Chapter 83: The Floods arrival
We see Black-Wing and the Blue standing near the destroyed Covenant Anti Air craft cannons only to see a large black hole like portal floating in the sky and seconds later a damaged Covenant ship crash near them.
Eric is on radio with Miranda and Lord Hood for further orders while the rest talk amongst each other.
Tucker: So is that it? We're doomed?
Rook: I don't think so. I think that was the portal to the Ark.
Tucker: Yeah and now Truth has fly through it which is just great.
Ashia: Not only that there is a crashed Covenant ship near our location. I bet there will be survivors.
Reznya: Then I looks like we have to kill them.
Eric: Okay ladies and gentlemen listen up! We have soke some news.
Caboose: If it is something about no body brings the snacks then blame Tucker.
Eric: Bad news is that that Covenant ship was no Covenant. Miranda got radio chatter of marines being attacked by "The Flood."
Tucker: Oh man i hate those things.
Reznya: You know those things?
Tucker: Yeah we encountered them twice a while ago and those guys are like zombies but more dangerous.
Jeanne: They don't sound so bad.
Jin: Trust us, they are dangerous.
Junior: We need to move then. What should we do to stop the Flood from spreading?
Eric: We need to find the Covenant ships core and destroy it. The bladt would wipe any life alive in this area. Let's move everyone!
They make their way down the hill and soon enter the warehouse. They can hear screams, gunfire and unknown roars as they move through between the two warehouses.
Soon they step out and they spotted what seems like a marine standing there and facing away them.
Eric rasied his weapon and called out.
Eric: This is Spartan Eric-501 leader of Fire Team Black-Wing! Statue your name and rank soldier!
Soon the "marine turn and they see that he is infected by the flood. Then the Flood Marine Let's out a roar and seconds later infection forms rain down from the roof along with infected brutes, jackals and grunts as they drop down and rushes towards them.
Eric: Open fire!
They begin to open fire at them. Tucker and Junior use their energy swords to slice them up, Reznya joins them as she took out her twin swords and begins cutting them down.
She silce the Flood up as they all keep fighting for a bit until they realise they are getting overwhelmed.
Tucker: There's too many!
Eric: Everyone with me!
He fire a grenade launcher at a wall that blows open a wall and they rush inside. They quickly turn and open fire at the Flood while Jeanne and Rook use one of the large containers to block it.
They pushed and pushed as the container slowly moves and soon blocks the hole. They all stop firing and breath a sigh of relief however hears more noises deeper within the building.
Alyssa: What now?
Eric: We keep moving. Hopefully we'll regroup with Y/n and the rest at the crash site.
They then move through the building while being carful as they check their corners.
We see Y/n and Sarge waving to Marines and workers to evacuate as they go through the door. The rest is seen fighting off the Flood as best they can. Simmons pop the infection forms until one leaps and grabs Simmons by the neck.
Ave rushes over and rips the infection form off of his neck, she toss it to the ground and stomps it, blood splattered as she ask Simmons.
Ave: You good?
Simmons: (terrified) We're gonna die!
Ave: Hey hold yourself together Simmons!
Simmons: Me?! Those are zombies and you want me to keep myself together! I had a notebook of all survival guides and I forgot to bring it! We'll doomed! We'll doomed!
Sarge: Simmons hold yourself together soldier!
Simmons: Yes sir!
Simmons rusn off while Ave just sighs while we see Lopez using a flamethrower and burning the Flood as he stood I front of them.
Lopez: (Spanish) Virus cannot infected me! I am immune!
Donut: Lopez be carful! They may infect you!
Lopez: (spanish) I just said they can't infect me because I am a robot! Dumbness.
He turn forward only to he hit by a Flood Tank form, Lopez soon crashes and fell onto the ground with his head roll out of his body.
Lopez: (Spanish) Oh come on, not again!
Y/n quickly picks up Lopez and they all begin to retreat as Flood Tank forms charges towards them. They soon go through the door however Donut was running towards the door but then a Flood Ranged fired and hit a fusion cores near Donut which cost a explosion.
Y/n: Donut!
The door closes in front of him as they soon evacuate to a safe point which was the armoury. Once inside Y/n shuts the door behind him and once close all catch their breaths.
Ashley: Is everyone okay?
Watcher: Looks like it.
Simmons: Yeah. Wait? Where's Donut?!
Y/n: Sorry but I think he was hit by those fusion cores which cost a explosion.
Rowen: So he's dead.
Grif: And infected. Probably.
Sarge: Oh Donut, I never understand why you keep wearing pink armor but I guess we'll never knew. You'll sacrifice will not be forgotten. Goodbye forever.
Donut: I'm right here guys.
They quickly turn to see Donut alive and well which stun them for a moment.
Ave: How the fuck did you survive that?
Donut was about to explain when they hear a large bang follow by roars behind them as Y/n says.
Y/n: We need to get everyone outside now. Let's move!
They all leave the room and soon they reached outside. Y/n takes lead as he rushes along when suddenly a Flood brute came down and pinned Y/n onto the ground.
Elijah: Y/n!
The Flood Brute was about to end him when immediately he was shot in the chest by a shotgun blast and then a energy blade stabbed through him.
He was then pushed away and fall into the hole as Y/n looks to see the Arbiter and John as Arbiter helps him up.
Y/n: Thanks.
Arbiter: Your welcome.
John: The Flood is getting more powerful by the minute.
Y/n: Nothing like you've saw?
John: No.
Simmons: Um guys, look.
They all look over to see Covenant ships and at first they thought things have gotten worse but then the Arbiter said.
Arbiter: Wait, they are friendly.
Soon drop pods came down and landed near them as allie elites begins to clear area from the Flood.
They make theie way over and help them out. After they wipe out the Flood the Arbiter speaks to one of them while Eric and his team finally arrived.
Eric: Sub. How are things with the apocalypse.
Y/n: Feels like it is always the apocalypse. What about you guys?
Eric: Let's just say we now see why you guys fear them so much.
Junior: How did one get to here?
Watcher: They must have detected Truth activation of the portal so they must have come here to stop him but they were too late.
Mia: Now they might infect the whole planet.
Y/n: Not unless we destroy the ships core.
Soon three allie Phantoms arrive to pick up the survivors. They climb inside except for John, Y/n and Eric.
Junior: What about you three?
Y/n: We need to destroy the core and I think three Spartans is better then a large group. We'll radio you guys for a pick up.
Arbiter: Understood. Be safe.
The three allie Phantom flies away while the three Spartans hear off to find the crashed Covenant ship and damaged its core.
(Hours later)
They soon find it as Y/n sees a hole which they can go inside while they see lost of Flood.
Y/n: That is a lot.
Eric: Yeah. You know I didn't believe you guys at first when you two told me you fought space zombies but now.....I'm gonna start believing you.
John: There is too many to fight them. We need to sneak inside without alarting them.
Eric: Ant ideas?
Y/n: Got one.
He pull out active camo devices. He gave each one and they put them on. Once on they turn invisible and begin ti sneak their way through the Flood.
They slowly move through the large army of the Flood and try not to make any noise. Things were going great until Eric accidentally kicked a wrench that slide over and hits a box.
They froze as the Flood heard it and look around. A Flood Tank form gets close to Eric while he looks around. Eric froze and was about to get caught but the Flood Tank form moves away.
With that they keep moving until they reach the hole and they jumped through. They deactivate their active camos and move through the ship to find the core.
They encounter some pods which Eric stop and looks at them whe Watcher tells him.
Watcher: Don't touch them! If even a single finger touches those pods then we are funked.
Eric: Okay Okay I won't.
John looks around but then suddenly he felt extreme pain as he collapses onto his knees and hold his head while Y/n turn and sees this.
Y/n: John!
He rushes over and try to find out what is going on. Then the pain goes away and John breaths heavily and slowly gets up.
Y/n: What just happen?
John:.....I....I need to tell you something. I've encounter a creature called....the Gravemind.
Watcher: (shocked) The Gravemind!
Eric: What is the Gravemind?
Watcher: The Gravemind is a large threat after the proto-Gravemind. Graveminds are intelligent, intelligent enough to do things that make the Flood more of a threat.
John: Ever since then I've hear his voices and.....hers.
Y/n: Wait you mean Cortana? But how?
Watcher: John....where is she?
John:.......In High Charity.....with the Gravemind.
This concerned Watcher even more and before Y/n can ensure him the whole ship begins to shake.
Eric: We need to move now!
They rush through the crashed ship and soon find the core. The three Spartans begin to plant explosions around the core.
While they do it John spotted something glowing and walks over to see a device. He picked it up and Cortana appeared.
Cortana: Chief!
John: Cortana?
Cortana: High Charity, the Prophets holy city is-
Then it glitch out and she disappeared. John is disappointed but focuse on the mission as Y/n and Eric were done.
Y/n: Done now let's get out of here.
They begin to exit out of the room and soon arrive at the hanger. Their allie Phantom arrived and they race over as its door opens but then they immediately stop when they see 343 Guity Spark. He looks at them and then sees John.
343 Guity Spark: My it has been a while since we last met. It is nice to see you again.
Y/n: Wait? You two know each other?
John: Yeah. He tried to kill me and Cortana.
The two are shocked as they turn to 343 Guity Spark but then they can roars of the Flood coming towards them. With no choice they leap inside with 343 Guity Spark and the Phantom flies away.
Once clear Y/n pulls the trigger and the crashed ship blows up. The explosion was like a nuke with blue plasma flying. This was followed by elite ships glassing the area just in case.
They glass the surface of the area while Y/n, John and Erix make their way to the large flag ship where they meet up with everyone else and discuss on what to do next.
To be continued...................................................
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