Chapter 59: Bug problem
Immediately Ashia and Jin exit out of the room and after that Jin Immediately shut the door just before the Drones could get to them. The door shuts behind them and once that they were catching their breaths after drones charge towards them and after they were safe the two breath a sigh of relief.
Jin: Oh thank fucking God that was close. Here I thought we're gonna be theie next meal.
Ashia: You can say that again. (Breaths a sigh of relief) Okay, so it seems we have a small problem which involves around Drones. But, as long they are stuck in there, we should be fine.
Then they heard something at the other side od the door as Jin took off his helmet and place his ear at the door and hears the Drones are ripping off something that can't be good.
Ashia: What is it?
Jin: I think we need to tell everyone about this.
(Sometime later)
Ashia and Jin arrived at the bridge as they told Church, Watcher, Carolina, Ash and Eric about the Drones and the noises they heard inside. Church looks up the room they were in and then tells them.
Church: Well this can't be good. It appears theie nest has vents that goes some rooms of the ship. One of which I'd the power room, weapons lock and prison cell. If any those bugs messes anything up, them none of us ain't gonna make it.
Eric: Then we need to stop the Drones before they do anything. Watcher, lock down these rooms and get anyone who are inside the rooms out of there at once!
Watcher: Copy!
Ash: What about the Covenant prisoners? The Drones will break them out and they may try retake the ship.
Eric: Then we need to get into the prison cell and stop them from doing that. Ash, need you Jin and Ashia to head to the prison cell and stop the Drones from freeing the Covenant prisoners. Carolina will take the reds to the power room with a few marines and I'll take my team and protect the weapons room from the Drones.
Jin: Well there is a lot of them at their nest and who knows how long in eggs will hatch and back up the rest of the Drones.
Y/n: (smirk) Well how's about we make sure that will not happen.
Soon Y/n came into the room with a few flamethrowers marines while he is holding a flamethrower as he tells them.
Y/n: Me and the flamethrower marines will heaf to their nest and burn them before they are hatched while the rest of you do your own thing.
Eric: Roger that. Be safe Y/n.
Y/n: You too to you all. Let's take out some drone bugs.
We see Iga and many of his Covenant prisoners within their cells in slince until Ash, Jin and Ashia came into the cell with a few marines and ODST's as Ash informs them.
Ash: Kesp your guards up and stay sharp. These Deones could be anywhere.
Marines and ODST: Sid yes sir.
Iga watched as they split apart and looking around as Ash, Jin and Ashia get to Iga's cell as he growled while he tells them.
Iga: You will all die either way. My Drones are very deadly and they will rip you all apart and free us once they were done.
Ash: Yeah, we'll see about that.
Suddenly their hear movement above them as they look up at the vents. Ash and everyone else get ready as they aim their weapons around, waiting for one of the Drones to appear out of either of the vents around them.
After for sometime one of the vents shake close to a marine as he turn and pumped his shotgun as he waited for the Drone to come out. Soon the vent burst open and the Drone came out only for the marine to blow its head with his shotgun. Then more poured out which the marine cannot handle so he was immediately tackel to the ground and was eating alive as he screamed. Drones came out with some with needlers, plasmas rifles and Plasma pistols as they open fire while some without any weapons tackle the marines and ODST and take them up in the air.
Jin, Ashia and Ash stick together along with a few other marines and ODST's as they fire at them. One marine was grabbed and pulled up to the ground but Ash sees this and pulled out his sword and slice off the Drones wings off, costing the marine and the drone to fell a short fall.
The marine lived while the drone slowly gets up onky for Ash to stab it in the head while a drone try to tackle him from behind but he pulled out a knife and throws it at the drone, stabbing it in the head as it lands in front of Ash as he slowly gets up.
Ash: Keep firing! Don't let them overwhelm you, keep shooting at them!
Ashia and Jin keep firing at them with Jin popping theie heads with his battle rifle while Ashia gunned them down with her assault rifle.
Ashia: Now this is fun!
Jin: Hey, this is kinda like a arcade game where we shoot aliens to earn points.
Ashia: (smile) Yeah!
Ash: Stay focused you two! We need to clear this room as soon as possible!
After minutes of battling they took out the last drone and the prison cell seemed to be clear which disappointed Iga as he sat down while Ash radios in Eric and Carolina.
Eric: Eric, Carolina, priosn cell is clear. All Drones eliminated. What's happening in your end?
Carolina: We're doing fine here! The Drones have gotten some of our weapons and now they are using them against us!
We see Carolina, the reds and some marines taking over as the Drones fire at them with both UNSC and Covenant weapons as they stay down while at the same time returning fire.
Sarge: Damn those bugs! How did they know how to use weapons!
Simmons: Well disbite being similar to human bugs, they can learn how to use weapons as well as other things for situations such as combat!
Sarge: Those god damn bugs! Hey, where's Grif?
Grif: HELP ME!!!!
They see a Drone grabbing Grifs leg and lifting him up but due to Grifs weight, the Drone find it hard to carry him away so a marine shot a drone in the head, dropping Grif onto the ground and crawl over to Simmons cover as he gets up.
Simmons: Whoa guess that's one good side about gaining weight.
Grif: Fuck you dude.
Donut peaks out only to get shot in the chest but Lopez took out the final drone and once the room is clear, they approach Donut as Carolina ask him while he was getting up.
Carolina: You alright Donut?
Donut: Yeah. Not the first time I got shot in the chest.
We quickly cut back to Washington with Maine and South when he sneezed and looked around, feeling like someone was talking about him. We cut back to Carolina and the others as she radios in Eric.
Carolina: Eric the weapons room is clear. What about you and your team?
We see Eric and his team already clear the power room as Reznya walked over to a still alive drone and killed it with a stomp while Eric tells Carolina through his radio.
Eric: All clear here. What about you Y/n?
Y/n: (radio) Having a blast over here! Damn, this flamethrower is awesome a fuck!
Eric: (chuckle) I'll bet. Mission complete people, nice work.
They were about to leave when Reznya heard something which made her stop and look around.
Reznya: Hey, do you hear that?
The rest stop and listen. Then they hear it again. They fallow the strange noise. The noise gets closer and closer and they turn around the corner and they were met by a huge creature that looked at them in fear.
Rook: Is that a engineer? Why is it here?
Apollyon: Must have hide itself here when we were taking over the ship.
Jeanne: I got this.
She pulled out her knife whidh cost it to scream as Reznya grabbed her arm and tell her.
Reznya: Wait! Look at it, it's afraid of us. I don't think it's not planning to kill any of us but just wants to hide.
Rook: You sure?
Reznya: I'm sure. Let me.
They look at each other and move back as Reznya turn to the scared Engineer as she took off her helmet and place it onto the ground. She then took off any deadly weapons she has and lifted out her hand to it.
Reznya: Don't worry, we're not gonna hurt you. You can trust us.
The Engineer looks at her and to the rest and then moves it small tentacles over and it lands on her hand. She smiled it with while the Engineer let's out a happy noise, showing its trust with them so they take this Engineer to the bridge.
Everyone was gathered as they stare at the Engineer while the Engineer seemed to be nervous around them but Reznya is with it to ensure its safety.
Ave: (surprised) Wow! I've never seen a Engineer up close before!
Elijah: That's because they were forced to place bombs within their bodies so they will not be captured by us. It seems they've forgotten to place a bomb this one.
Gabriel: So what does a Engineer do?
Doc: What I've research Engineer also known as Huragok can connect themselves into any system it touches and either fixes them or takes control of it. Kinda like a organic AI.
Caboose: That's cool. Wait, what does AI stand for?
Church: (sigh) Not this again.
Tucker: So what are we suppose to do with it?
Doc: Well maybe this Engineer can help us activate the ships Slipe space drive and get us to Sanghelios.
South: Is that possible?
Doc: Well one way to find out.
Reznya: Can you active the slip space drive so we can head to Sanghelios faster?
The Engineer thinks about it and then decided to help them. It make its way to the control console and move its tentacles around and within seconds a slip space portal opens in front of them and they go through and travel through slip space.
Everyone cheered in success as Y/n pets the Engineer in the head while telling it.
Y/n: (smile) Nice work, for now on, your apart of us.
The Engineer feels extremely happy and after a while they exit out of Slip space and they see the planet of Sanghelios as they see Covenant fleets in front of the planet.
Y/n: There it is people. Sanghelios. Watcher, Church, cover their sensors and if they try to call us, spoke to them in your elite tone.
Church and Watcher: Roger!
Y/n: Okay people listen up. According to the information I was give, we'll gonna meet our unknown allie at an abandoned temple far away from the capital. I'll take a small team to the temple and meet this allie while the rest stay here until I'll radio you all to say that it's clear.
They understood and soon they fly through the Covenant ships and make their way to the planet surface and to the location they were give.
We see Y/n and his team, along with the reds and blues exiting out of the Covenant ship and making their way to a ancient abandon temple. They soon arrived at the entrance of the temple as they stare at the temple and looked around for anyone but nothing.
Sarge: Huh.....I don't see anyone.
Simmons: Yeah it feels kinda unsettling.
Watcher: Hang on! Looks like we got some company.
Then a few else's, jackals and grunts came out the temple and aim their plasma weapons at them. They aim theie weapons at them and at first they thought it was a trap but then heard.
???: Stand down!
They turn back and they stand down and soon an Elite exit out of the temple with a cloak over his head as he show himself to Y/n and the rest as Y/n ask.
Y/n: Are you the leader of the Resistance?
???: Indeed and it's been a long time Y/n.
Tucker: How do you know his name?
???: Same to you too father, I see you are doing well.
Tucker: Father?.....Wait a minute, are you?
Then he removed his hood to reveal his face as he tells everyone.
Junior: Indeed father. I'm Junior, your son.
Tucker was shocked by this including everyone else while Elijah, Gabriel and Mia were shocked for a completely different reason.
Elijah, Gabriel and Mia: (shocked) YOUR SON IS A FUCKING ELITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????
To be continued.............................................
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