Chapter 6: Teleport mishap
At outside of Rec Base we see Ave along with Donut, Tex and Sheila as they explain on what's happening and where Y/n and the rest are.
Ave: So you get to tell me Y/n and rest are going after a crazy A.I that will take over the universe and have that Spanish robot with him?
Tex: Yeah and now we need to find O'Malley before he escape this ring.
Ave: If this A.I has the ability to take over UNSC armor and technology, then we have to be careful.
Then a UNSC soldier came out of the base while the other was patching Tucker up as he said.
Male UNSC soldier: Good news Ma'am, Tucker will be alright. He just needs some rest and he'll be all better.
Ave: That's good Soldier.
Donut: So what are yous gonna do know?
Ave: If they were teleported somewhere in this ring then we have to find them. Unless one of yous know how to work a ancient teleporter?
Tex: I think I can but we don't know where they are at. It's possible they could be off world.
Ave: Let's not hope that. Soldier call the rest of the soldiers to here, we set up base here.
Male UNSC soldier: Yes Ma'am.
Then the soldier runs off ad Ave looks at the teleporter as she thought to herself.
Ave: (thought) Y/n just hold on a bit longer ok.
We see Simmon, Cali and Y/n stand in the middle a large room with teleporters around them in different directions as they look around them and Cali was the first to spoke.
Cali: Where the fuck are we?
Simmons: It seems that the teleporter must of sent us to different locations around the ring.
Y/n: Guess so. Hey Simmons, not act like a Grif or anything but remember you say the teleporter "May" sent us to different locations? Yeah this is what I mean by that.
Simmons rolled his eyes and try to call Sarge on the radio.
Simmons: Sarge do you copy? The plan to rescue Lopaz has failed. Apparently we were sent to a large room with a bunch of teleporters......or janitors closet I don't know, Sarge do you copy over? Sarge?
Cali: Two things, One: Janitors closet, really? Second: I think we can't get singal here. What ever this room is must be blocking our signal.
Y/n: Any ideas?
Cali: If these teleporters are connected to the ring, then maybe we can use them to connect every who were split up.
Simmons: Huh, that's not a bad idea. I can reroute the teleporters and we can get some communication to the rest.
Y/n: Do that while I look around and see what else is here.
Simmons: You got it.
Simmons walks off to one of the teleporters nearby while Y/n start to walk off but Cali grabs him by the shoulder and asked.
Cali: You alright?
Y/n: Sure, why aren't I?
Cali: I know your lying. You still upset about Frank's death.
Y/n fell silent for a minute as he took off he helmet and turn to Cali and she see how upset he was as Y/n said.
Y/n: I try to keep my act up but can't help but blame myself for what happened to Frank. If I just helped him then he still be alive.
Cali: You know he signed up when he first joined the UNSC.
Y/n: I know but Spartans are suppose to protect humanity that includes soldiers. Frank has a family and it's my fault they have no father and no husband to come home.
Y/n just said nothing after that as Cali press her hand against Y/n's cheek as she said.
Cali: I know how a feel. Before you came we have a another member named Michael who was the laughable member in our squad. He always make jokes during mission which we laugh. He told us he has a sick sister and his parents were killed by terrorist and that was the reason he join the UNSC so he pay the hospital to heal his sister and she be happy.
Y/n: What happened to him and his sister?
Cali: I sent him as a scout to check a Covenant camp not that far from us. He was with five squad as they head out to check it out. He didn't came back, including his squad. He track them and it turns out they were ambushed and they were killed and Michael.....Michael was long gone.
Y/n: I see.
Cali: The UNSC pay the hospital to help his sister as a way to honour his sacrifice and after a few weeks, she was better but days later.....she commit suicide, depression took over her and she hung herself.
Y/n: (shocked) Holy shit, I'm sorry Cali.
Cali: That's alright. Sometimes Sargent's must suspect this would happen to their men. Still I wounder if it was my fault for his death. If I hadn't sent him out then.....he'll be alright.
Y/n: Cali.
Y/n touch her by the shoulder and said to her.
Y/n: I understand how being a leader felt when someone dies right in front of you or not. But we can't give up, not by a long shot. We gonna save Lopaz and free Doc from O'Malley. After that we finish off with the Covenant, where ever they are.
Cali: (little smile) Yeah, your right. Now go and do your looking around. We call you if we got something.
Y/n: (smile) Understood Ma'am.
Y/n put on his helmet back on and search around while Cali smirks to herself and walks up to help Simmons with the teleporter.
We see Caboose, Sarge and Rimington standing by a creek and each side were two similar red and blue base by the canyon is smaller then Blood Gulch.
Rimington: Looks like it's just us then.
Caboose: Yep and my legs are getting wet. Can we get out now?
Sarge: Damn. There is no contact to anyone else. I blame Grif for this stupid plan.
Rimington: Still we need to find O'Malley or Lopaz. Where ever they are.
They exit out of the creek and walk over to Blue base were they see a blue soldier laying on the ground with blood pouring out of the suit.
Caboose: Look, a sleeping person! It must be nap time.
Rimington walks up to the blue soldier and turn him over and said.
Rimington: He's not asleep Caboose. He's dead.
Caboose: (sigh) That's good, if that was me then I would be sleeping right now. But if he is dead then that is not me....I don't die.
Sarge: Well it must be a epic battle and the Blue must be defeat. Rest in peace.....dirt bag.
Rimington: He maybe a enemy soldier but he doesn't need to be called that. Can you not show some respect to someone who died?
Sarge: I only respect my enemies if there was a epic battle with swords as rain pours on us. And after the battle, my enemy stab himself and die.
Rimington: Well this soldier doesn't show any mark that show UNSC, so he must be a soldier as yous.
Sarge: That is impossible. You get to tell me we were not in a war between Reds and blues?
Rimington: Well.....yeah, that's what I am saying.
Caboose: (distance) Mr Sargent, Miss Nice lady, look!
They run up and see at the back of blue base were more dead bodies of both Red and blue as they lay on the ground dead.
Rimington: (shocked) My goodness, what happened here.
Caboose: It must be nap time?
Sarge: It must be a epic battle and this is what's left of it.
Rimington: Hello! Is anyone still alive?!
Sarge: If you are blue it is ok to speak out! We won't crush your neck to end your life!
Rimington: Really Sarge.
Sarge: I am helping after all.
Then they her a trumpet being played all of a sudden as they look around to see where it is coming from.
Rimington: Is that a trumpet playing?
Caboose: That or my head is playing trumpet music again. I have that happen most of the time.
Sarge: It sounds like it's playing Reveille? But why would that being played out of nowhere-
Then the dead reds and blues all suddenly spring off the floor as they yell out and cheering which Sarge, Caboose and Rimington were surprised they were alive.
Then the reds and blues soldiers all run off as they enter to their own bases and once that everything was sclera leaving Rimington, Caboose and Sarge standing there all confused as Rimington asked.
Rimington: What on Earth was that all about?
Sarge: I have no idea but where ever Grif is will be punished for giving us this stupid idea.
We see Robert getting thrown into a cell as the shield turns on as Robert slam his fist onto the enemy shield as a Elite soldier stare at him and walks off while Robert slams his fist onto the shield while yelling at the Elite soldier.
Robert: Hey! Hey get back here you fucker! You Covenant shit heads! Let us out you fucker kiss asses!
Grif: Jesus man, calm down. At least they haven't killed us.
Robert turns around to see Grif laying on a bed while Church looks through the small window that has engery like bars as Robert asked.
Robert: You think we can break through?
Church sigh to himself as he leaps off and turn to Robert.
Church: Not a change. These enemy bars are pretty strong so trying to break them will be hard.
Robert: Fuck.
Grif: What's your problem? You said those Covenant kill humans at first site but they just throw us in jail. We should be fine.
Robert: Do you wanna know why they throw us in jail?
Grif: No but go ahead.
Robert: Well let's see, as soon they come back they gonna take us one by one to be tortured for information and if we refuse, they gonna torture us even more. Once we spill out the information they kill us and throw us away.
Church: Um Grif?
Then Grif start slam his fist into the engery shield as he cries out in a panicking while saying.
Grif: (panic) Please let us out! We can do anything please! I don't wanna die! I'm too young to die, please! (Sobbing)
Church: Great job, now we have to deal with that until we die.
Robert: Look we can get out somehow. What about you use your ghost ability to take over an Elite guard and set us free.
Church: No way! I just got this body, I don't wanna lose it again.
Robert: Dude it only take a second, don't be a baby.
Church: This body is my own body and if I come back and see its gone, I be pissed so no way.
Robert: Your really are a dirtbag.
Then Church runs up and punch Grif at the back of the head.
Grif: Ow!
Robert: Why did you do that?
Church: Don't ask me, it move on it's own.
Robert: Huh you don't say. Dirtbag.
Then Church punch Grif once more with a cry of ow from Grif.
Grif: Stop that!
Robert: (chuckle) Dirtbag.
Grif: Ow!
Robert: Dirtbag.
Grif: Ow! Ok one I can deal but two, your crossing the line!
Robert: (smirk) Hey at least I'm passing by time.
Grif: I hate you so much man.
Robert: (smirk) Same thing to you Dirtbag.
Grif: Ow! Oh mother fuck-
We see Y/n exploring around the room as he walks up to a nearly teleporter and looks down to see a rock so he picks it up and looks at the teleporter and chucks it to it. The rock go through the teleporter and hits Y/n on the back from another teleporter.
Y/n turns and see the rock has this black stuff on it which is weird to Y/n.
Y/n: (thought) What's with the black stuff? Hope you can take it off or something?
Y/n turns around only to be met by something that made him jump back ina fright. There was another one of those Forerunner drones but larger and has a laser gun attached to it.
Y/n: (surprised) Wow. You must be huge. So what are you?
It was silent as it stare at Y/n for a while before it turns and floats away.
Y/n: Ok then?
Cali (coms): Y/n do you read me. We go something and you wanna see this.
Y/n: On my way.
Y/n back track back to Simmons and Cali and soon he arrives back with them at the teleporter trying to make contact with either teams.
Simmons: And here we go!
Then the portal in front of them show Sarge, Rimington and Caboose fighting both blues and reds as they fire their weapons at them.
Y/n: It works!
Cali: Sarge, Caboose, Rimington do yous copy over?!
Rimington (coms): Sargent Cali? Y-Yeah I hear you, what about you?
Cali: We're at a room filed with teleporters. Is there a teleporter near you?
Sarge (come): Yes Ma'am. There is one beside us.
Cali: Hold on while we try to connect to this portal to the teleporter near you.
Sarge (coms): Copy that.
Y/n: Simmons can you work with your magic?
Simmons: Yep, just need to take a while so the connection can connect.
Cali: Do your best Simmons. So anything you've find Y/n?
Y/n: Just more portals but I did encounter one of those Forerunner drones.
Cali: What dose it look like?
Y/n: A bit large with laser gun attached to it. Any ideas what that mite be.
Cali: I believe it could be a Sentinel what the files we pulled from that Forerunner base we found when we first landed here.
Y/n: It's odd though. If this is a Forerunner Halo ring then how come these Sentinel's hasn't made contact with the Reds and blues before we came?
Cali: That's a good question.
Simmons: OK it's all set up.
Cali: Rimington you still there?
Rimington (coms): Yeah coming through now!
Then Rimington, Sarge and Caboose go through the teleporter and meet up with Y/n, Cali and Simmons as Simmons asked.
Simmons: Sarge you alright? That was pretty close.
Sarge: Simmons I give you a F for efficiency but I give you a A+ in dramatic timing.
Simmons: Thank you sir, I've always felt that presentation is what maters most.
Rimington: It's good to see yous are alright.
She the hugs Y/n which Y/n hugs her back while Cwli felt kinda jealous and once Rimington let's go Y/n asked.
Y/n: What happened in there?
Rimington: It's maybe best you don't know.
Y/n: Right?
Cali: Looks like we need to find Church, Robert and Grif now.
Rimington: How are we gonna do that?
Sarge: I think I know how. You see, we have build a mine microphone within one of the bots that we have build. We can use them to listen in and try to translate the coordinates.
Y/n: (surprised) Wait seriously, you made that?
Cali: I can't believe I have to say this but....your a genius for once.
Sarge: Well thank you.
Sarge pulls out a button with two buttons as Sarge was about to press one when Caboose asked.
Caboose: Oh Oh can I puss the bottom? Pleeeaaassss?
Sarge: Fine, here.
Caboose: Yay!
Caboose runs up and take the button and push it.
Caboose: I push the button.
Y/n: Um nice work?
??? (Coms): Aw man this sucks.
Rimington: Sounds like Church.
??? (Coms): I wanna lay down and do nothing.
Sarge: That must be Grif.
??? (Coms): Right after I take a relaxing spare bath with candles.
Y/n: That's Donut.
Simmons: Let me try to get Donut on coms.
Simmons bend down to the teleporter to try to call get contact and soon he dose it and Y/n calls out.
Y/n: Donut do you copy over?
Donut (comes): Oh hey Y/n, you never told me you have a friend.
Y/n: A friend? What do you mea-
Ave (coms): Y/n! Is that you! Do you copy over!
Y/n: (surprised) Ave? What are you doing at Blood Gulch.
Ave (coms): Looking for you and you team! You haven't contacted us after the Free for All was destroyed.
Y/n: It's a long story but can you bring get yo the teleporter and wait for us there?
Ave (coms): Alright and the next time you don't respond on the nest mission, I'm coming with you.
Y/n: Alright and nice to hear your voice Ave, over and out.
Y/n hangs up and turn to Simmons and asked.
Y/n: Get the teleporter ready and once everything is together, we track down Church, Grif and Robert.
Caboose: Yay, we're gonna save Church!
He then pushes the other button which shocked Simmons and Sarge.
Simmons: (shocked) Did he just what I think he just did?
Sarge: (shocked) Uh oh.
Caboose: Church is gonna be so happy.
Y/n: Wait why, what dose the other button do?
Sarge and Simmons look at each other as Cali fold her arms and looks at them and asked.
Cali: Well....what dose that other button do?
Simmons: Um if we tell you, will you not yell at us?
Cali: I won't promise it but tell us now.
Simmons: Um Well the bot were Grif and Robert are
Rimington: Has what?
Simmons: Well......
We see Robert with Church and Grif as they play X and O on the wall to pass the time and soon Robert jump up and said.
Robert: Suck it bitches!
Church: Oh fuck off man. OK round two, let's go!
Robert: Your on.
Then there was a ticking noise coming from Church stomach which Grif said.
Grif: Hey why is your Stomach ticking like a time bomb?
Robert: What?
Church: What?.....oh son of a-
Simmons: (scared) I-I thought you won't be mad at us.
Y/n: (anger) Why did you plant a bomb in his stomach in the first place?
Sarge: It would be a surprise. As soon us reds left our base, I push the button and the blues will go BOOOM! (Chuckle) just like Michael Bay.
They stare at Simmons and Sarge as Cali pulls out her shotgun and said.
Cali: (anger) Yous are dead.
Simmons: (scared) Please not in the face!
Rimington: Wait we can't fight right now. We gonna find Church, Robert and Grif. Maybe there is still time to disarm the bomb before it's too late.
Y/n: She's right. We need to work together in order to complete our mission.
Ave: And we got your back.
They look over to see Ave, two UNSC soldiers, Tucker, Tex and Donut go through the teleporter as Y/n smiled underneath his helmet.
Ave walks over to Y/n and hugs him and once that she step back and Y/n turn to Tucker and asked.
Y/n: You alright man?
Tucker: Yeah, hopefully it's not gonna be the first time I get my ass blown up.
Y/n: (chuckle) Same here.
Y/n turn to Tex and the two stare at each other and Y/n asked.
Y/n: So, where were you?
Tex: Just something to do. But glad your still alive.
Y/n: Tes I-
Tex: Don't worry about it. But right now we have a problem.
Sarge: What's that?
Tex: Someone has place a target on Tucker and Y/n.
Y/n: You gonna be kidding me.
Tex: Wish I was but no, a freelancer is gonna go after both you and Tucker.
Y/n: Who?
We see two Jackle snipers standing on a balcony keeping an eye on anything that may try to enter their base. The first Jackle sniper turn to his partner on his right and looks around.
Then there was some noise behind him as the first Jackle sniped turn back and see his partner was gone. The jackle sniper was shocked by this and without a second later his neck gets snapped and his body fell on the ground.
Then the invisible soldier enters the base and sneak pass all the Covenant soldiers walking through halls and some typing stuff on their holograms computers.
The invisible soldier see the door in front of him and enter it and it was a prison cell as he hear some talking and he turn to one cell which Grif, Robert and Church were at as Robert asked.
Robert: You have a fucking bomb in your stomach?!
Church: Yes I know, can one of yous turn it off?!
Robert: Grif, you team made it, can you shut it off?
Grif: Don't look at me, I'm not a nerd like Simmons so leave me out of it.
Robert: Well this is great, I'm gonna die surrounded by idiots.
Church: Hey, fuck you man!
???: I see yous are in a picke there Church.
They turn to see no one but the invisible soldiers decloaks himself to reveal a white soldier as he stare at them.
Church: (surprised) Wyoming?
Wyoming: Hello Church, it's nice to see you again.
To be continued..............
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