Chapter 77: The Great Schism
We see Installation 05 hanging near a planet all awhile Covenant ships flies by and begins its attack on other Covenant ships. The Great Schism have begun with the brute ships fighting the elites ships while High Charity is also in chaos.
Not only Brutes and Elites are fighting within the capital of the Covenant but reports of a Flood outbreak has rang out and many Covenant forces begin to leave. Some ships were destroyed while others either join the large space battle or left to fight another day.
We then cut to the surface of Installation 05 where we see the elites base as we see Elites, Grunts and Jackals walking about or doing things while we see Jin looking up and seeing the space battle going on as Ashia came up next to him.
Ashia: Man hate to be in that battle.
Jin: Same here. You know its kinda weird working with the elites.
Ashia: We did work with Junior and his forces did we?
Jin: Yeah know......they are former Covenant troops. They used to work for the Covenant. You think thats weird?
Ashia: I mean......not really. We have seen some shit.
Jin: True guess your right.
Caboose: Hey! I made new friends! Come and meet my friends!
Jin: Well this better be good.
They turn and they see two hunters approaches them and soon they stood in front of them as Caboose came up to them.
Caboose: Look! I made two friends! Look how friendly they are! Say hello.
The hunter then mumbled "hello" as both Jin and Ashia look at each other and back to Caboose.
Ashia: That's good Caboose. Play safe.
Caboose: Oh don't worry we're already having lots od fun. The hunters have these cannon balls that shoot out green balls. I play with a grunt and it was soo fun, Mt grunt friend fall asleep! Although the ball seem to explode whenever I hits the grunt. Hey! You two wanna play?
The two didn't know what to say but luckily Washington call them for a meeting which they sigh with relief. Soon they meet up with Junior, Washington, Tucker and Rtas as they have a hologram map with the red dot shown to be the control room as Junior points to where they are at.
Junior: We are here. We need to punch through the brutes and anyone who sides with the Prophets so we can get to the control room and stop them from firing the ring.
Washington: Yeah but we need to be there quick before they do.
Tucker: So just punch through the Covenant forces and get to the control room first. Easy.
Rtas: No. The brutes will do anything to stop us. Knowing how many still sided with the Prophets. Punching through them will be hard.
Junior: We have to try.
Rtas: Agree. But we need more back up and luckily I know how. I got reports that the brutes have been keeping some of our allies captive here.
He points to the middle between them and the control room as Rtas explain.
Rtas: Not only that but there is a Scarab we can take for extra fire power. I suppose you humans evee driven a Scarab before?
Tucker: Nope.
Washington: Never.
Jin and Ashia: Same.
Caboose: I can try.
Blues: No!
Church: Well I'm maybe an AI but I can give it a try. How bad can it be?
Rtas: Right.
Elite: (came into the room) Ship master I've just gotten report that the Arbiter lives.
Junior: (surprised) You sure?!
Elite: Yes. He's making his way to the control room right now.
Rtas: In that case I should greet him then. You team can handle freeing our allies?
Junior: Indeed.
Rtas: Then good luck. You need it.
Rtas then leaves the room with a few elites and soon we see the blues walking over to a Phantom ready for them as they climbed inside and once inside the Phantom takes off.
Rtas and his forces begins their assault to the control room. Hours gone by and we cut to the blues getting ready to be deployed as they check their weapons and theie gear.
Tucker: So what is the plan once we get there?
Church: We need to find a way inside and hopefully we don't die while freeing the prisoners.
Tucker: You hope we'll survive?
Junior: We will do this. The universe is in our hands, we must not let the Prophets win.
Washington: Agree. We been through this far, therefore no turning back now. Even if we least we die together.
Ashia: Yeah!
Jin: Same here.
Caboose: You all are my friends!
Tucker: At least I'll die like a badass warrior. If I do die and all you survived, tell the ladies my heroic last stand.
Washington: Sure we will.
Suddenly the Phantom begins to shake as they soon coming up to their location. They all get ready as the Phantom drops down the doors and give them a veiw to the battle between the brutes and elites.
The Phantoms soon land at the edge of the cliff near a forerunner facility with a parked Scarabs in front as they exit out of the Phantom and follow their allies.
Brutes begin to fire on them with Wraiths firing at them as they take cover and fire at the brutes. The Phantoms open fire at a the Wraiths but the Wraiths aim at the Phantoms and fire at them.
One missed while other landed a hit st the second Phantom and it begins to go down. It hits the edge of the cliff and falls down the cliff and exploded.
Washington: Ashia! Jin! With me!
Ashia and Jin: Right!
They follow Washington as they split off and deal with the two Wraiths. The Wraith turns to Washington while the brute on the gunner opens fire but Washington quickly moves away the plasma shots.
He then run up a large rock and leaps onto the Wraith and kicks the brute in the face. This made the brute mad and goes into a rampage as he tries to grab him but Washington dodges and then pulled out his knife and stabbed the brute in the head.
The brute falls dead while Washington gets onto the cannon and throws a grenade inside and leaps away as the top cannon of the Wraith blows up.
The brute exit out of the Wraith planning to kill Washington when Tucker came in and stabbed the brute with his energy sword.
The brute dies while both Ashia and Jin hijacked the wraith after they killed the two brutes as Jin takes control of the Wraith and turns it around and fires at the brutes.
The explosion cost the door to blow open as the allie elites begin to storm inside as Junior called out.
Junior: This way my brothers! Forward and our vengeance against the Prophets will be fulfilled!
The elites roared and then Junior noticed a Phantom come by and dropping off some prisoners at the platform. Then he noticed a Ghost coming towards them as Junior watch as the Arbiter stops and exit out of his Ghost as he approaches Junior.
Junior: Arbiter! It's true. You lived! But how?
Arbiter: It's a long story but we need to get to the control room before the ring will be activated. Tartarus has one of your humans.
Junior: That isn't good.
Tucker: Who is it?
Then Tucker and the blues came up as Arbiter looks at them for a moment and then he turn to Junior which he node and he node back as the Arbiter tells them.
Arbiter: It appears to be a female human.
Washington: They must have brought Miranda to the control room.
Arbiter: Yes but I believe they will bring the oracle with them.
Jin: That's good. 343 knows what the ring can do so all we have to do is to get there and have him to spill the beans to the brutes that the Prophets are liars.
Arbiter: It will not be easy though. Getting in there will be impossible.
Junior: Lucky we're gonna take that.
He points to the Scarab as they make their way inside to deal with the brutes and free their allies.
(Short while later)
We see the prison elites, jackals, hunter and grunts with the brutes outside and wondering around as they are assigned to guard them. Things are quiet when suddenly the doors open and suddenly needles, plasma and bullets fly out as the brutes return fire.
The blues along with the Arbiter and their allies storm in and begin their attack on the brutes. The brutes fire their spikers, carbins, brute shots and needle rifles at them.
The elites and the blues return fire and even Washington shoot down the controls to the cells which released the prisoners as they sneaky pick up a nearby weapon and then jump at them.
The grunts came down from the second floor and attack the brutes by punching them in the face and kicking as this distraction allows their allies to take out the brutes and soon the cells were clear.
Junior: Now we need to clear the platform.
Arbiter: Agree.
They move on and soon we cut to the platform where we see UNSC marines on their kneels along with Sargent Johnson who looks up at a brute who is looking back at him as he smirked and says.
Johnson: (smirk) Your ain't good looking. Bet your wife never loved you.
The brute gets mad and goes to attack only to be struck with a beam shot through the head. The brutes get caught off guard as Hunters storm in first and beat down the brutes.
The elites came in and open fire at the brutes with Junior active his twin energy swords and quickly take down the brutes with a few slash.
One brute try to strike at him with the blade of his spiker but he dodges and slice off the brutes hand and then slice off his head.
Once the platform is clear the allie elites release the UNSC marines with them being surprised while Johnson gets up and let's out a small chuckle.
Johnson: (smirk) Never have I ever see elites helping us. No offence Junior.
Junior: None taking. The elites and those who have open their eyes to the Prophets lies are now our allies. We all have a common enemy now. We must work together in hopes to end this war together.
Johnson agrees and sees the Arbiter so he walks over towards him. They all watched as he came up to the Arbiter and tells him.
Johnson: Listen. You don't like me, and I sure as he'll don't like you. Except for Tuckers son.
Tucker: Thanks!
Johnson: But if we don't do something, Mr, Mohawk gonna active this ring and we're all gonna die.
Arbiter: Tartarus has locked himself inside the control room.
Johnson: Lucky we have that key to open it.
They turn to the Scarab seeing that the Scarab is their only key of getting into the control room as Johnson walks over while he says.
Johnson: I'm driving it. You all better holf on tight cause this is gonna be one rough ride.
Church: (sigh) Thank god! I was worried I was gonna drive that.
Tucker: You don't know how to drive a Scarab? But you said-
Church: I said it so Caboose won't drive it!
Tucker:.......True. does Johnson know how to drive it?
Church just shrugged as the blues hope inside the Scarab while Arbiter joins them with a Banshee with a few elite Banshee as Johnson takes control of the Scarab and march its way to through the canyon. Their next stop is the control room.
To be continued.........................................................
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