Chapter 55: Is there any survivors?
Carolina, Washington, South, Maine and Ash are seen making their way through the open landscape on their Warthog as they search for any UNSC survivors so they can take them to their base.
Carolina is seen driving the Warthog with Church inside her helmet to help her guide her through the open landscape, Washington sits on the passenger seat and listening to some music through his helmet, Maine is on the Warthog's turret as he scans around for any Covenant coming towards them while South and Ash sat down with Maine as they look at the world around them.
South: You know I always wish to be in a apocalypse when I was a teenager.
Ash: You don't say?
South: Yeah. Just the thrill of being in a world that is dying and fighting to survive seems pretty exiting.
Carolina: Well how do you feel about it right now?
South: Well less thrill since we've lost so much.
Maine: I know what you feel. We could have done better to stop the Covenant from glassing Reach. Reach would have survived.
Ash: Even if we succeed the next round will get harder and some of us might not survive.
Maine: Guess your right. Still any ideas what happened to the other UNSC ships above the planet? You think some of them may have survived?
Carolina: I don't think so. Still I really wish there was a few survivors so we can-
Suddenly they got a set of coordinator which Carolina hits Washington by the shoulder which he snap back to reality and turns off his music.
Carolina: Time to go to work Wash.
Washington: You know I can hear you through the music.
Carolina: Whatever you say Wash. Church any ideas what these coordinations take us?
Church: Looks like an abandoned UNSC base. Seems like the base isn't not much abandoned.
Washington: Are they in trouble?
Church: I don't think so. Let me hack to their cameras and......yep looks like it. Huh....Well there's something you don't see everyday.
Carolina: What is it?
Church: We got some Spartans fighting against some UNSC marines at the other side od the gate.
Carolina: Wait? You mean Spartans vs Marines?
Ash: Why are they fighting each other?
Church: Well it seems that the Spartans are holding them back and not trying to harm them. Still we should help them out.
Carolina: Right. Hold tight everyone, this is about to be a rough ride.
And so Carolina increased the Warthog's speed and ridea odd to help out the Spartans against some rogue marines.
(Short while later)
They arrived to the location which they see marines at the other side of the gate as they continue to fire at the base with everything they got. Soon they drive up behind them and they gotten out and aimed their weapons at the rogue marines.
Carolina: Hands up in the air! Don't move!
The rogue marines turns to them and stare at them for a bit until they open fire at them which they get some cover behind the Warthog and seconds later they climb onto their Warthogs and ride off and soon they were gone.
They got out and watch them leave as Church appears on Carolina's shoulder as he tells her and the rest.
Church: Whoa what dickheads.
Washington: Those are marines alright but why did they attack us?
Ash: Only one way to find out.
???: Um hello?
They turn to see a purple female Spartan peaking over the gate as she ask them.
???: Her you here to kill us?
Carolina: No we're not. We're just here to rescue you and get you and the others back to base.
Isla: That's a relief. Names Isla-510, here I'll get the door for you all.
Soon the door came down which they enter the base and they see Fireteam rainbow gather up as Washington ask.
Washington: Wait didn't you say you were attacked by Covenant forces?
Naomi: That was a while ago, plus there was a small group of them but we took care of them.
Church: Huh so it wasn't necessary to call us then?
Carolina: Let's be nice. Tell us what's going on here and why those marines attack you?
Naomi: Well it's one crazy story. You see those marines who attacked us are in a group of believes that the Covenant will win this war so in order to survive, they must worship them as their leaders and do whatever they say.
Washington: (surprised) Seriously?! They do realise the Covenant were not planning to let humans join the Covenant right?
Naomi: That's what some of us told them but they say I'd they betray humanity and join side with the Covenant, there is a small chance they will join them on the Great journey.
Genesis: Basically they have got crazy after the battle od Reach. They have also been going around Reach, tracking down other Spartans and killing them when they are at least suspected.
Sadie: They first trick the Spartans to let them inside their base and they plant some explosions around what ever base they have and then blow it up with the Spartans inside.
Ash: How do you all know about this?
Sadie: Me and Allison were checking the engine room when we found one of them planting a explosion. We defuse it and told Naomi about this which the marines revealed their true colours and start attacking us.
Washington: Do they have a leader?
Allison: They did mention about their leader. They called him "The Prophet of humanity." According to them, he represent the true humanity and he wants everyone to worship their gods aka the Covenant and anyone who refuse to shall be killed.
Washington: Jesus.
Maine: Sounds like there is cults on this planet then we thought.
Carolina: Yeah and who knows how long until they found our base.
Naomi: Still don't like their size or insanity fool you. They are actually clever and have both UNSC and Covenant vehicles which they are ready for anything.
Maine: Guess we need to be careful about that.
Carolina: Agree. Is there anyone else besides your team?
???: Oh hell there is.
Then Fire Team Harr head appear as they approaches them as Brianna tells them.
Brianna: (smirk) Sorry, we were just bust defusing the bombs before they blow up on us. Still nice to see your team still kicking. How's Y/n?
Carolina: He's doing fine. In fact, we were wondering you can come to our base.
Naomi: Sure thing. Been a while since we last seen Y/n and the others.
Brianna: (smirk) Can't wait to see that handsome devil again. So what are we waiting for, let's go!
Washington: You guys got a Warthog?
Sadie: Yeah. Good thing they were not destroyed during the attack.
Carolina: Great. Get on them and let's go.
(Hours later)
Now everyone was gathered at the large hall as many Spartans, ODST's and marines are seen gathering around. Among them were the reds and blues, Y/n's team, Carolina and her team and many others as they watch as Y/n and Eric gets on stage as Y/n looks at the crowd as the crowd falls slient and were now looking at him.
Y/n takes a deep breaths and then looks at the crowd as he starts off by telling them.
Y/n: Alright everyone listen up. I know we have been through hell since Reach fell but we all made it and now it's time we stop hiding and start fighting for the sake of the human race and to those who have fallen. I had a plan that ensure us a win for humanity and the end to the Covenant once and for all.
Then a hologram of a planet appears behind Y/n as he turns and points at the planet as he shows it to everyone while he tells them.
Y/n: This is Sanhelios, the Elites home world. As we all know is that they her the figure heads of the Covenant. Strong warriors that has killed many humans throughout the war. Well this will come to a end. Operation: Planet Riot is a Operation that involves a whole planet turning against the Covenant and having a civil war and if possible, some will join our side. This will give us a chance to fight back against the Covenant and winning this war.
They were interested by the plan as one marine rasies his hands up and ask.
Male marine: Sir how do we get there? We don't have a ship?
Y/n: That's a good question marine which I'm gonna tell you. There is a Covenant flag ship located just south from here and it seems it is just standing there and not moving. Our goal is to capture this Covenant ship and use it to get to the elites home world.
They were shocked by this as they whisper to each other, wondering this might work.
Grif: We're going to die.
Sarge: You mean we're going to hijack a large Covenant ship, kill every Covenant on boat and use it to enter the elites hone world?...........I ALRIGHT LOVE THIS PLAN!
Simmons: But how do we hijack it? That ship must have a lot of crew inside the ship. We won't survive.
Y/n: That will be phase 2 of the plan. We stay with phase 1 which i have Eric tell you all about Phase 1.
Then Eric walk up on stage and then tells everyone about Phase 1 of the plan.
Eric: Phase 1 od the plan is to try to enter the ship without alarming any Covenant that we are there. Which is why Watcher come up with a great idea. We have stolen a Phantom that can transport two Spartan teams inside the ship. Our plan is that my team and Y/n's team will use the Phantom to make our way inside the Covenant ship while Watcher mess with their scanners and have them to believe we are one of them coming back from a scouting mission. Meanwhile the rest of you will wait on your vehicles until we take control of the security and commitments so the Covenant down below will not call in for backup while the Covenant from the ship will not know what is going on. You all attacked with none high explosion, we don't want to draw any attention and once you all took out the Covenant force from the ground, we will lift all of you up and we meet up at the hanger.
Church: Hhhmmmm sounds a bit risky.
Washington: But that could work.
Maine: Agree. Messing with their equipment will be good. They won't know what hit them.
South: What about phase 2?
Then Watchers appears between Eric and Y/n as he tells them all about Phase 2.
Watcher: Phase 2 of the plan involves getting rid of the Covenant forces within the ship. We figured I good idea that just might work. The flag ship is a Covenant carrier and these ships are special because the bottom parts od the ship will detached to make it as a base which is why we are gonna use that to our advantage. I give them all a false alarm that there is UNSC forces within the hanger which theie troops will come to check it out. Once there they will be met with a huge smoke which covers them and at the middle there will be a plasma rifle pointed at either the left and the right. The aim of this is to draw in more Covenant troops so as soon it hits zero, the plasma rifle fires and hits one of them and they start to open fire at the direction they may think the bolt came from but in reality they were killing their own soldiers from the other side od the smoke.
Eric: The two will fight each other long enough for more to come and once there is enough we detached the hanger while in the air and we can take care a few Covenant forces while the others are stuck on the ashes of Reach as they realised how much of the dumbass they were while we escape the planet.
Y/n: Once all the crew is gone, we take the ship and head to the elites home world to begin Operation Planet riot. This maybe hard I know but if we pull this off maybe there is a chance we can do this. This will be the day that we will take revenge on those who have fallen, today is the day will get revenge on the planets they have glasses, this is the day we will ruin the Covenant and on this day, we will destroy the Covenant and cone back home as heroes of humanity once and for all!
Everyone cheered louder then ever as some hugged each other and once the meeting ended they heard to the armoury and gather as much weapons, gear and supplies as they can for the fight ahead. Warthog's and tanks are seen being checked on by UNSC engineers and given them the green light.
We see Eric and Y/n walking through the base, watching this all go as Eric smiles and tells Y/n.
Eric: (smirk) And you say they will not agree to our plan.
Y/n: (smile) Well at first I think so until you point a fee things and suggest some alternatives.
Eric: (smile) Yeah your right.
Watcher: Still this will be a tough one.
Y/n: Yeah but I bet we're gonna be in the history books if we pull this off.
Watcher: You think anyone would believe us?
Y/n: If not then we should show them our film on our helmets once this war is over.
Watcher: Guess your right.
Soon they enter a room where they kept the Phantom as we see Y/n's team and Eric's team there as they turn to see theie leaders here as Y/n tells both teams while he puts on his Spartan helmet.
Y/n: Ready up everyone because on this day, we're about to ruin the Covenant and end their destruction once and for all.
At the bridge od the Covenant flag ship we see Iga talking to someone who is a hologram and soon they were done talking and the hologram disappeared just as Lorik enter the bridge and approaches Iga as Iga turns to see him.
Iga: Are you done searching for any more Spartans?
Lorik: Not yet. I can feel they are alive. Especially one that got away.
Iga: Whatever you say.
Lorik: Who was that you were talking to?
Iga: One od those humans who worship us as gods.
Lorik: You let them speak to you? Why?
Iga: I figured they could be useful tracking down more humans and killing them. Besides once we're done here we can just lower them here and kill them all.
Lorik: Interesting idea.
Elite crew: Ship master, I have a Phantom approaching us.
Iga: Who is it?
Elite crew: Looks like a scout team coning back from a mission.
Iga: I see. Well open the hanger and let them inside. I want a fall report right away.
Elite crew: Yes ship master.
Lorik approaches the monitor and sees the Phantom making it's approach. For some reason he had a feeling to check the Phantom so he leaves the bridge and make his way to the hanger so he can meet the scout team and talk to their leader but little dose anyone know, they were about to be kicked off from their own ship by Y/n and his forces as they get ready and they hope this plan will work.
To be continued.........................................
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