Chapter 63: The Siege on the capital (Part 1)

We see Junior, Y/n's team, the reds, the blues and Eric's team at the docks where two Sangheili submarine came out of the water and once they came out of the water both elite sub pilots came out of the submarine and set out to introduce themselves to them as Junior tells them.

Junior: These two will take you to the cave under water. The sub has four plasma cannons to deal with the sharks that may try to attack the sub.

Y/n: Looks good to me, what you think Eric?

Eric: (smile) Same. You sure we be undetected once we are near to the capital?

Junior: I can ensure you that you all will not be detected. Right now I need to get my forces and your forces ready for battle. Good luck and be safe.

And so Junior head off inside while the elite submarine pilot each climb inside of each of the submarine as Y/n tells the group.

Y/n: Okay Eric's team and blues will go together and my team and reds will go together. Let's do this!

Y/n's team and Reds climb into the left submarine while Eric's team and the blues enter the right and once they are ready the submarine dives down and we see the submarines swimming through the ocean. Everyone was getting comfortable inside of their room submarines as some look out of the windows and where amazed of the sea life that Sanghelios has as they were amazed by it as we cut to Y/n's unite with Ashley and Sophie looking out of the windows.

Sophie: (surprised) Wow! Look at all the fishes!

Ashley: (surprised) No kidding. Wish I have my camera with me so I can take some pictures.

Ave: (smirk) Say maybe after the war is over we might come back here for a vacation, what do you think Y/n?

Y/n: (smirk) Sure if we are allowed to come back. (Light chuckle)

Donut: Still it's an amazing place. How lucky those elites have all the good stuff.

Grif: What good stuff? It's kinda boring if you ask me?

Simmons: Not technically Grif. There are some ancient temples and writing that has been dated back many years-

Grif: Yeah I have to stop you right there otherwise I might die of boredom. How much longer we be there?

Mia: You do realise we only left 5 minutes ago.

Grif: Whatever, is there any food in here?

Grif looks around while we cut to Eric's unite in their submarine as we see Jeanne sharing her combat knife and then take a glance of an elite submarine pilot as she had a deep hatred as he stared at the elite when Jin tapped her on the shoulder and sat down next to her.

Jin: You okay? You seem out of it.

Jeanne: It's nothing. I just......I just don't feel like working with elites after what they did.

Jin: Well I understand your anger but remember, they are on our side. Besides, they know what the Covenant is doing is wrong.

Jeanne: It doesn't matter if they are good or not, they killed innocent lives and Spartans. They glass planets and even Reach, turning it into a post apocalyptic like waste land.

Jin: I know how you are feeling. But right now this is not the time to hold any anger towards them, especially our new allies. Right now.......we are in this together.

Jeanne: Right.

We then cut to Eric who is looking out of the window as he radios in Y/n sns his unite.

Eric: Is everything alright in your end?

Y/n: (radio) Everything is all clear here so far. You?

Eric: All clear here as well. What should we do once we reach the cave?

Y/n: (radio) Wells radio in Junior and think of the next phase of the plan.

Eric: Roger that. Eric over and out.

Once that ended he turns to see Tucker looking looking his engery sword so he walked up to him and then sat down next to him.

Eric: See your thinking about something?

Tucker: Yeah. It's just......I never knew my life will turn out quickly and how being a dad is kinda hard. Not to mention how I made my son upset. I feel like shit.

Eric: Well I can't say I relate to your problems as a father however I do understand the fear of having a child. After all, being a parent is a hard work and sometimes there will be mistakes but as long your a man and see it, then you can be a great father.

Tucker: Guess so.

Rook: Hey Eric! Come and check this out!

Eric gets up and walks over to Rook who is at the bridge as he look out of the bridges windows to see lots of buildings underwater as they fly over them.

Eric: What is this place?

Elite submarine pilot 2: This is what's left of many towns from the great flood. It used to be civilization here until the flood took it all away.

Eric: Damn.

Rook: There is a lot of buildings underneath here. There must have been hundreds that used to live here.

Eric: Yeah. Let's forced on the mission in hand.

Rook agrees as the two submarines go by as nothing seems wrong at first. But below them something quickly moved as we cut to Y/n's unite as the senors were going off which Y/n check up to the elite submarine pilot.

Y/n: Is everything okay?

Elite submarine pilot: I've detected movement underneath us. Must be them.

Y/n: Reds! Get inside the cannons! Mia, radio in Eric and his unite, tell them to be ready!

Once that both submarines deployed their cannons out and they scan around while everyone was in slince, waiting for any of the sharks to jump out and launch their attack.

After a short while od waiting the sharks came out like sworms as they make their way towards the two submarines. The cannons fire , taking out the sharks as they start to split off while both submarines continue to fire at them.

They continue to blow away the sharks until they reach the caves entrance.

Watcher: That's it!

Y/n: Let's head in there!

The two submarines go through the caves entrance while they continue to hold off the sharks and once they were through, they see that the sharks can't follow them through the cave so they stand down as the submarines goes up and then came outof the water and into the cave.

Once that they came out with a sigh of relief that they made it out there alive as Grif collapses on both knees and said.

Grif: Thank god we are alive.

Sarge: Don't relax yet Grif, we may have to use you as a sacrifice if the plan goes wrong.

Doc: At least we made it out there alive at least. So what's our next plan?

Y/n: Our next plan is to find out which area of the capital are we in?

Eric: Alright then. Rook, Apollyon and Jeanne, Scott ahead and see where we are.

They comply and they head off while the rest set up a small base within the cave as the two elite submarine politsnwere chilling with Lopez as Y/n sets up communication and with the help of Watcher and Reznya, they have communication to Junior.

Y/n: Junior do you read me? We made it to the cave without any problems and everyone here is alive. What's the situation in your end?

Junior: (radio) Our forces are ready for battle. Its times for phase 2 of the plan. One of your members will have to enter the gate controls and open the gates for us while also shutting down the defensive turrets at the walls.

Y/n: Copy that. I'll sent a small team to head there, Y/n out.

Eric: This is getting easier and easier every hour.

Y/n: (smirk) Try not to jinxed it.

Eric: (chuckle) I think its too late for that.

Soon Reznya, Rook and Apollyon came back and came up to Y/n and Eric as Reznya tells them.

Reznya: Okay there is some bad news and a Big bad news.

Y/n: Bad news?

Reznya: Bad news is we found a sewer and a sewer lead however when we slightly open it and came out, we find ourselves somewhere within the capital. The buildings are all too tall and there is a lot of activity which would be risky for us to come out all at once without being spotted.

Eric: And the big bad news?

Rook: The Big bad news is when we were climbing down, one of the elites spotted us and ran off so as far as we can tell, they may know we are here.

Grif: Well that's just fucking great!

Doc: What do we do?

Sarge: I'll say let them come! I'll take their faces if I have to!

Caboose: Oh! Maybe we can lie.

Tucker: How?

Caboose: We can say we are not the intruders they are looking for.

Tucker: But we are!

Caboose: Are you sure?

Tucker: Yes!

Caboose: Are you really sure?

Tucker: Please stop it Caboose.

Jin: Well we can ambush them here. Just let them enter and then ambush them.

Simmon: But what if one of them gets away and calls in for back up? We be screwed!

Lopez: (spanish) I say mission has failed. Let's go home.

Y/n: No. We still with the ambush plan and then we exit out of the cave and find somewhere safe. Right now we are the only once that can bring our forces in so let's do this.

With that they gather their gears and weapons and set up traps for Covenant forces as they are ready to ambush them.


We see Laza in his office when an elite guard burst into hid office and then tells him.

Elite guard: Sir, we have a report of human activity. Three demons have been spotted entering the sewer.

Laza: I see. Deploy the troops to head there and wipe them out.

Elite Guard: As you wish.

He bows and leaves as Laza wonders why would humans be here unless a full attack is coming. He turns to a veiw of the capital and knows it will be risky to take it but he let out a chuckle and says.

Laza: So be it then. Let them come, because I will wipe them out before they can even try.

Suddenly the door opens and a female elite step into Laza's office as he turn to face the female elite.

Laza: Coya, my daughter. What brings you here?

Coya: I've overheard the guards that humans have enter the capital?

Laza: Yes but not to worry, they will be dealt with soon.

Coya: By killing them? Father, don't you see that this was the reason on why they have come here. They coke here because we ruined their homes, killed innocent lives and for what? To what the Prophets told us about them?

Laza: They are a threat to our way of life my sweet daughter. They dares to ruin the great journey that the Prophets told us. They must be destroyed.

Coya: Do you think wiping out a whole race is good? I still don't understand why we can't accept humanity to the Covenant cost.

Then Laza leaves his desk ans came up to her and tells her while he places both hands onto her shoulders.

Laza: If thr Prophets want them gone then we shall wipe them out then we must do it for our sake. Please understand that what we are doing is for the good of our race.

She then step back, glared at her father and then strom off which angered Laza as he closes the door in front of him and then goes back to work while Coya turn a corner, looks around and then pulled out a small device and then said through it.

Coya: Junior do you hear me? The humans in the caves have been spotted repeat, the humans in the caves have been spotted.

To be continued...........................................

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