Chapter 54: A hunting ground
Grif and Simmons slowly open the small gas stations doors as Simmons was taking point as he aimed his Battle rifle around and making surebthere isn't Covenant troops hanging out in the store.
Luckily for them the store has no life anywhere as he and Grif step inside the store. It was completely darkness with the windows boarded up with a few glass being broken, some boxes laying on the ground and opened, almost like someone or something came and raided all of the food and leaving nothing behind.
Grif and Simmons secure the store as they turn their attached flashlights on their battle rifles on and move slowly through the store. They scan around for anything that isn't friendly and making sure this store is complete secure.
They even check the office and the counter but there was no sign of any Covenant activity. Grif sees a closed up soda can which he walk over and take it. He then takes a drink from it.
Grif: Now that taste great.
Simmin: Grif you shouldn't been drinking that! Who knows how long that was been?
Grif: Look I needed something to keep my stomach full so if there is a pizza that has been 3 years, then I will take that!
Simmon: Your disgusting.
Grif: We're in the apocalypse Simmons. We gonna survive somehow.
Simmon: (sigh) Well I think I see some can foods at the back. Help me load them up.
Grif: Fine.
We then cut to outside of the gas station which is in the middle of the large woods with trees everywhere while we see everyone outside and waiting for Grif and Simmons to come out with some food.
Sarge and Elijah were on the Warthogs turrets in case of a Covenant attack while Grif and Simmons came out with some boxes as Tucker ask them.
Tucker: Sup you two, what did you find?
Grif: Just same can foods that we found at the back.
Tucker: Ant porn magazines in there?
Simmons: Don't think so.
Tucker: Damn it! Here I thought being in the Apocalypse is gonna be awesome.
Simmon: How is in the apocalypse sound awesome to you?
Tucker: Dude you know many chick's will look for any guy to fuck with and that person is me. Bow Chika Wow wow!
Gabriel: Any other cans in there?
Then Gabriel and Mia walk up to them as Simmons tell them.
Simmon: Yeah there is a fee boxes in there.
Gabriel: That's good to hear. Lopez, Jin, Ashia, see you take the boxes and load them up into the Warthog.
Lopez: (Spanish) Sure thing.
Jin: Right.
Ashia: Roger that.
The trio head inside with Grif and Simmons while Mia turns to Sarge and Elijah as she ask them.
Mia: Are we clear?
Sarge: Yes ma'am! No Covenant scum on my sights.
Elijah: Same. We're all clear.
Mia: That's good to hear.
Donut: Too bad we couldn't find any survivors. Whose gonna tell me how they day was or whose gonna say nice things about my smell.
Mia: We will find more survivors as best we can. Right now we just need to collect some food and return back to base.
Gabriel: So what's our next move once we head back to base?
Mia: I'm sure Y/n has something to get us off world. I hope.
Suddenly they heard like a stick snap within the woods which everyone turned to the woods as they ready their weapons and stare at the forest and soon they see movement and later a wild Moa came out of the bushes an stare at them a bit and then run off through the road.
They were relieved as they lowee their weapons just as Simmons, Grif, Lopez, Jin and Ashie came out with boxes of food as Jin said.
Jin: We got them, let's get out of here.
Mia: Right.
Once they load up the food within their Warthog transport, they climb inside of the Warthog and they drive off as they leave the gas station and drive through the empty road. Mia, Gabriel and Elijah were at front as Mia looks over at the distances and see nothing but smoke which Gabriel ask her.
Gabriel: You okay?
Mia: It's just.....this place used to be peaceful but now.....its all ruined.
Gabriel: We will make them pay for sure Mia. The Covenant will not get away from this.
Elijah: Same here.
Mia: Yeah. They won't get away from this.
They continue on moving when they drive by a sign that shows they are coming up to a village and it wasn't long for them to enter the abandoned village and they see nothing but destroyed with buildings being damaged, the roads have burned holes and human skeleton bodies are seen laying on the ground, they were burned from the glass as they drive by.
They were slinet while they wee driving by and soon they come across a flipped truck that was attached to a trailer as they stop and see there was no other way around it.
Grif: Now what?
Mia: Shit. Let's find another way.
They agree and they were just about to reverse back when suddenly a beam fly by and hit the back Warthogs tires off and soon more beams hits their Warthog.
Mia: Ambush!
Sarge: Get to cover!
Everything apart of Sarge, Lopez and Elijah as the rest take cover at the right side of the Warthog while Sarge, Lopez and Elijah turn their turrets and open fire at everywhere, hoping to hit one of the snipers but it wasn't working.
Tucker: It's not working! Get down!
Sarge: No way! Those Covenant scum will pay for everything! This is for my men you some of a-
Suddenly a beam hits Sarges turret as it blows up, sending Sarge fly off from his Warthog and hit hard onto thr ground.
Sarge: On second thought, maybe next time.
Lopez and Elijah did the same as they duck down with the rest as the firing stopped.
Caboose: Hey look they stopped. We're safe now.
Gabriel: I don't think so. Those Jackals might have stop firing because we're taking cover and just waiting for us to pop out so they can finish us off.
Caboose: That's that bad?
Tucker: Yeah. Pretty much so.
Jin: Can we not fire back?
Elijah: I can't tell where they are. The forest is making us hard to locate them.
Grif: Well shit, looks like we're gonna die.
Grif: OH CRAP!
Elijah: It's coming from this side as well?! The hell?!
Mia: Wait! Those aren't beam shots. Those are sniper rifle rounds.
Then suddenly it stopped and there was only silence as they stood there for a bit and wait for anything to happen. Suddenly they hear something coming out from the forest and to their surprised a Spartan came out of the forest as he walks up towards them and then tells them.
???: You can get out of cover now. They are down.
Mia: (surprised) Jun?! Is that you?
Jun: Correct. Good to see more Spartans but why are you out here?
Grif: Surviving of course. We have been for a very long while.
Tucker: Yeah and I can see your also doing the same as well.
Jun: Well I am a head hunter after all, I'm getting used of surviving in situations like this. Say have any of you find out what happened to Noble 1, 4 and 6?
Mia: We have but......they didn't make it. I'm sorry Jun.
Jun: Shit. Well at least their sacrifice was not a waste.
Mia: They die like true Spartans.
Donut: So lighting the mood up a bit, what have you been doing?
Jun: Well after I got Halesy to Castle base I knew i have to lead the Coventry away from Castle base so I was left outside and since then I have been surviving and fighting against the Covenant. I come across a nearby UNSC outpost which have more ammo, supplies and this Ghillie gear so that way I can blend in without the Covenant noticing me. I was trying to track down any more survivors but no such luck, I came here to see there was anyone and it seems its my luck.
Mia: We're heading back to our base so we can drop these foods off. You be happy for you to join us.
Jun: Thanks but no thanks. Its better I do my best to leaf the Covenant away as best I can.
Elijah: But there is a chance you will die.
Jun: Well I'm still alive when I was a head hunter right?
Grif: Not gonna lie but he's got a point. I heard head huntees are basically sent to suicide missions that there isn't a chance for them to ever returning.
Simmon: Agree but seening how he survived throughout his day's as a head hunter. Yeah, there is a chance he'll survive.
Mia: Well it's your decision and we won't force you.
Suddenly there was a howl of a brute echo throughout the village as they ready their weapons and look around.
Jun: Shouldn't have know they would here.
Tucker: Who the brutes?
Jun: Yeah. You may not know this but your standing apon their hunting ground.
Grif: (shocked) Hunting ground?! You mean this is the area where they hunt down their prey and rip us apart and eat us?!
Jun: Yes and there is way more brutes then you think. Actually we shouldn't be standing here, we need to go now!
They climb back onto their Warthogs as fast they can. Grif, Simmons and Donut climb onto the Warthog troop vehicle since their Warthog still have a flat tire as they start the engines and they reverse back and drive off.
While they were doing that Brutes came out of the alleyways and roads as they chase after them but they punch it and they drive out of the village. But Brute choppers and Prowler chase after them while they open fire at them.
The brutes on both passager side seat from the Prowler roared while they fire their spikers and brute shots at them as they dodge the incoming shots.
Jun stand at the back of the Warthog with Mia, Elijah and Gabriel's Warthog as Jun aim down his sniper rifle and take several shots but his bullets only missed as the Warthog shakes a bit while Elijah and Lopez open fire with their turret as bullets fly by the brutes.
They roared in anger as the gunnter continues to fire while the choppers boost over towards them and came up right next to them. The brute pulls out his spiker and fires a few rounds at Jun and Elijah but they dodge the spikes and Elijah quickly pulled out his pistol and fired several shots at the Brute, killing the brute immediately as the Chopper turns left and crashed into a tree as it exploded.
The other brutes continue to chase after them as another brute chopper came up on the left side but Jun leap over and grab hold the brute chopper and stabbed the brute pilot with hid combat knife and tossed the brute out while he gets on and spins around and boost towards the Prowler and crashed into it.
It blows up while Jun is fine as he rides up to everyone else while more brutes on their choppers and Prowlers as they continue to fire at them.
Grif: Can these Ape heads fuck off!
Simmon: How can we get away form them!?
Gabriel: Got a idea. Mia pass me a grenade.
Mia: Sure thing.
She passed him her grenade which he take and wait for the moment. Soon he sees the same gas station they were win and before they go pass it, Gabriel unpinned the grenade and tossed it at one the fuel pumps as they drive by. The grenade blows up which cost the gas station to blow up and block the road with flames as the brutes stop and after they see they were blocked, they roar in anger while everyone cheered as they got away from the brutes.
Jun: Nicethrowing Gabriel.
Gabriel: Thanks.
Mia: We're coming up a split road. Looks like this is we go our separate ways huh Jun.
Jun: Seems like it. Hey, take care and good luck. You gonna need it.
They agree as they take right while Jun takes left as Jun rides off to somewhere as he continues to survive and they hope they can see Jun again.
Tey arrived back to base as they park up their vehicles and climb out. The reds and blues carry the foods out and carry them inside while Y/n wall up to Mia, Elijah and Gabriel as he tell them.
Y/n: (smile) Good job. This will keep us up a bit longer.
Mia: Thanks. We actually met up with Jun while we were looking for supplies.
Y/n: (surprised) Seriously?! Where is he? Is he with you?
Mia: No. He went off to go his own path.
Y/n: Damn. He could be useful if he stay with us. Still have any of yous find any more survivors?
Gabriel: Sorry but there was no survivors. We did arrived at a village but it looks like the Covenant found them first and kill them all.
Elijah: The area is even a hunting ground for Brutes and Jackals. We were even attacked by them.
Y/n: Well it's a good thing you all survived. Guess we can't go to that area for now on.
Gabriel: Agree.
Mia: So what's our next move?
Y/n: Right now we need to wait of Fireteam: Freelancer to return so we can begin our plan.
Gabriel: Of getting off world sir?
Y/n: Yes and taking revenge on the Covenant by messing with one of their planets as well.
Mia: Don't you think destroying all life on the planet is...a bit too fair?
Y/n: (smirk) I didn't say we destroy their planet. Let's just say, we're gonna mess with their planet the more....."messier" way.
Gabriel: And that is?
Y/n: (smirk) I suppose I can show you guys a sneak peek of the plan.
They follow Y/n as they enter the base and see what plan is Y/n is thinking about.
Within the Covenant flash ship we see Lorik at the hunger as he waits for his scouts to return. Then two banshees came into the hanger and made their landing in front of him. Two elite pilots came out and walk up to Lorik as they tell him.
Elite pilot 1: We couldn't find this demon of you order us to. He may have died just like with the other demons.
Elite pilot 2: I agree. There is no way no humans nor demons could have survived our glassing.
Lorik: No. I feel this demon is alive and I will not rest until he his found.
Then a Phantom made it's landing at the hanger and once landed the two sided ramps open and brutes and Jackals came out as Lorik walks up to them and ask them.
Lorik: What happened?
Brute 1: Those demons enter our hunting ground and got away.
Lorik: What do they look like?
Brute 1: Not clear but here is this image.
The brute pulls out a holopad and show them the image as he stare at it and immediately noticed the reds and blues which he recognised as he let out a chuckle and tells them.
Lorik: If they are alive the so dose the demon. Have your brutes crack them down found. If you locate their base, report it to me.
Brute 1: Whatever you say.
The brutes make their leave but then Lorik also added.
Lorik: One more thing. If you lay a hand on a Spartan named Y/n then I slice off your heads. Because he is mine to kill, got that.
The brutes just ignore him and continue walking off as Lorik turns to the veiw of the dieing reach ad he let's out a chuckle and then says to himself.
Lorik: I know your still alive Spartan. Soon we will have our rematch and our battle....will be glorious.
To be continued......................................
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