Chapter 84: Last chance

Within Rtas flagship we see many elites and UNSC forces wondering about and waiting for further orders. We then cut to the Reds and Blues standing in front of the door to the meeting room and hearing their conversation.

Caboose: What are they saying?

Tucker: Caboose stop asking me 1 minute after I told you.

Caboose: Oh........What are they saying.

Sarge: Sounds like they are conflicted if they should stay and defend Earth from the Flood or go to the Ark and stop Truth.

Grif: Fuck those two options. I'll say pack our bags and get out of here.

Ashia: You do know we can't escape from the halo rings activating if Truth fires it.

Simmons: But doesn't Truth need a human to activate it?

Grif: That's right! So let's just leave them be while they try to figure out how to activate the rings.

Sarge: Grif you lazy idiot! This is a one time opportunity to be part of the final battle ever in soldier history! I can feel it now, the final days of the Covenant. It will be glorious.

Grif: Yeah while your living in your fantasy like world, I'm going to some random planet to hide.

Tucker: Hey if I ended Truth would that mean I brought peace to the galaxy?

Jin: Why would you think that?

Tucker: Come on you know how things play out. The galaxy is in a chaotic state, a man finds a cool soldier, goes on adventures, defeats the evil and saves the world. I totally am that man.

Rowen: I don't believe that for a second.

Tucker: Well if I kill Truth and there is a celebration for me, you all are gonna beg for my forgiveness.

Donut: Maybe we can talk to Truth. I'm sure he might be reasoned with.

Lopez: (Spanish) Your talking to a religious dictator who lies to thousands or millions of alien race to commit genocide billions of human worlds.

Donut: Your right Lopez, everyone deserves a second chance. Like Washington or Maine.

Lopez: (Spanish) I wish you were killed.

Simmons: They were different Donut while Truth is pure evil.

Grif: You mean crazily evil.

Simmons: Yeah. That.

Then the door opens and they turn to see Lord Hood standing. He looks at them and they immediately step out of the way as Lord Hood and Miranda walk by.

Soon Junior, John and Arbiter came out so Tucker ask them.

Tucker: So what's the plan?

Sarge: Are we going after Truth or not?

John: We are. Lord Hood and his forces will stay here and defend Earth from the Flood. While we head to the Ark, stop Truth and find a solution to end the Flood.

Tucker: Well is there a plan to stop the Flood?

Arbiter: Cortana may have a solution but we must head to the Ark and find it.

Junior: This maybe our last chance stopping Truth and ending all of this.

Sarge: I've been dreaming for this moment in my entire life. The final war, I can't wait!

Grif: We're probably gonna die.


At the hanger we see UNSC and elite forces getting ready for the battle. We see Carolina, Maine, South and Washington as they watch Johnson and Arbiter giving out UNSC and Covenant weapons to both sides.

Church: So......this is it Huh?

Carolina: Seems like it.

South: So.....what do you all think about this?

Maine: Feels weird. We have been fighting for years and knowing this war may end. Makes me feel weird about it. Our entire lives we fight to protect humanity both as Freelancers and UNSC.

Washington: Yeah. We've been through a lot over the years.

Church: Lost.....a lot of people.

They fall silent for a moment and then noticed Miranda and John in the distances as Lord Hood enters the Pelican and once the Pelican doors close the Pelican flies out of the hanger.

Church: Hey Carolina?

Carolina: Yeah?

Church: You ever wondered why we are here? I mean we were once nobody from a suspicious organisation and now here we are going on these adventures, fighting the Covenant and surviving. Makes you wonder what our lives would have been different if we never met Y/n.

Carolina:......Lives greatest mysterious.

South: Yeah. But glad we choose this path.

Washington: Yeah.

Maine: We'll end this war and once the war is over.....we can enjoy the peace.

Carolina: Can't wait for that.


The ships enter through the portal and we see Y/n looking at the window watching as they go through slip space. He noticed Watcher is concerned so he ask him.

Y/n: You okay buddy?

Watcher: (sigh) No. I'm worried about her.

Y/n: Don't worry. I'm sure she'll be fine.

Watcher: You don't understand. She is with the Gravemind.

Y/n: So?

Watcher: Have I ever told you about the logic plague?

Y/n: I don't think so?

Watcher: Well let's just say Flood can indeed infect A.Is and if Cortana is stuck in High Charity with the Gravemind then that can't be good.

Y/n: That is bad. But I'm sure we'll save hee before it will be too late. Besides....she's tough, she can handle it.

Watcher: Hope so.

Then Sophie enter and walk over ans stood next to Y/n.

Sophie: So. How do you feel about this?

Y/n: About how this might be our final fight against Truth and the Covenant?

Sophie: Yeah.

Y/n: Not sure. I've always dreamed for this day it would happen.

Sophie: Still....if we do fail and the universe is doomed. Just want you to know that we love you has been an honour working along side you.

Y/n: (smile) Same. Its been an honour.

The two stand together for a while and then leave to get ready for battle.

(Hours later)

Rtas fleet exit out of the portal and arrive at a massive forerunner world with a planet in the middle and eight let legs with oceans and islands.

In front of the fleet were Truths Fleet as they deploy their fighters towards Rtas fleet as we then cut to the bridge with Rtas being told by his crew.

Elite crew: Brute ships, stander line. Shipmaster they outnumber us three to one.

Rtas: Then it is an even fight. All cruises fire at will, burn their mongrel hives!

We then cut to Miranda's ship with UNSC personnel getting into their Pelicans. Fire Team Black Wing also enter their Pelicans as well as the Reds, Blues and Freelancers. Eric noticed Doc is with the blues so he contacts Y/n.

Eric: Hey Y/n, where the hell are you and your team?

Y/n: (radio) We're gonna clear the way.

Eric: How?

Y/n: (radio) If you see us what we are might get jealous.

We then cut to Y/n and his team on Booster frames as the doors begins to open and they were launched out onto space.

They activate their Booster frames and flies ahead while Pelicans and elite space Banshees follow behind. The Covenant fighters open fire at them but they fire tones od missiles and blow away most of the Covenants fighters.

The space battle began with Rtas fleet firing at Covenant fleet while they return back. Fighters are deployed as Y/n ans his team dodges the incoming beams and taking out more Covenant fighters.

Ave: Not this is what I'm talking about!

Elijah: Can't believe she have these ready for us.

Y/n: (smirk) She's full with surprises.

Miranda: (radio) Truth isn't taking part od the attack. He must have gone down to the Ark.

Y/n: Copy that. All Pelicans gets behind us, we're clearing a path.

Johnson: (radio) You heard him men! Follow the Spartans!

They follow them while they take out more Covenant fighters and firing more missiles to damage the Covenant ships.

Then a few Pelicans were shot down by incoming Seraphs. Gabriel and Mia flies back and get behind the Seraphs and took them out.

Gabriel: I think they know what we are doing!

Y/n: Good. Truth needs to know we're coming. Hold on everyone, cause we're going down!

They then begin to decent down to the forerunner installation. They enter the atmosphere and soon they broke through the clouds and see tones of sand down below.

Y/n: Miranda we made it to the Installation. What is our objective?

Miranda: (radio) According to Guilty Spark we need to know the location of the Arks control room where Truth is at. There is a map room we can use to locate the control room. Covenant forces has sep up defensive so we need to take them out in order for me to deploy backup.

Y/n: Copy that. We're letting the Pelicans deploy their forces while we scout ahead.

Miranda: (radio) Good hunting. Miranda out.

Soon the Pelicans landed down and deploying their forces while Y/n and his team scouts ahead. It wasn't long until they spotted the Covenant setting up Anti Aircraft cannons.

Mia: All units be advise, we detected Covenant forces setting up Anti Aircraft cannons near your location.

John: (radio) Roger that.

Sarge: (radio) Don't you worry, I have a plan to take them out.

Grif: (radio) And this plan involves around me?

Sarge: (radio) Yes.

Grif: (radio) Great.

Suddenly Y/n's team gets attacked by Anti Aircraft Artillery wariths. They fire multiple fuel rods at them which they try to dodge but Y/n gets shot and he begins to decent down.

Y/n: I'm hit! I'm hit! Mayday! Mayday!

He tries to slow down his Booster frame but it was too late as he was about to crash. Quickly he leaps off and land hard onto the ground and roll over. He fell face first while hie Booster frame crashes into a wall and blows up.

Y/n slowly gets up and turns around and immediately dodges a incoming brute Chopper. He land his butt onto the sand and watches as the brute chopper turns around and then charges towards him.

Y/n: Shit!

Quickly he took out his Magnum and fire a few shots. Then he hits the driver and he dodges as the chopper speed by and then crashes into a rock. He breaths a sigh of relief and then radios his team.

Y/n: Team I'm okay but my Booster frame is no more.

Ave: (radio) You want us to come down?

Y/n: Negative. I need you all up there and give air support to the ground forces. I'll take care the Anti Aircraft Artillery and regroup with the ground forces.

Ave: (radio) Right. Good luck.

Y/n: Same to you all. Y/n out.

Watcher: I'm detected Covenant forces blocking our wat to those Artillery Wraiths. Got a plan to get there?

Then a dead brute falls off the chopper as Y/n looks at, seeing that it still in good condition as he tells Watcher.

Y/n: Well we might as wall punch through it.

He then rushes over, climbs onto the chopper and luckily it still works. He drives it back and then rides off to the Artillery Wraith to destroy them.

To be continued....................................................

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