Chapter 80: What is left

The battle of Earth still raging on with now Truths ships engaging Elite and UNSC ships over earth's atmosphere. We  see many Covenant, UNSC and elite ships destroyed but the battle still continues.

On the surface of Earth it was a massive warzone with UNSC forces trying their best to hold off the Covenant forces as best they can. Cities damaged with New Mombasa completely glass by Truths flag ship and his fleet as we see it destroyed.

Far from New Mombasa was a mountain which is actually a UNSC secret base name Crow's nest. We see UNSC personnel doing their work and maintaining things all across the base. Many UNSC marines and ODST were injured as medical staff work harder then ever to heal them.

We then cut to the cafeteria where we see the reds finally getting some meal after a while with Grif getting a lot of food and starts eating.

Simmons: Your disgusting.

Grif: Hey! We nearly died so it's best I deserve something for my troubles.

Donut: I can't believe we managed to get out of there just in time. I was worried we all won't make it.

Grif: Say Where's Sarge and Rowan?

Simmons: Fixing up Lopaz remember.

Grif: Oh yeah. Well at least we're safe.

Tucker: What's up bitches!

Then the blues came up to the reds and sat with them and they look like a mess then the reds.

Grif: Oh you guys are still alive.

Ashia: That's kinda rude.

Jin: Nah from the shit we've been through, i can't blame him.

Simmons: Why? You guys just visit someone to recruit him right?

Tucker: That doesn't scrap the surface of it! Trust me, we had to fight off some elites and the Flood.

Simmons: That's not much compare to us. We were nearly turn into ash by a Covenant ship jumping into slip space.

Jin: Really? We risked our lives by going into the capital of Covenant called High Charity and made it out there alive.

Donut: Well most of us had to survive the streets of New Mombasa which is taking over by Covenant forces.

Tucker: Well we had to drive through an apocalypse. You should've seen it, it was nuts!

Grif: We had to survive a nest of drones while escaping the city before it was glass.

Tucker: We had to fight our way to control room to shut down a halo ring and Caboose punched a brute in a face!

Caboose: He was very mean and I wanted to protect my friends..........he apologies by giving me his hammer.

Ashia: Well I see we both been through a lot of things.

Jin: Yeah. Say where is Doc and Y/n?

Simmons: Doc is helping out the injured while Y/n is sleeping.

Grif: And Sarge tells me I'm lazy. Y/n have been asleep for 2 weeks now.

Tucker: Really? Damn. Well the blues saved the world.

Grif: Congrats, want a medal?

Tucker: The only medal I want is a medal from our commander of this base aka Miranda Keyes.

Simmons: You do realise her father died right?

Tucker: Meh even better. Bow China bow wow.

Ashia: You really are the worst Tucker.

Jin: At all time.


We see Wash with Carolina, Maine and South as Church returns to Carolina and gets her and everyone else to speed on what has happened while they were away.

Carolina: That would explain why we haven't encountered the elites.

Maine: Guess that means the entire elites are on our side?

Church: Don't think so. According to Eric there are some elites who are still with the Covenant but it's unknown how many is there who are loyalty towards the Covenant.

South: Well it's better then nothing.

Carolina: And you said the Ark might be here?

Washington: Maybe but judging how the Covenant ships are more focused on New Mombasa then that's probably where the Ark is.

Church: Yeah we need to come up with a plan to stop them before they will activate all the rings and humanity as well as all life is no more.

Carolina: Then we need to come up with a plan fast. I'll talk to Miranda and Johnson so we can come up with a plan.

Maine: I'll check the weapons to see we have enough.

South: I'll check up on Y/n.

The group split off and Washington was about to leave when Carolina called out to him.

Carolina: Wash.

He turn to her and she turn to him and then she tells him.

Carolina: Good job....and good your back safe.

Washington: Thanks Carolina.

Once Carolina left Washington begins to see how much he has grown. He was the worst agent ever and now he became better. He was proud of himself as he turn and leave.


On the bridge we see Pelicans dropping in some injured marines from the battle all awhile the Arbiter watches this and seeing how they are injured because of them throughout the war.

Junior: Filled with Guilt Arbiter?

Then Junior came over and stood next to him as the Arbiter nodes.

Arbiter: I realised what our actions have done. We were so blinded by this fales religion and it lead to us going to war against a race all because of a lie. We......dishonour ourselves as warriors.

Junior: Indeed but we will regain our honour by helping the humans in need. We will redeem ourselves.

Arbiter: I hope so. Either way the Prophets shall pay for this.

Junior: We will make them pay. It's not just you who seeks is all of us. Humans, elites and any other race hurt by the Prophets because of this fales journey.

Arbiter agrees and soon another Pelican drop off but this time Ashley, Sophie, Ave, Elijah, Gabriel and Mia exit out of the Pelican with their armor damaged and looking like they've been through hell as they were escorted to the cafeteria to get some food.


We see Carolina with Miranda and Johnson at the command centre as Church shows them a massive hologram of New Mombasa or what is left of it and discuss the plan.

Johnson: The roads would be block off.

Church: Not unless we punch through. There is a route we can take so we can get close to whatever they are digging but our main objective is to destroy the Anti aircraft cannons that they placed around the dig site. There is three so far so we split into teams and hit them so Lord Hood and his fleet will take over from here.

Miranda: This will stop Truth from activating the Ark?

Church: Like I said we're not sure it is the Ark or something more dangerous but either way it's important that we destroy it.

Carolina: With the elites backing us up, we have a chance.

Johnson: Agree. With a lot of Spartans backing us up, we might just win.

Miranda: Agree. I'll set up a meeting and we can discuss the plan-

UNSC personnel: Ma'am I'm detected something approaching the planet. Putting on screen now.

They all turn to the screen and they see a tower like ship making landeding in the middle of the dig site which Johnson ask.

Johnson: Now what kind of a ship is that?

Church: Not sure but that's the same structure we saw at High Charity.

Miranda: Agree. Its forerunner.

UNSC personnel 2: Ma'am a team of ODST has got something. Its Chief, he's making its landing just behind us.

Miranda: That's good. We need all the help we can get. Johnson take a a unit of marines and pick up Chief.

Johnson: You got it.

Arbiter: May I tag along.

They turn to see the Arbiter as he approaches them which surprised a few UNSC personnel. Then Johnson smirked and said.

Johnson: (smirk) Sure. As long you don't stab us in the back.

Arbiter: Right.

The two then leave and once they are gone Miranda turns to Carolina.

Miranda: Inform everyone about the meeting and we discuss the plan.

Carolina: Right.


We see Y/n laying in bed fast asleep however his helmet visor starts to glitch out and suddenly he woke up with both Watcher and Y/n screaming.

He sat up groaning in pain as Y/n look around seeing that it is just himself.

Y/n: What happened?

Watcher: Sorry....that was me.

Y/n: You okay

Watcher: Yeah. Look there is something I need to tell you.

Y/n: What is it?

Watcher:.......Whatever is it in New Mombasa.....I have been getting these glitches and weird visions of something horrifying that is going to happen. Not sure what but.....I'm scared.

Y/n: Same.

The two were silent for a moment and then Y/n tells Watcher.

Y/n: matter what....I'm always here with you.

Watcher: Thanks. I appreciate with that.

Then the door opens and they turn to see South as she walks inside.

South: Hey. How are you feeling?

Y/n: Well I'm not dead at least right?

South: (giggle) Yeah. Still....Good to see your okay.

Y/n: Same to you.

South then came over and sat on his lap and the two begin to make out. They made out for a long time and after what seems like a hour they stop and look at each other.

South: (smirk) Love you Y/n.

Y/n: (smile) Love you too South.

Ave: (smirk) Looks like you beat us.

Then Ave, Sophie, Ashley and Mia stood at the door as the girls walked in and they lay down in beds.

Y/n: (smirk) Too tired to play with us?

Ave: (smirk) Yeah. You have no idea what we've been through.

Y/n: (smirk) Really. Well let me tell you mine.

They each share their stories and comparing it to theirs as this gone on for sometime now. Soon night came but we see something burning through the sky that is small and heading towards the forest.

Soon the object crashed into the forest with a large explosion and we see a piece of a forerunner ship along with a familiar Spartan laying on the ground close to the object.

The Spartan is John as he lay on the dirt waiting to be picked up all awhile he has his armor lock on so he will survive the impact and soon hours later and it was morning.

Soon a few Marines along side Johnson found him and they check on him. One marine shut off his armor as Johnson approach him and took out the chip and stood up and said.

Johnson: Radio for Vuitton. Heavy lift here. We're not leaving him here.

Then a hand grabbed Johnsons arm as John awakens and then said to Johnson while he gets up.

John: Yeah, you're not.

To be continued..............................................................

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