Chapter 61: Secret project
On top of the huge cliff we see Junior, Eric and Y/n slowly moving up to the cliff and then slowly got down to their knees and then onto their stomachs as they crawl near the edge of the cliff and looking down at the huge canyon where they see Covenant forces down there with Phantom's dropping off cargo while Covenant elites and grunts take the cargos within a cave as Eric use his helmet to zoom in and seeing them taking the cargo inside of the cave.
Eric: They're moving those cargos into a cave.
Y/n: Any idea what they are doing?
Junior: I have no clue bug something tells me that it's not good. We must get down there and find out what they are doing.
Eric: Sounds risky.
Y/n: Yeah but you always take risks.
Eric: (chuckle) True.
Junior: Come. Let us see what secrets they are hiding.
Eric place down metal rods and tied them up with rope and once that the trio slide down the cliff and soon made it down to the ground. They sneaky move towards the cave and get behind some cargo as Y/n poke his head out to see Covenant soldiers walking about and being commanded by an Elite Lieutenant as he barks out orders to them.
Eric looks at the cargo and it has a weird alien symbol on it so he ask Junior.
Eric: (whisper) What are these cargo?
Junior: (whisper) Those are chemicals inside but what for.
Y/n: (whisper) Watcher any idea what these chemicals are?
Watcher: Looks like these chemicals increase a users speed, strength and reaction time. Odd, it sounded like they were making their own Spartans.
Eric: (whisper) That's nuts. Why would the Covenant make their own Spartans?
Y/n: (whisper) Mayber we should head into that cave and find out.
They agree and so they sneak by the Covenant forces by going behind cargo to cargo until they reach the caves entrance and heads inside.
Eric and Y/n have assault rifles with silencers on them while Junior have his energy sword with them as they move slowly through the tunnel.
Then they head footsteps around the corner so they lend their shoulders onto the walls and slowly move up as Junior walks up a bit further and immediately grabs an elite and active his energy sword and stab him in the heart while he cover his mouth.
The elite died and they hide the dead elite in a room and then lock it and keep on moving.
Y/n: So how long have you been fighting against the Covenant with your resistance?
Junior: For a very long time. I promise my troops that they will be free by the hands of the Prophets and their lies.
Eric: You know I'm still kinda shocked that your father ie Tucker, like actually your father. That sounds impossible.
Junior: You can never suspect the unsuspected.
Y/n: (smirk) I agree. We've seen some crazy shit before Reach.
Eric: I have a feeling you and your team been through a lot or crazy adventures then we have.
Junior: (whisper) Be slient you two, look.
They look up ahead to see a door to which they walked over and the door automatically open to reveal a huge lavatory with pods containing that contains what seems like bodies, more cargo with the same symbol on it and equipment for some project the Covenant are making.
They step into the room and look around. They were stunned by all of this as they look around. Then Eric found another cargo with no symbol on it so he decided to open it and what he saw shocked him.
Eric: Um guys.
Junior and Y/n turn to see Eric reaching his hands into the cargo and pulling out, revealing to be a damaged Spartan helmet as the two walked over and look inside the cargo and seeing more Spartan helmets and also armors as well inside the cargo.
Y/n: (shocked) My god.
Watcher: These helmets belong to dead Spartans throughout the war. But why are they all here?
Y/n: Do you really think they are making their own Spartans to fight against us?
Eric: That's still impossible.
Junior: I think it is.
They look over to seeing Junior looking the tubs and inside shock the two as they walk up to him and they see the Prophets own race inside the test tubs and seemed to be in a coma like state including the others within the tubs.
Junior: Those are San'Shyuums. They wish to become Spartans to fight against your race.
Eric: This must be the first batch of them. We can just destroy these tubs and get out of here.
Y/n turns to a door and then walks towards it and then open it and at the same time the lights came on and what he saw shocked him.
Y/n: Do we have enough explosions in this room?
They walked over and they saw what Y/n is seeing. Inside where a long line of test tubs in the left and right that goes on forever meaning there are thousands of San-Shyyuums that will become the Covenant own Spartans.
Junior: This is not good. If they are deployed across the galaxy then this will be the end of humanity.
Y/n: We need to stop this before it is too late.
Suddenly the door closes in front of them and then locked as Y/n tried to open it but it was no use. Suddenly the alarm start to go off as Eric and Junior race towards the other door and try to open it but it was locked as well.
Eric: We're trapped!
Suddenly a ceiling open and a hologram beam shot out as they turn to see an elite council member standing in the middle of the room.
Laza: (hologram) Greetings, I am Laza 'Mdanam and I see you stumble apon a project I am making to make the Covenant armies far more powerful. I have to say, congratulations but you will not leave here alive since you know too much.
Eric: Whose this important character?
Junior: He's apart of a council of the Covenant and he's both leader of the Sanghelios capital and scientists.
Laza: (hologram) You are correct. I must say you disappointed your entire race by siding with these humans.
Junior: That's the Prophets lies telling you that inside your head. They have tricked all of us, don't you see!
Laza: (hologram) Your Heretic words will not convince me to change my views of the Covenant or the Prophets.
Y/n: Man disbite looking important and smart, you sure are dumb.
Laza: (hologram) Mock me all you want demon but nothing is not gonna anger me as I have successfully created the Covenants own soldiers to counterattack the Spartans. The Prelates.
Watcher: So that's what they call their own Spartans.
Junior: Your project will never succeed and be deployed because we will destroy them.
Laza: (hologram) You can try.
Then a hologram disappeared then suddenly the door opens behind them as two Elites came in roaring and then firing their Plasma repeaters at them which they get behind cover. Eric and Y/n return fire with their rifles ane they took them out.
Junior: We need to get out of here!
Eric: What about all of this?
Y/n: Got an idea.
He pulled out a grenade and tosses it towards the chemical cargos and test tubs and once that they race out of the room just as an explosion can be heard inside the room. Covenant forces try to block their way but Junior rushed forward, activity his energy sword as the Covenant open fire but Junior moves fast and even wall runs as he kicks the first elite ane stab the other one with his energy sword.
Then took his plasma rifle and fire as the other and pulled out his sword and slash at the jackal. A suicide grunt attempt to kill Junior with two plasma grenades but Junior kicks him away and towards incoming Covenant forces that were blown up by the suicide grunt.
Eric: (surprised) Wow that's badass!
Y/n: (surprised) No kidding. You can't even tell he ie Tucker's son.
Watcher: Good thing he's on our side.
Junior: Let us move.
They continue on running and soon made it outside when they get attacked by Covenant forces waiting outside as they get behind cover and fire back at them.
Eric: We need a getaway vehicle!
Junior: There, come on!
The trio race towards a Spectre as Junior climb inside the driver side Spectre while Eric climb onto the turret and Y/n noticed a fuel rod cannon so he pick the up and sat down at the left side of the Spectre as Junior turns on the energies and then drives off.
Soon a few ghost and Banshees chases after them as Eric turns the turret around and open fire at them. Y/n fire his fuel rod cannons which cost some explosions and either blows up the ghost or the explosion cost the Ghost's to be sent flying and crash hard onto thr ground.
Banshees start shooting down at them which Junior moves the Spectre left and right to dodge their attacks while Y/n and Eric open fire at the Banshees and took some of them out as they fly down and then crash hard onto the ground.
Eric: There's move coming!
Y/n: Got an plan to escape this?
Junior: Indeed but you both have to trust me.
Y/n: Sure thing.
Junior continues on driving the Spectre and soon Eric and Y/n sees a huge canyon with a gap that seems impossible to get to the other side.
Eric: Um Junior we're running out of road.
Junior: I know.
He boost the Spectre, maimh it go faster as they go up a ramp and soon they were thrown up into the air as both Eric and Y/n hold on as they were sent flying with the Ghost's were sent flying after them. At first they thought they wouldn't make it but in luck they land at the other side while the Ghost missed and crash onto the wall and fell deep into the hole as both Eric and Y/n cheered to what just happened.
Y/n: Holy crap that was awesome!!!!
Eric: Damn it Junior your one badass elite.
Junior: Thank you. Now, let us return home.
They disappeared from the Banshees sights as they look around for them and then they fly away.
At the capital of Sanghelios we see Laza getting a call from one of his Covenant forces as he activated his call and a elite voice spoke out.
Covenant elit: (communications call) Sir, the resistance leader and the Demons escape. Not only that but they have damaged the laboratory. This will delay our project.
Laza: For how long?
Covenant elite: (Communication call) For a few weeks.
Laza is angered by this but he stay calm and tells his elite soldier.
Laza: Make sure the double the work and call me once it is complete.
Covenant elite: (communication call) Yes council member.
The call ends as Laza stood in his office and watches as the sun goes down while he looks at theb veiw of hid capital as he said to himself.
Laza: You may have escape from me this time Junior. But I tell you and your resistance including your human allies will not survive long on this planet. This planet is in my control and you will not hide from us any longer. We will find you, we will locate your base and once we surrounded you and your will beg for mercy.......and I will kill you.
He then turne away as night came as we see the Capital lights turned on as Laza will make sure Junior and his resistance will be destroyed before his project will be deployed across the galaxy and end humanity for sure.
To be continued.....................................
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