Chapter 57: We're the same
The Covenant flag ship shakes from an explosion within their ship as we see Iga and his crew were scrambling around, grunts panicking around and elites were standing at the entrance to wait for any intruders that may try to breach into the bridge.
Iga is trying to look through the security cameras to see what is going on but all cameras are offline and he can't seem to get them only. His annoying growls into a roar of rage as he slammed his fist onto the controls and then barks at one of his elite crew.
Iga: (anger) WHAT IN PROPHET'S NAME IS GOING ON?! Why can't I not see anything through the cameras! Speak!
Elite crew 1: Ship master we're trying pur best but everything is offline. Something has hacked into our systems and block our communications.
Elite crew 2: We can't communicate with the other Covenant forces on the ground or on this ship! We're blind!
Iga: (anger) Useless! We must defend this bridge and we must not allow the humans to get in here!
Church: Too late mother fucker.
They all turn to see the UNSC forces at the bridge as they all surround them and aim their weapons at them while Iga growled in anger.
Church: Looks like someone has taking over your bridge, oh wait! That's us! Suck it mother fucker!
Grif: Yeah you can suck our human dicks!
Sarge: And my shotgun.
Soon they hold them at gun point after they pulled him away from the controls ad Carolina walked over and plugged Church into the controls.
Carolina: Can you heck this ship?
Church: This might be hard bit I'll give it a try. Maybe Watcher will help me out if he was here.
Watcher: Right here!
Soon Y/n's team and Black-Winb arrived as Eric plugged Watched into the controls with Church when Tucker asked.
Tucker: Where's Y/n?
Eric: Fighting that elite Spartan killer.
South: (shocked) What?!
Grif: Well he's dead for sure.
Cal: We need to help him!
Rook: How? That elite will kill all of us.
Tucker: Because he has this invisible wngery shield that not even a plasma bolt can't break through.
Caboose: Maybe we can find a bigger plasma like gun that can take down that invisible elite guy.
Grif: Yeah right, that's dumb.
Church: No wait.........Caboose I can't I have to say this but......your a genius!
Caboose: I am? I mean I am! Yay!
Brianna: What are you talking about?
Church: We can use the glass beam to take out that elites shields. It maybe unbreakable with normal plasma but a high amount of it like say a glass beam would do the trick!
Washington: But that's risky and very dangerous.
Maine: We may have no choice.
Carolina: Then that's what we're gonna do. Watcher locate Y/n right now, Church once your hack in then charge up the glassing beam.
Church: Got it!
Charlotte: You think he'll be alright?
Ave: (smirk) He's one badass Spartan and related to the legendary Spartan ever. I'm sure he'll hold his ground with no problem.
At the glass beam control room we see the door slide open and Y/n being kicked through the door but he land on his feet while sliding backwards. He looked up to see Lorik approaching him while Y/n stand up and ready his sword while he turn to see a large glass that must be where the beams shot at the ground and burn the surface of planets.
He turn back and quickly move away as Lorik sliced the railing and turn as the two start to class blades at each other as they swing their blades at each other and dodging each others strikes and blows.
Y/n move back a few times while blocking Lorik's strikes while he too land a few clashes at his engery sword but he was a very skilled swordsmen and blocks Y/n's strikes in fast pace as they move around like they were facing until Lorik swings his engery sword and slice it at Y/n's chest armor.
A engery scar can be seen on his chest armor as he step back while Lorik walk slowly towards him while Y/n steps back while he ready his sword.
Lorik: I'm impressed Spartan. We have been dealing within hours and yet you seem to be standing. No other Spartans can't survive that long. Your a special type of a Spartan aren't you?
Y/n: (smirk) What can I say? My brother and I are in common when it comes ti survive impossible enemies like you.
Lorik: How interesting.
He quickly swing his engery sword but Y/n move out of the way as Lorik sword slice the pipe, costing steam to be pouring out and cover the whole room with steam. Lorik looked around and then walked around as he searches around and then he let out a chuckle and then said.
Lorik: You know Spartan, at the end of the day, elites and Spartans are the same warriors, fighting each other to the death.
Y/n: We're nothing alike.
Lorik: You don't say? Well, tell me this Spartan. Were you born to be a warrior or taking by your humans to be a warrior?
Lorik: Aaah slince are we? Yes, I know you were trained in a very young age to be warriors, soldiers of war that you have no apart of. How do I know this? Its simple, because us elites were trained to be warriors ever since the Covenant was formed. We were born, trained, challenged and then tested by those who are in charge to proof our worth as warriors. When I've killed many Spartans and start taking off their helmets I've realised your humans are....young, almost like you too were trained in a young age to be warriors by your leaders as well. It wasn't long I've put two together and conclude that your humans taking you from your families and friends in hopes to use you and all those who were picked to be warriors, is that right?
There was nothing but slince as Lorik keeps walking and looking around while the steam died down and the room was clear with steam as Lorik stop near the same railing that he slashed on and then he said.
Lorik: On that day I knew I was not afraid of you so call "demons" that the Prophet's, Covenant or whoever called you Spartans. They say you immortal, thsy say your unstoppable, they say you cannot be killed but I see through the visor of your helmets and I know the truth. Behind the invisible armor and helmet......are young, weak, stinky humans that easily die by anything I can think of. I can't wait for the pain I will do to you your human friends.
Suddenly there was a yell and Y/n tackled Lorik and slammed onto the railing which break and the two fell and crash onto the glass. Lorik gets up and turn onky for Y/n to strike a punch at Lorik in the face but this doesn't phase him and he strike a powerful punch at Y/n a few times and punch him more and more but Y/n blocks his fist and strike a headbutt which cost Lorik to stumble back.
Lorik growl a bit and then let out a roar as he charge towards Y/n and then grabs him by the waist, lifting him up in the air and then slammed him onto the glass that cracked as Lorik strike blow after blow at him but he kick and he crawl towards his sword but Lorik grabs his leg and then slam him onto the wall a few times and then toss him across which he land hard onto thr ground hard.
Lorik picked up his engery sword as he active it and walk towards him and once close he swings his sword back but Y/n pulled out his combat knife and try to stab Lorik but he catch his arm while Y/n grab his arm which I'd holidng hid engery sword ad the two struggle for a bit while they hold each others arms unril Lorik headbutted Y/n, making him to let go and then Lorik kicked him back which cost him to slam onto a wall and then move out of the way as Lorik stabbed his engery at him but stabbed the wall.
He growl as he pulled out his engery sword and turn to Y/n as he stumble back while Lorik takes a few steps towards him while he tells him.
Lorik: You've lost Spartan! Your military planet is no more and soon Earth will be destroyed as well! Just give up, humanity is doomed.
Y/n: You've may have glassed many human worlds but as long we keep on fight for the safety of Earth and the humans we fight to protect, then I'll die for them. I don't care what the UNSC or ONI has done to us Spartans, I'll be willing lay down my life for those I care for! If you ever dare strike me down then my brother will kill you.
Lorik: He will try but I'll kill him and the other Spartans once and for all!
He walk towards him and ready to strike at him when suddenly there was a shake and the cannon above them start to charge up.
Lorik: (shocked) What?!
Watcher: (radio) Y/n get out of there now!
Y/n understood and rushed over and grab his sword and then used his jetpack and fly out of the hole but Lorik immediately sees this and raced over and leap up and grab Y/n's by the lag as Y/n look down at him while he called out.
Lorik: You will never win Spartan! Your race will fall no matter what! YOU AND THE SPARTANS WILL DIE!!!
Y/n: Oh haven't you not learn? Spartans never die, they're just. Missing. In. Action!
He then kick Lorik a fee times and he let go and he crash onto the ground while he leave the hole and race out of the room and lock it as Lorik looks up to see the glass beam done charging as Lorik cried out.
Lorik: No! No! NO!
Then the beam fired and hit Lorik as his shields try to hold but soon it suddenly malfunction due to too much plasma and exploded and Lorik was burned as he screamed until he was in ashes as the glass beams hits the surface of reach and then ut shuts off and flies off, leaving the planet of Reach and flying through space.
Y/n is seen stumble into the bridge and all UNSC forces turn to him and then they all start to clap amd cheered for Y/n's plan successfully while he smiled underneath his helmet as South and Maine help him as they walk up to Church and Watcher which they appear in front of them.
Y/n: What's the report?
Chruch: Well it seems we don't have to detach the part of the ship, turns out those Covenant dumbasses just killed each other and now.
Watcher: This ship belongs to us. Next stop, Sanhelios.
South: We all made it, all thanks to you.
Maine: Good job.
Y/n: Thanks but we all did this together, all of us.
Lopaz: (Spanish) So do we know how we're getting to Sanhelios?
Donut: Lopaz is right. What should we do with the prisoners?
They turn to Iga and the rest of his crew and they were thinking in what to do when Jeanne walked over and aimed her pistol at Iga's head as she glare at him.
Eric: Jeanne?
Jeanne: They need to pay Eric. I say we kill them, torture them or even throw them into space! I don't care! They all deserve to die!
Reznya: Jeanne I understand your anger and we're all angry at them but this is not us. We be like them.
Jeanne: But they killed everyone! Killed our brothers, our sisters! Our home.
Eric walked up to her and placed a hand onto her shoulder and tells her.
Eric: I know and I truly understand your anger. But if we go down to this path, then what are we then? Even though this is a crazy war there is still rules that we must follow. They maybe mass killers but....they deserve to be in a trail. So please Jeanne, don't do this.
Jeanne just glare at Iga while her hand shake a bit and then she lower her pistol and sigh and nodes her head. Eric node back and then turn to Y/n.
Eric: So....what should we do with them?
Y/n: Lock them up in a holding cell. Keep them there until we think of idea on what to do with them.
They agree and they take Iga and his crew into their holding cell for the time being. Hours later marines, ODST and Spartans were everywhere at the Covenant flag ship as it flies through space. The reds and blues were doing their own thing while we see Y/n at the hanger and looking through space as he took off his helmet and remember Lorik's words that echo through his head.
Carolina: Hey.
Then Carolina walked up to him and she immediately see that he is thinking about something so she ask.
Carolina: What's on your mind?
Y/n: It's just what Lorik said to me while we battling. Saying how we're the same and all that.
Carolina: Obviously he's being all bull crap.
Y/n: No I think he might be right.
Carolina: Really?
Y/n: Carolina we were taking from our family and friends as children, trained to be soldiers and then been sent to war that we have no apart of. I think both Spartans and elites ain't different.......we're the same.
Carolina: How do you feel about it?
Y/n: A bit conflicted. I question of which one of us are the true monsters. The elites that were trained and be forced into a religion war against humanity......or us, the Spartans.
Carolina: Sometimes we can't always be the heroes. Sometimes we have to be the monsters in order to protect or save lives. Either way, to their eyes we're the monster whioe to our eyes-
Y/n: They're the monsters. Crazy.
Carolina: (chuckle) Tell me about it. Come on, let's get some rest.
Y/n: Right.
Y/n put on his Spartan helmet and the two head off to get some rest a this is the long trip until they heaf to Sanhelios and meet up with someone on that planet that might he'll them with Operation: Planet riot.
To be continued.................................
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