enemies we can fight.
Suddenly Flood drop pods came down and crashed at the bottom of the control room. They let out a cry and rushes upwards to the top.
Grif: You just have to ask!
Luckily Sentials are deployed to battle the Flood however more would to break through and climb to the top.
Y/n: We'll hold our ground here!
Everyone agrees and as soon as the Flood gets to the top they begin to open fire at them. They stand their ground as they eliminate the Flood that try to get close to them.
Both Junior and Arbiter activitie their energy swords and charge themselves towards the Flood and begin cutting them down.
Sarge fires his shotgun at the Flood. Blowing them away which satisfy him while Grif panics to kill the infection forms until Rowen rush over and take out the rest with his DMR.
Simmons and Donut take out many Floods until Lopez walk pass with a flamethrower then begins to burn the Flood.
Simmons: Where did he get a flamethrower?
Donut: No clue but that is smoky.
Simmons: Never say that again.
A infection form launch itself at Lopez head and tries to choke him but then realise that Lopez is a robot. Lopez grabs the Flood then crushes the infection form.
Lopez: (spanish) You cannot infect a robot. I am immune suckers!
Both John and Y/n kept firing then two tank forms charges towards them. Theie shots aren't gonna do anything when suddenly a red beam hits two of them and they collapse onto the ground.
???: Guess I've arrive here just in time.
They turn to see Johnson with his Spartan laser in hand as he rushes up to them.
Sarge: Sargent! Came to join us in the final battle?
Johnson: Ha! You know it. No way I'm sitting back and have you guys have fun. I've evacuation everyone from Foward unto Dawm to ship masters flagship. They are gone ans retuen back to Earth.
Y/n: That's good to hear. Watcher, Cortana?
Then the doors finally open and they rush inside while the Sentials deal with the Flood. They rush down the halls until they arrive at the control room.
The doors open and they walk in. Aftee seeing the control room clear John pulled out Cortana's chip out of his helmet.
Johnson: Don't worry. I won't lose her as well.
John nodes and tosses Johnson with Cortana and he and Y/n walk over to the controls while the rest stay and guard.
Watcher: Once it is activated we needed the blues to pick us up as soon as possible.
Y/n: Roger that.
343 guilty Spark: Oh hello. I was not suspected to see you two here.
Then guilty spark cam down just as the two arrive to the controls.
Y/n: Hey Spark. What's up?
343 guilty spark: I have wonderfully news. The Installation is almost complete.
Y/n: Neat.
343 guilty spark: I have begun my simulations and the installation will be ready to fire in just a few more days.
Johnson: We don't have a few more days.
Y/n: Spark our plan is to activate the ring while it is still construction so we can destroy the Flood once and for all.
343 Guilty Spark: But you'll destroy this installation.
Watcher: Yeah but if we don't all of humanity and every life will be infected by the Flood. I know you care so much about this ring but sacrifices has to be made. This is one of them.
Grif: Um guys! They are breaking in!
Y/n turn to the reds, Arbiter and Junior at the other side getting ready. Turns to Johnson, he nodes him and Y/n walks over to them while spark mutters.
343 Guilty Spark: (mutters) You'll destroy me installation.
Y/n: Don't worry. As soon as Johnson puts Cortana into the controls we can-
Johnson: Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!!
Y/n turns around to see guilty spark laser beaming Johnson on the chest and he collapse onto the ground with Cortana's chip still on his hand.
Y/n: Spark! What are you-
He rushes towards him only to be hit by a laser beam. Follow by John next. The doors close trapping the rest at the other side while Y/n slowly gets up.
Y/n: Spark! Don't do this! This could be our only way to stop the Flood.
343 Guilty Spark: You wanted to destroy my installation. I will not happen again. Your brother destroyed my ring before......(turns red) I won't allow you or anyone destroy this one. This ring is mine.
Y/n turns to Johnson then rushes towards him only for Guilty spark to beam him and sent him flying. He crash onto the ground while Guilty spark flies over and begins ti blast Y/n with his laser beams.
Y/n shields break as he is continues getting beamed by Spark until John fires his weapon at him, getting his attention. He turn and shoots a beam at John which he misses.
Y/n slowly gets up with his damaged armor and then leaps onto Spark, holding him and then he slammed him against the ground. He begins punching him in the eye until Guilty Spark creates a blast that sent Y/n flying back.
He slammed onto the ground while John rushes towards Johnson only to be beamed by guilty Spark. He continues to beam him until he is shot by a bullet.
He turn to see Y/n on his feet while holding a magnum as he fire a few shots until Guilty Spark shot his arm which made him to drop his magnum.
Then guilty spark shots a beam at his chest which sent him flying and then he slammed against the wall. He hits the ground and then he slowly gets up.
His visor his cracked as he gets up only to be beamed by Guilty spark as he continues to beam him.
343 guilty Spark: This ring is mine! You can't stop me!
Suddenly he gets shot by another beam from behind. Johnson sat up with Spartan laser still in his hands while John rushes over to him.
Johnson: (hands him the Spartan laser) Kick his ass.
John nodes then use the Spartan laser deal some damage as 343 guilty spark.
Each shot cost some damage towards spark as he gets weaker and weaker. Once weak enough Y/n leaps over and grabs spark once again then pinned him to the ground.
343 guilty spark: N-No! You can't do this! I am the monitor of this ring! I AM A MONITOR!!!
Y/n pulls out a plasma grenade and digs the grenade inside of guilty spark.
Y/n: And I am human!
Then he throws guilty spark away just as the plasma grenade exploded along with guilty spark.
Watcher: Good. I hate that guy.
Y/n turns to Johnson and John as he rushes towards the two and kneel down next to Johnson.
Y/n: Johnson.
Johnson: Don't worry about me. Just get the mission done....for all of us. (coughing) John.....promise me you won't let her go. Don't let her.....go.
Then in his last breath taking. Johnson dies which saddens them. Then John picks up Cortana's ship and inserts hee into the controls.
The ring is activated with a large beam in the middle shooting out but there was a shake. Y/n picks up the lifeless Johnson and they rush towards the exit which the door opens and they rush out.
Simmon: What happen over-
When they see Johnson's lifeless body they are shocked and sadden. Sarge is even more sadden as he lowee his head.
Y/n: We'll all going home. All of us.
With that they rush outside and once they did the Blues came back with the Pelican. They landed down and drop down the doors.
Tucker: Come on! We got to get the hell out of here!
Caboose: Also the mean robots are attacking us for some reason.
Y/n: Spark must have made them to turn against us. We have no time, we need to go now!
They all climb aboard and once on they fly away from the control room. Y/n make his way to the cockpit where Jin and Ashia is flying as Y/n sees the forward unto dawn parked in the distances.
Y/n: Over there! That's our escape!
Jin: Roger that!
Suddenly there was a shake and we see a few Sentials on theie and and shooting beams at them. Everyone opens fire at them but then floods piloting Hornets and Banshees appear and begin shooting at them.
Then they managed the back thrusters buy Jin ans Ashia kept flying while the rest holds off the Flood or Sentials that try to take them out.
Finally they arrive and they made a rough landing inside the hanger. Once on-board the rest came out and make thwie way to the bridge except for John.
John: I'll connect Cortana to the ship!
Y/n: Roger that!
John make his way to do that and once he connected Cortana onto the ship the ship begins to take flight.
However more Flood Banshees arrive trying to shoot them down but Cortana takes control of the turrets and fire back. Everyone else soon arrive to the bridge and hold on.
The ship enters space and sees the portal ahead of them while the ring is close to fire.
Grif: We're not gonna make it!
Y/n: We will!
Soon the ring fires with a massive explosions while John sat down and insert Cortana back onto his helmet.
Cortana: If we don't make it.
John: We will.
Cortana:....It is an honour to work along side you'll
John lend his head while everything is covered up by light and once everything is covered by light everything turns black.
(Sometime later)
In the middle of the ocean we see a few Pelicans flying over at the Forward unto dawn with rescuers cutting through the cockpit while Pelicans fly around.
Once open Arbiter was the first to came out follow by Junior, reds, blues and Y/n. They climb out and sees they arrive back to Earth.
Everyone cheered as they done it. Not only the war is over but the Flood has been stopped and the galaxy is save. Everyone celebrated until Y/n realise something when he tried to contact John.
He turn only to see the other half of the Forward unto Dawn is gone which is where Cortana and John was at. When everyone sees this all are sadden while Y/n stood there with disbelief as he then lower his head with sadness.
Y/n: John.
To be continued....................................................
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