Chapter 7: Rescue mission

At the Covenant control room within Sidewinder as we see Jusa in the room making sure things are working as in order while Yra was up in space with his fleet. Everything seems in order until one elite detected something and calls Jusa.

Elite soldier: Sir we have something you want to see.

Jusa walks over to the elite soldier and once there he asked.

Juas: What is it?

Elite Soldier: We detected a bomb within our base and itappears its a nuke.

Jusa: (shocked) What?!

The rest of the Covenant soldiers heard this and the grunts start to get scared and then start to panic.

Grunt: (scared) WE'RE GONNA DIE!

The run around panicking until Jusa yells out.

Jusa: Be silent! Where is this nuke at?

Elite soldier: The nuke is at.....the holding cell?

Jusa: What?! How is that possible? There is only three humans there why would their be........wait.

Then Jusa realise something as he shake his fist in anger and walks over to the doors while he call two elite guards.

Jusa: Follow me.

The two nod and they Follow Jusa out of the door and to the holding Cell to have a chat to the green prisoners they have.


We see Wyoming as he stands outside room Robert, Girf and Church cell as Robert asked Church.

Robert: Wait you know this guy?

Church: Yeah he's another freelancer like Tex.

Robert: I see. So Wyoming, you gonna break us out or somewhere?

Wyoming: Break you, oh no no no my friends. I am here to find your two little friends.

Robert: Two little friends?

Wyoming: You know what I am talking about. Where is Tucker and Y/n, I know you know them.

Robert: Why Y/n and Tucker?

Wyoming: Oh you see, my client wants them killed so no secrets can't be revealed you see. Now where is your friends at?

Church: Forget it. I'm not gonna tell you shit.

Wyoming: That's a shame. Oh well, I'll be best be going before they find me. So long Church.

Then Wyoming turn himself invisible and walks off leaving the three alone until Jusa and two elite guards enter the room and walk up to their cell.

Grif: (scared) Oh god we're gonna die! Church I just wanna say your a jackass and you suck with the snipee rifle.

Church: Shut up!

Jusa: Be quite! Which one of yous have a bomb?

The three were silent as Jusa steps back and the e grey shield shuts off as he step inside and looks at them and asked again.

Jusa: Which one of yous have the bomb.

The three were still silent until Grif in fear buried out.

Grif: (scared) It's Church! He has a nuclear bomb in is stomach and I have nothing to do with it!

Robert: Whoa Nice protecting him dumbass.

Jusa turns to Church and walks over to him and he was up at his face as he said.

Jusa: Shut off the bomb now.

Church: Oh sure, let me open my chest and cut the wire to defuse it yeah. The reds made it not me dumbass.

Jusa active his engery sword and grabs Church by the neck and slams him onto the wall and said.

Jusa: I will not ask you again you little demon! Your gonna disarm the bomb or I'll kill you right here right now!

Church: That's good. That way I could die for once.

Elite Guard 1: Sir we all do respect but if you do, the bomb will kill us all.

Jusa growls by this but that elite guard has a point. He throws Church to aside and he walks out of the cell as he said to his guards.

Jusa: Evacuate all troops to their troops ships and place this place on lock down once we're all escape.

Elite Guard 2: What about the Prisoners?

Jusa: They will die by their own bomb. Let's go.

Jusa and his two guards left as Robert try to stop them but the enemy shield block his way as he got pissed once again and slam his fist onto the enemy field.

Soon the three elites were gone leaving Robert, Church and Grif in the cell alone as they will die by the nuke in Churchs stomach.


It was snowy outside as we see both Ave and Y/n as they crawl onto the floor as they stop at the edge of the cliff to see Covenant base of SideWinder. Ave zoom in to see the Covenant are packing up their equipment, vehicles and weapons into the ship as she asked.

Ave: Why are they packing their stuff into their ships?

Y/n: They must of known about the nuke in Churchs stomach. We need to act fast.

Ave: Right. You know. I kinda miss this with you.

Y/n: Yep, same here.

The two crawled back and as soon they were in a safe place, they stand up and recoup with everyone else. Not only the Red's and Blues are there but also Ashley and the rest of the UNSC soldiers.

Cali, Remington and the rest turn to Y/n and Ave as they face everyone and Y/n start off saying.

Y/n: OK listen up. This mission is very dangerous so we need to be careful as possible. Here's the plan. A Team will drive up the cliffs with their tanks and take the Covenant out as a distract them. Team B and C will be on the ground to take out as much Covenant troops as possible. Reds and Blues will find their Spanish robot and O'Malley with the help with Sophie and Ashley. Me, Ave, Cali, Remington and the rest will head into the base and find Grif Robert and Church and get them out safely and disarm the nuke. We only have one shot of this so let's do our best, is that clear?

UNSC Soldiers: Sir yes sir!

Y/n: Alright, get your gears ready. Move out!

The UNSC soldier scramble to get their gears ready and weapons at the go. The Reds and Blues were surprised how organised they are as Sarge said.

Sarge: Whoa these Soldiers are very ready to face the danger within.

Simmon: I agree Sarge.

Donut: Still what's with all the greens? Why can't they be like us?

Caboose: You mean like more Caboose? (Gasp) that would be the best.

Tucker: Too bad Sheila can't come with us. She could of the help.

Sarge: Don't worry about her, I'm sure she'll be tough enough to survive the ageing. Besides we have more tanks then one.

Donut: That's true.

They chatted while Tex and Y/n watch them talk as Tex said.

Tex: Do you think they can stand against O'Malley?

Y/n: We defeated him before, we can do it again.

Tex: Yeah but I'll be out of this.

Y/n: What? Why?

Tex: Wyoming is out there and I need to make him pay.

Y/n: For what? What did he do to you?

Tex: It's a long story but I need to face him on my own.

Y/n: What about Church? He could be glad that you save him?

Tex: Yeah right, if I do he's gonna yell at me a lot.

Y/n: have a point.

Tex: Your a great friend and I respect that. But sometimes.....I need to do things on my own.

Y/n: Will you ever come back?

Tex: I don't know but till we meet again Y/n.

She then walk off as she disappear into the trees never to be seen again as Y/n watch her go. Remington walks up to him and asked.

Remington: You alright?

Y/n: Yeah. What about you?

Remington: Nervous. I-I never be in a actual battle before. I'm maybe a ODST but's kinda nerve.

Y/n: (smile) Don't worry, I've seen you in combat and I know you'll be great.

Remington: (little blush) You think so?

Y/n (smile) Sur I'm sure.

Remington blushes deep but nods with a smile. Y/n smiles back as Cali walks up to them and said.

Cali: Everyone is ready.

Y/n: Right......

Y/n put on his helmet and cock his battle rifle as he said.

Y/n: Let's do this.

We cut to the Covenant packing up to leave as they fail to notice Team A get their tanks lined up on the cliff and they aim their cannon at them. After a while their team leader get the order and shout fire.

The tanks fired that blast the Covenant sky high with a large explosive as we cut to the control bridge where we see Jusa rushing into the room to see the explosion happing outside.

Jusa: What was that?!

Elite Soldier 1: The humans are attacking us!

Elite Soldier 2: Ground human soldiers are on the ground while their tank is on the cliff.

Jusa: (thought) Those Demons! They will pay.

Jusa: Battle Stations, get all troops down there and kill all the human and get all our equipment into our ships now!

Elite soldier 1: Yes sir.

We then cut to outside as we see Team B on the ground as they land up their warthog for cover as they fire at the Covenant soldiers.

The Covenant soldiers get hit but soon they fired back. The fighting continues as the tanks from the cliff assisted Team B as they rib through the Covenant forces.

While on the other side of the cliff we see Y/n, Ave, Cali, Remington and a few UNSC soldiers as they see the fighting happing.

Cali: Just hope we hold them long for a bit.

Y/n: Same but let's move before they spotted us.

Cali: Right.

They move into the base with detection as the UNSC hold their ground against the Covenant Soldiers. They run through the halls of the base as they turn the corner and a blast hits a UNSC trooper as he fell down onto the ground.

Y/n: Take cover!

They take cover as Elites, Grunts and Brutes were blocking their way. They peek out and open fire at them and taking some out.

Clai fired her shot gun at a brute and it went beresk and charge at them. The brute pushes one trooper onto the wall and picks up one by the neck and snap his neck. Ave leaps onto the brutes back and stab it on the neck with her knife.

She stab the brute and few more times until the brute roared and died. Ave leaps off of the brute as the brute hits the ground while Y/n pulls out his grenade and throws it at the Covenant troops.

The grenade kills them leaving the path for them as Ave helps the trooper up and they run through through the halls.

After a while they reach the holing cell where they see Grif, Robert and Church as they run up to their cell.

Grif: Oh thank god your here.

Y/n: Hey Grif, see your not completely about no food in your cell.

Grif: Ha Ha very funny.

Ave walks on the controls to their cell and soon the engery shield turns off and they step out. Cali and Remington grab Carbine, plasma rifle and a beam rifle and they hand  Grif the Plasma Rifle, Church the beam rifle and Robert a Carbine.

Robert: (smirk) I always knew you'll come for us.

Y/n: No one is not gonna die in my watch.

Robert: Same here.

But then Robert spotted Wyoming invisible as Wyoming aims his rifle at Y/n as Robert said.

Robert: Move!

Robert pushes Y/n away and there was a gun shot as Y/n lands hard on the ground and asked.

Y/n: Robert what was that fo-

But he looks back at Robert in shock to see a hole in his head as he was shot. Robert stumbled back and fell onto the ground as Y/n cried out.

Y/n: ROBERT!!!

Ave and the rest turn and fired where the shot was at. Wyoming have no choice but to fall back as he runs off as Y/n shakes Robert trying to keep him alive.

Y/n: Robert, Robert! Please do you hear me! Damn it Robert listen to me!

Cali: Damn it.

Ave: Y/n......I'm sorry.

Y/n realise that Robert was gone as he bend his head down as they were silent as they lost Robert by the hands of Wyoming.


In the distance from the fighting. We see Sophie and Ashley with the rest of the Reds and blues as they search for O'malley or Lopaz.

Sophie: Crystal any sign of O'Malley or Lopaz?

Crystal: Nothing but your getting close.

Tucker: (whisper) Kinda hit to have two hot ass women with us huh, Bow Chika bow wow!

Ashley: (sigh) I wish I go with Y/n instead.

Then they see something in the distance. They get closer and they stop immediately as they see Doc/O'Malley there with Lopaz.

O'Malley: Ah I see you have some new friends. Well it won't matter once I take over the world! (evil laughter)

Ashley: Is this A.I really that dangerous?

Sophie: Still let's not get our guard down.

Simmons: Attention O'Malley, the Reds and blues are now gonna work together along with the UNSC. Give up now.

O'Malley: That won't stop me. Lopaz is my only allie I need. Lopaz active your weather machine now.

Lopaz: (spanish) OK.

Then a engery field appears around Lopaz as a roaring thunder is heard in the sky as lightning struck down near them.

Ashley: How the hel did your bot do that?

Sophie: And are those ancient symbols around Lopaz?

Doc: No, I used to draw them on my binder during study hall. I always wanted to use them for something. Aren't they cool?

Ashley: Eh, I give them a 5 our of 10.

Sarge: Oh, Sampson's back hair. He found our secret weapon to use against the blues.

Sophie: Wait you made the weather machine inside your Spanish Robot?!

Sarge: That's right but I was missing on one part to complete it.

O'Malley: Yes but I've managed to find it, the universe shall be mine.

Ashley: What was this part that you found?

O'Malley: I found the D Batteries and now yous shall pay.

Ashley and Sophie slowly turns to Sarge and asked.

Ashley: You couldn't find D Batteries?

Sarge: They cost too much in store so it was hard to find cheap ones.

Ashley: Well.....we're fucked.

Sophie: Nothing if I could say about it.

Sophie quickly turns back to O'Malley and fires at assault rifle at him but he fire his rocket which made them leap back as it explodes.

We cut back to the fight as medic drag the injured away while the rest of the soldiers continues on fireing at the Covenant soldiers.

The tanks was pushing them back and they think they could win. But the roaring thunder is heard as lightning shots down at them and taking some of both Covenant and UNSC troops as they were sent flying.

Then tank also gets hit and they were shut off as Team A exit out of the now offline tanks and make their escape before they were gunned down by Covenant troops form below.

Y/n, Grif, Cali, Ave, Remington, Church and one UNSC soldier exit out and see the roaring thunder as UNSC troops below was dealing serious hits from Covenant troops.

B team leader (coms): Sir we just gotten word that Covenant banshees are gonna come here in 2 minutes, we gonna pull back.

Y/n: Understood. Get both Team A and B out of there while we find the rest.

B team leader (coms): Yes sir.

Team A and B pulls back as Covenant troops open fires at then but lightning hits them and one lightning hits Church as he scream out in pain and fell to his knees.

Y/n: Church!

Ave: You ok?

Church: Yeah. Shit that hurts.

Grif: (scared) Let's get the fuck out of here!

Y/n: Not until we find the rest. Let's go.

They follow Y/n to find the Reds, Blues, Sophie and Ashley.

We then cut back to them as Ashley fired her DMR at O'Malley but he dodges them and fire his rocket at her.

She rolled away as she hide behind a tree with Simmons as he said.

Ashley: Damn, that piece a shirt doesn't know how to hold still.

Simmon: We need to find a way to distract him some how.

Ashley: Well it's not like we have more back up.

Simmon:.......That's it! Ashley will you cover for me?

Ashley: Sure.

Simmons and Ashley runs off to do their plan while Sophie rushes at O'Malley and try to tackle him. But O'Malley kicks her back and fire his rocket at her. She leaps back and fires her assault rifle at him.

O'Malley dodges it until she run out of ammo as she throws it away and pulls out her pistol but then O'Malley tackles her to the ground as O'Malley said.

O'Malley: Time to meet your doom young lady.

Doc: It's actually kinda rude yo call her that you know.

O'Malley: Oh shut up!

But then bullets fly by him as he gets off of Sophie as Sophie turns to see Y/n and the rest runs up to them and Y/n helps her up and asked.

Y/n: You alright?

Sophie: Yeah thanks. Wait......Where's Robert?

Y/n:.......He didn't make it.

Sophie: (shocked) No.

Y/n: But we're not gonna give up yet, let's finish this fight.

O'Malley: Hahaha hahaha! You fools! You could never defeat me! Soon the universe shall be mine! (Evil laughter)

Simmon: Hey O'Malley!

O'Malley turn sti see Simmons and Ashley as Ashley said.

Ashley: Maybe we can't but they will.

Simmon press a button and a portal opens and Reds and Blues from a base where Sarge, Remington and Caboose was at came out as they gathered around as Simmons said to them.

Simmon: Hey guys! Do you want your flag back!?

They turn to Simmons as he points at O'Malley and said.

Simmon: He took you flags!

They turn to O'Malley as they said.

Red guy: He has the flag!

Blue guy: Get him!

They charge at him and start beating him up as he drop his rocket launcher. This gives Ave enough time to run overto Lopaz and shuts off the weather machine.

Ave: It's offline!

Y/n: Great now one more thing to do. Sarge disarm the bomb.

Sarge nods as he runs up to Church and opens his chest to see the count down was one minute but then Sarge said.

Sarge: Oh no, that lightning bolt must of fused the detonator. Thet si no way to turn it off!

Cali: What?!

Remington: Can you do it manually?

Sarge: impossible. I specifically designed it so that I wouldn't be able to defuse it.

Everyone was silent when he said that as Cali was smiling in a angry way as she asked in a angry like voice.

Cali: (anger) I'm sorry but why did you designed it so you won't defuse it?

Sarge: In case I fall to the enemy hands and been mind controlled to defuse it.

Simmons: That's a great idea Sarge.

Sarge: Well thank you Simmons. I'm one step away from you blu-

Then Cali grabs Sarge by the neck and start to shake him in anger as she yells at him.


She then drops Sarge onto the ground as Sophie pulls out Crystal and ask her.

Sophie: Crystal can you disarm the nuke?

Crystal: I could try my best.

Sophie slides Crystal into Churchs chest and after a while or hacking through the bomb she said.

Crystal: I can't. The program is all jumbled up. I can't do anything.

Grif: (scared) Shit! What are we gonna do!

Tucker looks around and see a rocket launcher near him as he knows what to do and picked it up and aims it at Church.

Church: Wow wow wow! Tucker what the fuck are you doing?!

Tucker: If I blow you up with the rocket. The bomb may be destroyed and we all be alright.

Church: Yeah and kill me in the process.

Remington: We got 40 seconds!

Simmon: But we have no choice.

Church: Come on there has to be a way.

Ave: Guys Covenant forces are moving out.

They turn to see phantoms flying off and within one of them was Jusa as he glares at them before he made his escape.

Cali: 30 seconds!

Tucker: I'm sorry Church, there's no other way.

Church: Oh you guys suck!

Cali: 20 seconds!

Tucker ready his rocket at the ready as everyone steps back not wanting to take the hit. Church Close his eyes as Tucker was about to pull the trigger. Then a sniper rifle was fired in the distance as it hits the rocket out of Tucker hand.

Tucker: What the hell!

In the distance was Wyoming as he stands up and said.

Wyoming: Sorry Tucker and Y/n but I always get my target. Say goodbye mate.

Then he disappeared as Y/n turns to see the timer his five seconds as he looks at everyone around him as he thought this was it for him and he was ready for faith to take him away.

0 seconds.

??? (Coms): I got you!

Y/n: What? Who is-

Then the bomb goes off as a shock wave sent trees and snow back as UNSC soldiers see the large explosion including Jusa and his Covenant troops within the Phantom as they fly off as they dissappear in the distance.


Up in space the explosion is seen in the fleet as the ring get seriously damaged and it gosse offline as Yra and the rest on board were shocked.

The secret rings or Halo was destroyed by the humans. The Covenant crew all turn to Yra as he steps back in horror as he sat down on his chair and place his hand on his head.

Yra: (shocked) Wh-what just happened?

Everyone was silent as they stare at each other, not surely what to say. Then Yra growls in anger and stands up straight and yell up the top of his lungs.


Elite crew 1: A-A bomb has set off that damage the ring shipmaster.

Elite crew 2: Jusa and his troops have managed to survive and they are regrouping to the next base. The humans also survived and they are pulling back right now.

Yra doesn't know what to say. He let the human damage the ring soo much that went offline. He feared what would the prophets would say but en Elite honour guard came into the room and said.

Elite honour guard: Shipmaster.

Yra: Yes?

Elite Honour guard: The Prophets would like to see you.

Fear struck Yra as he nods and he stands up and follows the elite honour guard as the leave the bridge with the door behind them closes behind them leaving the crew alone to stare at the damage and offlined halo ring all thanks to Y/n....and his friends.

To be continued..........

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