Chapter 90: Enter the darkness

John and Y/n slowly move through the infected halls of what is left of High Charity. It is complete silent. Only the wind blow around them as John and Y/n have their guards up to the max and there eyed on their motion tracker.

Sometimes there will be a red dot that would appear so they have to look around only to see nothing. The two kept going, sticking together like glue so they will not get lost.

The doors of high Charity is somehow still working with then opening for them to go through. They walk through a platform with a large round glass on their right.

Y/n glance through the glass and is stunned to what he is seeing. John stop and turn to see him looking through the window. He looks through and through thr reflection of his visor, we see swarms and swarms of Flood down below.

They see bones of Covenant forces left in high Charity, they see a few alive only to get infected by the infection form and turned into combat forms, some picking up weapons and many were just standing and waiting.

Y/n: (whisper) Holy shit.

Watcher: We gonna keep moving. The more time we spend here the sooner we get caught.

John nodes with agreement and they kept moving. They soon find themselves within the halls of high Charity and they were slowly moving through the halls when suddenly they heard loud noises in the distances.

Quickly they hide and seconds later four flood tanks stomp through the halls while the two hide within the darkness. They wait as four flood tanks walk by, not noticing them thankfully.

They walk away and after they don't hear their steps they poke out and leave theie hiding spot. Not wishing to waste time they kept moving. After minutes they arrive the last location where Cortana was which was where John was being beamed to Truth's forerunner ship.

Once there John looks around but there was no sign of here.

John: She's not here.

Y/n: You know where else she could be?

Suddenly John gets a vision of Cortana and he can hear her cries of pain as she is crying.

John: The Gravemind is tormenting her. We don't have time.

Y/n: Watcher can you locate her?

Watcher: Give me a second.

They stood and waited for Watcher to be done. Suddenly they heard something which the two turn to the edge. Y/n rasied his shotgun and move slowly towards the edge. He slowly move closer and closer until he made it to the edge.

He looks down and after he sees it he slowly move backwards and back up to John while the whole time having his shotgun rasied.

Y/n: Run.

Within a second gaint tentacle slammed onto the ground then two gaint flood juggernaut climb out of the edge and let's out a horrific cry.

Both Y/n and John turn and make a run for it towards the door while the two flood juggernauts chase after them. The two run down the halls while the two flood Juggernauts kept chasing them.

They made a lot of noise which gets the hordes attention and they let out a horrific cry and soon they begin to burst out to walls, floors and ceilings.

Y/n and John fire theie shotguns while they kept running from the horde. Y/n sees a pile of plasma batteries so he pulls out one and the whole pile collapse in front of the horde but they just climb over it.

John sees this so he turn and fire a fuel rod shot at the plasma batteries which cost a large explosion that took oit a large chuck of the flood horde.

Y/n: This way!

John catch up with more flood hordes keep chasing them as the two arrive into a lift and the two climb on. John pull out his twin needlers while Y/n pulls out his brute shot and waited for the Flood to show up.

Soon the flood horde came and they begin blasting them. Flood body parts were flying as the two kept shooting then soon the gravity lift begins to decent.

They still kept shooting at the gravity lift kept decanting until they are safe for now.

Y/n: Watcher where are we going?

Watcher: If I have to take a guess, that would be the core room. Cortana is also there but if we destroy the core then we can destroy High Charity along with the Flood in it. We might even take out the Gravemind.

Y/n: Right. John you go and get Cortana. I'll place some explosions.

John: No I'll do it-

Y/n: No. Cortana needs you. Don't let hee down.


Soon the gravity lift made it down and they step out and came up to a door. Watcher opens it and Y/n poke his head out and sees a lot of Flood but there is also the core of high Charity which is surprisingly still intact.

He and John look at each other, node, and then split off. Y/n pushes away a few floods and shoot some with his shotgun. He is distracts them while John make his way to where Cortana is at.

Y/n rushes towards the core as he continues to shoot the flood that are coming towards him. Then a beam shot hits his shotgun out of his hand and it falls into the greenish fog below.

Y/n nearly gets shot and quickly gets cover. He then picks up a plasma rifle then he return fire at the  infected jackal snipers.

Y/n: Even in flood form you guys are really annoying.

Then a infected Brute tackled him and slapped his plasma rifle away. The infected Brute roared and tries to rip him apart but he quickly pulled out a plasma grenade into its mouth and kick it away.

The flood infected Brute stumble backwards then blows up along with the flood behind it. Y/n pulls out his Brute shot ans finish off the rest with a few shots then once done he turn to the power core.

He kneel down and place a explosion detonator on it and set it up onto his helmet.

Y/n: It's set. Once John gets Cortana we can get out of-

Suddenly there was the most horrifying and demonic roar they have ever heard. It was soo powerful that even shot the platform Y/n is on.

Y/n nearly fell off the edge but he stop himself as he stumble forward and breaths a sigh. He looks across to see John coning out and before he can ask about Cortana a gaint tentacle appear behind him, wrapped Y/n then pull him deeper to high Charity while John watch with disbelief and shock that his brother is taking in front of him.


Y/n was pulled deeper while he try to break free but his arms were stuck and he couldn't do anything.

Y/n: Damn it! Let go of me!

Soon he force to turn and what he saw made him be traumatised with fear. He sees a gigantic warm like creature with a gaint mouth with three jaw and tentacles.

Gravemind: You. I am curious to know who you are but I see that you are related to another. However you are different.

Watcher: Oh. My. God.

Gravemind: I feel your fear. You are afraid of me.

Y/n couldn't even say words as he stare at the creature. Although it doesn't have eyes, he can feel it looking at him. Never in his life he has ever seen such terror as this. Then the Gravemind gets even closer to Y/n which he is force to move his head away as he gets close to him.

Gravemind: You still have a bit of humanity within you. Unlike the other who is machine than man, you are more man than machine but with a heart of determination. I also sense pain within you. Pain of lost, pain of failure, pain of war. Your just a man fighting a war that wished it to end. However the true fear is what is next after the war? What will a soldier like you do after the war is over. What would happen to a man who has fought for years. What will you do after then......Y/n?

Y/n eyes widen with fear as it knows its name while the Gravemind slowly squeezes him then tells him.

Gravemind: Unfortunately. You will never know.

Y/n shuts his eyes as the Gravemind was about to do something horrible to him when suddenly a Scrub burst through the wall then fires a beam at the Gravemind.

He roars and swings Y/n around until he tosses him towards the Scrub.

He lands hard onto the Scrub while it keeps shooting then it begins to walk away. The Gravemind let's outa roar while Y/n walks down the ramp then collapse onto the floor.

John rushes over and picked him up. He carry him over then he sat him down.

John: You okay?

Y/n doesn't say nothing as he sat there traumatised to what he seen which John kneel down and gently grab his shoulder which he flinch then looks up at John.

Y/n: Bro?

John: You okay?

Y/n:......No.......No I'm not fine.

John sees how disturbed he is so he sat down next to him and the two have a moment.

Y/n: John.......I........I'm pathetic. Look at me. Look at my hands! They are shaking. Spartans don't have fear! I'm......I'm not a Spartan. I'm a disgrace to all Spartans I'm just.......I'm sorry I'm not a Spartan.

John:.....You are a Spartan. Your a better Spartan than I am.

Y/n: Sorry but how I'm I better than you? You go out saving planets, fighting tye Covenant and being all cool! While I go on these stupid adventures and act like the war will end......I feel such a dumbass.

John: The reason why your better than me isn't your skills or the missions you've been through. It is how easily you bonded with others. Disbite leading Blue team and other marines......I act not humans. The war changed me. It changed me to be more machine while kept your humanity and kept your personality and emotions. You easily bonded with the reds and blues, made friends with them and stay close to them. If I was in your boots......I would have a hard time. Let's also not forget the missions you've gone through. You survive both Reach and New Mombasa. You've fought along side with your team in battles, some were not involve with the Covenant and even shut down Project Freelancer. I could've done it but you did it but not by yourself but with the people around you.

Then John place a hand onto Y/n's shoulder as he then tells him.

John: Your may be a Spartan but behind the armor is a human inside who has the determination and hope inside of you. I know I would do the same and so are you.

Y/n stay silent for a moment as he turn to John then the two gets up. Y/n place his hand onro John's shoulder then pulls him for a hug.

Y/n: Thanks you bro. It means a lot.

John gets emotional for a moment as he hugs him back. The two brothers embrace when a familiar hologram woman appears.

???: That was actually nice John. Wished I was recording.

Y/n looks over to see Cortana and immediately Watcher came out and without thinking hugged her.

Watcher: Cortana I- (immediately let's go) Oh sorry about that. I didn't mean to-

Then Cortana just smiles and hugs him. He is surprised but he hugs her back.

John: You are right. Watcher does have a crush on Cortana.

Y/n: Yep.

Watcher: (mutters) Don't ruining this for me!

Suddenly there easily a shake as a tentacle slammed onto the scurb and soon more came. Cortana takes control of the upper turret than begins to fire at the tentacles.

Cortana: Not gonna hold long.

John: Y/n? Explosions?

Y/n: Right.

He detonate the explosion then seconds later there was a massive explosion follow by more explosions as High Charity begins to erupte.

The tentacles gose were as Y/n and John made it out as they see Hugh Charity around then blowing up.

Y/n: This Scurb isn't gonna move faster isn't it.

John: No it's not.

Sarge: (radio) At leastbwe came just in time.

Suddenly a Pelican came down with the drop door open to reveal the reds ans blues inside along with Junior and the Arbiter.

The two leaps on board and once on board Lopaz flies away as the entire High Charity starts blowing up. They soon made it out of High Charity as they watch as the capital of the Covenant is blown up with a massive explosion like a nuke going off.

Y/n sighs then turns to the rest as he ask them.

Y/n: What are you all doing here?!

Donut: What did you honestly think we leave you guys?

Caboose: We are friends and friends stick together!

Tucker: Also Church is also in me so he can come alone.

Church: (appears) Just for the record I have seen so much disgusting stuff on his helmet.

Tucker: Shut up!

Jin: (smirk) Either you like it or not. We are coming with.

Y/n: (smile) Glad you guys are here. We have a fight to finish. Cortana.

Both Watcher ans Cortana appear as Cortana shows then the activation index to activate the uncompleted ring. The Pelican flies towards it while John and Y/n move to the cockpit to look at it as they get ready for one final mission, one last mission and they can all go home.

To be continued................................................

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