Chapter 53: Lost everything but not our hope
The wind blow with nothing but dust and ashes at the empty desert like landscapes of the planets surfaces of reach as cracking thunder bolts can be heard in the distances along with strong winds that blow everywhere that might blow anything that isn't heavy.
We see what looks like a structure in the distances that looked and seemed to be abandoned for a very long time. When we get a close onto the structure we see many dead Spartans laying around the structure, lifeless as the Spartans armors are filled with some cracks and some dents as their bodies lay there for sometime. Suddenly a light appear as two Warthogs enter the structure as the figures look around but don't see any Covenant forces around.
Then the driver leaves the Warthog and came into veiw as we see it's Eric as he ready his assault rifle while he look around. The rest of his team climb out of the Warthogs and look around.
Eric: Alright you all know the drill. Gather any supplies we can and let's head back to base. If there is any Spartans alive then we take them with us.
They node in agreement and they search around, gathering any supplies they needed either weapons, ammonium, food or anything just to keep themselves alive and well. We see Rook and Alyssa are seen enter inside of a small building that had a few dead Spartans along with some weapons as Rook walks up to one of the weapons and pick up a DMR and check to see it's still working.
Alyssa: What happened here.
Rook: Must be one final stand for these Spartans.
Alyssa: Damn. Those Covenant fucks will pay for this.
Rook: You and me both.
We then cut to Reznya gathering both Covenant and UNSC weapons as she can. She turn only to see Jeanne standing there and looking at something which Reznya walks up to her and was about to ask what's going on until she sees what Jeanne is seeking.
Reznya: (shocked) Oh no.
There was a pile of Covenant elites around and at the middle was the helmet less Noble 6 laying on the floor lifeless and have large stab wounds around his body as Jeanne stood there in disbelief while Reznya gently place her hand onto her shoulder and tells her.
Reznya: I'm so so sorry Jeanne. I'm really am sorry.
Jeanne slowly forms a fist and then hugged Reznya as Reznya hugged her back. After they gather as many supplies they needed, they load them onto the Warthogs but they didn't leave yet. They dig up holes for the dead Spartans and place them into the holes and dig up the holes. Ones that was down we see them lined up as they stair at the graves of the Fallen Spartans in battle with their helmets on top of their graves as they give them a salute and then turn and make their leave.
Eric climb onto the Warthog and grab his radio and calls up base command.
Eric: Base command this is Black-Wing leader we have the supplies we needed. Returning back to base.
UNSC command: (coms) Copy that Black-Wing leader. Over and out.
And so they drive off as they return back to base while we look at the graves of the fallen Spartans and at the last grave we see a gravestone of Noble 6 with his helmet on top of the grave as Noble 6 along with the Spartans will rest easily, knowing that they have served their military duties well and soon....they will have their revenge on the Covenant very soon.
Within the hills of reach we see a UNSC base with UNSC marines, ODST and Spartans as they wounder around the base, maintaining vehicles, communicating and weapons as the gates open and Black-Wing return as they drive up the warthog through the gate and make their park while we cut to a command centre as we see Y/n there as he look out of the window just as Eric came into the room and tell him.
Eric: (smile) We're back and we git some good supplies!
Y/n: That's good to hear.
He turn and walk up to Eric as Y/n ask him.
Y/n: Any food or medical supplies?
Eric: We couldn't find any food but we did got some weapons, ammo and medical kits. This can keep us up for a few weeks.
Y/n: Yeah but we needed some food in hopes we can last longer. Luckily the reds and blues are away to find some food.
Eric: You think they be fine?
Y/n: Elijah, Gabriel and Mia are with them. They be fine.
Eric: Right. Let's hope they find foods soon otherwise-
UNSC marine: (outside) Fuck you man!
The two turn and approach the window to see two marines get into a fight while marines and other Spartans try to calm them down. The two watch this as Y/n let out a sigh and place his hands onto the control console.
Y/n: I sometimes question if I'm doing a good job as hope to them. John was hope to humanity but can I be a hope to them?
Eric: (smile) I know you can do this Y/n. We didn't make you leader of this place for no reason.
Y/n: Yeah but your a better leader then I am. Just because John is my brother that doesn't mean-
Eric: I know, I know but it's not just because of that. It's because what you can do to make us all happy and keep us safe. You don't have to be John, you just do what you do and that is being hope to us in your own way of things.
Eric place his hand onto his shoulder and tells Y/n.
Eric: (smile) I know you can do this man. And if you thinm you can't do this, I'll be there to help you, always.
Y/n cracks a smile as he turns to Eric and node back to him.
Watcher: Seems like you two having a moment.
They turn to see Watcher appear on a holotable as the two approach him.
Y/n: Give me a report Watcher.
Watcher: Okay looks like Fireteam: Freelancer are helping out both Fireteam: Rainbow and Fireteam: Heard head at a UNSC facility. Reds and blues are still looking for any food or supplies while Ashley, Sophie, Ave and Doc are returning back from New Alexandria and ONI sword base.
Eric: (surprised) ONI sword base? But that place was blown apart by Noble team right?
Y/n: We need to make sure all data is all destroyed and make sure that the Covenant will not let their hands on it. What about Jun? Any word from him?
Watcher: The last Noble Team survivor has last seen reported to be at Castle base but suddenly he disappeared. It's unknown where he went?
Eric: Well if he's out there then he might be already dead by now.
Y/n: Let's not think about that. We need to hope that one Noble team member is still alive and kicking.
Watcher: Still we should discuss on how we get out of this planet and head the elites hoke world of Sanhelios.
Eric: Yeah my team checked the crashed ships but there was nothing. The engines, slip space drive, basically everything is broken and useless. We need a new plane to get off thid planet and fast.
Y/n: I already have.
Eric: You did?
Y/n: This maybe dangerous or crazy but it's our only shot we got.
Eric: Whatever your plan maybe hope this one is a good one.
We see a UNSC military armored truck driving towards the UNSC base as the gates open and the truck drive on through and make a park. Ones parked Ashleym Sophie, Doc and Ave exit out of the trucks and Ave and Sophie open the back of the truck to reveal injured UNSC marines as they help them off the truck while Y/n and Eric walk up towards them.
Y/n: Is this all the marines you saved?
Ave: Yep. They were pinned down at the subway within New Alexamdria. We head to Sword base and looks like Halsey did a good job leaving nothing there.
Y/n: That's good to hear. Take the injured to the medic bay Doc.
Doc: Right.
He takes the injured into the medical bay while Ave, Sophie and Ashley walk up to Y/n and Eric as Y/n tells the trio.
Y/n: I have a plan to get off this planet bit we need to wait on the others so we can complete this plan.
Ashley: It's been seven weeks since we have been in this planet. Can't wait to leave.
Ave: I love Reach but I think I rather be out of this nightmare as soon as possible.
Y/n: Same here Ave. We just need to wait on the others and we can start this plan.
Ave: Let's hope the rest will be alright.
Y/n: Same here. For now get some rest guys, you all needed it.
They node as they go their separate ways while Y/n turn and head inside the base. He walk down the halls of the base as marines and ODST give Y/n a salute like all hopes are on Y/n's shoulders as he continues walking and soon arrive at his room as he shuts the door behind him and let out a sigh.
He took off his helmet and set it on the table as he sat down on a chair and open up his computer and type something in and then he pushes a button to start recoding.
Y/n: Log seven on the glass planet of reach. Things have been tough on us as we speak. We still finding dead Spartans at the sands of reach and more bodies of our brothers and sisters. Marines, ODST and innocent people are also being found injured or killed but....I think the citizen are probably more dead then Marines or ODST's but still we won't stop searching for any survivors. (Sigh) John.....if you are still out there and alive I just want to say I'm doing my best to give them hope just like you. But.....I sometimes question myself if I should lead them or not. True I lead my team but a whole base is another story. I just don't think....I can lead them into battle, especially a plan I have been thinking off all my life. But....if you were here right now you would have tell me to never gave up and keep on fighting for the sake of mankind. I'll also true to search for the rest of your team John, don't you worry about me or your team. We won't rest until we are off of this planet. We may have lost Reach.....but not our hope.
Soon he stop the log and let out a sigh as he lend back his chair whne suddenly someone came over and gently wrap her arms around Y/n's neck as we see Sophie as Y/n smiled as Sophie ask him.
Sophie: You doing alright?
Y/n: (smile) Yeah. I'm doing alright. Just hope we can make it off world together.
Sophie: We might lose a few soldiers in battle but we will keep on going and never forget their sacrifice and honour.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah your right.
He stood up and the two lend out and kissed as they make out for a short minute until a door open and another female voice said.
Cal: (smirk) Seems like you two are doing well?
They stopped and look over to see Cal, Melanie, Skylar, Lucy and Charlotte gather at Y/n's door with Cal smirking as she step inside and make her move by kissing Y/n at the lips.
Cal: (smirk) Mind if we join?
Before he know it all the girls enter and they lock the door behind them as they too have some "fun" with Y/n while we cut to see Eric at the command centre as we see Eric looking at all of the holograms and slowly fallen asleep which Reznya came in with two cups of coffee as she walk over and hand one to Eric.
Reznya: (smile) Here. This might help you wake up a bit.
Eric: (smile) Thanks Reznya. Damn. I never have any sleep for a while.
Reznya: You need some sleep. Sleep is important, we don't want you to go out there with a lack of sleep.
Eric: I know but still-
Reznya place her finger over his lip as she smirked and then kiss him on the forhead and tells him.
Reznya: (smirk) No buts Mister. Now get your ass to bed and get some rest. I can take things from here.
Eric: (smirk) Yes ma'am.
Eric leaves the room as Reznya smirked and then Jeanne enter the room as she approach Reznya and sat down on a chair.
Reznya: Hey there Jeanne. Doing alright?
Jeanne: I......I don't know.
Reznya can see she's still holding Noble Six's dog tag as Reznya sat down next to hear and tells her.
Reznya: Six would be proud of you. You know that right.
Jeanne: I know. He was more like a mentor to me but a brother. We both share a similar lost and reason to take revenge on the Covenant for what they did. I just wish.....I can stayed with him until the end.
Reznya: I know how you feel. Emile was my great friend and we both have a similar interests and reason to fight. I was sad that he died but as long we don't lose hope and keep on fighting, we can get through of this.
Jeanne: Yeah.......what if we lost the war? What I'd the Covenant is at Earth right now and all of humanity is no more. We might have lost already.
Reznya: Don't say that! Earth will be protected from the Covenant fleet and even if Earth maybe lost we will not give up. We will keep on fighting even by means taking the fight to the Prophets themselves. If we give up here then this is the end for all of us. I know we can do this, we just have faith and hope.
Reznya grabs Jeanne's hand as she look at Reznya to see her with a smile of hope as Jeanne start to tear up and start to cry while she hugs Reznya as she smiled and hugged her back as the two embrace while Watcher watched this happen and understood that Spartans aren't as always tough and machine like. Behind the helmet and a human with feelings and emotions.
We see a large forest with trees around as we see a few Warthogs being parked on top of the hill and we see the reds, blues, Elijah, Gabriel and Mia as they walk up the edge of the cliff and see there is nothing but trees everywhere.
Simmons: Looks like the Covenant hadn't glass this area let.
Elijah: Either they must have missed one, sees it not much as a threat or this area is important to them for Some reason.
Grif: Who cares the reason. Let's find some food and get out of here.
Donut: You think we can finally find some shampoo? I've been meaning to clean my hair for a very long time.
Lopez: (Spanish) Maybe we can find another robot with an English voice box so I can finally speak English.
Donut: Your right Lopez! We need to find some oil so you won't rust up.
Lopez: (Spanish) Well.....that too.
Caboose: It's not the same with Church is around.
Tucker: You kidding? This is great! At least we don't have to hear him yelling and getting all of us in trouble.
Jin: You bet the Covenant made a base here?
Ashia: That's one possibility but I don't see it.
Sarge: They might have some invisible like force feild that making them invisible. It's a good thing I have a plan for that.
Grif: What by strapped me into a Warthog and have the Warthog to hit the invisible force feild.
Sarge: No you idiot. I was gonna strapped you up, have a pile of unpinned grenades at the passager side seat and then have the Warthog hit the invisible force feild.
Grif: Yep should have known that.
Gabriel: Guys we're not here to attack any Covenant base. We're just gathering any supplies and head back to base.
Elijah: That's right. We can't draw any attention so we need to do this quiet and not give away our position.
Grif: Whatever you say Elijah.
Caboose: Yes! Let's go and make Church proud!
Elijah: Starting now.
Caboose: Oh! (Whisper) Is this quiet now?
Elijah: Close enough.
Ashia giggled while in the distances we see someone on top of a tree top aiming down at a scope and looking to the group as they enter inside forest. The figure while his rifle and them climb down the tree and make his way towards them before it's too late.
To be continued.................................
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